10 Amazing Supporting Roles You Wish Movies Were Centred On

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even though every character in every movie has their own role to play it's hard to argue that Above All Else the main protagonist is the most important they're the ones that drive the story they typically have more screen time than anyone else and if the audience doesn't connect with or even care about them the entire thing is facing an uphill battle from the start and there have been plenty of times where the hero leaves a little to be desired and ends up getting out sha by a more charismatic supporting player so I'm you in this is what culture and here are 10 amazing supporting roles you wish movies were centered on number 10 Cliff boo Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with Leonardo DiCaprio Brad Pitt and Margo Robbie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood both star power the likes of which few other recent movies have in spite of Robbie putting in an outstanding performance with limited screen time and an Oscar nominated turn from De camprio Brad Pit was probably the best thing about the film it was DiCaprio's Rick doton who was the story's lead character and it was his Arc more than anywhere else that Tarantino swan song to Hollywood existed also just for the record it's my favorite DiCaprio performance that breakdown on set is one of the best things he's ever done I don't think you benefit from focusing more on either character but there's also no denying just how great pit was in the role in his Academy award-winning performance pit played one of the coolest onscreen characters ever with a a really dark past he was a badass he was incredibly funny and showcased every last ounce of his talent it was reported that tanino's longer waited tening the movie critic would have continued on from one Upon a Time in Hollywood and would have even brought back PID as Cliff boot however with the recent news that this entire project has been scrapped audiences may not get to see the character step into an even bigger Spotlight number nine Noland Predators until prey came along in 22 no Predator sequel had really stake a claim as being a worthy followup of the original Predator 2 is a lot of fun and includes some alimer buing but it doesn't really compete with John mcan's original which is of course an action Masterpiece alien was followed by aliens that never really happened for predator however back in 2010 it very much seemed like the franchise would get its own Cameron esque moments Robert Rodriguez was on board to produce and the movie would be called Predators given the connection between the two franchises channeling that particular sequel in the title should have boded well should have look while it has its Defenders 2010's Predators is not all that good wasting its killer premise on a bland cast of military stereotypes and labored callbacks to the original film how you do that with Walton Goggins and your Ensemble I have no idea but did it it did with Adrien Brody proving himself completely unsuited to the action genre as the gruff voed Roy but Predators did have one really big temp pole actor to its name in Lawrence Fishburn who portrayed a human Survivor called Nolan who had been inducted to the alers alien hunting ground many years ago by the time we meet Noland it's pretty clear that he's two plasma casters short of a full arsenal if you get my meaning however his scenes are compelling enough that you can't help but wonder how much better a predator sequel with fish bread and the lead instead of Brody would have actually been either him or the cool Yak is a guy I'm so so glad that Dan tratenberg is getting to do a full Anthology thing with the series now because yeah roll on Badlands that sounds cool as hell number eight hey Mitch aboni The Hunger Games the thing with starting the Hunger Games franchise on the 74th Annual Hunger Games event is that there are 73 years worth of stories going completely Untold while a ballad of song birds and snakes has gone back in time and told the story of the 10th well that still means there's a lot of ground to potentially cover in more movies Woody harelson haitch aboni is one of the best and most popular characters in the entire Hunger Games franchise and is the only character outside of Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss and Peter played by Josh Hutcherson to win the games from District 12 as long as prequels to the original film are being made tell him the story of hey Mitch's victory in the 50th games the second quarter quell and potentially delving into the subsequent years of mentoring and seeing his students killed every year could make for a pretty compelling story much like Katniss and Peter hey Mitch one via a loophole of sorts essentially outsmarting the game itself and in spite of his victory his entire family was killed for it is there a better story to tell in all of panm than this I'm not so sure number seven Jack horn the Magnificent 7 2016 and Swan fuqua's the Magnificent 7 remake is not as good good as the original however it is very very very watchable a well shot action-oriented Weston with denel Washington Ked out in black and firing a cult 45 through sheer Vibes alone it is worth watching but it also has a pretty great Supporting Cast comprised of killers from different walks of life highlights include an exiled kamansi Warrior a Korean American knife expert and a civil war Sharpshooter struggling with pcsd still though the best of the bunch has to to be a character by the name of Jack horn an Infamous Mountain Man played with full theatric commitment by Vincent denofo you know what you getting with aono performance but the actor rarely ever not bringing his a game and that is very much the case here Horn's presence is at the periphery of the Remake and yet he still manages to be imposing as hell with denofo imbuing his charge with a raspy high pitch Cadence that perfectly conveys the horrors he's witnessed before this point seriously you zoom in on this guy face in any frame and you can actually hear Fortunate Sun playing in the background it's a performance a level above what his co-stars achieve not that they bad mind or that they just give turns suited for a perfectly fine Western while denafo is channeling something much more reverential always made me wish he'd been the next biggest supporting player as opposed to Chris Pratt who again is totally fine here but is totally overshadowed by the Denzel denofrio sandwich number six Roxy kingsman the gold Golden Circle back in 2014 kingsman the Secret Service helped launch the career of Taran Editon but he wasn't the only actor to give a great performance in Matthew Vaughn's spy movie with a majority of the kingsman outfit gone it fell to exy played by Editon Merlin played by Mark Strong and Sophie cookson's Roxy do save the day the latter was a fantastic addition to the team however that didn't stop her from being unceremoniously killed at the beginning of the sequel kingsman the golden Circle the writers clearly wanted exy and Merlin to be on their own and face impossible odds but would keeping Roxy alive really have changed that much you know just having one more person to join them against the world in the first movie cookson's character offered a friend and Ally to exy not just through their training but when taking down Samuel Jackson's Richmond Valentine at the film's conclusion she more than earned her title as kingsman's new Lancelot and after helping exie with meeting tilda's parents she deserved way more than to die at the beginning of the followup the Golden Circle itself is significantly weaker than the Secret Service and could have used an established presence like Roxy throughout the movie she could have snapped the boys out of their drunken depression grabbed the entire poppy situation by the Scruff of the neck and draged them through it they needed a leader and it should have been Roxy ultimately there's no reason Sophie cooken shouldn't have been right up there with Taran Edon as the top billing after her performance in the previous film number five Jennifer Jolie screamed three Scream 3 gets a bad rap among horror fans as being ostensibly the weakest entry in the series but I kind of really love this one while undoubtedly more comedic than its predecessors and also the victim of a terrible Recon fi finale West Craven managed to deliver a sort of gripping Neo Noir that peered deep into Hollywood's underbelly also it has Parker posie delivering maybe the greatest performance in the series as Jennifer Jolie so there's that too honestly for those of you who haven't checked out screen 3 because of its bad rep do it for PKA posy please her performance as a Hollywood star tased for playing gay Weathers in the stab franchise is a genuine comedy masterclass and it Remains The Scream series biggest lost opportunity that she never returned for any of the sequels so that people will say yeah youan but she's dead and to that I reply with fair but if Kirby can make a comeback then I'm saying Jen can too she's the best let me know in the comments below whether or not you agree number four Joe Bro Godzilla still redot coming off the back of breaking bad's conclusion in 2012 has it really been that long ago oh my God Brian Cranston was put at the front and center of the marketing campaign for Godzilla which released in 2014 however in spite of him being portrayed as the movie's lead Joe Bro was killed off after just 40 minutes and then we had to hang with this guy for like the remainder of the screen time I like that movie but come on the rest of the film film Joe's son Ford played by Aaron Taylor Johnson took over the role of protagonist and while there was nothing inherently wrong with this sticking with Joe would have allowed for a much more compelling character to follow while Ford went up against the Raging mutos to protect his family they weren't in any more specific danger than anyone else there was nothing personal about his fight Joe however had to say goodbye to his wife thanks to the radiation from the first mut he uncovered the secrets being kept surrounding the beast and he was out for vengeance and Vindication had the story remained about Joe it could have been far more personal and of course emotional too the human element has always been an issue in the monsterverse so granted when audiences pay to see the likes of Godzilla and Kong they typically aren't too fed about much else than action and Carnage but this change could have elevated Godzilla significantly number three Hank Marlo Kong Skull Island after Godzilla in 2014 Kong Skull Island was the second movie in in the monsterverse and the second to make a mistake in the human protagonist Department Tom Heston and Brie Larson's characters weren't exactly that memorable while there was a more compelling story with a stronger character within the story that ended up going Untold the opening scenes of the movie show an American and Japanese pilot crash land on Skull Island during World War II who engage in hand-to hand combat before being distracted by the presence of Kong the American John C Riley's Hank Marlo was then found by Heston and Company still living on the island almost 30 years later since there was still a time Jump required between the events of Kong Skull Island and Godzilla versus Kong there's no reason why the story of the former couldn't have focused on Hank and His Japanese counterpart putting their differences aside and learning to live in harmony with the beasts of the island sort of like hell in the Pacific only with creepy spider monsters Marlo knew not only Kong but Skull Island and the other creatures intimately well and this would have made for a much better movie yes the main objective of Kong Skull Island was to introduce audiences to the new iteration of the giant AE which it did successfully but like Godzilla with a different protagonist it could have been so much better number two Quicksilver X-Men apocalypse Fox's X-Men franchise enjoyed some incredible highs and some painful lows too before Disney's acquisition of fox put an end to it following on from the outstanding Days of Future Past in 2014 came the underwhelming X-Men apocalypse Clips it really signal the beginning of the end among the many many many flaws of the movie one of which was Oscar Isaac's Ivan ooze look was the use of quicksilver when introduced Evan peters's Speedy mutant was one of the best parts of Days of Future Past one of the best XA movies ever released but when it came to apocalypse he was sidelined for much of the story he'd been made too powerful and had even been involved would have potentially made things too easy for the team Apocalypse in itself was crushingly disappointing Ing and with it being the sixth movie revolving around Professor X and Magneto and Jennifer Lawrence's performance as Mystique becoming less and less energetic due to her disillusion with the role maybe shifting Focus to Quicksilver instead would have been the right direction even in his limited role in the film he had easily the best moment saving everyone from the burning mansion and the fact he was Magneto son could have been more than just a brief conversation slash bit of fan service he was currently underutilized and deserved far better and number one Sandman Spider-Man 3 seeing as how everyone's been talking about the Ry Spider-Man movies and they always should those first two are perfect I've had Spider-Man 3 on the brain a lot recently not because it's all that impressive of the three it's the most flawed by a wide margin but apart from the fact it's still a film full of personality and ktic flourishes it also has one of the most underrated com movie performances ever done Thomas Hayden Church as Sandman now for some context Sandman is my favorite Spider-Man character not just villain I mean character full stop the design by Steve dico the backstory he and stanlee came up with not to mention the arc he goes on in the comics where he eventually turns into a hero he's genuinely one of the best villains in one of comic's greatest robes galleries so needless to say when he was announced as the villain of Spider-Man 3 little Yuan was very excited but then it came out and it turned out San man's movie was based basically robbed from him by this guy by all accounts a studio enforced addition to the film that Remy himself hadn't immediately plan to feature the Venom stuff isn't enough to syn Spider-Man 3 all together but you can tell when revisiting it that the heart and soul is with the Sandman scenes with Hayden Church doing an excellent job of tapping into the character's tragic backstory and the sand form itself being rendered really impressively but the VFX Wizards at Sony Pictures image works again the finished film itself isn't all that bad but can you imagine how much better it would have been if Ry had gotten to focus on Harry and sanman as the sole two villains oh God I really wish we could have gotten that movie
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 29,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QS2rHZ5Fpsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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