Can Sohla Make An Entire Meal Out of Potatoes? | NYT Cooking

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These videos are so much fun, I really enjoy watching Sohla get to challenge herself with them! Love getting to see her and Ham interacting on camera as well.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/serketboard 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

If I could do it while broke and depressed in college, I bet Sohla definitely can.

... so mine was just instant potatoes, but I did make them and it was my entire meal.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Saramis 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is the series Stump Sohla should have been.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/lejean 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sohla always looks like she has so much fun in these videos. She’s so knowledgeable on different cuisines as well. My ingredients always end up going to waste so I love videos like these. One of my favourite YouTube channels is honeykki and I adore their ‘what to do with _kg’ videos. They’ve done one for mushrooms, potatoes and tomatoes and I recommend watching them if you need recipe inspiration! I love Korean honey butter chips so it was great to see it in a dessert. This is a pretty entertaining series due to both Sohla’s expertise and ease in the kitchen and it looks like they shot quite a number of these.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/adorneds 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Potatoes seemed easy until they mentioned dessert.

I'm actually amazed there aren't more deserts made with potatoes...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/KataiKi 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have an id on the olive oil she's using?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gabba3 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
however am i hello it's me sola i'm back and once  again i'm gonna be challenged to make   a dinner and dessert in one hour with a mystery  ingredient if you saw the last two episodes   i had oreos and string cheese so i'm really  excited to see what what's happening this time   this one looks heavy there's like a lot going  on here no it's not bananas potatoes oh that's   why it's so heavy what a fantastic ingredient  i'm going to start with dessert because that's   hard i don't know any desserts that use potato  this is kind of a difficult ingredient because   potatoes take a minute to cook i need a second to  think about this one this is hard oh there's this   restaurant there's a restaurant called oishi  and they make their own potato chips and then   in a wok they toss it in a mixture of honey  and butter so it's like really nice and sticky   i think it gets a little bit of chili flakes  and they serve it with ice cream that's gonna   be our dessert yes that is good dessert done okay  dinner one of my favorite thing is potato tacos   that doesn't feel like a balanced meal to me you  know what does feel like a balanced meal that i   would do with potatoes a spanish tortilla maybe we  can do a little tapas spread ham ham consultation   please potatoes pizza oh potatoes okay so for  dinner i was thinking tapas make a little tortilla   we'll get some bread maybe we get a little bit of  you know canned fish and stuff we'll do a little   marinated olive situation huh oh we could do like  a little marinated tomato kind of thing perhaps   something green something green sounds nice sounds  great and then for dessert honey butter chips   with ice cream that sounds awesome  yeah yeah do you think i can make   potato chips and tortilla in an hour yeah yeah  okay i was gonna slice the potatoes first yeah and   just have them sit in cold water and keep changing  it out yeah okay okay we're going to buy like half   of it and judge it up really the only thing i'm  making is the tortilla and the honey butter chips   and then with the sardines the anchovies the  olives the vegetables i'm just kind of judging   them up with some fresh olive oil lemon juice  that kind of thing so i think it's gonna be pretty   pretty chill so there's like not a whole lot going  on with this i don't know do i say that every time   all right are you ready i'm ready let's  do it okay start the timer i think it   started yeah i think it started okay so i'm  going to start by preparing my potato chips   but russets because they are so starchy they  have a tendency to get really dark that's why   we're going to rinse so potatoes do oxidize like  immediately so whenever you're prepping potatoes   make sure you have a bowl of water nearby to plop  them into so for our chips i want to go super thin   it doesn't matter how good your knife skills  are something like this oh it's tight ham screws   everything on so tight like every jar feels like  brand new do we need hands this is more sabotage   ham oh it's not it's the rust oh i thought it  was sabotage thank you we just lost six minutes   yeah i think mandolins are great tools i do  not recommend doing it bare-handed the way i am   i think it's better to use a glove okay that's  good i feel like that's good watch your fingies sweet potatoes make a lot of chips huh we should  get into the potato chip business it seems like   a good good return on your investment cool  let's go a little thicker for the tortilla   you totally can just um do it by hand but  since i've already got this out might as well   yeah that's good so scant  quarter inch would you say   one more okay cool we did it the  dangerous part of today is over   so now i'm gonna add olive oil you don't need  to fully cover it like three quarters of the   way is good because as it cooks it will shrink  down so you want to find that sweet spot where   the oil is just like gently simmering if you  cook them too high they're gonna fry onions   that's what we're doing next onions so  we're going to do like a trio of onion it's a very very dirty vegetable  you really got to get in there   make sure these are very clean though i  think maybe because they're young leeks   i don't normally make tortilla with russet potato  i think i use more like a yukon gold you really   can do this with whatever potato and whatever  onion it's just not you know it might not be   traditional what are we doing next just like when  you're rinsing rice swish it around a little bit   with your fingers to help remove some of that  surface starch that's the reason we're doing   this so our potato chips don't get too dark before  they get crisp ideally i like to soak my potatoes   overnight they look good though huh look at that  beautiful i couldn't slice that with a knife okay   we're gonna let this hang out until we're  ready oh let me get this oil for my chips hot   potato chips uh i want them to be kind of light  colored so we're not going for super high temp   that's doing its thing i'm gonna beat my  eggs with some salt for this guy spanish   tortilla and this like tapas spread is one of our  pretty standard meals i think five is good six six we'll do six we're not cooking a whole lot of  stuff and you feel like you got a nice really big   spread without a whole lot of work a little bit   of black pepper i don't think black  pepper is traditional but i like it let me prepare some things yes so i'm going  to supplement this meal with some canned fish   and we're going to really feel like  we're in spain it's going to be great   i i always freshen up my canned fish with a  little bit of olive oil just because the stuff   in the can is really fishy so i like a little  fresh splash what do i got 27 minutes that's   what my timer says does that sound accurate  for the muscles i'll do a little silk chili   okay one done nailed it okay  we'll do a little paprika here let's see how you guys are doing yeah those feel  tender this is where everything could go wrong   i know it's a lot of oil but you can reuse this  and make tortilla over and over again stir our   potatoes right into the egg it's just gonna warm  everything up it's gonna cook it a little and it's   gonna get the egg nice and warm and that's okay  do you think this is gonna fit in that skillet this is the question hey hey i think we nailed it so we're gonna cook it until it's mostly set  on the stove top and then i'm gonna finish   it in the broiler salad spinner a big fan so i'm  just drying off the potatoes a bit so they don't   um sputter too much when they go to  fry them because oil and water they   don't like each other i don't know if you've  heard they're not they're not good together you don't want to get too crazy don't throw too  much in there at once because the temperature of   your oil is going to really come down and then  once they're in there get in there and kind of   stir 20 minutes i might make it so you know that  they are crisp when the bubbling kind of subsides this is getting wild maybe i  i pushed it a little too hard   okay i think it's ready to go in the oven i'm  gonna grab a tray though cook until the top sets   i it's we're right under a broiler so i  think it'll just be like three minutes fresh potato chips can't really be beat i forgot about this guy this one's done i'm gonna let this have a sec to chill i wasn't  going for that much color but it'll be okay seven   minutes all right what can i do in seven minutes  okay so fryer oil disposal should we talk about it   i think it's a useful thing that's what  we're gonna do in our last seven minutes   maybe not let me do my tim oh olives let's do  the olives so i put some my leftover potato oil   in there i'm gonna add a couple cloves of garlic  and then a little bit of lemon zest ideally let   this sit overnight or maybe even a couple of days  you can make a big batch and just have it hang   out in your fridge okay we marinated some olives  i'm gonna skip the spinach i'm gonna do a really   simple little tomato salad this isn't the plate  i wanted guys focus presentation is important   a little tomato situation   oh ham hasn't uh assisted in this one at all  huh oh god that was a little heavy on the vinegar oh god we're making it happen this is  where dreams come true a little paprika paprika   okay i love this snack because you take chips  that are fried and then you coat them in butter   we'll do a little saffron once this gets a little bit foamy i'm gonna  go ahead and add the chips i don't like to add   them too early because we want to make sure the  water that's in the butter has time to cook off   or otherwise it makes the chip soggy and you just  give it a quick little tossy toss and that's it   so the way they do it is in a walk  my walks in the bedroom closet   i should have pulled it out earlier i forgot honey butter chips and then i'll  put the ice cream on like right   right before we eat it so it doesn't melt 70 minutes it should be a 70 minute challenge   hello welcome to club solar club  solar so the ingredient was potatoes   so i made a tortilla you can't just make  a tortilla so we've got a few other things   for our spanish tapas nine little marinated  castle vetrano olive the only olive that matters   are they marinated in potatoes they're marinated  in the potato oil okay left over after cooking   okay and then they had some tomatoes at the market  and then a potato chip dessert my favorite kind of   my favorite kind of dessert and baguette wow what  i like about it is that you can just have it sit   at room temperature hey that looks pretty fun this  is like a totally normal normal dinner that we eat   all the time yeah there was also green vegetable  which didn't make it we've got the potatoes we   have the potatoes that's what matters i made the  potato components within the hour yeah that's all   that matters right that's that's how i'm going  to judge it yeah yeah okay i'm going in here oh that looks really good super creamy on the  inside yeah it's really really luscious you   can really taste all that olive oil and how  everything was really nicely slowly cooked   a little bread yeah put a little fishy on  here dunk in some of this oil oh it's good   whoa you don't taste the potato since you usually  want to have olives with with a tortilla that's   a great way to use the oil just toss some  olives in it okay honey butter chip time   so these are best eaten hot they've cooled down  a little so they're kind of sticking together   but it'll be fine i added some saffron orange  zest and we got lavender honey from the market   which they said would be nice and floral and  then and then there you go oh that's exciting   that looks really good the time has come   what's not to like sweet salty crunchy  creamy hot cold has everything this is   you guys should make this you don't have to make  your own chips the challenge with the potato is   just that you can do so many things and i guess  narrowing down something i can do in an hour   but yeah i mean this is tasty this is a meal  we make all the time i am finishing my bowl of   honey butter chips this is the most i've eaten on  camera before because there's no reason to stop potato chips with ice cream
Channel: NYT Cooking
Views: 298,685
Rating: 4.9528174 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, new york times, new york times cooking, nyt cooking, nyt, nytimes, sohla, Sohla El-Waylly, ham, ham el-waylly, potato, potatoes, potato chips, dinner, dessert, how to make potato chips, honey, ice cream, tapas, spanish food, how to make spanish tapas, olives, marinated olives, how to make marinated olives, chile, club sohla, mystery ingredient, secret ingredient, how to cook with potatoes, cooking competition, one hour, one hour dinner
Id: 7qs9bGvKD1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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