GIANT MUD CRAB - Catch and Cook - SOLO CAMPING No Food Alone Out Bush

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ah what have we got here what have we got a gar fish on oh it's a catfish three two one get up yeah doggy bang There we go what is going on my doggies welcome back to another one 24 hours camping Solo in a mangrove forest that is what is about to go down we're on the hunt for some monster monster crabs oh I've just unloaded a tent and a couple of camping things way up there in the bush so so my backpack is quite light right now we've got a big steam ahead of us today we've got to find a monster crab I've got a crab hook I've got one little hand line and that's all we've got on us next 24 hours we're going to be out here in this mangrove forest trying to find food trying to sleep in a bloody tent with all these sand flies and mosquitoes it's gonna be a grind strap yourselves in we're hopefully gonna put a monster crab around the fire here we go here we go check this out that there's a mud crab hole foreign kicked up there big fresh mud crab hole let's see if anyone's home empty it's got to be very cautious out here while I'm walking around obviously I'm out of your ball myself no one has any idea where I am and there are crocodiles out here so sleeping in a tent is not a great idea to be sleeping in crocodile country but it's something I've wanted to do for a bloody long time just got to stay very very cautious when we're near that water's edge because we are up here in crocodile country and uh that's not a good way to go that is what we're looking for that is a big hole man all that dirt kicked off around the slide has a big hole right Big Mama it's empty it's not even that deep look that's how deep it goes it's nothing how weird is this some little birds being attacked you can see all the bird feathers you can even see a little little bit of blood there but the strangest thing is there's not one footprint like this is very muddy stuff any animal cat fox dog leaves footprint behind there's no print anywhere what the hell what happened here could have been a Hawkeye Big Hawk come from up up Sky boom took it from here the only explanation hectic MD this here is a very decent crab hole look how deep it goes stick it's over a meter and a half long that crab oil no one home but no it's empty you're kidding now this crab oil here is showing us some pretty good signs see this mud here that's been freshly digged up or dug up should I say you have a look there's another beat inside there that's freshly chopped up mud let's grab this crab hook see if anyone's on definitely got the signs of a crab bang in here but uh there's no one home again that one's empty whoa now that is a mud crab hole come on come on empty you're joking oh that was so close get here oh that was so close there he is there look get out of your hole mate oh all right there's a mud skipper right there he just went down oh no he's right there we need some sort of bait I've gone through about 15 to 20 crab holes right now none of them are providing the goods so we need to find some bait or the very very small crabs like this big or mud skippers or something like that I'm gonna start going into Plan B right now I've checked way too many holes come here oh come here come here come here no where did it go [Music] lost it ah gotcha I think I got him here we got him yes that's good that's very good here he is look at this little thing Buddy Holly is alive little bugger just like that he's asleep we got a beautiful little mud skipper here what you can do is you can just quickly bite behind their eyes it'll put them to sleep straight away but that there is what you call a mud skipper they jump around on the reef out on the mud out here they fly and they hide in these little holes that their mud skipper we're going to turn that into a monster mud crab we've checked about 15 20 maybe even 25 holes haven't found one crab in a hole which means we're gonna have to go into the creek we're gonna have to uh we're gonna have to get deep in the creek and try to find some crabs at that right there is a mud skipper and that there is going to get turned into a monster crab we've got a knife tiny little bit of fishing line and a very I don't know if you guys are going to be able to see this this is a tiny tiny little fishing hook there so I'm gonna get the mud skipper right here we're gonna cut him in half probably use the top of my boot because we're in the mud all right we've got half a mud skipper and Chuck half of this mud skipper onto this tiny little hook here I don't know if you guys can see me right now it's like overcast super cloudy out here even looks like it's about to rain but that is half the mud skipper gonna go through his tail with that little hook pin him again through the tile boom push that hook through expose the Barb and that's what we're left with little mud skipper right there like that I'm going to launch this out into the side of the mangroves hold on hopefully we can get a fish we're going to turn that into another fish we're going to turn another fish into a giant mud crab that's that's the plan anyway look at this here that's another perfect bit of bait that little crab is about to go down this hole block that hole lock that hole he's got nowhere to go ah yeah boy look at that little bit of bait you can't even see it but that's a little crab in there that's going to be great bait there's a fish just had it look it's taking a line see that line moving I'm gonna give it a bit more give it a bit more that'll do ya ready set go oh that's fish oh no I stuck around something down there we've got a fish look at this oh no all right we got a fish that is beautiful he took a liking to that mud skipper that's a little brim first fish of the mission it's a tiny little brim unfortunately it's too small these have a size limit so he's gonna go back like sorry buddy all right he's gonna go back boom see you mate here we go we've got fish on here we got fish on there's a fish taking the line right now come on buddy eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it there we go here we go oh got him got it got it got it oh no it's stuck around that tree don't get stuck there yeah doggy oh no it's a javelin fish look at this thing no listen to him grunting away so that little fella there is called a javelin fish the reason I said oh no is because I've got to be 30 centimeters long to keep them so that's also not illegal fish to keep we're gonna have to let this thing go hey we are struggling right now to um catch a fish to use for bait to catch a crab every fish that I'm catching it has to be a certain size limit and we're catching pups that is a baby little Javelin fish he's going back sick looking fish though look at the colors in him they're really cool fish all right look at this we've got a gar fish over here on the surface so I'm just bringing back that bait real quick he just got it he just went down with it there's a gar fish we've got a gar fish ready he's got it in his mouth right now got it got it we've got a garfy what have we got here well we've got a gar fish on yeah that's a guardy dude are you joking I just brought that bait up to the surface and I seen him swimming along so I brought the bait up flicked it back out at him and just let it sit on the surface that right there is a guardy man you are kidding me fella that is bait right there that's bait doggies now we're cooking we've got a hand line we've got a knife we've got a crab hook and we finally finally have a nice bit of bait so what I'll do is I'll connect that guardi onto the end of this heavy duty hand line and we're going to lob that hand line straight into the middle of this Creek hopefully turning this guardi into a big dirty mud crab fingers crossed this works because if not we're going to go hungry that could possibly oh that could possibly be even be dinner so what I'm doing here is I've got a stick we've got the gar fish basically what I'm doing is I'm using that stick I'm just stabbing the garfies through the side just like this bring that stick back out of the side and then feed that line through the gar fish and I'm going to keep weaving that line in and out so it goes in out in out in out because these crabs are bloody Nifty little buggers man they'll pull your bait off anything so you've got to make sure your bait's pretty much well stitched on the line that's it there's our garfish chunk it straight out boom that hopefully is going to get turned into a monster crab if not we're gonna go hungry we're just gonna let that sit there like that keep an eye on that line once it goes tight we should be on crab book's ready to party everything is so muddy man we got fish on here hand line just went [ __ ] now it's pulled up look it's taking line it's taking long come on go go go go go go go go go go go whoosh yes got it got it we got a fish on fish on Fish on what are you oh it's a catfish look at this it's a catfish brah no way but he's got a catfish look at this little fella that right there is what you call a catfish he absolutely smashed that little bit of I had a crab on that time he smoked it I got these three gnarly fins one fin right there two petrol fins bang bang they're serrated crazy sharp you don't want to be getting them stuck in your fingers but that thing there I'm going to use that for bait that could be a possibly another very very good bit of bait also for all my all my American followers out there I've caught a Catfish a couple of episodes ago you all asked me why the hell I don't eat catfish it's one of the you guys were saying it's so good in Australia we regard these as like nobody eats these there's so many better eating fish in these Creeks than that thing there but uh this one's gonna get used for bait if we get another one we might even cook him up eh I might even cook this but you know what I'll do this is what we'll do we'll cut the head off this catfish we'll lob the head out there for bait and we're gonna keep the rest of this in the backpack if we don't upgrade I'm gonna put cook a little bit of this around the fire tonight and see what it tastes like I've never eaten one but they've got like a one star rating here in Australia but uh there we go catfish on the on the on the board oh there's a mud crab right here did you go look at see those swirls right there not even joking don't lose that catfish there was a mud crab sitting right there bro no way he wasn't big it wasn't size but it was still a I think he's right there see that see that water moving that's a little mud crab anyway I'm gonna take the head off this fella we're going to use the head for bait and the rest of his body I'll Chuck in my backpack we'll cook that up around the fire and I'll uh test out this catfish that's what we're gonna do with this fella look at this look how tight that line is look at that little Mangrove moving in the Look At The Mangrove moving we got a crab on here we've got something on here oh it's a crab it's right there well that could be a good crowd bro here's a good crab Maybe a bushes in the way I don't want to lose this crab he's a good crab I think it's very hard to see that bush is there ready we're gonna flick him up five four three two one get up yeah doggy way big fella that's what I'm talking about that is a good crab he is a good crab man Let It Go Let It Go let the stick go big rig he is lovely yes sir look at him big dirty dog that's a good crab man we started today with nothing but a crab hook we turned a little minnow or a little mud skipper into a bigger fish then we turn that bigger fish into this crab how very good is that this thing's gonna be so good around the fire all right this Line's getting pulled behind me look this Line's tight as well right here so we've got one beautiful crab he's a good crab man he's gonna go look how big he is he's good look at the mud we're walking around in right now and look at how tight this line is I've tied that one off onto that little Branch you guys can see how tight that line is that means there's a crab on it over there here's a good one I'm gonna put this one we're gonna tie this guy up actually no why what happened took the bait off that's what I mean I left it for way too long in the crab actually was able to take the bait off the hook off the off the knot damn it we've got one more bit of bait on this one here and that's all we got left time's flying though it's 3 20 in the afternoon we've still got to go get Camp we've got to make a camp we've got to go walk all the way back down there get the tent get the camping gear set up a camp start a fire all within a couple of hours hectic all right I'm gonna start moving we've got one good crab one real good crab in the bag oh no why dude why just as I was packing up just as I was packing up all the stuff look at this look how tight that line is we had a crab on I hope it's a crab please be a crab two crabs around the fire tonight will be epic all right he's giving it a pull hopefully this is a crab get over that mangrove come on big rig it's a crab for sure come on one crab's good two crabs is great let's see how big this thing is oh it could be a good one it's hard to say oh no he's got good claws he's got good claws on him for sure he has got good claws on him he's a good crab that's dinner do not let that bait go do not let that oh he's a good crab doggies we need this crab we need this crab come here come here come here oh you want to feel a hard on pulling on this line come here buddy come here buddy over the back bang There we go that's another one here's a ripper he's a real perfect crab yes that's two yeah boy and that right there is what I like to call mission complete here we have a disgustingly big mud crab I've tied him up there we've got that's the catfish head that caught the crab whole fishing line a knife I'm absolutely covered from head to toe in mud right now but a little bit of a stain out of here I've got the other crab in my backpack he's also tied up so his claws can't go crazy once I get up onto dry ground I'll put this other crab in your backpack with a bit of a steam down there get the tent and then we've got to find somewhere to sleep I don't really want to sleep too close to the mangroves because number one sand flies mosquitoes out of control in here at nighttime and number two is had our crocodiles up here so uh I reckon we'll try to push in Bush a little bit we'll just find a nice little area for set up camp start a fire I'm looking forward to having a chew first thing I've eaten all day and we've got two big dirty crabs on the menu absolutely frothing my entire body right now is dry and crunchy I've got a layer legit layer of mud from head to toe my hands are like super dry we've got two big dirty crabs in our backpack pretty stoked about that we've got about another 10 minute walk I can see my marker up here so I've got a little marker where I've left my tent and stuff I'll show you guys in a sec so good punch up there we'll grab the tent and then we're gonna punch in that Westerly Direction there should be a little creek where we can wash up and wash the crabs before we spend a night camping so far it's gonna be a little bit of fun stay tuned my marker is just up here look at it can you guys see that right there yes that is bog roll a little bit of toilet paper tie it onto a little stick indicating where I left my camping gear because out here everything looks exactly the same there's no way I'd probably find it if I didn't do that but it's what we got we got a tent blowout mattress a little bit of cooking stuff pillow boom I'm gonna chuckle that inside my backpack we're going to keep heading that way alloy big boys look at these crabs man the old the old toilet paper on a stick trick comes in handy all the time lucky there's not not a lot of winter it would have got ripped off but uh today's pretty bloody beautiful however cast it's been overcast all day I thought it was going to rain at one point but uh we're all good a little bit of a steam I'm not that far to walk maybe 10 minutes get to a little creek we're gonna wash these crabs up [Applause] just giving these crabs a good old-fashioned cleaning in this water also cleaning myself while I'm here what I've done is I've just got a knife in if you insert The Knife Down diagonally into the crab there it puts it to sleep straight away so we've got a big beautiful crab here he's sleeping just giving him a good wash so we're not eating mud around the fire later on oh here's a little bit of a bloody update for you we're about an hour not an hour maybe about a 40 40 minute walk from where we just cleaned those crabs I thought if I just keep pushing towards the West I'll start to hit nice clean ground and I should be able to find a good spot to camp well I can tell you that that's not this that is not the case I've been walking for a long time right now in the whole entire ground is just spin effects you don't want to be sleeping anywhere near the spin effects my legs right now are absolutely burning because I'm just walking through this there's a little bit of a four-wheel drive track I don't know if you can see that there I'm following this little four-wheel drive track trying to find somewhere to camp but it's just taking me nowhere cut that way I'm gonna get sliced up if I cut that way I'm going to get sliced up so I'm just trying to stick to this track right now we're in the middle of nowhere I've got no idea where I'm going we've got two beautiful crabs in me backpack and uh I really want to eat them got two options I can keep following this track and see where it takes me I don't think it's going to take me anywhere good I haven't seen any before I would I've seen nothing out here this is Barren land or we can head back that way the troopy is parked about two and a half hours away now two hours away it took me an hour to walk to that Creek this morning so I've been an hour and 40 minutes two hours away what are we gonna do I don't know here we go here we go here is the start of a very very bloody long night we made the call right now we're in the troopy it is 8 26 at night I've just walked a bloody Marathon to get back to the car the two crabs are in the fridge they're beautiful they're gonna be fresh for the morning we're gonna go camp somewhere in the troopy not the tent but uh we're gonna have them crabs for breakfast either either way those crabs are going to be that good they're not going to be spoiled they're in the fridge right now so uh a little bit of Drive ahead of us doggies driving a car beats the hell out of walking especially when you get a broken ankle this is what it's all about put a long steam down to this little beach I want to get to but once we get there the sunrise should be on point those crabs are going to taste incredibly good oh my doggies I've got a long drive through these busted ass tracks I'll see you in the morning I cook up some crabs around a fire hopefully ah oh good morning don't act like you've been bloody just woken up I've been awake for bloody hours look at this that sun is rising right now we've been awake since four o'clock so it's been dark for the last two hours Sun's only just coming up but sitting around the fire already one coffee down look at this what a way to wake up last night what an absolute Mission mate we did some serious caves walking luckily I think I did the right decision pulled the pin on the camping trip we're still camping we're still solo at Bush we're in an amazing little spot right now but um I think we made the right decision eh I didn't have much bloody water in that backpack last night talking about water be rude not to Chuck a little Billy straight next to that fire right there I was gonna sit this young fella just there like that that water will boil getting a nice big beta Kyle's going because we have got an incredible breakfast for this morning those two crabs that we got they're still in the fridge right now they're as fresh as fresh can be so I'm just gonna keep loading up this little fire pit here we want a big ah we want a big better Coles for those crabs to cook on we've got a bang and Fire a little bit of a sunrise happening over there dude if this doesn't make you happy look at this if that doesn't make you happy I don't know what does that is the way every day should be started time right now 6 32 in the morning oh that is deadly sharp a knife is razor sharp if you guys are ever at Bush and you want to keep a very very good Edge on your knives first of all you need a good blade this one here is from r m blades it's a bloody good little knife I use this thing all the time and the thing that I used to sharpen my knives this here is called a workshop so it has a course a coarse Diamond face and then like a softer one on the top a leather strap and it's got a couple of these little rods on top so you can get a super super sharp knife our Bush it's tiny it fits in the backpack it's what I use all the time and my knives are forever sharp the reason why I'm sharpening this knife is because we have this right here and that there is a little bit of catfish now like I said yesterday catfish in Australia are rated like probably half of a star like not even a star nobody eats these here in Australia a lot of American people told me they're bloody delicious today we're going to cook a little bit of this up next to the fire see how this goes it's kind of got pretty white meat if you can see there the meat's pretty white so it might taste right he's no slob it's definitely not a big bit but it's going to give us a little bit of a taster anyway first time ever trying catfish I got two monster crabs down the back here look at this that there is a way to start a breakfast that's what we're having for breakfast look at this fire troop dog glowing sunrise over there that Sunrise is probably going to be an absolute Banger and let the coals fizzle out a bit we've got a coffee down there on the boil bruh this is what it's all about being outside that is amazing it's about that time of the morning that right there is boiling water all right let's get this off we'll let that chew out there for two seconds boost over here what we're going to need is this this is just like a big grate we've had this in the back of the car for years we found this an episode back in the day get rid of that lid don't need that anymore I'm gonna launch this between these three rocks just like that there I'm gonna boost back over here you get one crab look at this thing this is breakfast I'm gonna lie that club show down come back over grab this crab Big Boy eye big boy Showdown it's over those coals there's about what's that there's about 90 mil between the coals and the crabs cooking it this way is by far the best way you don't get any Ash in your food it's bloody beautiful all right we got crabs on the cook a little bit of a coffee about to go down we've got this hot water you wanna smell this coffee right now probably one of the best smells in the world actually you know what is the best smell you can smell the crab cooking and I can smell the coffee we're in the middle of nowhere right now one way to start a day if you guys want to get this coffee it is the signature Field Day blend dark roasted drip filters it's incredibly good there is a link in the description of the video if you guys want to check this coffee out it goes all right hey especially out here when you're in the bush you could smell what I'm smelling right now you'd be pretty happy oh I've got the old crabbing shirt back on it's getting bloody hot out here a couple of crabs cooking down here coffee sitting next to me it is time to see what this tastes like just gonna rip a fillet off it crazy sharp knife pull that backbone down it's got weird skin oh it's almost like a shark look at this little thing tiny little rib cages hey tiny little bones in its rib cage there but this is what the meat's looking like it's kind of white I wonder if you can skin these I'm going to make a mess of this ready watch this oh could it could happen skin is like shark skin oh it's happening it's happening bang skin come off quite easy all right there we go a little bit of catfish I'm gonna do the other side let's see how this tastes a little bit of butter in the bottom of a frying pan two crabs looking pretty good they're smelling amazing I'm gonna lay that catfish in there boom cook that up just in butter so we get the real flavor no salt no pepper no nothing I want to taste the flavor of the fish these bad boys are nearly done oh that is a fine cup of coffee right there fish is cooking down there crabs are also cooking if you ever cooking crabs on a coals like that what you can do is to make sure that the crabs cooked and not overcooked or undercooked you pull off these back leg swimmer so usually when they're hot you can just snap it off and pull it out you can see that that crab meat there it's just it's a little bit still it's a tiny little bit soft it's cooked but it's a little bit too soft so probably another two to three minutes that there oh my God there's no way the in the world that little that little catfish down there is going to beat the taste of that that is one of the best tasting things ever wash it down a little bit of fdys coffee all right it is breakfast time we got a little bit of catfish in the bottom of this frying pan that is what we're gonna try first here we go for all those people that said catfish is amazing I'm going to give you my honest thoughts ready that's not good fish all right we're gonna put that to the side there's nothing good about catfish that's why it's got a one star rating here in Australia sorry but it's the honest truth that ain't good it's a very very weird texture it's only cooked in butter so there you go there's my thoughts I don't really like it we're gonna knock into a crab I'm gonna rip this claw off here boom first piece of crab meat now that we know is gonna taste good bro now we're gonna get see if we can get a lollipop out of that thing right there that's a big claw I'm Gonna Knock It just behind that that cool oh that snapped perfectly come on come on oh no it's stuck come on come on yeah hey look at that that is a lollipop that crab is cooked in Perfection it's full of meat that's gonna taste real good ready cheers lavias oh man yum oh look at that that is a massive bit of crab meat right there so good hey look at that little lollipop eh yeah man oh man tell me a better breakfast tell me about a breakfast we came out here through a little bit of a camping Mission we hit a little bit of a road bump but that's okay what I really want to do is come out here with nothing and end up with something and that's what we've done we came out here with no bait no nothing but a crab hook we turned a mud skipper into a gar fish we turn the garfish into a big dirty crab like this so that is pretty epic I had a hell time I hope you guys enjoyed watching as well remember if you guys want to get your merch get that coffee there is a link in the description of the video go check it out there's a heap of good stuff down there I'm gonna sit around here enjoy this incredible crabs look at my breakfast look at that for a bloody breakfast would ya all right thank you so much for watching and uh I'll see you next week on the next video peace doggies foreign foreign
Channel: Field Days
Views: 2,523,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tUoY2iGDzw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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