I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses 7

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I already destroyed 60 computers with computer viruses and in this video I am going to be destroying the 70th computer no hesitation let's go ahead and get this video started welcome back to crypto NWO ladies and gentlemen I am your host crypto NWO and in today's video I am going to be downloading a bunch of dangerous viruses onto my work PC you can see that I have this USB over here I'm going to stick this USB into my computer before I do that I'm gonna run one of my Windows Virtual machines I basically have 10 computers over here overall in the long run I have infinite computers if you've been enjoying the series the computer virus video series then go ahead and hit the like button let's try to get this video to pass 50k likes I'm gonna go ahead and get this started by opening up the first instance of Windows 11 over here you can already see that the computer is disconnected from the internet I still have all of these Christmas things that just randomly appear on my screen and that was from my last video it's dangerous computer viruses versus anti-viruses if you haven't seen that video go ahead and click the thing that just appeared on the top right of the screen it's 184 days till Christmas so you can see I'm gonna enter into the virus and threat protection settings on the computer and I'm going to turn the real-time time protection off now this computer you can see that it's completely vulnerable right now to destroy with computer viruses it's disconnected from the internet that's a good thing but we don't want that so we're going to go back into it and we're going to hit disconnect now I'm going to take this USB and stick it into the computer it should ask me to allow there you go you can see that I have all the computer viruses lined up right over here and the first computer viruses that we're going to be opening up is the unnamed virus number one before I repeat this multiple times in the video I'm just gonna be saying this once if the virus has random letters like this and it's called unnamed virus I want you guys to watch the virus and then give me an official name for it in the comment section below that's what the dot exe file looks like we're going to go ahead and hit yes this is malware run are you sure it will overwrite the master boot record I mean why are we here in the first place so let's go ahead and hit yes oh is it oh oh I can't even touch it take a look at the video games take a look at poppy from Poppy's playtime bro is going through a trip right now as you watch this video the further we get into this video the more destructive these computer viruses are going to become everybody comments Among Us like I said this is the unnamed virus number one I want you guys to go into the comment section and give this virus a name and there we go your device ran into a problem and needs to restart we're collecting some error info and then we'll restart it for you and the computer has been absolutely Bamboozled by this computer virus press any key to boot it's going to tell me there's no operating system installed in this virtual machine go into the comments section leave this virus a name let's move on to the next virus we're gonna go ahead and open up the next instance of Windows 11 so we can download another computer virus now the computer has been recovered the background changed for some reason but these Christmas things are still popping up 184 days till Christmas you can see that we're disconnected from the internet right now I'm gonna go into the virus internet potential settings in terms of real-time protection off now that we're safe to put the USB in the computer we're going to put the USB into the computer allow and now it's going to open the contents of this USB drive the next computer virus that we're going to open up is called the pherom 1.0 virus you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device pheromone.exe yes this program has the potential to destroy this computer it can disable CMD prompt registry task manager and run it and completely wipe the C drive now this is a dangerous computer virus let's go ahead and hit yes are you sure that you want to continue if you made it this far please remember that Sky the fox is not responsible for any damage done as I've told you about what the malware can do and have warned you about the malicious code behind this program be careful now we're gonna go ahead oh my God look at the buttons yes oh bad choice oh my God look at the files okay I'm disconnected from the internet oh my goodness oh this is bad oh this is terrifying this is what my computer looks like right now it says bad choice oh oh Lord have mercy oh my God epilepsy warning has been in effect since the video has begun you guys know this computer virus videos these videos aren't meant for you if you have epilepsy get out of here oh my God this is so bad so my computer is all black oh my God it says OMG toxic iron dye wow this is terrifying everybody OMG in the chat right now if you're in the premiere if you're not in the premiere why haven't you subscribed yet subscribe to the channel so you can watch this when it goes Live on YouTube dude this is bad what happened to my background oh [Music] oh dear God yo shout out to the virus greeter this is absolutely insane all of these videos just get better and better the more I make them oh my God the C drive has been wiped once you restart the computer you will see that you cannot boot back into Windows system destroyed it this is powering off for some reason it had a full battery don't tell me when my freaking GoPro guy what the hell I can still use this computer the computer is not absolutely destroyed because the virus finished all of its payloads and I can still use the computer as you can see right now we're gonna go back into the folder number seven and open up the next computer virus so the next computer virus that we're gonna open up is unnamed virus number two again watch the virus see what it does give it a cool name based off all of the effects and all the sounds that come out of the virus let's go ahead and open up the next fire unnamed virus number two that's what the name looks like run as administrator do you want to allow this app from unknown publisher yes this is malware run we're gonna go ahead and click yes are you sure it will overwrite the boot sector and it contains flashing lights not for the epileptic I have been telling you the entire time let's go ahead and hit yes oh dear God what thank you what did that say can somebody in the comment section tell me what that said I just wanted to play some fortnite I wanted to play some Roblox I wanted to play some Minecraft if you want to see me do those things go ahead and click the thing that just appeared on the top right of the screen that is me putting computer viruses against games like fortnite Roblox and Minecraft it's a banger foreign the computer was still usable so I put oh my God I put this virus against the Ferrum virus and now we're gonna destroy the boot sector and now we definitely can't move back into this computer when it's done I mean look at it this is what you see right now this is what I see right now this is the fpv first person perspective dude this is insane oh my god that actually looks really cool I was thinking this zebra virus but look at those colors oh no okay dude this is insanity my calendar just popped up for whatever reason let's hit Xbox see what happens oh Xbox is opening Xbox is opening oh dear lord um oh the men's effect oh my God that's the most destruction I've seen so far in this video oh my God look at this what the f is happening oh is this Ohio did you guys see that everybody comment Among Us what's the first thing you see on the screen in text what is the first thing tell me oh no foreign there is no mercy these videos aren't fake you are watching this perspective right now how can I put the effect on this camera oh my god well that's the name of the virus right there so I think maybe the name has meaning give the virus a name though because I want to see how creative you guys can get there is no mercy [Music] oh my God it just gets worse the more you watch this video the more destructive these viruses will get no mercy so this PC got sent to Ohio and back this is the result of the Ohio PC oh my God I mean this is the typical PC in Ohio oh well uh oh my goodness your device ran into a problem and needs to restart collecting some air info 100 complete and the virtual machine has been absolutely destroyed now I'm gonna open up the third instance of Windows 11 so we could download yet another computer virus you can see that we're disconnected from our internet I'm gonna go into the virus into our protection settings and turn the real-time protection off and I changed the background to the original Windows 11 background so now we're going to take the USB and stick it back into the computer and now all the computer viruses should pop up on this computer there we go the next computer virus that we're gonna open up is called the Terra bonus virus do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device terabonus.exe or run run malware yes are you sure yes oh okay it's just oh okay oh it goes into my photos what's this why did it just open up my photos Bluetooth pairing system toast icon what the hell foreign oh this is so sick the creator of this virus did a really good job this is insanity yo put a w in the chat or put a OMG in the comment section in the background my question is what is it actually doing oh hello your device ran into a problem and needs to restart we're collecting some air info and literally started for you 41 complete 81 complete 100 complete and the computer has been absolutely obliterated again we're gonna take that virtual machine and show it in the finder so we can send it to the shadow realm and now that computer is gone forever the next computer virus that we're gonna open up is called trash destruct 1.0 we're gonna go ahead and hit run as administrator it's gonna say malware warning trash destruct exe you know what this is so I will not write a long time shout out to pankosa for writing exactly that yes oh my God this is trash destruct trash destruct oh my goodness oh wait chill chill oh my God I'm trying to close all the Christmas Shoes oh dear Lord this is insanity what does the trash look like what is my recycling bin look like Lord have mercy if you guys are enjoying this video so far I would really greatly appreciate the like button I really want this video to pass the 50k like Mark these computer virus videos have been absolutely obliterating the likes goal I mean look at this look at all the effort oh my goodness your device ran into a problem and needs to restart we just collected some error info we'll restart it for you 40 60 again it's gonna say 80 percent blah blah blah it's gonna destroy the computer no operating system found in this virtual machine oh my God we're gonna open that virtual machine in the finder and send it to the shadow realm so the virtual machine is completely gone forever we're gonna go ahead and open up the next instance of Windows 11 so we can download yet another computer virus we're gonna go into the virus interpretation settings on this computer and turn the real-time protection off hit yes and I think this USB and stick it into this computer and hit allow so we can see more computer viruses the next computer virus that we're going to open up is called Mercury C this Mercury remastered AKA Mercury C Trojan is no joke run it anyway warning total hell incoming yes operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software oh my God what do you mean wow what a complete that's not normal that is absolutely one of the most destructive viruses look at all the files look at all the files in the background mercury.exe terminated your PC oh dear Lord this computer virus terminated my PC and oh yeah PS that's not the correct time that's really bad oh we're back onto my desktop look how many files there are 198 of them mercury.exe terminated erpc poppy from Poppy's playtime's going sicko mode welcome to the games going sicko mode phasmaphobia is going sicko mode oh dear lord so that's bad dude how the hell is this even happening to my computer mercury.exe terminated your PC like that's insane dude I don't even know how this is possible how the hell is this happening oh my God everybody all right PPC in the comment section down below or in the chat if you're watching this as a Premiere your device ran into a problem and needs to restart 61 and 100 complete this computer is absolutely destroyed by yet another computer virus now we're gonna open up the next instance of Windows 11 so we can download yet another computer virus oh my God this is just getting crazier and crazier the next computer virus that we're gonna open up is called the nobelium virus the application you're trying to execute is considered malware and will destroy your PC on execute again the internet is disconnected on my computer are you really sure you want to continue creators are not responsible for any damages this is the last warning yes oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness oh dear Lord this is the nobelia virus oh my God [Music] that is one of the most terrifying computer viruses I have ever seen oh my God yo so this is what it looks like when you absolutely obliterate Windows 11 with a computer virus it just gets worse like how are these viruses created how are these effects applied I don't understand yo it's not even a computer it's just graffiti oh no the colors are actually not even colors anymore I don't even think these colors are in the color spectrum oh my goodness the nobelium virus is one of the most destructive viruses I've seen let me know in the comment section if you agree what is happening what is happening what the hell yo this is what my computer looks like right now by the way okay so there's a magic button right here actions oh oh reset it's gonna restart the computer oh oh oh no no no no no that is yet another computer virus that destroyed yet another computer on this computer the good news is I have infinite computers within this PC right here I'm gonna open that virtual machine and show it in the finder so we can delete it and set it to the shadow realm again we're opening up another instance of Windows 11 so we can download another computer virus now I'm gonna allow access to the USB on my VM and uh we're gonna let it just oh there we go the next computer virus that we're going to open up is called the Vanadium computer virus we're going to go ahead right click run as administrator do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device vanadium.exe go ahead the software you just executed is considered malware I've read this a billion times on my videos if you haven't seen this message and basically read it yourself screenshot it do what you got to do I'm going to hit yes this is the last warning the Creator is not responsible for the damage made using this malware so executed oh my God look at the edges of this so now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to turn on the virus into that protection setting if you guys want to see antiviruses versus computer viruses the Link's gonna be in the description real-time protection on it's on right now do a quick scan on my computer so now the computer virus is running but the anti virus virus and threat protection is also running right now it says no threats found but it says quick scan running all the files are going up again epilepsy warning has been in effect since the video has begun oh my goodness this is actual destruction [Music] I wonder if it's gonna find the virus I can't even touch anything oh dude this is what my computer looks like this is insanity oh dear lord bro this computer is not doing so good right now tamper protection I only can see the bottom eight of my screen open up the calculator eight zero zero eight and now it's just boob oh my God [Music] oh your device ran into a problem and needs to restart we're just collected some error info and then we'll restart it for you tipsy one percent complete oh my God 81 complete the computer is now destroyed no operating system installed on this virtual machine is gonna pop up there it is I'm gonna go ahead and open up another instance of Windows 11 so we can download yet another computer virus I'm gonna go into the virus interpretation settings and turn the real-time protection off on this computer okay the next computer virus that we're gonna open up is this Chinese named virus I don't even know what the name was I clicked it without even doing the warning I don't know why but this virus had no freaking warning Chinese name virus let me know what the name meant in the comment section this is what it is oh dear God oh dear Lord this is absolutely destructive it didn't even ask me if I wanted to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to my device I don't know why I double clicked it but this is currently what is happening to my computer right now it's not looking so friendly oh dear lord yo shout out to the creator of this virus I'm pretty sure this is from pankosa too I'm not too sure but this is absolutely destructive if somebody in the comment section could tell be the name of the virus that would be pretty hyped I'm just trying to get a good view of it oh dear Lord oh my god oh no oh no now if you ask me this is what I call Pure destruction yo I want to try operating the computer at least give me a chance to operate let's open up Microsoft Edge oh my goodness all right let's go on to YouTube it's probably gonna be a Mr Beast video on the home page oh my goodness what is it he came to meet a 13 year old but meets cops instead what the hell does that even mean this is a computer virus versus the YouTube homepage right now this is not looking so friendly fam this is a computer virus versus a Mr Beast video can I learned Mr Beast Be glitching right now oh my goodness anything you can fit in the circle I'll pay for from Mr Beast is not even a video on YouTube anymore this is a part of the virus now baby oh dear lord it's not even letting me oh my God foreign [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and hit restart on the PC and see if the PC is going to survive a computer restart and maybe we could download another virus on this PC computer ran into a problem oh my God it destroyed the virtual machine again that's so stupid anyways I have a new VM open we're gonna go ahead and run the last computer virus if you made it this far into the video and you enjoyed this video and you want to see more computer virus videos go ahead and hit the like button let's get this video to past 50k likes like I said you guys have been obliterating to get with the likes goal when it comes to these computer viruses so the like button would be greatly appreciated subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so would be greatly appreciated let's go ahead and run the last computer virus we disconnected from our Internet the final computer virus that we're gonna open up is called the Trojan XD hit run it's already on it's already on it didn't even give me any warnings oh let's try changing the background while that's happening I wonder what happened well it actually looks a lot worse over dear God oh look at my mouse oh no okay so now my screen is absolutely melting oh dude it's not good this is insanity this is one of the most destroyed okay this is probably gonna be the zebra virus oh dear God this is insane I can't even see my screen anytime if I move my mouse if I click that's the only I get a second to see my screen oh my God my trash been my recycling my files everything is going crazy right now what is happening oh dear God I can't even utilize it this is bad ladies and gentlemen my computer is absolutely obliterated if you made it this far into the video subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already put on the notification Bell to be notified the next time I upload a video on the channel and smash that like button ladies and gentlemen I want to get this video to past 50k like if you hit one of the two videos that just appeared on the screen the top right one is anti-viruses versus computer viruses and the bottom right one is video games versus computer viruses go ahead and check those videos out I know you're gonna enjoy those videos because I had selected those videos but ladies and gentlemen that's all for the video thank you guys so much I will see you in the future I love ya
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 448,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses, virus, windows 11, mercury virus, computer virus, virus computer, malware, i downloaded the most dangerous virus, trojan, iloveyou virus, viruses, downloading viruses for fun, computer viruses, destructive viruses, pc, The World's Most Dangerous Computer Viruses, crypto nwo
Id: wLgubhFywrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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