Nintendo Switch - 10 Tips & Tricks You Probably Didn't Know

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the release of the Nintendo switch is finally here we finally have our hands on it and there are definitely some things that you shouldn't know to get you started with it I imagine the new guy and today game ranks we're to talk about ten and tend to switch quick tips you may not have known starting off at number 10 this is something that I may have already fallen victim to unfortunately I'm not entirely sure but you do have to be careful when we're moving the Joye con straps from the joy con controller itself because it's pretty easy to break it getting it on is fairly simple each trap works on both joy cons so you just have to make sure you're lining up the plus and minus signs before actually sliding it into place but it's taking it off that may cause the issue after it's on you'll find a lock button or switch I guess you can call it on the bottom of the joy con and it locks in the direction that you have to push to remove the strap so when you take the strap off you have to make sure you disengage that lock and then also push the gray release button on the back of the joy con and then pull the strap off but you do have to be careful you don't reengage that lock when you're pulling off the strap even with doing it right it still feels kind of finicky like getting it off doesn't actually feel right but don't freak out as long as you're following the steps and you can't obviously tell that you broke it you should be fine and up next at number 9 one cool thing you may not have known is that the switch is actually region free which is cool for you because now you have access to more games you could actually set up a second profile on your switch and have that one attached to the Japanese eShop and you can download and play all the games from there so here's a quick rundown on how you'll do it you'll have to go to my Nintendo comm forward slash getting underscore started and from here you'll have to make a new account and want to ask you for your country of origin you have to put in Japan and after you hit submit and verify your account you'll then have to create a new profile on your switch and tie that account that you just created to that profile so once you open up the eShop voila you not have access to every game on the Japanese shop there are a few games and a few demos that aren't available in the North American I shop and there are certain games on there that do have English support so make sure you do your research before you start purchasing and while this may not seem like a lot now just think about the future this is a whole other outlet to get access to even more games and next up at number eight when you hold down the home button it actually brings up a quick menu without closing at your game and returning you to the main menu and here you can see your time and your battery level you can also put the console into sleep mode turn auto brightness on and put the console into airplane mode and also adjust the brightness manually this is a pretty neat little menu to have access to another quick tip turning down your brightness a little bit if you can't afford it is a pretty good idea because if you turn it down a decent amount but to the point where it's still playable you can get another 30 to 45 minutes of play time out of breath of the wild and we all need as much of that precious all the time as we can get and up next number seven this is more of a PSA and then the tip really but I highly advise you don't put a skin on your switch decal maker debrand seem to actually be the ones who put the warning out there and has actually gone as far to refund anyone who's purchased a decal from them and the problem is actually in the adhesive that is used on the skins it doesn't play well with the switch and controllers and it actually ruins the finish like you can find pictures of it online and it really makes a bit of a mess d-bryan actually tested the skin themselves and a few different switches before concluding that the skins just don't work well with it this is a huge bummer seeing that some of the skins are really cool-looking I totally thought about making my switch look like an SNES and now I definitely can't props the deeper and though they missed out on a ton of money by giving everyone the heads up about this and refunding orders kudos to you that's awesome next up at number six we've all known for a bit now that you can share games that you bought with other players but we finally have the details on how it works and it is a bit limited first off if you have different profiles on your console any games that were purchased on that console can be shared with every other profile so that's cool if you consoles being played by multiple people in household you can all share the games that you all buy but sharing between different consoles works a little bit different there is some small print to look at in order to play a digital game on another console you have to deactivate the original console from being your active one and then you have access to the game on the second console you can only play it on that console that is now the active one so it is kind of a bummer how sharing works it doesn't work exactly how we probably would have liked it to but it's really not too much of a deal-breaker but at least you can share games that you purchased between the profiles on your console I think that's a pretty neat thing to have and at number five I'm sure you already know this but the switch supports micro SD cards but there are some little things that you may not have known about it but one the card sits behind the kickstand which is kind of an odd place for it so when the kickstand is out and being used the card behind it is actually exposed which bothers me a little bit but then again I am a crazy paranoid mess so that is something that we'll bother me and the switch also supports high-capacity microSD cards that don't even exist yet so that's pretty cool Nintendo did future-proof the system in that aspect one thing you definitely need to know though is that you can't share microSD cards between different consoles if you do try the switch will tell you that that card is being used with another console and you'll have to format the card to use another new one you also can't copy game save files from the console to the card actually you can't transfer your saves from the console at all so you can't transfer your saves or back them up to anything so don't lose your switch because if you do you'll be losing all your saves next up number four there's definitely some things you need to know about the charging situation with the console overall joy cons included first up you can't have the console using the kickstand and charge it at the same time because the USB C port is on the bottom of the console also if you plan on taking your switch somewhere and you need to charge it up I advise not playing it in TV mode while you do it because the charge is really slow when you do this slower than it really should and then there's a joy con charging situation which might bother some people the joy con grip that the console ships with is essentially only a shell it won't charge a joi cons there is however a 30-hour charging grip that can charge the grips why plugging in the grip into the console so out of the box the only way to charge the joy cons is by having them attached to the console itself when the console isn't being used or having them attached to the console by playing with the pro controller but the joy cards do suppose we have a 20 hour battery life so you shouldn't run into much trouble there that is a pretty good amount of time another thing to keep in mind is that the switch will have a hard time charging from a lot of different portable charging packs if you're charging it while it's in sleep mode you shouldn't really have too much of an issue but if you're going to be playing and charging at the same time that's will your run into trouble the switch shifts with a 15 volt power cable so it's safe to assume the console needs at least in that range to actually get power so you'll need a portable charger that has a higher voltage that can handle the 15 volt power cable but like I said if you're on the go as long as you're charging you when it's a sleep mode you really shouldn't have much of an issue up next number three you might notice that going from handheld mode to TV mode but the colors might look a tad bit washed out depending on the display that you're using it's definitely more noticeable with breadth of the wild and you're definitely gonna want to mess with the TV settings on the switch and also mess with the settings on your display on the switch itself I'd set your resolution from automatic to whatever your display resolution actually is and then change your RGB range from automatic to full range but also make sure that your display is set to full range too because if you don't it's not gonna work properly and most displays are set to limited range by default then from there you're gonna want to head to your display settings and play around until you get a picture quality that works for you and if your display has a low input lag HDMI input I definitely recommend using that input if you don't already have another console utilizing it so if you've been noticing a different picture quality between handheld and TV mode I would definitely check it out and see if you can tweak it a little bit also if your switches turning on your TV or ceiling an input when you dock it go back to TV settings on the console and turn match TV mode to off the default setting is on so you definitely have to make sure you go in and look at it this should solve that problem it up next number two of the folks over at little pointed this out and this is something huge and it's probably in your best interest to invest in a screen protector if you head over to glicks alow and check out their article about it you can see that their switch has gathered some pretty serious scratches on the bottom left hand corner and they're saying that's from the dock it's pretty easy to miss the USBC port on the dock so you do usually have to jiggle it until it clicks into place and even if you do it carefully you'll still eventually happen to scrape the console against the dock so add screen protector is definitely a good idea if you don't want to scratch up your console and if for some reason you can't get a screen protector right away there are some quick fixes you can find online me personally I laid a microfiber cloth on the inside of the dock so the front of the console has something besides plastic to go up against and I think this will work until my screen protector comes in so definitely be wary of when you put your console into the dock and finally a number one just some quick little things to wrap up with quick if you tap the battery icon on the home page it'll give you the battery percentage or if you hit the ZL and Zr buttons it'll do the same thing but if you don't like looking at your battery percentage that way you can go into settings and there's an option to turn on so you can have the percentage shown at all times on the home screen to get to that you go to system settings from the home page and then once you're in that menu you scroll all the way down to settings and you'll see it right there and before you go and spend the $70 on a pro controller do make sure to spend some time with the joy con grip it might not be as bad as you think it's actually pretty good also those really nice Bluetooth headphones you bought I hope you're really excited to not use them because the switch doesn't support bluetooth headphones which is a big miss I don't know how Nintendo that slip by it also can't use low impedance headphones without the help of an amp so that's kind of a bummer too and if you didn't know your joy Kahn's do work with PC Mac and Android devices and don't forget to register your physical games for a nintendo rewards you're gonna hit the plus button while having the game selected and you'll see exactly how to do it so those some quick tips that are definitely worth knowing if you picked up a Nintendo switch or if you plan on getting one but I want to hear from you guys meet me down in the comments if there's anything I missed please let me know and if you have any other quick tips you might want to share with a fellow commenter go ahead and do it and hitting that like button really helps us out and if you didn't know we put up videos like this every single day and the best way to get them is with a subscription to the channel and once again i'm andrew the new guy and i'll see you guys next time right here on gamer eggs
Channel: gameranx
Views: 8,292,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, nintendo switch tips and tricks, nintendo switch tricks, nintendo switch hacks, nintendo switch help, switch games, nintendo gaming, nintendo switch facts, nintendo switch news, nintendo switch secrets, gameranx, gaming top 10, top 10 nintendo switch
Id: VNRuzCohElk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
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