7 New DIAMOND Weapons that Could Be in Minecraft 1.17!

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in this video i'm showing you seven diamond weapons that i wish minecraft would add to their next update because they're awesome probably won't happen but that's why we're making this video and it still manages to work as you can probably tell we've got captain brianna behind us blasting on our ship right now look at this guy seems dirty old keith so down here you probably know every pirate ship has cannons now unfortunately these cannons are not going to be powerful enough to damage the enemy [ __ ] but that's why we have this this right here ladies and gentlemen is the diamond cannon which brings us to the first weapon i would love to see minecraft add to 1.17 not saying they will but if they did it would be sick i'm also low-key tired of breanna harassing me in the chat uh check this out man look at this look at this one of these oh so basically the diamond cannon shoots a massive block explodes diamonds literally everywhere oh my gosh oh whoa almost got hit by a cluster of diamonds we're aiming for brie come on come on yes direct impact also by the way i have no idea who these people are on my ship um i don't know who toothless bill is i don't know who freed jack this guy over here free jack mick what nate is does does any please let me know in the comments if you know a person named mick m-i-c-k do not know anybody named that we've got don pedro toothless bill and last but not least scurvy legs mcgee who apparently can just walk through blocks can i shoot them oh boy the enemy ship has been defeated which means we now get to loot them there's something in specific i was looking for in their ship and it is this the magic compass because this is going to lead us to our next diamond weapon also listen if you like diamonds as much as i do do me a favor and leave a like on this video so now the magic compass should lead us to some berry chat ah yeah yo it's right here oh it's it's literally right on top of us told you so these are items that we need to make the next diamond weapon these are springs which we're going to be needing there should be like one i think there's one more chest hole i'm gonna see if i can get perfectly on top of it i think it's right here come on jackpot okay so now we've got the diamond boxing glove and then three pieces of diamonds make ourselves a little crafting table put her down over here bro all right now check this out use the springs with the diamond boxing glove and you get the diamond boxing glove it lives up to its name saying ultra overpowered diamond boxing glove this thing's insane beautiful people today's video is sponsored by spider tech tape this is so easy i also low key i'm looking like a superhero right now too oh if you are like me and you play video games for a long time this is supposed to help you with fatigue cramping it's also supposed to help with your grip strength and because it's a muscle support system that means you can game for longer and harder if you guys want to check out the spidertech tape link is down below in the description apparently the drowned are angry that we took their treasure so press f to hold and charge up your diamond boxing glove then i think you release it yo you okay i don't want to release it right here oh oh that's so sick i'm going in the middle let's go but every single drown that gets tagged by the boxing glove ends up turning into like diamond why is there a chicken does it work on okay i'm going to step over oh you are chickens oh i feel bad i turned that chicken into nuggets okay come on three more drown three more drown yay oh massive explosion as well for all p-dog uh you know what the diamond boxing glove has become a lot more cool than i thought listen let's let's let's listen up okay before i go into this temple if you see a red subscribe button please make it great because there are ninjas i feel so ridiculous to be saying this there's ninjas on the inside of this temple and they're not very nice as you can see they deal a lot of damage all right but i want their weapons you see that weapon they're holding it's like a diamond shuriken and i want it come on yeah give me a little oh look at these look at these i just got 16 of them oh wait a second i just blew some of them up look at this oh what is that what is that no whoa hold on whoa whoa whoa all my items just disappeared from my inventory all right check this out look at this look at this you can just spam these these things this might be more overpowered than the diamond boxing glove you just press f and you start spamming these are they all gone is that it i mean i knew this was gonna be a fast one but i know it was gonna be this fast look at this temple dude this temple's insane it's so big super sharp ancient shurikens the diamond shuriken listen i don't know why but one of the ninjas dropped this a black cloth ancient cloth from the ninja guards and then we've got a very simple stick this is the diamond core i need this i'm probably going to anger the ninja guards but i don't even care give me this come on yes the diamond wand look at this okay this actually looks really really cool all the harry potter fans i think the wand is backfiring like in the harry potter movies because look at this i'm pretty sure i'm getting damaged from the wand right now what rune of mastery wait can i just attach this to oh i can does it do anything i really should know this considering i made this video oh there's way more zombies wait a second oh oh oh what okay oh oh oh frick frick i don't know what i did i put that mastery route on look at this look at this i can now pick up the ninjas and i can throw them wait a second but if you press f again they explode this wand is almost two oh whoa whoa whoa okay if you hold the right click button you just start floating look at this how sick is this is so cool i'm gonna throw the zombie into the other zombies yate okay that did nothing oh that did something explosion oh that almost got me half a heart one of my dreams oh yikes okay we gotta be careful that explosion feature of the wand is mighty dangerous all right you know what ninja i'm not going to make this a painless death ninja i'm sorry i'm popping away oh he just we spontaneously come busted and then died oh dude look how cool this is like so i'm putting this down on the ground right i'm just gonna capture this because look at this look at how cool this one looks listen i'm not the biggest fan of harry potter but if they had a diamond one in the show i think i might be more inclined to watch it because this is epic oh man don't even ask i have infiltrated a military base of operation i don't know why i'm laughing so much i'm just having too much fun anyways there's a secret diamond weapon being developed in the explosives barracks i used to call it barack's i was so convinced that it was baracks not barracks or is the other way around no it's definitely barracks anyways inside of here we have the diamond cactus grenade what was that sound emergency hold the phone ladies and gentlemen oh this is more ninjas i feel like the last three diamond weapons i've done nothing but ninjas all right i'm gonna try throwing one of these down oh oh my god what what threw down one diamond cactus grenade all of the ninjas are gone oh oh okay so i think what happens i oh wait a second wait a second so i've only thrown one of them down and they finally just wait a second look at this it like turns mobs nearby it turns them into other cactus towers that was one grenade by the way literally only one so out of curiosity for the sake of science i'm going to spawn 200 zombies and see what this does i just spawned 200 skeletons and look at what is happening oh my gosh i think i broke my minecraft server look at this slowly but surely through the lag the cacti are taking over the skeletons who thought it was a good idea to let preston decide to sponsor what if you ever get nervous in life guys just pet the cactus jones plushy at prestonstyles.com i'm coming to give him a scratch right now we are still lagging we broke the server we are back at the military base there was a lot of nonsense i have learned not to spawn in that many monsters while using the diamond cactus grenade but the next weapon we are going to be making we have the gun body the weapon body and the weapon barrel and then we need this literally i know it looks ridiculous but we need a lot of diamond sword what is this why why why i need to i need an answer to this sh why why do we have seeds that are named shotgun shells i'ma think on that one a little bit anyways you combine the weapon barrel with the weapon body and you get the diamond weapon the reason we needed the diamond swords is because this actually launches them as ammunition if you think about it for a long time this is a very expensive weapon because it's two diamonds and one stick per use and now we have what what happened to the ninjas they are now cactusified ninjas also what happened to all the soldiers there were like so many soldiers here and now they're all gone all right check this out boom [Applause] literally mows them down in one shot i think this might be our most overpowered this literally may be the most what is the canned beans that is lapis lazzo i think that this may be the most overpowered weapon we have made so far in this video i mean i love overpowered stuff so i'm not complaining but this one's kind of crazy low-key okay but i i gotta try this one more time i'm going to spawn 200 more ninjas because okay watch watch this look at this uh can't we get them all in one shot come on 200 mobs gone with a one shot that was crazy prepare your bodies for the last diamond weapon in this episode let me know down below in the comments what type of material weapons you want to see next like we could do obsidian weapons there's a lot of cool weapons we could do maybe even seven new netherrite weapons that'd be pretty sick anyways so in this chest we've got the one in mind and i love the little text flower it says don't drop this oh no don't drop the landmine anyways but now check this out okay so now that we've got our minds you think we're done we're not done and also these don't work like regular landmines and what you might think and how they work so we've actually got to collect grass see all this beautiful grass over here yeah that the cows normally munch we're munching on it now no we're not actually i put it together with the land mine and you get a die i like how it goes from don't drop this to disguised diamond landmine it is i mean i'm not gonna say the disguise is great but it's not bad i mean like would i see this i would totally see that i mean maybe not maybe maybe if i'm just no i think i'd see that 100 anyways i just want to show you guys how this works okay so we've got a bunch of mobs spotted in now when you place these down it starts levitating the nearby mobs and then it explodes them look at this look at this it's like in a way when you think about this mine it's a little bit too savage because it basically just obliterates them from the face of the minecraft earth all 50 of them no all right we're going to go up to 75 75 will it work on the 75 it will work all right time to take it up a notch we're going to go to 125 so the one thing is you've got to get them all close if they're not close it's not going to work so i'm waiting i'm trying to group all of them up i want to even yeah get this guy too and oh my god it works all right now we're going to big boy numbers we're going to 175 i don't even know if i can place it down oh my god no it works 175 man all right you know it's already time to break the server we're going to 300 there's no way this works the chances of this working are slim to none but we're gonna do it anyways for science all right here we go baby it 380 manages to work so as you can tell this was the most overpowered diamond weapon in the entire episode make sure you leave a like subscribe big shout out again to spider tech tape for sponsoring this video if you have a blessed day of your life and stuff we'll see you next time peace out everybody
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,244,472
Rating: 4.9324455 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: N6dU2rp8crc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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