Minecraft But Mobs Drop Their Armor!

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today in minecraft every mob drops their armor and we need to collect as many mobs armor as we can before we can fight the ender dragon and then take his armor keith there's a strange man watching us in the distance the fbi is watching us you don't see him don't see him look at him how do you not see the fbi man in the distance look at that man oh he's gone now something's going on in this world if someone's spying on us why would they be protecting it how about this keith listen do me a favor cows are the first mob all right we need to kill these beautiful juicy besses i just got this from a cow one and boots look at that you can moo at the cake oh my wait keith i've got others do not milk me keith do not milk me please no no stay away give me that milk wait jumping damages mobs oh yeah yeah whenever i crouch it causes me to move with them oh yes keith i have the full set look at this others and all that okay you actually look like a cow right now oh oh wait keith i can eat flowers for food oh i gotta check i'm gonna try this okay hello eat it oh you right click it so you can legitimately eat the flowers fight me yes oh oh keith is actually getting the little edge you got the oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's opi bro that's op how in the world that's actually oh you know what and guess what oh this is og this is not pretty fast this is that's against the rules and you know what's so overpowered about this and being a cow is i'm literally eating the grass so my saturation is not going down i'm just a beast this is this is ridiculous [Laughter] all right i'm coming down i'm coming down i'm coming down i told you i'm coming down keith i told you i was coming down bro oh that fall damage has to be massive ridiculous how was the foul damager how was the fault we have sheep give us your blood give us your items oh my gosh one hit i'm getting what do you mean i got this sheep armor dude i've got all these you got the chest plate oh you're almost yeah we got the one at a time b what in the world is this right your toes oh you can change the color of the what in the world i don't know what i do i don't know so you can just eat grass blocks for food now you don't even have to eat plants you could just eat the blocks turn them into turquoise redemption fight preston let me see this [Laughter] something with the sheep gear has got to be busted because that's not supposed to happen oh my god this is amazing keith this is actually revolutionary i'm shearing hey keith look at me hold on my effect is on cooldown here we go oh god did you do that dude i just know it changed its color for me wait does it wait where oh you can oh you changed the sheep's color wait why is mine just doing they're not trying to change their color and it's just exploding wait how do you oh you're right-clicking that's why what are you doing no it's working it's working i can change their colors no not with that building right now whatever you have there build me right now weapon i don't know about i don't have a secret weapon i am going to duel you and i'm going to win because you're not quitting why aren't you yeah i got a cornflower and the corn flour with a bottle makes this oh that's overpowered i just made a strength potion i'm pretty sure i can one shot you now okay it's a two shot but what in the world is this right i have just entered your server to be a victim dies make potions what do we make with yellow keith yellow oh gives you a speed potion bro sheep pee speed potion keith speed a pee potion no a speed potion look at this wow he's coming for me wait wait wait keith we didn't do this hold on there was this there was this nothing going on here i just i forgot to mention when you're the cow you can do this where are you at keith i'm already collecting slime gear i need my brother oh i teleported myself to myself all right listen that is very efficient keith and i appreciate it much obliged but we need there you go there you go into some meat instantly into heat all right i'm getting all the gear so much armor from the slimes because oh yeah okay keith be careful there's too much gear on the ground there's literally too much gear oh my god this is weird keith i can see every single entity nearby can you x-ray me if i go in the lava i don't know what you're doing dude i mean the rest of the gear is kind of cute keith i mean like why don't you teleport to me why are you not teleport there you go there you go look it look like like so hey keith let me test this on you but if i if i punch you you take wait you're supposed to take reduced knock back i can't tell it's not back hardly at all do you feel like you're taking a reduced knockback okay let's take it to the surface we gotta take it to the surface to the top we go slash top oh yeah this is wicked cool mate this is mate this is what it's all about look at this no fall damage ladies and gentlemen no fall damage no full damage at all no fall damage at all keith try it out no way try it out it's actually really sick i'm going to keep all right i need to test something out for science you should take no fall damage though keith i'm sure i'm ready for the jump ring all right don't you troll me i was trying to hit you with invisible cows but it's it doesn't go that far it does not go up to your tower so jump bro you've been reading the wrong science invisibility they don't exist i see look at that no fault damage hey right in the nuts all the nuts baby all the nuts all the nuts it's november you cannot eat any nuts right now pistachios almonds all the nuts what are you doing just like empty mine right here i'll be honest i might smile okay what in the i'm fine i really i like the slime gear keith i like it i have turtles and i have chipotle yummy i feel really bad we are literally killing endangered creatures oh i don't know if i like these turtle legs keith i don't know about this man i got the chest plate right now dude looking like a turtle you're looking ridiculous i look ridiculous ninja turtles united let's go fight some crime where's my eyes oh is it on the side it's on the side it's on the side i need to see how fast i swim now boys oh my wait a second yo keith i think something's a little bit wrong with the turtle oh my gosh okay yo water race all right and yes three two one turtles together oh my god oh my god i think i can't tell i can't tell all right that's it i'm sick and tired of this turtle dude i'm sick and tired of you oh you're oh you're actually trying to go at me hey where you going where are you going tony yes keep fight fight me for real come on yes yes get out of here yes what what's going on what boom yeah yeah the turtle gear okay keith you should have read the document i gave you the turtle gear if you have a full set on you get invulnerability for three seconds look at this look at this keith hold on okay press your press he's taking no damage i'm doing it no damage is being taken right now gtp to me bro i need backup there's a lot of yeah help me out bro help me there's a lot of skeletons this one over here oh i just almost got a full set but my gears all full i've got the skeleton gear on and i don't take any of this look at this to one attack every five seconds arrows bounce off of you creepers drop music discs and all arrows turn into spectral arrows that we pick up keith what is that wait what did you just do you can summon a skeleton army to fight for you oh and they can't die go keith use your green producer army use your army bro use your battery what in the world keith i thought you're using okay this is not working out now i anticipated i got one i keep you to go quick bro [Applause] wait did you survive that oh you know you survived it dude they're dropping music discs yeah i was going to collect them and then you spawned an army on top of me well like what's the point of you i mean i appreciate the music discs but is there a point do i care and the skeleton guards don't even kill other skeletons so they're useless wait keith let's double summon our army no double summon double summon all right ready one two three oh gosh i'm going no shooting you and i it's not working i'm still okay the skeleton gear has got to go skeleton gears i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it a trash rating very weak would not rate the skeleton sket i would not recommend it to a friend i'd keep follow me you see we have blazes in the distance please come to me dude loki i think oh yeah dude the turtle set is just what you want to be at keith you know you just want [Music] keith wait tp to me i found your girlfriend no get out of here about your girlfriend we got the blaze keith we must come down guys all right get that set yeah you get back here you can have the first set let me get the next one oh god please let the boots look so good oh yes that's what i'm talking about baby oh give me that place gear yeah yeah yeah yeah the gear is so fresh homie the gear is oh keith i got you got you turn around no no never mind i don't have any this is the freshest gear i've ever seen in my entire life keith i got a chest plate here take it take it take it like actually this gear is so cool look at this wait see you yes this one versus all the other gear sets this one's the sickest i also am loaded with arrows right now i have no arrows on my body wait keith oh wait would we actually get slow falling keith i don't know what's happening are you shooting fireballs oh yep i'm done he's shooting fireballs on accident that is specialized that's the gear accidentally shoots fireballs he says it sets mobs nearby you on fire but then also like it's weird because like you pacify all the nether mobs you have fire and lava immunity set nearby mobs on fire but i feel like i don't know if i keith where did you go i'm just hanging out with my friendly mobs i'm trying to set the gas on fire but he's very far above me how are you doing i'm sorry for the flames he's not sorry i'm gonna set this gas on fire oh i'm not setting them on fire now the gas will not be set on fire he says no oh it does actually just a lot of damage man did it take it out in one hit it did it's a one shot i don't think we can do damage to each other though with our fireballs right here trying to meet oh wait look we're setting each other on fire that's what it is i was wondering like why are we everything's going on fire it's cause we're setting each other but i don't okay one thing i'm not getting keith am i getting oh i do have the slow i do get the slow fall okay i feel so majestic dude we slowly fall to our demise what are you doing down here keith what are you freaking doing down here man i'm sitting in the mom i literally can't see a dang thing man well you can finally kill pigmen and the other pigment nearby will not attack you that is a massive feature okay how do i get out of this lava come on get me out i cannot believe what my eyes are witnessing bestoweth upon me keith can't wait before you open the can you guess what it is i i see the chest right behind you preston i know it's winter bro it's wither that's what's trying to get you to guess okay keith keith keith keith keith i don't know how this works okay i don't know i don't i'd like we need to be very careful we need to spawn this in an area where we're not gonna just get slapped okay all trash spots whatever we're gonna make it happen let's just make it happen dude here we go here he is there he is there he is there's okay we don't have a bow this is not intelligent of us launching my phone i don't know if the fireballs are doing it is he just not moving is he just like a p oh he's moving oh gosh oh yeah he's moving we can reach him keith you can reach fireball he's going up he's going up i got fireballs going at him i'm totally not flying right now keith he's actually speed he's dealing okay that's it that's it i got this yo the fireballs do some good damage actually do they actually wait get up here keith get up here we need to oh no no okay there we go there we go use your blaze set to your advantage keith i'm not taking any damage from this guy right now i literally wait well i don't think we can fight i've ever had wait keith we can't take damage because of the blaze set i just realized that so wait if i put on something else am i going to take the fireball actually does a good amount of damage brother wait does it really make me test this out yeah oh you're actually not kidding wait wait wait wait dude let's just trap him in the corner and fireball him to death yep yep yep oh that's actually cellope oh he's moving he's moving keith he's on you this is perfect get out of my pocket hit him with those crits bro i gotta be careful not to hit you oh he's going to get away no the gear the gear the gear the gear whoa that gear almost fell straight into the lobby did you grab it did you get it keith i'm ready to become the wither do it preston you gain every single beacon effect wouldn't you have the head on invulnerable to all projectiles immune to withering give nearby mobs withering and then explode when attacked what if i hit you should i explode i'm not exploding okay you're dealing with way too much [Laughter] dude is it the withering effect that you're is that why i was taking so much damage yeah i think so i'm just standing next to this this mob and it's just dying does that damage you press f press f oh okay so it doesn't damage other players which makes it easy way i'm gonna use this oh it's oh it's broken off the edge [Laughter] 500 cows how many oh my god look at all this winter effect how did i i literally got long it's just everywhere you just walk in a straight line and cows are just being dead oh my god keith are we not seeing it look at all the cowgirl clearly uh weather gear is the most busted by far this is literally atrocious bro listen in order to get the final set we have to defeat the ender dragon we should probably also split up from each other because i keep damaging you a little bit all right okay let's go get the beacons get the beacons i mean if we had beds we'd be fine you're about the what about to die how you about to die we're literally all powerful and almighty they get up to the beacon oh that's not good that's okay oh keith yeah what do you mean i get the beacon you just kill the kill the enderman venderman take with her damage from you you get they just pop them if you damage the enderman they try to attack you they just insta die they explode and die in one hit this is actually so hype this is my gosh okay i'm almost dying from those explosions though wait the explosions are d why are they damaging i'm taking no d i'm taking a little bit of damage but not much i mean you've got the beacon okay wow yeah you're right there's actually quite a lot of there's a lot of damage explosions keith oh the dragon's on me i'm chasing it wait wait keep the explosion damage we might be able to kill the just go near the dragon and he might actually die low key i'm trying but i gotta stay away from you all so i'm gonna die i just saw that oh he's reading dude it's these beacons bro these kevin bacons go get him we're gonna get him this is our mom let him damage you damage to the explosions yes when i died bro this is ridiculous you can speed run minecraft for this gear so fast we have the set okay so when you put the full set on op's you on the server and if you de-equip the gear you no longer become opt on the server you know how in the past you could eat grass now you can devour a full mob i can literally eat this cow and all of my hunger goes back to full that's so cool it works on enderman too that's so cool to my knowledge enderman will no longer attack you oh that's that's crazy look at this look at this and i can eat them wait can you oh even when you're full you can still eat what this is what everybody's waiting for is the ender dragon edible i don't think so i'm desperately trying to eat this dragon and there is no like i mean i can punch him he can take damage but you can't but let me look that's so lame oh but you can eat iron golems but you can't eat dragons ladies and gentlemen you are a beautiful person i hope you enjoyed this video don't forget if you make it to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes you have a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen have a fantastic day cringey outro see you next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,673,626
Rating: 4.9021254 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: -0e76o_AWJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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