The Most Convincing Time Traveler Story

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It's like the internet stumbled onto the Ukrainian version of an episode of "The Outer Limits" and creepypasta'ed the outline.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/68Cadillac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fluff. Oh the fluff

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/illpilgrims πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought it was going to be about John Titor

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/creaturefeature16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t think people dumb enough to believe that story would even watch a debunking video. And to everyone else, this one is so obviously bullshit. Real bottom-of-the-barrel debunking.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/parklawnz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

tl;dw: he was actually 2 kids in a trench coat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_TRICEPS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

He fired up the woo-woo alarm!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wretched_Geezer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very similar to the urban legend about the Man from Taured.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Portponky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's interesting topic. Would you go forward in time if you could? How many years would you skip?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xNuts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
in 2006 in the city of Kiev Ukraine police were called to deal with a confused man when they arrived they found a young man who was scared didn't know where he was and was dressed in strange anachronistic clothing carrying a camera little did they know that they were possibly standing face to face with an actual time traveler [Music] the man's name was Sergey panamerenko and when the police asked him for his ID he handed it to them and the first thing they noticed was that it was issued from a country that didn't exist anymore the Soviet Union Ukraine was of course part of the Soviet Union in the past but the Soviet Union had dissolved almost a couple of decades ago at that point so let's just say the police didn't see those IDs much anymore especially on young people and this guy looked like he was in his 20s and yet his ID stated that his birthday was in 1932. and he matched the picture in the ID so something didn't add up when they asked him what day he thought it was he answered April 23 1958 and that's when the police said okay we're going to take you to a little room and you can talk to the nice doctor so Sergey winds up in a mental hospital in the care of Dr Pablo kudrakov so the doctor played along with his whole idea and he asked him if he could figure out or if he could remember how he wound up in 2006 even though he thought it was 1958 and as recorded by the doctor Sergey said quote it was daytime and I wanted to go for a walk in the city I took my camera but when I left my house I saw a strange object that had a bell shape and it was very strange and it was flying in a strange way it is difficult to explain what I was seeing it might be better to look at the photos from my camera Dr kudrakov was curious so he got a hold of the camera and the first thing he noticed was that it was an old rare yashima Flex the doctor was a bit of a photographer himself so he recognized the brand and knew right away that this was like an antique which is a problem because they use a type of film that hadn't been manufactured since the 1970s you can't just take it down to the CVS to get it developed so he called in a photography expert named Adam poisoner batam got the film out and he was able to see from the real info that was manufactured in 1956. but it was in perfect condition so he developed the role and um this is when everything just kept getting weirder what he found on the role were photos of Kiev but clearly from a long time ago all the cars all the clothes all the street signs all were from the 50s and there were photos of buildings that didn't exist anymore and right there in front of those buildings was Sergey with his girlfriend at the time out enjoying a beautiful day wearing the exact same clothes he was found in in the last photo on the Reel just as Sergey had suggested featured a bell-shaped UFO when the doctor asked him about the UFO photo Sergey said quote now are you convinced I'm telling the truth I so far do not understand what this object is and how something like that happened to me at the same moment when I took the picture and I went down to look at the camera and somehow I showed up in this year Dr kuchakov being scientifically minded hypothesized that if this was some kind of alien spacecraft it could perhaps have flown him across the universe at the speed of light and brought him back in a split second and due to Einstein's theory of relativity he would experience time dilation meaning that time would have barely passed for him but back on Earth 47 years would have gone by the Flight of the Navigator theory if you will that night Sergey went back to his room closed the door and was never seen again the hospital security camera captured when he entered the room but it never filmed him leaving there was only one way out of this room it was always watched and the room windows had bars so there was no way for him to escape without being noticed yeah Sergey just pulled a Shawshank man I'm vanished like a fart in the wind only there was no Raquel Welch poster to explain what happened to him he was never found no means of Escape were ever found he just vanished leaving the police with his camera his photographs and a crazy mystery to solve a mystery that just keeps getting weirder because they investigated the case and they found out that there was actually a Sergey panamerenko that was declared missing in Kiev in 1960. they also were able to track down the woman in the photograph his girlfriend who was now over 70 years old at this point she told the police that Sergey had disappeared that day in 1958 but returned just a few days later the exact amount of time that he had been in 2006 but then she claimed that he disappeared again in the 1970s and this time he was never seen again but years after he vanished she received a strange photo in the mail it was from Sergey and according to the note he wrote on there the photo was from 2050. it shows an older Mustachio Sergey with Kiev in the background only in this photo the skyline is full of skyscrapers he also said in the note that he would be back soon which for whatever reason didn't happen the story of Sergey panamarinko has gone down to internet lore is possibly the most well-documented case of time travel in history thank you you know now might be a good time to introduce you guys to Willow alarm 2.0 foreign quick shout out to the video where I put on the woo-woo alarm for almost a full minute and people went ape comments uh yeah okay that's enough of that look it's a great story okay I totally get why it became such an urban legend the problem is everything that I could find on this all the images that you've seen throughout this video they all tie Back To One TV show it was a show called aliens that aired on a Ukrainian Channel called OnePlus One in 2012. there were 10 episodes total the episode that tells this story is the third episode it's titled time traveler it's an entire series about different stories of alien abductions and stuff other titles include alien abductions levitation effect Phantoms and crop circles and the show actually featured a disclaimer at the beginning that translates to quote the Alien series aims to restore scenes of controversial topics in ethere or hypothesis proposed cannot be considered to be correct in further scientific research is required all scene Restorations are based on the statements of witnesses there's no conclusive evidence to prove the existence of aliens your opinion on this issue is up to you so yeah the show itself says any theory proposed cannot be considered to be correct which is more than you ever get from the History Channel and it's also careful to point out that these are scene restoration so all these images of Sergey that keep showing up on every website and every video that talks about the story those are all Recreations this is not real interview footage which kind of feels obvious to me but I guess I spend more time around cameras than most people and Minds there's a few glaring details that are wrong in this episode for example the security camera footage displays the time as Tuesday April 23 2006. but if you pull up a calendar app on your phone you'll see that April 23 2006 was actually a Sunday others have pointed out that the ID card that you see on the show has the Seal of the Communist Youth League stamped on it but it's not the actual seal from that time period like I'm sure the art director was good but you can never beat the internet and then there's that picture from 2050 it has buildings copied and pasted all over it and I'm pretty sure that's the Empire State Building so minor Photoshop but the point is those are Recreations again the show says it right up at the beginning fine but according to the story there was an ID there were photos there was a recorded interview so where are the real ones that they exist all I can say is that my writer Jason and I we searched all over the place and we couldn't find them anywhere nor could we find any actual police records no other media reports and I couldn't find anything on any of the key figures like Dr Pablo kuchakov or Venom poisoner granted some people don't have much of a web presence and there's definitely a language barrier here but yeah I couldn't find anything now I don't know anything about this show um if you're in Ukraine and you know something about it please feel free to educate me and everybody else in the comments but it comes across like one of those History Channel type shows where they take some urban legend and then dramatize it like I feel like this is just basically a good piece of Creepypasta that the producers ran across and decided to run with and they did a great job let's face it they did a great job it has taken on a life of its own the credits list of scriptwriter is Constantine cover again the director is Vladimir rybus and the producer is Alexi lebach and the executive producer is Oleg recozna who owned the station any of whom I would love to ask directly about this but I wasn't able to find a way to contact them so for me the overwhelming evidence here is that this is just a work of fiction and a great story it is a great story but like don't take it any more seriously than you did that mermaid show on Animal Planet which was actually a thing that happened I hate this timeline but I can't I get it I get it I totally get it time travel is a fascinating subject and a lot of thought's been put into how it would actually work for example a paper published in classical and quantum gravity in September 2020 suggested there's actually a way to travel backwards in time they looked at Einstein's theory relativity specifically as calculations that show that it should be possible for an object in the universe to travel through space and time in a circular Direction and end up back at the starting point Einstein called it a closed time-like curve but of course physicists when talking about time travel they deal with paradoxes like the grandfather Paradox you know that's the idea that a time traveler goes back in the past and kills a younger version of her grandfather this of course means that time travelers parents weren't born along with the time traveler herself and at the time traveler didn't get born then how would she have gone back to kill a grandfather that whole thing so the writers this paper use what they call the billiard ball model to tackle this Paradox they say imagine several billiard balls across a circular table a circular table so when you push one ball away from position X it goes around the table and hits the other balls in a particular pattern but the researchers calculated that even if the ball's pattern is messed with at some point during its Journey future interactions with the other balls can actually correct its path the ball will come back to position X at the same speed that it would have if it hadn't been interfered with basically the ball will fall into the same place so they use this model to explain how if you did travel back in time you could change events but not significantly enough to really change the future so like with the grandfather Paradox it would basically mean that something would always get in the way of you trying to kill him as researcher Jermaine terbar said quote no matter what you did the sailing events would just recalibrate around you try as you might to create a paradox the events will always adjust themselves to avoid any inconsistency now I think this paper is mostly just sort of an interesting thought experiment but this does sound a bit like determinism you know like the idea that the world will just recalibrate around any changes you make in the timeline kind of like a car navigation when you miss your exit the big question though is what causes this recalibration what holds this reality together is it a fundamental Quantum Force The Matrix the power of Zoe unfortunately it'll be a long time until we can test something like this and actually send an instrument or a person on a closed timeline curve until then we'll just have to imagine it which we've kind of been doing this whole time I mean one of the earliest ancient Sanskrit epic poems was called Mahabharata and it was about time travel I think maybe we're drawn to time travel stories because time is the most Insidious force in our lives Time Marches on it never stops we are ultimately at its mercy and the greatest fantasy we have is to escape its grip as professor of Science Fiction studies at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta Lisa yazak told life science in 2022 quote time travel Tales let us imagine that we can break free from the grip of linear time and somehow get a new perspective on The Human Experience either our own or as Humanity as a whole so maybe that's why this urban legend has struck such a chord online with everybody you know as disoriented and confused as he was in some small way we kind of all want to be sergeying okay so this whole Sergey story kind of revolves around the whole idea that you know a UFO picked him up and carried them around at the speed of light and then dropped them back on Earth 50 years or so later this is of course you know an example of Einstein's theory of relativity in action which you all probably get the general gist of your smart people watching this but why does that happen exactly now if you think I'm going to answer with some course on brilliant well you're right it's it's right there in the classical mechanics course and this in my opinion is why brilliant is so powerful um you know they take you all the way back to the basics of kinematics and Newton's laws and let you work all the way up to reference frames which Einstein used to explain relativity you're just sitting there solving puzzles having fun and next thing you know you get it you don't just know it you get it and it's that deeper understanding that provides a foundation for many other concepts of once seemed Out Of Reach which I've been saying for a while now but what's more important is that really it kind of changes your whole world you just kind of see everything differently you know there's this new layer of understanding to everything plus it kind of it strengthens the problem-solving muscle in your brain so you're not just learning facts you're learning how to think this not only keeps your brain sharper as you get older it gives you an edge in a world where you know everything just keeps getting more competitive you don't want AI to put you out the pasture well here's one way to fight against that so so go get Brian a look if you sign up with my URL answers with Joe you can get 30 days free to try it out and if you feel your brain getting bigger on the inside of your skull and sign up for the premium subscription the first 200 people to do so will get 20 off the annual subscription Brandon's been a great sponsor of this channel for years I'm happy to partner with them and I've gotten to see them grow a lot like adding new interactive features all the time it just it just keeps getting better so give it a try see how it changes your world brilliant dollar Works answers with Joe links in the description thank you all right guys here we are we are in the final four a sketch Madness there's only four left you guys voted last week there was only two votes so it wasn't that big of a deal um but uh let's let's see we're gonna find out right now who the last two are what the last two sketches are so here we go so the four that we had lined up last week was the penis designer sketch the big million uh subscriber clone sketch the Venus sketch and the uh golden ratio sketch and um we had 850 people so it has been a little bit less each time that's fine um but there's still two people that have answered all of them correctly and if those two people get this next one right they're gonna win the grand prize by the way I don't know who they are and they don't know who they are it could be you it could be you was that dramatic all right let's do this all right here we go first match up the penis designer sketch and the big million subscriber clone sketch I really don't know which one's gonna win I've come to expect the unexpected so let's just do this the winner is the Clone sketch that was still pretty close I keep being surprised by how close they are uh not to surprise this on one though I still fully expect this one to take the whole thing but let's see uh so the next one Venus versus golden ratio this one I really don't know which one's gonna win let's find out the Venus one all right you guys like me in the uh makeup and the the nail polish don't you I think that may be my new thing so there we go we have the final two the big clone sketch and the Venus and Earth Brothers sketch so guys we got one more vote that's all it takes so just go to that Joe sketch madness vote for the champion it says right there champion and uh we'll see which one was the best sketch ever made on this YouTube channel anyway thank you guys so much for voting this has been a lot of fun uh the big result will be revealed next week next Monday and um we'll see what happens please do like and share this video if you liked it and if this is your first time here maybe check out any of the videos on the sidebar here they have my face in the thumbnail uh go check those out and if you enjoy them I do invite you to subscribe I come back to videos every Monday but that's it for now you guys go out there have an eye-opening rest of the week stay safe see you next Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 4,576,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott
Id: yH3lkiq4WqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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