10 Actors Who Just Played Against Type (And KILLED It)

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it's little surprised that most actors don't Venture far outside their comfort zone very often because once you've established a successful Niche for yourself why mess with a working formula right but nevertheless we all get a great thrill out of seeing ators do something totally outside of their wheelhouse not all actors can play against type and nail it all the time but when it works it's a glorious sight to behold I'm Yan this is W culture and here are 10 actors who just just played against type and totally killed it number 10 Mark Ruffalo poor things Mark ruffalo's career is largely defined by playing good-natured and heroic characters from Bruce Banner AKA The Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the Intrepid Integrity fill journalist Michael rendes in Spotlight but for your gos lanthimos is poor things Ruffalo was cast in a role so flagrantly against type that he even tried to talk to the filmmaker out of cast him to which Lano simply and sensibly laughed in the movie Ruffalo portrays Duncan wedderburn a seemingly hutin lawyer whose fancy accent and fancy clothes F the fact that he's actually both intensely deor and totally irredeemably pathetic ruffalo's typically clipped reserved effect have switched out for an intentionally over-the-top rendition of a fish tosspot whose monstrous attempts to store the maturity of his love interest Bella Baxter played by a phenomenal emerstone quickly become both nauseating and hilarious Ruffalo who was anxious about playing such a Darkly comedic character nevertheless spoke about his desire to quote break all the perceptions of him as an actor and that he certainly did enough that he received a best supporting actor oscom for his work number nine Sydney Sweeney Immaculate Sydney Sweeney is of course best known for her performances in Euphoria and more recently anyone but you and evidently gravitates towards playing more outgoing characters in relatively frothy projects so to see her portraying a comparatively shy and retiring character in new horror film Immaculate sister Cecilia a timid young novice training to be a nun came as quite the surprise seeing Sweeney a categorical it girl of the modern era dressed up in narb might give audiences a moment or two for pause but to her absolute credit she commits wholeheartedly to the role and basically knocks it out of the park Sweeney's flattened style of acting is actually quite perfect for a character like Cecilia cementing her discomfort being totally out of her comfort zone all while increasingly unnerving things are happening around her if you're not on board with Sweeney's work by Immaculate sending her brilliant final scene which involves a brutally demanding long take that isn't easily forgotten should just about clinch it number eight Austin Butler June part two now to be fair to Austin Butler June part two wasn't the very first time he's played a murderous psychopath having previously portrayed Tex Watson in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in 2019 all the same Butler clearly has a casting type if you need a handsome young guy with a tonn of swagger well he's your man hence why he was cast as Elvis Presley in bassman's Elvis and so thoroughly crushed it in that role but Butler gave a polar opposite performance in the Dune sequel as fade ralur one which required him not to lean on his charms and looks but to inmes himself deep in the mind of a cunning Maniac take away all the film's big budget spectacle and it's still a remarkable acting showcase for its leads with Butler's piercing gaze and physical intensity making fade far more of an imposing villain than he ever was in the 1984 David Lynch adaptation as played by Sting number seven Leonardo DiCaprio Killers the flower Moon while there's nothing surprising about the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio gave a stupendous arguably career best performance in Martin score C's killers of the flower Moon my favorite film from last year by the way the nature of his character was like nothing that he's ever played before the caprio's filmography is defined by him playing loquacious Charmers and intensely driven individuals and even when he's playing an outright villain like in say d Jango and chained there's a Charisma there that makes him fun to watch but to play war veteran Ernest buckheart decaprio Stripped Away his inherent charms to portray an almost laughably pathetic individual who was easily manipulated by his scheming Uncle William King hail portrayed by Robert dairo but C is a man who never finds his spine and to see DiCaprio so effectively play such a relentlessly pitiable human being so bere of even the most basic appeal is one of the most impressive acting achievements of his entire career number six David Das malan late night with the devil if you're not a fan of David Das malan well you clearly haven't been paying attention because the guy's been giving low-key brilliant supporting performances in a bevy of huge movies for years ranging from The Dark Knight to prisoners Ant-Man blaer 2049 Dune The Suicide Squad and more recently Oppenheimer but Das malun was finally cast in the first major leading role of his career in the recent horror film late night with the devil where he plays Jack Delroy a successful late night talk show host who attempts to boost his Show's flagging ratings by inviting an apparently possessed girl to appear it's a far cry from the gallery of freaks and Weirdos Das malchin has played consistently on screen over the last 15 years and even though it quickly becomes clear that there's more to Jack than meets the eye it's still totally wild to see Das malum playing a more charismatic individual at least compared compared to his typical casting type and it goes without saying that he totally nailed it enough that we'll hopefully see him cast in more beefy leading roles in the near future number five Alicia Weir Abigail well it's admittedly tough to play against type when you're only 14 years old it's also fair to say that Irish actress Alicia Weir gained worldwide recognition for playing the title role in 2022 is Matilda the Musical Weir was perfectly cast as the especially skilled and rebellious child and so it was reasonable to assume that she spend the next few years casting quote unquote cute kid and smart alec type roles but we're surprised everyone when totally out of nowhere she recently starred in horror film Abigail playing the titular ballerina vampire who spends the back end of the movie picking off the deviously skilled adults who try to kidnapper it's the role that perfectly takes the kindly demeanor which made Weir such a Del light as Matilda and uses it to its Advantage her butter wouldn't melt facial expressions luring her future victims into a full sense of security before she Bears her fangs and starts tearing up the scene we is the easy highlight of Abigail and without such shrewd casting it's safe to say that it wouldn't have been nearly as fun as it ended up being number four Josh Hutson The Beekeeper Josh Hutson is another actor best known for playing boyish well-meaning good guys if not outright Heroes best typified by his star making work in The Hunger Games franchise scan through his filmography and you'll find few instances of him playing card carrying bad guys but that all changed with his role in Jason stm's latest action romp he surprisingly entertaining The Beekeeper directed by David AER in the movie huton plays an ultra sleazy Tech bro douchebag by the name of Derek Danforth and oh my God that name is perfect for that description and that character is hilariously lat to reveal to be in fact the son of the president of the United States huderson takes all the likeability that defines most of his major movie roles and totally flips it playing a Despicable scam artist without a single redeeming quality and absolutely rising to the occasion in the process there's not even the famous sign of Peter here huderson instead botles the arrogance of a Hall of Fame caliber nepo baby who truly believes that he's Untouchable that is until the states Adam Clay comes a Knockin and protects the hive number three Robert Downey Jr Oppenheimer despite being one of the most talented actors of his generation there's little denying that Robert danney Jr has basically CED the market on the quick witted motor mouth charmer archetype over the last two decades has gained him major mainstream attention per his portrayal of Tony Stark in the MCU after Downey took his leave of the franchise following Avengers end game though many hope that it would result in in the act of returning to more serious-minded dramatic Fair as was finally realized with his Sublime performance in last year's multi Oscar winning epic biopic Oppenheimer as aec chairman Le stros Downey Stripped Away basically every fiber of his popular Persona to portray a considerably more severe calculated and less affable character than he's typically offered according to Danny himself in a New York Times interview Oppenheimer director Christopher noan encourag him to quote work those other muscles as an actor and the result proved effective enough to win him an Academy Award for best supporting actor or reminding everyone of just how damn versatile he can be number two death Patel monkey man death Patel has certainly come a long way from the days where he was a scrawny kid on skins and Slum Dog Millionaire but until recently the words action and hero are probably among the last two you'd ever associate with the guy yet T proved the D is wrong when he packed on the muscle to play the lead in his directorial debut monkey man a mumai set action flick in the vein of the John Wick films in addition to marking a confident directorial debut Patel demonstrated himself to be extremely persuasive as a scrappy vengeful Action Hero at once absolutely shredded and yet vulnerable enough that the film's bruising action sequences are still suffused with considerable tension no one can say that Patel half asked his job either as they filming Aker or an actor and regardless of whether or not monkey man launches a series it's proven Beyond any question that he has what it takes to be a credible action star audiences can keenly root for and number one Daisy Ridley sometimes I think about dying Daisy Ridley has kept a relatively low acting profile ever since the Star Wars sequel Trilogy ended in 2019 though obliterated any and all expectations when she recently starred in the lowkey dark comedy sometimes I think about dying though Ridley's recent filmography is populated by her playing kickass heroins and plummy Brits Rachel Lambert's film cter as Fran a lonely socially awkward plainly dressed office worker quite unlike anyone else Ridley has ever played before on top of all this she rocks a pretty solid American accent for the part two while the movie itself is primed to divide the mainstream Ridley's performance as this bookish unassuming individual lies in St contrast to the majority of her other screen work it's the sort of role typically given to more quote unquote quirky Indie darling actresses not someone who played the lead role in the new Star Wars Trilogy a little while ago here's hoping there's more roles like this for her in the near future
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 39,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R2WfmW7Gwb4
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Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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