7 Basic Etiquette Rules Most of Us Keep Breaking

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[Music] seven simple etiquette rules you don't know you're breaking good manners are as diverse as the people who show them there are numerous etiquette rules and many are only applicable in certain countries thus eskimo people rub noses when they greet each other the Japanese always take their shoes off before entering a house and Thai citizens will never show their shoe soles it's considered inappropriate nevertheless there are some etiquette rules that should be followed no matter which nationality you are or where you live unfortunately some of these important rules are frequently discarded nowadays now before you get down to refreshing your knowledge of proper social behavior press the subscription button you'll find yourself on the bright side of life where hundreds of funny and informative videos will answer all of your burning questions new updates appear several times a day so you better ring the notification bell if you don't want to miss anything cool number seven carrying bags now the modern lifestyle often gets a bit hectic it demands that people should always be prepared for any unexpected development and so the number of things you need to have at hand can be overwhelming that's why almost every person out there has some kind of bag to accommodate all this stuff and if you ever carry a bag or two or three it's important to know how to deal with it always carry your bag on your left arm or shoulder so that your right hand is free for handshakes if you're a man never carry a woman's purse even if you love her dearly all you will achieve is looking weird at the same time this rule doesn't spread the heavy shopping bags don't place your bag on the table or the floor next to you in a restaurant either hang it on your chair or a hook you can sometimes find the ladder on the side of or directly underneath the table if you're in a crowded place don't carry your bag on the crook of your arm if you absolutely need to carry bag this way hold it down with your other hand otherwise hold it in front of you this way you won't accidentally hurt anyone six showing respect at the gym the fact that the gym isn't a ballroom a posh restaurant or in office doesn't mean you can do whatever you want there and disregard others there's still a correct way to do things properly if you're late to a group exercise class don't barge your way through everyone toward your favorite spot it's your fault that you're late so just take whatever space is available and don't block the equipment after you've finished with weight machines we set them to the minimum weight this way the next person who uses them won't injure themselves if they start doing exercises without looking trust me it happens use a towel to wipe your sweat from all handles and equipment surfaces after you've used them everyone will probably agree that it looks downright gross if you're about to use a bench and notice a wet spot of somebody's sweat there after you've chosen a pair of dumbbells no not those two guys I mean the weights just kidding step away from the rack now other people can get a pair for themselves as well if you approach a piece of equipment be it a bench a squat rack or a lifting platform make sure that nobody is using it at that moment five behaving in public places now as members of society people should behave in a certain way when they're surrounded by others there are three types of people in this world those who arrive early those who arrive on time and those who arrive late if you aren't the first type you'll inevitably have to pass in front of people at the theater at the movies in a concert hall or in any other place that is equipped with seats the only right way to do it is by facing the other people and not turning your back toward them if you are the first type you'll be the one that has to let people get through to their seat in this situation don't remain sitting it's inconvenient for people to climb over your legs stand up to make it easier for them now while we're still speaking about public places there are several rules you should never break don't talk on your phone avoid commenting on what's happening in front of you and stop chatting with your neighbors right away it's inappropriate at the movies at the theater or at a concert people come to these events for one purpose to enjoy them listening to somebody's chatter isn't anyone's idea of fun you can share your observations with your friends at a sports match only and even there it's rude and impolite to shout nasty stuff at the players really number four dealing with invitations there are two types of invitation regrets only and RSVP both require an answer if you want to be invited to other events in the future if an invitation says regrets only you should only respond if you're sure that you will not attend otherwise the host will count on you being there RSVP respond is EVOO pay which is my bed French for please respond on the other hand means that you must ride or call the host to confirm your presence at their event you should do this within the requested period of time the host needs to know exactly how many people will attend so that they can prepare the right amount of food beverages etc if you answer with a definite yes you can only change it to a no if there's a death in the family an illness or an injury in these situations you should call the host immediately if you simply don't show up at the event chances are high that your name will never appear on any future guest lists by the way if you use the my grandfather just died excuse more than two or three times for the same relative people will catch on so be sure to change it up regularly number three table manners judging by the amount of time most people spend eating out these days it's only right to learn some etiquette lines using cloth napkins may seem simple but there are some rules to remember if you need to leave the table for some time put your napkin on your chair if you finished your meal you can place your napkin on the table this is a sign for the waiter that you're done now they can come up and take away your dirty plates even so you should never put your napkin on top of your plate put your fork on your plate if you need to take a break from eating now if you aren't sure which fork you should use for each dish start with the one furthest from your plate then work your way back toward your plate it's an awkward moment when you come to someone's house for dinner and see the shrimp's or peanuts you're allergic to on the table to escape such a situation always notify your host of the foods you can eat due to health issues it'll save you both a lot of trouble and maybe a ride in an ambulance if you're in a small group of up to four people in a restaurant wait until everyone has been served before you start to eat if it's a business or formal meal you can begin when the hosts ask you to do so otherwise wait until everybody else has been served to dressing up for an occasion now dressing up can be incredibly tricky nowadays there are so many different options it's a little certainty about what's right and what's not here are some useful tips casual attire this can be anything from a t-shirt and jeans to a pair of shorts and a blouse it's a good idea to find out if you're going to be inside or outside you can also ask others what they're going to wear casual Friday usually happens in the office on Fridays right and this casual differs dramatically from one mentioned in the previous point in most companies casual Friday means you can swap your pants or skirt for a pair of jeans and leave your tie at home business casual being neat is the answer here ditch clothing that is too tied or oversized just be stylish formal business this is perfect for professionals who want to always look dashing and our aiming to climb the career ladder a suit and dark dress shoes for men and pumps a skirt and a blazer for women number one being a people person there are two simple rules to follow to make people secretly thank you in their head when standing in line at a coffee shop don't talk on the phone especially when the barista has already started asking you questions it's impolite to make everyone else wait and listen to your conversation don't bring your pets mostly dogs with you everywhere you go first of all animals don't like shopping even if it's a pet store in addition other people won't enjoy your big clumsy dog a small barking dog won't make them happy either the same goes for when you're invited to a house party always ask if you can take your dog with him well which human habits that go against etiquette rules bother you the most do you have any other tips about how to be a polite individual tell us about them in the comments below remember to hit the like button and join us on the bright side let's make the world a better place together [Music]
Views: 1,133,566
Rating: 4.6807284 out of 5
Keywords: etiquette rules, good manners, Formal Business, Business Casual, Casual Friday, Casual Attire, regrets only, RSVP, please respond, behaving in public places, table manners, carrying bags, behaving at the gym
Id: CbxE5gU0YHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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