12 Unexpected Etiquette Rules from Around the World

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[Music] twelve unexpected food etiquette rules from around the world if one man's meat is another man's poison then you could also say one man's fork is another man's a weapon in some parts of the world when you travel abroad and adventurously try the local cuisine and a traditional setting you might notice how a certain countries table manners are very different from your own seriously who would have thought that asking for salt and pepper could be considered impolite of course you don't want to embarrass yourself or come off as rude or barbaric so here are 12 quite unexpected food etiquette rules from across the globe before we sit down and dine around the world be sure to subscribe to our channel for your chance to always fill your belly our brain that is with all kinds of surprising facts and useful advice once you've clicked that subscribe button ring the notification bell so that you don't miss any of the updates coming out daily on the bright side of life okay back to our list 12 don't use Forks in Thailand no it's not forks and spoons that are unknown oh here just Forks and it's not like you can't use a fork you just can't eat from one let me explain in Thailand picking food up with a fork is considered bad form however you are allowed to push food onto a spoon using a fork that's it and if you think you can't go wrong with just sticking the chopsticks you better forget about it if you're having rice it's traditionally served on plates not bowls and a spoon is what you need to enjoy it the Thai way [Music] eleven don't clean your plate in China [Music] what's the best way to show the cook you really liked your meal eat up every single morsel on your plate right maybe even ask for more if you really enjoyed it in China however it's impolite to finish eating everything on your plate empty plates indicate that a host hasn't served enough food and guests are still hungry so if you want to compliment the chef or host leave some food on your plate no matter how tasty it is yes you'll need to control yourself somehow oh and believe it or not belching at the table isn't just acceptable but also a great way to show you're enjoying the meal 10 be ready to share a plate in Ethiopia as you sit at the table in ethiopia waiting for someone to give you a plate to eat from you might miss the actual meal everyone else will just eat from one large serving plate in the middle of the table without using any coloring for many locals getting a plate to yourself is weird and even wasteful only grab from the part of the serving dish closest to you reaching across is considered route also wait for the end of the meal to enjoy the meat dishes they're the last thing to be eaten [Music] nine in Italy you'll insult the chef if you ask for extra cheese I don't know about you but the more cheese on my pizza or pasta the better and although Italians do love this product it's considered rude to ask for extra cheese it may insult the chef because they take it as you not liking the dish the way they prepared it and wanting to change it and get ready for this adding Parmesan to your pizza is also considered pretty crazy plus not all pasta dishes are supposed to go with Parmesan either hey Italians are known for their incredible culinary arts so let's just take it from the experts 8 don't ask for salt and pepper and Portugal just like you shouldn't ask for extra cheese in Italy you can erase the phrase could you please pass me the salt from your vocabulary if you are in Portugal if you ask for salt and pepper here you may hurt people's feelings it's kind of like with Italy the cook may feel insulted by the fact that you need to spice up the dish they've served you plus if you're eating local you probably won't even need to add any more seasonings to your food I mean these chefs are highly skilled and respected they'll whip up the best meal of your life seven be careful with chopsticks in Japan let's imagine you're dining in Japan chopsticks feel like the best utensil to go with you have to when you stick them in your rice bowl you get surprised looks what's the faux pas here well it's not recommended to stand your chopsticks up vertically in the Land of the Rising Sun according to tradition people place chopsticks vertically during funerals in a restaurant doing this may insult the owner so to avoid an awkward situation set your chopsticks down parallel to the edge of the table in front of you if you're taking a break between bites [Music] six don't touch food with your left hand in the Middle East in the Middle East India and some African countries the left hand is used for cleaning yourself up after you go to the bathroom in South India you can't even touch the plate with your left hand since it's considered too dirty to be anywhere near food so if you ever find yourself in this part of the world remember to go with your right hand to eat or socialize and what should you do if you're left-handed go without eating of course not just to make sure you only use your left hand in that case because for you it's basically what a right hand is to right-handed people [Music] five don't just sip on your wine in Georgia wait what why am I not allowed to slowly slip on my wine in one of the major wine regions in the world well it all comes down to the art of toasting which Georgians do not take lightly only after someone at the table finishes their long beautiful heartfelt story of how they're wishing everyone present good health and love can you drink your wine and you have to drink the whole glass at once bottoms up [Music] for don't fill your own glass in Japan if you find yourself at a dinner party in Japan and wine is involved never get a refill yourself you're supposed to fill the glass of the person sitting next to you at the table and they'll return the favor if you can't wait for your refill and decide to ignore the friendly neighbor rule don't be surprised when you get disapproving looks so just be patient and respectful [Music] three only drink cappuccino before noon in Italy it's a sunny afternoon in Rome you get yourself a cappuccino and a nice little dessert and you're getting weird glances from everyone around Italians do drink cappuccinos of course but it's mostly a breakfast drink or even a substitute for breakfast but if you drink this milky foam e coffee later in the day it can upset your stomach at least according to the locals no one will say anything to you or get offended but they'll immediately know you're a tourist so if you're looking to blend and fit in grab an espresso after 12 p.m. and get that caffeine boost you probably need around this time of the day anyway [Music] two guests are welcomed with half a cup of tea in Kazakhstan when we think tea ceremony we usually associate it with the UK and all their fancy tea drinking etiquette but it turns out there are plenty of tea fans in Kazakhstan and they've got rules when it comes to drinking it as well whenever you visit someone's home or even some company's office you'll be offered a cup of tea but that cup won't be filled to the brim before you start questioning your hosts generosity remember this half a cup actually means your hosts don't want you to leave soon pouring just half a cup is the host way of letting you know that they want to keep your nice conversation going and keep pouring you piping hot tea if you get a full cup however it's a slight hint that it's time to go home [Music] one a clean teapot is a teapot without a soul in China if you've been invited to a tea ceremony in China and offer your help with the dishes afterwards don't even think about washing that teapot the Chinese don't wash teapots especially traditional clay ones with dish liquid it's washed with water or special sand and then left to air dry the resulting plaque that has all the flavor and color of tea gives the teapot soul which is why it's prohibited to kill it with different cleaning chemicals you don't want to upset the ancient Chinese tea spirits do you yeah me neither [Music] which of these customs shocked you the most what are some food etiquette rules in your country tell us in the comments below don't forget to give us a like and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 3,197,215
Rating: 4.5194502 out of 5
Keywords: etiquette rules, life hacks, etiquette lessons, etiquette class, etiquette school, basic etiquette rules, avoid doing this, how to hold cutlery, table manners, table manners from around the world, basic table manners, bad table manners, how to it in different countries, Chins, Japan, Italia, Portugal, Thailand, bright side, Brightside, bright side video
Id: BjN7Sp-DwQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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