7 Ways to Steal Diamonds from Creepers in Minecraft!

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hello beautiful people of youtube welcome back to another video today's video is all about stealing diamonds from creepers they deserve it they randomly explode they ruin your minecraft world and apparently some of them are genetically modified and can do crazy nonsense like this do me a favor leave a like on this video with all of our youtube videos start hitting over 100 000 likes i will permanently leave diglett on my microphone because i know how much you love him and adore him yes he is cuter than me i can't compete oh what is this a lever circuit control lock one out of five deactivated so you're telling me i gotta find four of these come on i found all the levers i don't wanna board you guys with me finding levers i found all of them and there's this master shutdown button oh i wonder what this button does cyber creeper power down all systems offline i don't know if you saw the parkour earlier but it was so high up you couldn't actually even parkour on it but now it has dropped down and is allowing our body to partake in such adventurous activities wow this is a dude this this place is so much bigger than i had realized imagine falling this high up that would be devastating okay what's in the chest hey we got the diamonds i don't know what the name was of this creeper that we just stole diamonds from but i want to leave you a very toxic message okay the toxic message has been sent we can move on to the next creeper oh my god speaking of toxic i did not realize the next creeper we were stealing diamonds from is the toxic creeper and if if you get in this line of sight apparently you explode good to know is this someone what do we do with this guy do we just punch him what happens if i oh my god i'm just stopping dude stop exploding me also did you guys see the new merch by the way isn't this cute it's a it's a waffle fire at prestonstyles.com i think it's kind of cute i mean i like waffles everybody knows waffles are better than pancakes commented down below if you were a part of the waffle gang just waffles are so much better dude they got little holes for syrup you know i know what to do i need to get um i bet hold on hold on i know i know what to do okay listen i i don't want to say why but i am used to dealing with toxic people i know that there's some kind of recipe we could probably make to deal with the toxic creepers oh look at all these random dude these are some really really random ingredients can i take this nether wart oh i can take this nether word thank you spank you very much all right where am i gonna go i'm here don't ask how i know how to make an unfiltered antidote i'm just clearly so good at minecraft like i'll make your head spin um okay wait hold on wait wait wait wait wait a second i can't okay i need i need to use a brewing stand i cannot filter i can't filter this antidote without a brewing stand why do none of them work i bet it's that one huh that is so obnoxious oh no i got oh no oh no i got a sneeze coming on oh no oh guys oh i got a sneeze coming on put on your masks if you feel sneeze coming up put on your masks you don't put on your mask that was disgusting when i'm done with these creepers i'm about to hit them with the wham bam thank you ma'am if you know what i'm saying there we go we finally found a brewing stand that works okay you put the unfiltered antidote in with gunpowder no gunpowder goes here and some of that is am i the only minecraft person who forgets how to craft things i always forget i forget every single potion recipe how to craft anything more advanced than a staircase i just i got the memory of a dead goldfish sometimes and i ain't proud about it and boom three splash potions of the anti-toxic antidote i feel like that's a big word so do i just splash it on the creepers what happens yate what is that this smoke what happened oh wait is he not oh he's not toxic anymore okay well it still says he's toxic it's lying to me i'ma splash this guy oh what is oh what what wait a second i just fell down and do a diamond vault with a bunch of diamonds okay you know i must say i'm actually um you guys know i'm technically half creeper as you can tell from my minecraft skin i've gotta admit i'm a little disappointed in the toxic creepers i thought they put up more of a fight that was too easy i am disappointed okay so i didn't really want to go to this one but this is where the shadow creepers live and we have to steal their diamonds as well because come on it's it's a listicle video it's seven ways what was that oh my god is that one of the shadow creepers that's just that gave me the creeps wait do they spawn randomly what happens if i step on this presser plate oh you get thrown back oh that's actually really sick okay so note to self do not step on the pressure plates otherwise you will get debated and teleported back oh we gotta dodge the oh no what was that no no no that was so close okay oh you do not want to step on one of these pressure plates all right i think we're in the clear i'm pretty sure this is supposed to be like really dark and spooky but i don't know if you guys know this minecraft trick on java edition minecraft you can actually go into your config settings and you can set your gamma to 1000 so you never have to worry about like the brightness or using torches unless obviously you don't want mobs to spawn i know i'm being annoying but i have to ask everybody watching this video if you have yet to subscribe please do so if you see a red subscribe button make it gray enable those notifications so you never miss out on a video i just fell to my death in lava this is what you guys did to me because you didn't subscribe i'm just kidding it's because i'm bad at parkour sometimes sometimes i can be a little bad at parkour okay i'm not always super good all the real talk i really want to do more parkour videos if you are in favor of that i need to see the likes and supports in the comments below give me that lever shadow creeper defenses deactivated i don't even know they had defenses in the first place so if they've been oh wait oh it's this this is where okay why do all these creepers have the worst defenses possible for hiding all of their diamonds i mean look at this it's almost an entire inventory of 36 stacks of diamonds and all you have to do is a couple of parkour jumps hey listen you can't say anything about creepers being bad at parkour because i'm half creeper okay unless that is holding me back for being the true actual parkour god only time will tell them as you all probably know these videos are all custom made for you guys and obviously for me to go through these weird experiences in minecraft it's kind of like a what if situation like what if in real life you could actually teleport that would be sick that's what we're doing in minecraft what if creepers actually had wings and could fly look at these beautiful people we just released a brand new preston plays life role play skin pack on the marketplace it comes with two free skins 14 in total pick your favorite career i would appreciate your support on this skin pack thank you so much they don't seem to be very dangerous i feel like i'm in the hornet's nest right now angering the queen bee by just taking their diamonds oh oh my god did you see that i almost just got thrown off oh so they do throw you off oh that's not good ladies and gentlemen the winged creepers flew they flung diglett off the microphone are they glitched oh my gosh they're glitched look at this creeper he's not even moving can i kill oh my god can i kill him please tell me i can kill him no i'm actually really upset with these winged creepers they're like glitching out i don't know if they're lagging the server or what is happening i'm actually having a difficult time taking all of their diamonds can you please i'm you're not even hitting me i don't even see you i feel like i'm in a james bond movie doing all my stunts i can't even see what's going on just give me your diamonds listen if you just let me have all your diamonds i will very politely leave you alone for the rest of this youtube video look at this they're all frozen okay i'm like this one's empty stop it stop it what are you doing i am now being forcefully levitated into some nonsensical vortex come on hey shoot me out oh my gosh i'm so dead i did it i just knew it i dig it get back up here i need backup stop it stop it diglett you were supposed to be useful to me and you are now being used let me just get this last chest let me get this chest come on come on it's not going to hurt you that yes what how did i just die all right i'm gonna approach it from a different angle thank you for the diamonds my good sir i appreciate your patronage it has to be done though stop it no no no no no let me just get the chest it's right there i can taste it let me get let me get yes i've got everything i need i don't even you can kill me you if you want to kill me go ahead and do it i've got all your diamonds it doesn't even matter stole your diamonds remind me never ever ever again to get winged creepers made they are the worst creepers i've ever had to deal with this um is supposed to belong to the gadget creeper oh yes this guy right up here look at this guy man this guy looks like i swear i've seen a guy wearing those same glasses on tick tock 100 welcome to my traps gosh golly is that preston your gadgets are such an inspiration i know you want my diamonds so let's have a gadget fight for them what is this my inspector gadget from the 90s uh i'm going to loot all of these chests and see what i can make out of them oh what is this spring boots okay oh this is sick look at this i got spring boots that's like i think i've got like jump boost too right now oh we put tnt in okay that's not good wait have i looted all the chat every single chest is empty i feel like there's another chest somewhere that i missed is it in here hello chest please no it's not in that one not in that one oh there it is iron ingot all right check this out all right you put the iron ingot with the eye of ender and a piece of redstone dust and you get the creeper switcher a device to swap places with the nearest creeper if this actually works oh my god i should probably okay and switch oh that was so sick what is this tnt displacer a tnt blasting device oh oh oh you can just chuck tnt down oh that's so cool oh and this tnt doesn't actually explode structures or does it let me i'm testing this out okay it definitely does explode structures the reason why i'm so passionate about making these custom videos is because there's so many cool things you can do in minecraft if you know how to code and make stuff why does this not exist in vanilla minecraft yet if i had a tnt launcher like this i would have so much more fun in regular vanilla minecraft let's plays look at this this thing is like this is absolute chaos and destruction i'm gonna see oh my gosh okay i'm gonna do the old butterfly click if you don't know what a butterfly click is it's where you use two fingers and you go like this so watch i'm gonna put it down on my oh my gosh look at that power i think i'm at the i literally think i'm about to break the minecraft server oh let's go you wanna see okay that's too much now the camouflage creeper does not obviously like when you steal its diamonds so we have this the diamond mask made from solid diamonds with magical powers magical powers anyways it's fancy for when you put it on you go invisible for 20 seconds and then the cooldown lets up so the objective is basically to sneak past the camouflage creepers using the diamond mask as best as possible without getting caught i also lowkey have no idea where any of these diamonds are oh no no no no no no no no don't do it don't do it come on man so if you get caught that happens you just spontaneously combust into oblivion so you've got to be a little bit more tactical with the mask what happens if i get oh so if you get spotted and you put the mask on it doesn't work you still die bro what kind of radius do these creepers have these guys are seeing me from like 10 000 feet away okay watch me be dream here for a second i'm speed running minecraft oh yeah like that speed running capabilities want to see some real speed oh my gosh there's so many of these creepers oh it's about to run out it's about to run out did we get past all of them hello oh what is this oh oh my gosh wait a second hold the phone there's literally so many diamonds i can't even hold all of that wait is there more hold on i'm gonna be extra greedy and see if i can get even more of these diamonds wait what why are you kidding me wait how did i get caught oh my god when you get caught they take all your diamonds away okay hold on let's try this one more time all right note to self do not get caught by the creepers when you have the diamonds in your inventory is there like a crafting table the only way i can take all these diamonds back is if i craft them into diamond blocks oh my god it's so many diamonds i know i shouldn't be complaining but i wish there was a way to compound even diamond blocks i don't know into like a diamond sphere i mean i don't know what you would call it exactly but that would be sick this has been our best haul of diamonds by the way the camouflage creepers know how to live these are very very wealthy individuals and now i just need to get out of here without being caught oh and by the way you probably all know this but if you guys want to shout out in upcoming videos if you get to one of the videos in the first 60 minutes your comments might have a chance to be featured over here for a shout out all right oh please don't get caught oh please don't get caught yes we have escaped with the diamonds ladies and gentlemen beautiful just perfect execution clearly never even got caught once the last creepers of the video we are stealing diamonds from i'm a little bit conflicted with these are lava creepers they are also some of the most obnoxious creepers that you can possibly ever find in minecraft oh my gosh i feel like i'm gonna fall oh please don't fall there's a lot of lava below us look at all the creepers look at them although i gotta say this they definitely they are much uglier than i am i mean look at this face it's oh no oh my god i was trying to flex how handsome i was and i died we might have found the laziest creepers in this entire episode i don't think the lava creepers move obviously we have to do something to remove the lava creepers from the chest just give me give me a moment okay give me give me a moment to think about this i am almost positive this is going to work if you combine a lava bucket with another star you get lava bait how do i know this is going to work because i am also part lava and i love shiny things oh they okay most of the lava creepers have taken the bait why did these guys not take the bait man oh they're exploding on each other hello remaining lava creepers please don't get mad at me for stealing your diamonds i appreciate your patronage okay you know what i think i've got enough diamonds i am content with how many we have beautiful viewers i am just going to go ahead and cut my losses i feel like we have gotten plenty of diamonds and revenge on the creepers in this video hope you all enjoyed thank you so much for watching stay handsome stay beautiful and i will see you well next time goodbye everybody
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,227,844
Rating: 4.9368949 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: JgB9dhgSzb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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