10 Theories That Prove Time Travel Exists

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I'm something of the geek culture quiz at hadurok I'm in all places at once video games comics cult film wrestling board games I'm a man of many lonely lonely loves and of course what kind of nerd would I be without loving Doctor Who a concept driven sci-fi epic of a mythological super-grip pottering around space being clever and seeing interesting things and most importantly traveling through time time-travel is great right being able to cut through the accumulated lies of history to see the truth of the past or you know being a tourist in a strange world of the future for years despite science saying no stop it you can't people have tried to prove once and for all the time travel exists the theories range from compelling to stupid and are often both I'm Adam from what culture calm and here at 10 bizarre theories of proof time travel exists number 10 the tiny watch let's start weird in 2008 there was mass reporting that during a Chinese archeological expedition a 400 year old tomb of C King from the Ming Dynasty which as most people will know was an absolute lad of a dynasty hongwu emperor hashtag squad goals inside this believed to be undisturbed house of dirt and dead fell as the archaeologists found something very strange a tiny gold watch time frozen at six past ten with the word Swiss engraved on the back the story circulated the net like wildfire may taking is proof that time travellers visited us hundreds of years ago which made it all the more of a shame that the photos of sparks story in the first place were digitally created hoaxes number nine the mobily Jourdain incident from tiny gold watches to two middle-aged ladies around in eighteenth century Paris in 1901 the two English academic Charlotte and Mobley and Eleanor Jourdain who we can agree our absolute biscuits visited Paris and went looking for the Petit Trianon which is part of the grounds of the Palace of Versailles according to a book they published recounting their experiences the two women got lost and instead of turning left turn right and ended up 120 years in the past they saw farmers in smelly clothes an old farmhouse and also hung out with cake enjoying underclass dismissing Marie Antoinette because why not chuckle every in there when the book was first published it became a best-seller held up as proof of time steps but it was also heavily criticized as being the nonsense work of fevered hallucinatory mine's number eight the Scottish time slip while Mobley and Jourdain accidentally stumbled into the past Victor Goddard flew into the future like the time-traveling ladies god I was a smart cookie flying planes for the RAF in World War one and World War two reading engineering at Cambridge and becoming director of intelligence at the Air Ministry so a reliable mind then well does a perception change when we tell you he firmly believed all his life that in 1935 he briefly flew into the future yep in a plane so it's 1935 and Goddard left drem airfield in her Edinburgh to fly home then he ran into trouble with the weather and lost his bearing so he decided to fly back to drem and start again fresh as he approached the airfield this time the rain around him turned into a bright sunny day and below him he saw a newly renovated airfield complete with men rushing around in blue uniforms that he'd never seen before and a bunch of planes painted yellow he flew away without landing and four years later the Air Force changed all their uniforms to blue and began painting now planes yellow a moment of clairvoyance from Goddard or like the ladies before him a brief stumble into a different time or a stroke also possible number seven the Philadelphia Experiment the rule of thumb is if it's stupid the American military have tried to research it my control psychic warfare warrior robots and you can bet their last coin they've had a go at time-travel well allegedly the Philadelphia Experiment also known by the delightful codename project rainbow so a lot of disputed and disreputable sources go was based around Einstein's unified field theory which very very very simply a pines if light could be bent then so could space-time we could render possible the idea of an invisible time machine thing in 1943 as part of project rainbow the Navy allegedly made a ship the USS Eldridge disappear by sending it ten seconds into the past right number six the Montauk Project well in for a stupid penny in for a stupid pound this is another conspiracy theory about the US government experimenting with time travel this time in a series of salty secret projects in Montauk in Long Island the theory was started by preston nichols and america north who claims to have unlocked repressed secret memories in his own mind of his path in the time-travel experiments that was somehow brainwashed out of him he made a music video about one of these experiments which show him meeting himself in the future and also eating a lot of cheese while it's easy to dismiss this as the delusions or lies of one man Nichols also claimed the government with doing mind-control studies at Long Island Air Force Base using psychotropic drugs and that actually did happen with project MKULTRA so who knows number five the Hadron Collider you've heard of the Large Hadron Collider right it's the thing that scare mongering journeys have been trying to convince you will destroy the whole world using super quick atoms or the collider or atom smashers we prefer to call has been turned on a bunch of times and rather than the world ending they're discovered the parentally elusive Higgs boson particle according to one theory but forward by scientists Tom Wheeler and tree man who I hope I got your names right the Higgs bosons could create another particle called the Higgs singlet which is like a restless singlet except not at all like that the thing that would be able to jump into a fifth dimension and move back and forwards through time it's all theory and when result in hoverboards any time soon but still science number for the iPhone footage one of the main things that disproves time-travel is a notion is that if the technology had been invented in the future then someone would have come to visit us by now unless they've been doing it in secret because of risks of paradoxes people have been looking for evidence of these secret time travelers for years and for a time they found one in a behind-the-scenes piece of footage bundled with the DVD release of Charlie Chaplin's the circus but it appears to show a woman talking into a mobile phone oh my G Tim trivial confirms ed the internet and then historians pointed out that maybe she could have been listening to one of these an early model of a hearing aid no or she's a reptilian equal possibility number three the Nicolas Cage theory no less is complete without a cameo from tenured professor of crazy a Hollywood University Nicolas Cage here is a picture of Nicolas Cage are the serene lunacy hiding behind his eyes the screaming skull under the skin and here is a picture of an 1870 Tennessee gentleman that was discovered in 2011 the resemblance is uncanny what's more check out this artist's rendering of maximilliana the first 19th century Emperor of Mexico also caged now people have called Nicolas Cage and uh nading vampire but that's obviously not true we've seen him age before our very eyes now the only thing that makes sense is that Nicolas Cage has been all through time dammit he's the first time traveler probably because No he can afford it number two John Titor now once the idea of secret time travelers hit the Internet it was only a matter well time before someone claimed to be one step forward John title in the relative the early days of internet forums the early noughties stories of John Titor began to do the rounds he was a fellow from the Year 2036 told people that the future America was broken into five smaller regions each devastated by nuclear war and that most of the world powers were destroyed he also helpfully provided plans of his time machine I mean no one has successfully made his time machine yet and none of his predictions have come true but does that mean it's all a giant hoax yes all the way yes number one the Internet holds the key for years scientists Robert Nemiroff and Teresa Wilson from Michigan Technological University had developed a method of scanning the internet for references to things being made before they actually happen for example one of their test phrases is Pope Francis considering that he is the first of his name anyone using these exact words before that Pope was announced would therefore be a time traveler right I mean so far rounding up they found zero time travelers but have stated that they might still be out there but we quote good at covering their tracks hmm announce our list did we miss any out tell us about it in the comments and don't forget to Like share and subscribe and you can follow me on Twitter here I'm Adam from what culture comm and I'll see you soon or yesterday or something time travel
Channel: WhatCulture
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Keywords: Whatculture, What Culture, Time Travel
Id: nzPIYHWTplk
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Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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