2 Cheats Yields 2 Babies: Woman Claims to Be Careful Cheater (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Fayne v. Geeter.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Fayne, you have opened two cases against your estranged husband today. The first is to prove that he fathered your four-year-old son An'twan Geeter and the second is to prove he fathered your two-year-old son, Kingstin Geeter. You testify, that you may not have been a faithful wife, but you were a careful one, and you are positive he is the father of both children. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Geeter, you are 100% certain you did not father either one of her sons. You say your wife is sneaky and is pinning these babies on you only because you are still legally married. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So Ms. Fayne, how difficult has it been raising these boys alone? It's been really difficult. My life been cut off, my car been taken due to him not helping me watch the kids. JUDGE LAKE: You know that she needs help? Yes, ma'am. But you refuse to help? It's not so much as I refuse, I just don't want to be that guy taking care of someone else's kids. And you truly don't believe these children are yours? I truly do not believe it. But you are still legally married? FAYNE: Yes, we are. How did you meet? Take me back. AUDIENCE: Aw. We met back in 2010. We did meet over the chat line. You start dating... FAYNE: Mmm-hmm. ...and then you are in a committed relationship, end up getting married. Got married after my daughter was four months old. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And then somewhere along the line, paternity questions. FAYNE: Yes. He was looking through my phone, checking my messages and, um... And upset that I was cheating with another guy. Mr. Geeter, what did you find? How did you find out? Phone rung, and it said her sister. And I know her sister's number, it had a different number, so I answered the phone, and the guy, you know, whoever he was, they didn't say anything, they got quiet, so I politely handed her the phone. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) She is always very honest when she gets caught. So, she went ahead and came clean. So, Ms. Fayne, you were cheating on your husband... Yes, I was. Why? Pretty much, I got married early and I just wasn't interested and true anymore, so I started cheating. And so, Mr. Geeter, is this the only time you caught your wife cheating? No, it's not. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) No, it's not! JUDGE LAKE: What happened? All right. This was the... Second time, and you know, the first time is very eerily similar to the second. You know, I answer the phone, and you know, the same thing. I took her the phone and she told truth about it. You know, we our had argument or whatever you want to call it. You know, she told the truth. And you know, we worked past it. JUDGE LAKE: So you worked past it? GEETER: Yes, ma'am. And then this happens again. The phone rings and there is the silence. Oh, yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: So this time, she moves out. Yes, ma'am And now you all are separated? GEETER: Yes, ma'am. How soon after that did you find out she was pregnant? Um... Couple of weeks to a month. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE LAKE: Mmm-hmm. So, take me to that day when you found out she was pregnant. When she called and told me, that, you know, she was pregnant, my only response was, "DNA test," you know. I don't want to take care of... I don't want to take care of nobody else's child. I'm sorry. I don't... But we was having sex. Unprotectedly. Unprotected. But you also had the affair during that time too, right? Yes. Protected. I was protected. JUDGE LAKE: So, how many different affairs did you have? Two. JUDGE LAKE: Two of them? And during the window of conception? It was around that time. Did you tell the other men you were pregnant? No. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) What did you do at that point? Did you stay around and help through the pregnancy and birth? Well, you know, I had to hear the truth on it. I had tried to be there for the pregnancy, you know, go to doctor's visits and do whatever I could, but this lady right here, she is very, very sneaky. She likes to do stuff by herself... Okay. I didn't need him to go to the doctor appointments with me. JUDGE LAKE: And why is that if he is the father? I just was like that. I didn't want him to come. But he is the father of my kids. And why wouldn't you want him to come when he's the father? Oh, I just didn't want him to come. And are you sure it was not because there was some level of guilt within you that this may not be his child? No, it never did come. And this was not just your boyfriend, this was your husband. Husband. Yes! Yes. FAYNE: Yeah. Your husband who was going to be named the father legally because the children are gonna be born within the marriage. Yes. And is gonna be responsible for child support. GEETER: Yes. I mean, this is the person that's pretty much on the hook for these children, but he can't come to the doctor? Okay, I'm gonna move on. I'm trying to make it make sense, but it makes absolutely no sense to me. No sense. And that right there put more doubt in my head the way that she acted around like just simple as going to the doctor's. She acted like that. That just put even more doubt in my head. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. We separated. I moved back Memphis. Once this second incident happened, I took my butt back home. You know. JUDGE LAKE: So An'twan is four. Have you developed a relationship with him? Do you have a relationship with him? I will be honest about that. FAYNE: No, Your Honor. No, I really don't have a relationship with him. FAYNE: Not at all. FAYNE: He's acting out. He don't listen, he don't have a father figure in his life. And he needs his dad. JUDGE LAKE: And so you say An'twan has really been suffering. Do you tell him and his brother that this is their dad? FAYNE: Uh-huh. He knows his dad. <i> He calls him DJ. That's his nickname.</i> He never sees him. He never come around. Anything. JUDGE LAKE: And doesn't call? FAYNE: Don't call at all. FAYNE: Not even on a holiday. Not on his birthday. For four years? He treats them different. As far as my daughter, he'll come pick her up. He won't get the boys. The boys ask to go with Dad. Maybe next time. He don't come back, he don't get them at all. Really? Mr. Geeter, you leave the boys behind, and you come get your daughter? FAYNE: Yes, Your Honor. Yes, I'm not going to shirk. Yes, I do. Simply because I don't want to get that bond with them. And it's not mine. I think that's more devastating. You know... Is it gonna be more devastating than if they end up yours and you are the father and you've missed four years of connecting with them and the child is acting out because he has no father figure and he thinks you're his daddy, but he thinks you only come for his sister and not for him? Well, I mean, it is not fair, but, you know, it's just the hand I was dealt right now. All right, so, Ms. Fayne, you didn't open just one case today, you have two. Yes Your Honor. You also have a son named Kingstin. Yes, Your Honor. And you say that Mr. Geeter, your husband, is Kingstin's biological father. FAYNE:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And Kingstin is two.</i> Yes, Your Honor. But wait a minute, Mr. Geeter. You said you all separated four years ago, so how could you be a possible father of Kingstin, who's two? If you left going back home to Memphis... Well, see, what had happened was... (ALL LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: "What had happened was." Don't lie to her. JUDGE LAKE: What had happened? Um, I was still making those trips up the road. That's what happened. If I gotta tell you the truth. JUDGE LAKE: So wait a minute. You brought your girlfriend with you. She's sitting here supporting you. She's been with you for four years. But you got a two-year-old son, potentially, with your wife. GEETER: Yeah. Now what kind of mess is this? You're right. (CHUCKLES) I mean, hey, it was a hot mess. (CHUCKLES) I agree. You know? So, Mr. Geeter, I think this is a good opportunity and a good time to hear from your girlfriend. (ALL LAUGHING) GEETER: Uh-oh. Ma'am, please step up to the podium. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) State your name for the court. I am Amanda Askew, and I have been dating the defendant for four years. Four years? ASKEW: Yes, ma'am. So, when's the first time you heard about him still going back, and visiting his wife and sleeping with her? Today. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Yes, ma'am. So, Mr. Geeter, you had not told your girlfriend in four years that you were still sexually active with your wife? And want his family back. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE LAKE: That's what he was saying? And from my understanding, he's been denying this family. But from your understanding as well, he wasn't sleeping with her. And then, you obviously were sleeping with her during the window of time that Kingstin was conceived, which was a little over two years ago. Yes, ma'am. Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty. If I gotta tell the truth. I was. Yes, ma'am. But that's why we're here. We're here to tell the truth 'cause this gonna come out one way or the other. Yes, it is. Yes, ma'am. And my granny saying, "The wash or in the dry," but it's coming out. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: And so, when you found out you were pregnant the second time with Kingstin, <i> Ms. Fayne, did you tell your husband?</i> Yes, I did call him over the phone and let him know that I was pregnant again. JUDGE LAKE: Were you sleeping with anybody else at that time? Yes, I was and that was protect... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) That was protected. It's kinda hard to believe, ain't it? FAYNE: 'Cause from my... Well, you sure ain't the one that need to be talking about what's hard to believe now. (ALL CLAPPING AND LAUGHING) GEETER: Yes, ma'am. Cheating on your girlfriend with your wife. I don't even know if that... Can you do that? How do you have time to do that? You supposed to be working ten hours a day, seven day a week. Well, obviously we weren't doing that. JUDGE LAKE: He had some extra shifts. At home. So you find out you're pregnant, you tell Mr. Geeter. Do you tell the other man, "I'm pregnant"? FAYNE:<i> I did not,</i> <i> 'cause I was sure that Geeter was the... Andrew was the father.</i> So when you had the baby, when you had Kingstin, who was with you? The other guy. And he signed the birth certificate, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And he signed the birth certificate? He did not sign the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: Do you have a copy of Kingstin's birth certificate? Yes. We submitted it to the court. You submitted it to the court. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So this is the certification of birth. And no father listed. I was under the impression, too, that he signed the birth certificate. Well, you know why he can't? 'Cause you're the husband. FAYNE: Right. He been asking for a divorce. They could have been going half on it together. They was going half. They were going half, Ms. Askew. They were going half on the bed, but they weren't going half on no divorce. Okay, you took it out of my mouth. If he want a divorce, he need to pay for it. How 'bout both of y'all pay for it? It just don't fall up on him. He can pay for it. He can pay for it 'cause I'm not. (BOTH TALKING OVER ONE ANOTHER) Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. When is the last time you had sex with your husband? It's been probably a year ago. Just about a year ago? FAYNE: Yeah. So you all were still having sex after Kingstin was born? Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) All right. Well, we here now. We can't turn around. Yes, we are. (CHUCKLES) So, there are two children here whose paternity is truly on the line. And Mr. Geeter, even though you may have cause to believe you may not be the children's biological father, you still do really have cause to believe that you could be these children's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. That's real. That's the real truth. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Now, I know you have not spent a lot of time with An'twan.</i> But have you spent time with Kingstin? He's two. No, ma'am. No. Not at all. JUDGE LAKE:<i> But you see the effects of not having a father figure,</i> and the way the children behave, especially An'twan. An'twan. He's acting out to date. JUDGE LAKE: I'm sorry? He needs his father. So what are your hopes today? 'Cause I see... I see the hurt in your eyes. What are you hoping for? Hoping to get these results so he can start being there for his kids and take care of his kids like he's supposed to and it's not all about money. He can come get them. It's not about the money. I don't have a problem with that. He can spend time with them. I just want to get these results today... Help me watch them. Because I don't want to watch another man's kids. I don't want to raise another man's kids. She can have 20 more kids and they're going to follow me? FAYNE: My tubes are tied. I don't want that. No, I want a divorce. All right, I'm ready for the results. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. This result is for An'twan. In the case of<i> Fayne v. Geeter,</i> when it comes to four-year-old An'twan Geeter, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Geeter, you... You... ...are the father. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING AND CHEERING) FAYNE: Told you. I already knew. JUDGE LAKE: You are the father of An'twan. What do you have to say? Now I'm hoping he can be in his son's life. JUDGE LAKE: Do you want to be there for your son, Mr. Geeter? Yes, I do want. I'm not one to turn my back on my responsibilities, you know. I welcome them with open arms. I'm gonna step up. 'Cause I see the acting out myself. And this is all basically what I wanted to know for sure. I'm ready for Kingstin's results. Jerome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics as well, and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Fayne v. Geeter,</i> when it comes to two-year-old Kingstin, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Geeter, you... Are not the father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Ooh! Ms. Fayne, do you know who Kingstin's biological father is? Yes, Your Honor. It's the other guy. But you said you were sure because you only had unprotected sex with your husband. Yes, but that's the only other person. Has he ever met his father? Yes, Your Honor. He denied him also. So now he's probably gonna need a test to prove it to him. Yes, Your Honor. Well, I say we're here for children, and this court room is here if he needs to have a test, <i>get the certainty he deserves. This baby deserves to know.</i> Y'all got to get this mess cleaned up. I'm sending you to Dr. Jeff right now. You all have emotional issues you need to work out, legal issues with respect to the marriage. Child support, 'cause you're on child support for the baby too. I'm on child support for all of them. Right. So now you all got to go back to your home state and work that out. So this is something you all need to start figuring out and start working on, and you need help, and we have it, and I want you all to take advantage of it. All right? If you need this courtroom, we will be here. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned. (GAVEL BANGS) (AUDIENCE CLAPPING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 485,011
Rating: 4.8418593 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 6, season 6 full episodes, tv full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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