7 New Things We Learned About Nintendo Labo (by Playing With Nintendo Labo)

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Ellen yes we recently got a chance to play with Nintendo lab oh we did indeed that's right and we learned a lot from playing with it first time we've been able to get our hands on it it's not out for a little while yet but we've learned a lot about Nintendo's weird cardboard toys stuff specifically these things so first off hmm it's really really elegant which is a weird thing that you wouldn't expect us to be talking about cardboard toys yeah and elegance but it is when I first saw that advert we'll be playing we all the stuff I thought oh how many rubber bands are gonna be in this yeah much glue and cutting and sticking in it not much it's actually really incredible how it all works yeah with only like cardboard being inserted into tabs and stuff yeah and little bits of reflective tape the reflective tape is basically the key to how the more sophisticated yeah toys work the joy Connor who's always looking out for the like the bounces off though here's a reflective tape and that's how it senses everything so when we actually got to take it apart yeah I was amazed as you were saying that not a lot of like glue or anything like that or a little bit a couple of elastic bands but for the most part is just really elegantly designed to work almost exclusively with cardboard yeah one nice example I remember is in the top of the piano that cut the cardboard piano that you can you can press down this button at the top to start recording what your what your music is and the button bounces right back up there's basically just a little folded bit of carbon got the bottom is that so it's kind of just as good just gives it a little a little bit of spring but I was imagining Springs yeah so yeah I was quite impressed with the designer elegant is the word cherry elegan let's get that this out of the way well my hands always this massive I was born with my adult hands it was a very distressing baby people the finished product that you end up with when you're building one of the toy concerts you're insisting they be called it's quite sophisticated but the steps for getting there it reminded me a lot of Lego yeah and each individual step is quite straightforward yeah and you don't feel too overwhelmed no and it shows you with a little 3d animation what you should be folding and where so that you can follow along I found it quite easy to follow yeah the big difference when it compares to your like Lego steps or more iconically your IKEA steps when pulling anything yeah sometimes you see pitch here and that's it done and you're like okay but what are the steps in between yeah they've been very careful to make sure that it's easy for kids to understand but it is a lot more graphic and lot more visual and so yeah kudos on making some pretty easy to follow guides and Liat of what we've seen when we were making it it felt very robust I didn't feel like I was gonna break anything when you're popping the stuff out yeah operations are really good you're not gonna rip it too easily or anything like that yeah it Bolton is robust as you could reasonably expect you don't get it wet yeah I'd say that sent to robustness kind of follows through to the finished product as well I'm thinking particularly about that robot suit yeah which is yeah like it's just a cardboard thing and you're holding onto cardboard like attached by like stringy sort of rope stuff yeah and I am at all yes and when I was stomping around pretending to destroy that City I was really given its owner Orton holding back and I was quite surprised that it didn't just fall apart like yeah just come apart in my hands so we didn't see very much of it in action but we were told there are going to be these like yet tips yeah how to make little minor repairs nice it's just here right in the right in the end and then you can see where's where's Ellen's face emerging out of the gloom there it is dented the joint has a camera yeah probably should one of the joy cons has a little infrared camera at the top we mentioned earlier that reflective tape that's on everything and the joy Khan is basically using this infrared camera to keep an eye on ya for that stuff but one of the things that's really cool about playing with the LeBeau set you can see on the switch little display of what it can see it's all because it's infrared it's all got like a slightly like paranormal activity in a room full of children re-enacting Blair which on the Nintendo joy Condor that one side kids need to learn about Blair Witch and the dangers during three two yes the wall enough about all the sciency stuff though yeah you can make it look free there are some options that come with the kit so like we put a bigger scoop on yours and ya had an elephant head Nintendo do supply some of their own kind of kit that you can get yeah you can buy it costs I think it costs roughly a tenner or slightly less I think it's called the customization kit and it's basically a box it's just full of stickers and stencils and yeah crafty bits and bobs there's no need I think to necessarily use the Nintendo stuff they give you that for the option of if you are a big Nintendo fan because they gave you like eyes that like Mario eyes and Link eyes and we made use of those yeah I would say that probably quite a lot of the enjoyment that I derive from him was in just like sticking with pipe cleaners any car nerds out there will tell you that the pipe cleaner is the most aerodynamic material yeah it's like a thing that parents can really sit down with their kids and do even parents who don't really know games so like very good that's a really nice way for everyone to get into it we go the rails don't you know it [Music] [Music] let's grab the bull by the horns here elements do you want the elephant in the room and I don't just mean your little elephant RC card this is something that is designed for young children but if you are an adult like me you should not feel like shame no or worried yeah like it's not for you because in the same way that Lego is something that yeah you can unfavorably enjoy at any age yeah this is it's basically just exactly the same thing you're following a percent of instructions you're building something if you are technically minded if you are into like this science and and particularly I guess like an engineering oh it's really cool for that yeah in the same way that when you're putting together Lego and sometimes you realize like oh this is how their works or like that pulley or that bit of pneumatic or whatever I think there's a lot of that as well when you when you're put in the cardboard stuff together anyone who watches this channel will know that we have a fairly high shame threat but but nevertheless you know I didn't feel like it no no based on our experiences yeah I don't need to worry what would Mike say goodbye a good line finally whilst it comes with lots of cool little mini games that you can play okay I know I'm really good really enjoyable nicely put together little app things yeah we really want it to work with lots more games there's like a motorbike racing game imagine that in Mario Kart like you're like moving it and driving it around yeah rubba cringing and that would be really cool [Music] we start your engine yeah and then like by wrapping this little side prom yeah no no exaggeration like among the most satisfying in an accurate role so I've used it would seem like a no-brainer that that should be put into Mario Kart I know that the technologically there would be some extra steps there but then ten no you know you you make the cardboard you make the Mario Kart join it together make app but I do happen at the piano as well would be great for like ocarina of time yeah or if it's us playing more like so there's still a lot we don't know but I feel like we've made a quantum leap forward in our understanding of what this thing basically is how it works and hopefully we've managed to impart a little bit of that knowledge on to you guys so let us know if you are excited about a Nintendo LeBeau or you know if you think you'll give it a pass whatever you think we want to know in the comments yeah if you enjoyed this and why not like and subscribe and bring that little bell so you get informed whenever we make new videos you seem to enjoy this then this is kind of our whole deal so there's a lot more there's a lot more there to work all right well we will see you guys next time thank you for watching yeah just watching it's vibrating the tone into my head it's not gonna come across in video oh good idea that's seven cool
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 130,992
Rating: 4.963912 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo labo, nintendo labo price, nintendo labo reaction, nintendo labo trailer, nintendo labo hands on, nintendo labo review, nintendo labo meme, nintendo labo robot, nintendo labo piano, jump up super star, 1up girl, nintendo labo fishing, nintendo labo house, labo fishing rod, labo motorbike, labo variety pack, nintendo labo uk, labo rc car, joycon, toycon, toy-con, switch, nintendo switch, nintendo labo gameplay, outsidextra, outside xtra, ellen rose, luke westaway, games
Id: EyAy7iCcxU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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