7 Day Solo Primitive Survival Challenge

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there you go welcome to this adventure all I'm using is ancient primitive Maori tools clothes I'm wearing and with me I'm taking just one life jacket in case I'm silly enough to venture out there with what I can make up down one tree and plant two and these little saplings off the animal Trail we're never going to live up the top so I brought them down that's one and there's the second one there which I've just put on foreign this beautiful green stone chisel when I was living in the bush at 15 years of age this is how to Kiki and it's rope it's many things this is a much easier way to get my Timber and we're just about at the hut [Applause] foreign first bar for my bed I cut each piece of canvas right at the base and it's looking pretty good I've got some bits of pine in between and flex and that's our final bit of punger for this wall that fell down on my head didn't fall from far but far enough to light me up a little bit foreign bound with a piece of flax uh pitch and hit secure now we have a space in our room which is a bit more private and then during the daytime I can use it and take it away from here and put out the front of the Hut as sort of a lean to keep the sun off when it comes down here well she's not flash but we can stay on that and that's what we're going to do for the next seven days because the weather's looking really good all right good morning it's day one and it's just a beautiful morning Sun's about to come up and I'm just going to go and do some foraging see what we can find this looks like a piece of beef bone this is actually a really good score still pretty tough but I've got some splinters and uh with that you can make a gouge and get it sharp at both ends like this and uh put flex around that there and that's a um it's lodging the fish's throat it's cool oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] around it each one around that it's going to be a an x-long piece it's now on the real good wind so it's starting to move faster but this fish jumping bright right now well the Kentucky itself works good it's got the line right out there and I've got plenty of line but I didn't catch a fish not to say you can't catch a fish but I didn't catch a fish this time we're harvesting these Pacific oysters delicious oh yum I need to have made the bag so far while blackberries a great antioxidant high in vitamin C delicious very good for you very healthy it's a little green Kentucky they're not that big this is the kawakawa berry sweet edible it's actually a diuretic but also has anti-inflammatory qualities it's going to help my swollen up thumb don't eat too many otherwise you'll poop and pee a lot something put me in my sleep last night [ __ ] shellfish make a great bait but if you cook them like I'm doing here right now in this hot rock in the sun they'll dry up and shrink and they'll stay on your hook where you gouge a lot longer let's tie it on a little bit of muck a rope and a roof knot so I'm going to put the garage through here and through here but we're just gonna put some mocha rope around that as well again I'm finishing my tie up with a reef knot to ensure that it stays on nothing it looks like there's been a fish on there but it's it's all tangled and it's got off oh we got fish I got fish oh you're Beauty she works gouge works the hook doesn't work we have fish and that is legal there's my hand span there and two fingers after that is 25 and that's about a 27. okay you can see where the Hook's going down inside his mouth bloody hard to get out too [ __ ] that works Almost Lover oh that's good yeah just stood on my piece of wood I've made for heaps of times with sticks but when I need it the most I think I'm tired and I'm making mistakes because I'm tired anyway good night folks I'll see you in the morning I'm shattered gonna turn this off and sleep ilize it in a stick for the dust come back in about maybe three minutes it's gonna take a while to build up some dust and smoke foreign good thing about this is it's all Native mahawi Kanga no Pine on there and that's uh it's gonna make this just taste so much better it's almost like smoking it oh yeah you can smell that now starting to cook thank you nice hot Embers and their rocks pretty much frying a fish on it oh it's what it seemed like I'm a hungry boy oh next level um if you go and catch another one I think I'm going to try and build a boat that's enough it's about 10 on each bundle we're making tie them with flex at each end strong go through here and then I'm splitting the end like this so it becomes two and I'm gonna go under one of the stalks back around just keeps it tighter back through making a reef knot here keeping everything really tight using my toe to hold it that's our first two bundles together foreign good very good it's a pedal all right foreign thank you foreign there's a couple of birds working just over there they're catching Kawaii diving the question is will this uh look a be too thick for my lure I'll show you my lure this is made out of power bone hemp and Poinsett a little bit skeptical about my strands hanging off but it might be too much I've got a slight offshore Breeze about four or five knots of the sail up and I'm just correcting this up you see point just over here I've gone down the coaster we way let's just jump right beside me here so I'm gonna put the lure back out and uh hopefully that can smack it come on baby come on [Music] cool cool yeah oh I didn't take it didn't take it let's get some some distance yeah they're here we can catch a fish it's gonna be patient Jumping All Around Me all around me right here and the birds were out just out here and now they're back in over there you can see them working the water we're going over black water that means there's a little fish look there's Kingfish and Kawaii in there we catch Cowboy here maybe gonna use our lure tying my love but my boat's been tested in these waves whirl his boat for showers where I was going to catch a kawaii on this if I was going to put there the same fish it's too uh shows too much and we've got too many ways coming in here too I'm gonna get a wet ass so far the gouge is the only thing that's caught fish so nothing on the uh power lure so we'll put this over and see if we can get some uh some bites got plenty of muscle bait so I'm using dual marker because they're I don't wanna break so the ones come up we're moving quite good she's actually uh taking us along probably about oh no two three knots so I've got a lot of paddling it's about four o'clock in the afternoon being out all day and uh loving it really loving it pretty bloody awesome that wind is just like pulling that up nicely not too much not too hard on the boat and we're just going down the coast I've developed a huge respect for Maori that lived here and out to your right and fished using just primitive tools it's so hard everything's 10 times as hard so I've learned a lot by doing this will I do it again this way I'm not sure about that I miss my knife almost a sharp knife I must tools having said that I gained a lot of knowledge thank you for watching and a hearty thank you to my patrons who enable me to have these sorts of uh holidays and that's what it is it's a holiday away from reality without you guys I couldn't do this and make these videos so thank you very much if you enjoy this content uh then subscribe to my patreon doesn't cost much and you'll see all the inside uh stuff that goes on I kept patrons up to date on a daily basis when I was doing this in real time and give it a go yourself step out of your comfort zone you'll be uncomfortable but you'll come away with something that's hard to put a price on hard to explain and be good you can't be good be careful well I'm gonna Chow Down my uh snapper in my mallet and tomorrow I'm gonna walk out thank you official when I get home is I'm gonna have a coffee foreign foreign
Channel: Clay Tall Stories
Views: 2,753,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clay tall stories, clay tall stories fishing, clay tall stories catch and cook, clay tall stories cabin, primitive technology, primitive building, primitive survival, bushman, new zealand, kiwi, hunter, foraging seafood, fire making challenge survivor, fire making with sticks, snapper, how to make a raft, solo survival catch and cook, clay tall stories hunting, hand drill fire, fire hand drill, bow drill fire making
Id: WbD-XkNQew8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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