7 FASTEST Ways to Steal Diamonds in Minecraft!

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it's no secret i love diamonds and minecraft today i thought we'd do something different where i show you the seven fastest way to steal diamonds in minecraft also you know if you like diamonds leave a like down below you don't say it if you're wondering why i'm in such a good mood but you're stealing diamonds from zombies but like you have to watch this video the entire way through because we have this this is a helicopter homing beacon we can use it anywhere and it will call in a helicopter like seriously this thing is massive but here's what we're gonna do you see all these these are homes with zombies inside of them so i'm gonna place tnt on them with the detonator this is a remote explosive so we place the tnt down with the remote explosive on top of it we can use the detonator and it'll explode everything dude this is actually this is so cool if you guys are enjoying the videos please do me a favor and if you see a red subscribe button go ahead and make it great enable those notifications all that good stuff like that all right let's get in baby oh this is gonna be so sick are you guys ready for this three two one oh check this out oh yeah okay we're eating good tonight ladies and gentlemen oh yeah fried chicken on me baby it's my favorite dinner oh no oh wait wait oh guys i think we might have a little bit of a problem oh okay hold on we need to get out we need to get out very quickly this is why i should probably play minecraft with my headphones on i didn't even hear the zombies coming all right let's get out let's go go go go go oh my fudging there are so many zombies behind us i should have saved more tnt oh my god look at the baby one the baby one so fast like usain bolt no stop it right now don't touch me there it's my no-no square no helicopter come to my rescue please yes yes no no no no come on go go go go before all the zombies get here oh my gosh the helicopter is not low enough helicopter you need to lower yourself a little bit more this is actually ridiculous wait how am i supposed to get up i think i need to get i think i'm actually going to get blocks i think i need blocks i am going to die helicopter why did you do this to me oh my god i am dying right now i did not think that the helicopter would actually imp okay this is ridiculous this is ridiculous could you please lower yourself just a little bit come on thank you thank you that was almost the most distasteful escape in minecraft history i literally feel like i got six pack abs from laughing so much that was great hi beautiful people we're stealing diamonds in the quickest manner possible you just need a padlock a couple of pink dyes pink tulip you get the pink lock box you can open it one time but if you want to open it for a second third fourth fifth time you have to have the padlock key also can you get a zoom in on this like do you guys see this i'm going gray i'm 26 years old could you imagine me fully grade with how young my face looks that would be actually ridiculous but anyways back to the video this is clearly girl one two three four's house we're gonna put the lock box down over here put a nice alluring sign i'm safe please put your diamond oh okay you can't put please put your diamond inside of me perfect not suspicious even in the slightest all right i'm gonna back up i'm gonna drink up my invisibility potion wait for girl one two three four to log in and see if she takes the bait yes look at her she's taking the bait oh no no no no oh dude i forgot to tear down my crafting table please there's nothing suspicious here there's nothing suspicious ladies and gentlemen if you love diamonds as much as me go and leave a like down below on this video i'd appreciate it yes continue to take the please i just noticed this guys but the ribbon on the back of her head looks like a creeper does anybody else see that it looks like just like not perfectly but like a little bit looks like a creeper on the back listen here a woman this video title is the seven fastest way to steal diamonds and you are taking a very long time for the first wedding still diamonds can you just put them in the chest already oh there we go yes yes okay we see diamonds ladies and gentlemen we got em i see diamonds in the put them in the basket yeah put that chicken in the basket yes yes yes oh oh all right this is perfect cake can you stop jumping up and down on the chest and just go ahead and leave oh i get okay so she's trying to oh this is what i was telling you about she's trying to open it again and she's not able to she opened it once to put the diamonds in which means she can't open it again unless she's got the padlock key the padlock key i have the padlock key oh she's inside okay we gotta go go go go very quickly grab the diamonds and get it i think she went back inside to grab a tool to break the chest with but it doesn't matter because it's already empty oh this is okay this is kind of sad this is this is guys can we get some sad emojis in the comments right now for girl one two three four i am literally about to blow your mind right now do you see what's in my inventory so as awkward as this may seem this is my son's house i don't have one in real life so i had to have one in minecraft but that's not the point the point is this is the point using space dust which is apparently found in the depths of space and snowballs what a combination can we just appreciate that combination for a moment space dust and snowballs but what do you get when you combine them you get the black hole bombs and then look at this okay dude i can't i i can i just i can't i can't literally i need to just have a moment with my cactus jones plushie at prestonstyles.com because this is gonna be great also look how cute he is could you tell he's my son okay we are delaying this for long enough look at this you just chuck this in the air and it will start absorbing the diamonds from the house and we've got four of these so check this out we're just gonna keep throwing them oh dude this is so sick oh no but i have realized a substantial problem ladies and gentlemen i've thrown the black hole bombs above the home and therefore i'm unable to collect as many diamonds as i had originally wanted to collect oh my god dude i'm so dumb oh please can we get some 10 iq preston comments down below i cannot believe what i just did i need to get up to the top of the house look at this literally all of the diamonds are up top i am such a smooth brain sometimes yes there we go this is so much better gotta admit though like literally why do black holes not exist in vanilla minecraft if they haven't added those to vanilla minecraft yet when are they gonna add them everybody wants it also what is going on over here what are those omg dad no stop i'm going to tell mom well joke's on you brianna doesn't even know how to play minecraft well half the time so it doesn't even matter also can we just have like a moment to appreciate how many diamonds my son has compared to some of these other creatures things on the server i mean we've been sitting here for a good three minutes and the diamonds haven't even stopped rolling in i mean the diamonds are continuous i love the stealing diamonds videos this has got to be one of the best payoffs we've ever seen in the stealing diamond series because literally just raining diamonds from black holes you do you like being called beautiful i call you guys that all the time and i don't know if it's a offensive but i think you are beautiful anyways the reason i'm laughing so hard is because apparently you can combine these items and make a magical fairy wand um we're at brianna's house currently as you can probably tell because it's much cleaner and more organized than mine preston you stealing everyone's diamonds is getting so repetitive how many times have you done this now like i have hidden mine away where you will never find them so don't even waste your time okay that's a little hurtful i get it the diamond series has been overdone a little bit too many times that's why i'm doing the seven fastest way to steal diamonds i was trying to change it up i swear oh yes you were all wondering what the magical fairy one did well when you right click the person you basically have mind control over them and they will do whatever we want them to do so please take me to thy hidden diamonds also if these are hidden diamonds they are not hidden very well i could have found these so easily oh she's so mad you know she's laughing but she's mad at the same time look at this nonsense man these are not even hidden i just want to take a moment like i have done i've been playing minecraft for so long that you cannot wait can you oh okay that one was pretty good i will admit it that was a pretty hidden chest wait there's another one does she have diamonds inside of the chicken wait a second you can eat diamonds and a chicken that seems like it's against the geneva convention why would somebody hide diamonds inside of a chicken okay that one's also very easy to find so far the only diamonds that i think that are hidden has got to be the one under the carpet i probably wouldn't have found that one all of these other chests i would have found so easily yes give me the diamonds how many you got woman she got a pretty good amount of diamonds no cap not as much as our son but a pretty fair amount oh shoot i forget the mind control doesn't last long guys we're gonna bounce let's go let's go let's get out of here listen bree hey listen it's nothing personal okay it's just in minecraft don't take it too could you imagine i didn't even look i do i didn't even look both ways before crossing the street that's a big no-no guys the moment you've all been waiting for noob one two three four i literally haven't seen this guy in one of my videos in so long it's time to bring him back ladies and gentlemen so what we've got inside of our inventory over here is a lot of complicated doodads but fear not i will simplify these so have you ever seen the room buzz it's like the little tiny robot vacuum cleaners that rich people have inside their houses i have one is that two satire z sean is that two satire it's trying to be funny but maybe it's too satire anyways these are basically they're like diamond roomba bots well all right so we're gonna place these down oh my gosh look at these man look at these oh i think i put two inside of each other they're actually kind of cute oh yo they have like a looking looks like a mob from the nether and as always keep that invisibility potion going strong hit the remote ah hello noob one two three four how are you doing oh yes oh omg robos i love robos i feel like i've never seen him talk like this before ever i'm going to go and activate said robots so they're actually like look at this they're so slow also one is i think one is definitely glitched like there's two two of the robots are inside of each other but look at this they're literally just slurping up the diamonds oh this is so sick this is so dude this is awesome imagine having these in like a major city and it just collects coins that were like left on the ground or in trash cans or whatever this is so cool he's like stop he's like stop stop it now now listen noob i can't stop man you know once a prank has begun the prank doesn't stop until it finishes oh yeah and then when they finish getting as much diamonds as they can hold they they explode and then just leave behind all the diamonds i gotta say though i'm a little disappointed in the diamond count right now there's not a whole lot of diamonds each robo is giving me like 32 diamonds i left you alone in the video series for a long time so you could get better at minecraft and clearly you've not been practicing this was a very sad moment this was more of a sad moment for me than noob yes he did have his diamond stolen but i also only got two and a half stacks of diamonds was it even worth it i don't know you have to let me know in the comments okay listen the next way i know this seems suspicious but i promise you i'm trying to be as least suspicious as possible this right here is the mayor of the town that we are playing on i need a sample of his dna don't ask me why i'll show you later okay it seems creepy don't worry about it all right don't be suspicious so this right here if you haven't watched my videos before this is another character that we always have in our videos this is pro1234 he's basically like me um but even more confident in his abilities we got a competition new minecraft challenge obtained the most diamonds in less than 10 minutes to be crowned the ultimate minecraft player all right now we got a slurp up here we go disguised as mare that's why we needed the dna okay don't make it creepy don't make it weird listen i don't know if you guys have i have i am a sweat in video games that i play so is a lot of my family members and my friends and a good sweat cannot resist a tempting challenge such as this this is so easy i can do it my sleep how much time is left you have about 60 seconds what are you just doing standing there man what okay i get to win no problem be right back bro how much do you want to bat he's gonna mind the diamonds from the top of his house one million percent he's gonna wait does that say pros that does literally the diamond says i gotta admit though he's got a dope house i could not build something this amazing yeah i could probably build that the foliage i think i could do this don't think i can do look at this man's just going ham he's got his nether right pickaxe out i think 20 seconds let's speed it up homie i'm pretty sure the mayor doesn't talk like this could you imagine america being like yes beat it up on me but i'm the man also why does the mayor look like he's 12 years old i think this guy is too young to be a mayor i mean even got a mouth oh yes yes what a dumb phenomenal job absolutely phenomenal this is the most incredible job i've ever seen somebody doing minecraft in my entire life incredible job yes thank you for your donation no peace we out of here baby he goes hey get back here with my diamonds i'm sorry tony baloney imagine imagine getting bamboozled that hard dang that that's a tough pam that's a tough bamboozle right there this might be the fastest way to steal diamonds we've got a frog potion and you know what that means look at this we have unspeakables house look at how many freaking frogs this guy has in front of his place eh no i'm not canadian but i did live near the canadian border for a year so i'm allowed to say a a for all you fellow canadians out there watching guys check this out look at this little secret tunnel oh yeah look at that oh hello mr unspeakable game i could see you from a mile away over here brother also can you just i love you i just love being a frog wait am i going the wrong way no no this has got to be the pond he's got a pond downstairs in his house this is how you know this man's has got money and money in minecraft means diamonds baby look at this you can't even can't even tell you got too many frogs nathan too many frogs also like some of your frogs are uh not the smartest okay but look at this look at this i can spam my tongue by left clicking oh my gosh oh this is op this is actually the most overpowered way to get diamonds i've ever had in a minecraft video look at all these diamond blocks what are they doing just out here in the open this is insane this is actually so sick we have 56 diamond blocks and we ain't even done yet we ain't even done yet oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no potion don't you be running out potion no no no no no oh my gosh the transformation is right now did he notice oh he definitely noticed he definitely noticed ladies and gentlemen don't forget to comment the first 60 minutes of a brand new video being posted you have a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen thank you so much for watching have a fantastic safe day let me know what video you want to see next to you beautiful people
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,011,679
Rating: 4.9326925 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: a_DXrY8EFgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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