The 15 Main Rules of Modern Etiquette

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[Music] the 15 rules of modern etiquette being well-versed in the basics is good in all but there are lots of nuances that only a small number of people seem to know number 15 never visit without calling first one British lady had a pretty funny and effective way to deal with unexpected visits she says that when she sees an uninvited guest approaching she quickly puts on her shoes and a hat and grabs an umbrella if she usually enjoys this person's company she exclaims so nice to see you I've just come home if the person is someone she'd rather avoid she tells them ah what a pity I really have to go it might not be the most honest approach but it works for her more power to her here are some of the other things that are considered rude when you visit somebody don't ask for the Wi-Fi password take off your shoes before stepping into the hosts lovely apartment don't explore bedrooms without permission don't raid the hosts fridge or help yourself to food without being offered don't bring your pet without asking first I'm sure your chihuahua is the cutest thing ever but somebody in the house may have a pet allergy it's considered good manners to bring a gift if you're invited to a party number 14 never leave an umbrella open to dry neither in the office nor at someone else's place first of all some people are superstitious and believe that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck secondly if the umbrella did its job right you'll be perfectly dry when you come inside from the rain but the same can't be said for your umbrella as you can imagine it's not very polite to get water all over the floor not to mention your open umbrella takes up a lot of space and could inconvenience other people you should just close it and put it on an umbrella stand or a hook number 13 never put a handbag on your lap or your chair it's totally okay to put a small elegant clutch on the table however a handbag or purse should be hung on the back of a chair or put on the floor if there isn't one some restaurants even offer special stools for bags another way out is to invest your money in a cute little purse it's a small device you can easily keep in your bag and when necessary attached to the table to hang your purse as four briefcases they should always be put on the floor number twelve wear pants and a sweater around the house comfortable yet decent remember when we said how embarrassing it can be when you get an unexpected guest are you walking around in your underwear or buck naked here's a good way to avoid that a robe and sleepwear are meant for going to the bathroom in the morning and from the bathroom to the bedroom in the evening otherwise put on a comfortable pair of jeans or pants and a sweater or a t-shirt number 11 when a child moves to their own room make it a routine to knock before entering unless it's an emergency or safety issue you should be respectful of your kids privacy as soon as they're in elementary school ask permission before entering the room this way your children will do the same when coming into your bedroom and they'll do the same for their kids later on see teaching generations of good manners number 10 ladies can wear their hat and gloves indoors women may leave their fashion hats on at weddings lunches or garden parties they don't have to take their decorative hat off and religious services or at the movies either just check that your hat isn't blocking anybody's view we all know the feeling of paying outrageous ticket prices to see a movie you've been anticipating for months only to have your experience ruined by the person in front of you also nobody is exempt from taking off their fancy hat at work dress code is dress code and remember we are only talking about fashion hats and gloves if you prefer baseball caps or mittens take them off indoors under any circumstances number nine don't wear more than 13 accessories including decorative buttons and brooches besides the number of accessories you decide to adorn yourself with also be careful of their size and placement bracelets can be worn over gloves but not rings the closer it gets to the evening the more expensive your jewelry can be back in the old days diamonds were considered an evening adornment for married women only but nowadays it's okay to wear them during the day speaking of daytime accessories stud earrings are appropriate for the office just make sure they aren't too sparkly if your work is more on the creative side you can wear larger earrings but still make sure you don't blind your coworkers with huge rhinestones number eight inviting someone to a restaurant means you pay if a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant she pays if someone says let's go out to eat and everybody agrees that means everyone pays for themselves if a man offers to pay for a woman she can agree but she can also decline if the relationship between a man and a woman is unclear her refusal to let a man pay for her may indicate that she just wants to be friends sorry guys the friendzone strikes again number seven don't inconvenience people on an elevator in a packed elevator the people standing nearest to the doors are supposed to step outside at all the stops in order to let people exit the same goes for crowded subway trains it might sound like common sense but you'd be surprised how many people just stand there and make people push their way around them oh I get mad just thinking about it plus if you enter an elevator and it's already crowded face doors otherwise the situation gets real uncomfortable and real creepy real fast I mean everybody is already up in each other's personal bubble don't make it even more awkward by adding eye contact to the equations number six the most prestigious car seat in a car is behind the driver and it's reserved for the ladies if a man is sitting next to her when he gets out of the car he should open her door and offer his hand when she's getting out of the car if a man is driving it's desirable for a woman to take the seat behind however wherever a woman decides to sit the man should open her door for her and help her get out of the car in business etiquette men increasingly break this rule hiding behind the slogan there is no gender in business hey we're not saying the ladies aren't capable of conducting business we're just saying it's polite and gentlemanly to do these things number five at the cinema theater or concert hall you should face the people already sitting while going to your seat when you don't know how to get to your seat without feeling like you're putting your butt or other side in people's faces well the rules of etiquette have decided that it's worse to put your rear end in their face so go to your seat while facing the other people sitting and here are some other etiquette rules you should follow at such events don't sneak food inside I know everybody does it but there's nothing mannerly about breaking the rules take the high road and purchase your snacks from the concession stand don't use your phone stand up to let people pass don't just scoot your legs to the side most importantly do not talk don't talk to the person sitting next to you don't talk on the phone don't even talk to the characters on the screen they are still gonna go into that dark creepy ghost filled basement no matter how many times you scream don't go in there number four taboos for small talk politics religion health and money here's an inappropriate question what a beautiful dress how much did it cost so how should you answer an impolite question smile and say it was a gift after that change the topic of the conversation if the person insists just calmly reply I'd rather not discuss that and how can you break the ice reduce yourself and touch on the topics of weather sports current events and entertainment such as movies or theater performances these are all innocent enough number three informality between people who hardly know each other is forbidden it's not a good idea to walk into the office and say something like man I got so wasted last night my neighbors called the cops on me then we gotten a huge fistfight it was crazy it's just better to keep things going on in your personal life to yourself even if you know your co-workers really well in the office you should act as if you were strangers or at least just acquaintances work time is for working not sharing intimate details of your life outside of the office number two discussing those who are absent even if it's innocent gossip is unacceptable you shouldn't run down your relatives especially your spouse if your spouse is so bad why not get a divorce it's also ill-advised to express contempt for your country oh this country is full of crybabies well if that's your opinion maybe you should take a look in the mirror number one it's better to keep nine things secret don't ask someone else's or talk about your own age wealth family problems religion medical issues love affairs gifts honor and disgrace what other everyday etiquette rules do you follow tell us in the comments below if you don't want to miss anything interesting and eye-opening click subscribe to stay with us on the bright side of life
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Keywords: etiquette rules, life hacks, etiquette lessons for women, etiquette lessons for men, etiquette lessons, etiquette for kids, etiquette class, etiquette school, basic etiquette rules, how to behave like a lady, how to behave like a gentleman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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