7 More COOL Locations You MISSED In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom!

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[Music] foreign new map The Legend of Zelda tears the kingdom is full of really unique and cool locations in last episode we talked about seven locations that we thought were really cool that most of you guys probably missed and you got sent in even more locations for us to go over so this is part two for locations you could have missed in The Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom now real quick guys some of these locations will be based on side quests that's just how it is there are tons of side quests in this game so some of them are just gonna line up that way but also if you want to send in your own locations whether it's something really really tiny and small that you liked in a location or a location that's really big and just interesting to you and that you thought a lot of people could have missed comment them down below and you could appear in the next video be descriptive be very detailed so I can find your spot and yeah you can appear in the next video also stop what you're doing make sure you leave a like And subscribe a lot of you guys watching this video right now are not yet subscribed so stop what you're doing leave a like And subscribe right now before we jump into the video did you do it all right I trust in you guys let's Dive In First on our list we are going to kakariko Village and there is a very interesting bridge in this game and it ties back to breath of the wild which is something I also never knew so underneath one of the bridges within the village you can actually find an Apple that's sitting underneath the bridge back in breath of the wild but in tears of the Kingdom if you go back underneath this bridge you can find two apples sitting here which is pretty interesting it's such a small little baby detail that Nintendo threw in here that many people probably would have never found um but that's just such an interesting little thing I don't know if it ties to a certain character or something but it's definitely interesting that there's two apples sitting here now like who keeps putting these apples here if there's a third game there might even be three apples next up we have Meda Mountain hot spring now this is once again just like the apples underneath kakariko Bridge an interesting detail location which I really love so there is a natural hot spring right beside this mountain and also right beside this mountain is a Cavern Into the Depths obviously Hot Springs heal you and they are very hot they're warm water hot springs the interesting detail is this game shows why the water is hot now this isn't at every single hot spring around the map as some of them just don't have this in the depths but this is a great place to see what I'm talking about so if you dive down Into the Depths right below this hot spring and go right underneath where it is you'll see two giant lava waterfalls pouring down into the cave ceiling which is very interesting so it shows that there is pools of magma and lava underneath these Hot Springs that's heating them up and we can actually fly down Into the Depths and see these very same Lava Falls once again it's just a location with a really cool detail in fact that helps to explain how things work on the map it's a really nice detail next up we have the Gerudo prison ruins now this is actually the location of one of the shrines in this game and I can already hear people complaining that this is a shrine location how do we miss it but I I can guarantee you there were some people that missed this really cool location I really want to talk about it mostly because it's really cool it is an underground Gerudo prison with multiple branching paths and gates to open including gibdos that are crawling around this place it gives a creepy vibe off and also kind of some history and lore into the Gerudo how they had this creepy ancient dungeon down here probably for the most villainous criminals in the Gerudo region which is also a little creepy it's a cool place to kind of maneuver down and you can find a bubble frog here and also lots of different sections that you can go before you even reach the shrine but the shrine location is also very mysterious for me it's one of the last jail cells in this entire area and it's blocked off and protected with multiple different levels of gates and switches and also broken floors that you'll have to move to reveal even more hidden switches who was imprisoned here that is very interesting now I don't know if they try to imprison Ganondorf once or twice eyes down here or maybe even someone more villainous maybe Master Koga or somebody but it's blocked off by lots of different subsections which makes me think it had to be somebody of mass importance before this Shrine was even placed here Cora Lakefront cave is probably one of the coolest locations that I've found so far I love locations like this that hold no real significance to the story or any type of side quests but just has a really unique looking area now there is a bubble frog down here but that's really about it tears of the Kingdom there's a really cool Ravine now that splits these rocks apart and opens up a brand new skylit cave which is amazing there's tons of holes that you can see from the top and just looking down into this thing in its multiple different layers and sections going down into the cave is a beautiful sight to be seen there's tons of luminous Stones that's embedded into the side of the rock that can also glow throughout the tops of the cave which makes it look even prettier at night than it does during the day but you can crawl down inside and there's even more layers that go deeper and you can just see the holes in the ceiling of this cake leave and it's just a beautiful place to walk through seeing the water drip off the walls in the ceiling of the cave as well gives off a really cool cave Echo sound and also the horror Blends that are below you kind of echoed throughout the cave and it makes a mysterious sound just take a listen like I said the multiple different layers that you can continue to go up and down definitely do not disappoint and it just ties into the scenery perfectly seeing the sun shine through the top of the cave is one of the most beautiful spots I've seen so far and tears of the Kingdom next up we have the spring of Revival which is a really neat area and call back to breath of the wild now if you look above ground this is going to be located directly underneath the shrine of Resurrection where link actually was revived in that pool within the beginning of breath of the wild and this is directly below it which might explain where those Waters came from this is a secret spring of Revival which might be very much hidden only for the zonai back then as you can see a statue of either Zelda or Sonia that guards it and watches over it what makes this secret spring so secret well I'm not quite sure it might be a way to heal wounds and only the highest members of Hyrule wanted to keep this known and this might be where they took people that got damaged in battle or are severely injured how ironically enough there's two pose that are sitting here in the spring of Revival which maybe they didn't get revived enough and they ended up dying uh the entrance to this place is absolutely massive as if it was a giant welcoming place and it wasn't that much of a secret because it's huge with a giant gate to get through and you can even climb to the top of this thing and see what looks like to be multiple different seating areas so I don't know if they were like rituals down there within the waters like a way to bathe yourself to become one with Hyrule or something or if it was just a big emergency healing area where they had to hurry up and Rush people to heal here but there's a lot of big Monumental seating areas and staircases that lead around this place which makes it seem like it was more than just a healing area whatever the main purpose was for it seemed like the Chica were able to use some of this water for the resurrection of Link all the way back in breath of the wild somehow maybe some of the water still seeped up to the above ground it's hard to say unfortunately the aqua Citadel didn't hold a lot of new changes within tears of the Kingdom but underneath beneath it definitely did the ancient underground Fortress is right underneath akala Citadel which is a really cool area obviously this now goes down deep into the ground instead of up on the mountain like akola but this area is also very interesting there's tons of Lookout areas all the way along the top and towards the bottom seems to be houses or some type of Huts where people either worked or did some type of training which is really cool now this is called an underground Fortress which means it probably wasn't any type of school or neighborhood or anything like that but there's definitely buildings down there where maybe they had training posts and maybe where the soldiers slept as they were training down there as you can also see lots of pose in lots of these buildings as well which made it seem like there were people that lived there there's even one building with a big pole and lots of little ones around it as if it was like a teacher of some sort this place almost reminds me of like a military training ground if anything or maybe like a last resort protection area for people and they had homes here and somehow the monsters got in it's really hard to say but if that is a home and that was like the mother and her kids that's sad we dive Back Into the Depths one last time and we go underneath tough Mountain which gives us the ancient observation deck now this area is very much a mystery which is actually a really neat reference to breath of the wild that I really enjoyed you had to do a side quest to get wabin and perda together and they did so at this heart-shaped Lake uh now enters the kingdom they're very much separated as wobbin is stuck in prison in the grudo town but that's for another time but this heart-shaped leg actually translates all the way down Into the Depths as a heart-shaped Island and on this island there's also two lovers that once was there but now they are lost souls as pose which is very sad and I wonder what the story was behind that couple but with that said there's also a giant Lookout observation deck at the very top that you can look over and I'm trying to figure out what it was for exactly as nothing's really down there but water and it's in a cavern so it's not like you can look out at much down here so what was down there at one time it makes me wonder if there was some type of giant Beast or some type of creature or something that the people used to talk to it almost kind of rebuilds this whole depth as if it was like a whole world in and of itself with different locations and just looked completely different back then and I kind of wish we could go back in time to see what this whole depths look like but that's obviously for a future Theory with the many different Lookout points and the staircases that take you to the lookout deck itself there's some really cool things to look at down here you just might have to light the way because even with all the light Roots it's a very dark location that was seven more locations that you probably missed in The Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom once again guys comment down below any locations that you found that you find to be super interesting or secretive or unique to you these could be big or small just comment them down below and you could appear in the next video also make sure you leave a like And subscribe to stay up to date on all things Legend of Zelda and tears of the kingdom and like always I'll see you all on the next one see you guys thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Nin10doland
Views: 135,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild, locations you missed, zelda, mario, Mario wonder, Super Mario Bros wonder, new trailer, locations, Mario maker 2, pikmin 4, details you missed, things you missed, Mario odyssey, Mario 3d world, Nintendo direct, Nintendo switch, switch, nintendo
Id: imUrv5IgT1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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