What's in My Bag and Handbag Etiquette

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[Music] Hello, I'm Jamila Musayeva, an international  social etiquette consultant and the author of   the book, Etiquette: The Least You Need To Know.  One of my Instagram followers has suggested that   I do a video on handbag etiquette, so  this video is devoted exactly to that.   In today's video, we're going to  look at different kinds of bags,   how to hold them, and where to place them. We'll  also explore the choice of bag for Queen Elizabeth   and how she uses it to communicate with her aides.  We'll take a look at how I keep my bag organized   and, finally, what I carry every day in my  bag. So make sure you stay tuned until the   end of this video. Don't forget to subscribe to  my channel, leave a like, and comment. [Music] Now, let's go to my wardrobe and take a look at  different kinds of bags and how to hold them.   Welcome to my wardrobe, and let's look at  the different types of bags that I have.   I'm going to show you how to wear and hold them.  Let's start with the bag that I use the most,   since I'm a mother of two kids  and whenever I'm running around,   I need to carry a lot of things with me. This  is something called a tote bag, also known   as a shopping bag. It can have a definite or  indefinite shape, has long straps, and is quite   voluminous. It has a lot of space inside,  is very lightweight, and is easy to carry   baby clothing. It's also great for traveling.  So, this is the bag that I use the most and   I would recommend for any busy mom  to get a tote bag or a shopping bag. Now, how to wear this bag? You  can wear it over your shoulder,   but when you're wearing it over your shoulder,  make sure that there aren't any people around you.   When you're in a crowded place, such as an airport  or getting in and out of a plane when traveling,   make sure you carry the bag in your hand  in order to avoid crashing into anyone or   hitting anyone with your back, which often happens  when you're carrying it over your shoulder. Another bag that I use quite a lot as well when  going for a walk or running errands is a backpack.   As the name suggests, a backpack is a bag that  is meant to be worn on your back. This is great   when you have bottles of water to carry with you  or you're going hiking, or you're just busy and   need your arms to be free. It has two straps that  you put over both of your shoulders and helps you   to distribute the weight evenly. It's great when  you're carrying a lot of heavy items with you. The   way you would carry a backpack is by placing the  straps over the back of your shoulders, like this. And carry it like that, or if it's lightweight,  you can just carry it over one of your shoulders   like this. Another type of bag that is great for  busy people, the ones that love taking long walks,   is a bag that's called the belt bag. It's  also known as a fanny pack and has become   trendy lately as well. It could be used  as an accessory to accentuate your waist,   and you would carry it around your  waist like this. It's quite small,   but it can keep all your important items in it,  like your phone, your wallet, and your documents,   and always have them at your side  while still having your hands free. The bag that I prefer to carry to work as well  as to any kind of casual lunch or dinner meeting   is a shoulder bag. Usually, they come in a  very definite shape, but they could also have   an irregular shape as well, and they have  long straps like this. It's meant to be   worn over your shoulder. An important item  to remember is that the straps could be long,   but they could also be shorter, and you could  still put those straps around your shoulder.   If you are carrying this bag, make sure you  always place it on your left shoulder like this.   Sometimes, the bags that have smaller straps  like that could be left on your forearm, and your   fingers are facing upwards like that, so  you could carry this bag like this as well.   But whatever you choose to place it, make  sure that you place it on your left hand,   thus leaving your right hand free  for a wave or for a handshake. Another style of bag that has become quite  popular these days is a crossbody bag.   As the name suggests, it should be worn across  your body. This is the one that I have, but it   can come in different shapes. They don't usually  come in a very large size. As the name suggests,   the crossbody bags are meant to be worn  across your body like this. [Music]   The best part about this bag is that your hands  are free, your documents are at your side,   and if you don't like to accentuate your waist,  then this is a perfect bag to carry around with. Bags that have straps, long or short, are  quite straightforward. You would lay it over   your shoulder or on your forearm, and always on  your left hand. But with bags that don't have any   straps like this one here, people often refer  to this as a clutch. But in reality, a clutch   could have a strap as well, and they could be  worn to an evening party, a wedding party, or   a birthday party. And they're more formal than the  other textiles of bank. The way you would carry a   bag that doesn't have straps, um, like this one is  you could hold with both of your hands like this,   but if you have to make a choice when you're  transferring to one of your hands, always opt for   left hand because in that way your right hand will  be free to handshake someone, to wave at someone,   to greet someone. So you could hold it in your  left hand like this either exposing your manicure   so the outsiders could see your nails or you could  gently wrap your hand around your clutch like this   so almost like you're hiding your nails. Both  ways are acceptable. You would never ever put   your clutch underneath your armpit like that. It's  not hygienic but also it doesn't look good on you. From all these different types  of bags that I have shown you,   if you had to choose three types, I  would suggest you go for a tote bag,   a shopping bag that you can use for running  around for errands with kids, um, another,   the second bag would be a shoulder bag, something  that you could wear for business meeting,   for work, for even some casual dining places, and  the third one would be a clutch. I would suggest   you choose something more versatile and they could  be used during the evening and during daytime,   and those three would make it just enough  for you to be ready for any occasion. When choosing a bag, your complexion, your height  plays a huge role, so if you are small, if you are   medium height, or you have a bigger complexion,  opt for smaller bag or medium sized bag. If you   are, however, tall and you have a slender figure,  then you can opt for larger and more bulkier bags. Now that I've told you how to wear your bag, I  also want to tell you about where to place it. If   you're going to a restaurant and there is a chair  that is empty next to you, you can place your bag   over there. Alternatively, some fine dining  venues will offer you a hook or a specifically   little chair designed to hold your bag. In casual  dining places that's not an option and oftentimes   the chairs are too small to accommodate just  enough you and in that case you can put your back   on the floor but when you do so put it underneath  your chair so it's out of sight and out of reach   of the outsiders but also not on the way of  the waiter especially when he's serving you. As I promised you, I am gonna show you the  favorite designer bag of the queen and tell   you a little bit about how she uses the bag to  communicate to her aides about how she feels.   So this is a Loewe designer bag, it comes in  different sizes and different colors and queen   uses her bag to tell to her aides how she feels by  transferring the bag from one forearm to another   thus indicating that she's tired of  having a conversation with that person.   She also places the bag on a dinner table whenever  she wants to leave the dinner. This is something   that goes against the dining etiquette because  you're not meant to put the bag on a table   but she breaks this rule intentionally in order  to indicate that she's tired and wants to leave.   The way she carries it is she puts it on her  forearm on the left hand, thus leaving her right   hand open and available for a wave or handshake,  or formal greeting. So if you google her images   you will see that she's holding this bag on a left  arm on her forearm like this. Another element of   a queen's wardrobe essentials is that her bag  always matches her shoes. You might also wonder   what she carries in her small bag. In fact,  she carries a little bag hook, the one that   you're offered in some formal dining places to  hook her bag on the table when she's dining. Etiquette is not only about what kind of bag  to wear and how to hold it, but it's also a   lot about hygiene. A beautiful bag that  is unclean or disorganized will leave a   poor impression of you. When people meet you for  the first time, they judge you by your clothing,   and they understand your style and manners  by looking at what you wear and hold. So   make sure you keep your look proper, clean,  and tidy, and that includes your bag as well. First things first, if you want your bag to look  organized, make sure that you zip it or keep it   closed when you're not using it. That gives a  more definite and organized look to your bag.   A special trick that I'm using to keep my bag  organized and clean is using a lot of Ziploc bags.   I fill each Ziploc bag with different items,  and they make sure that I don't get any spills   in my bag. It's also very easy when you're  transferring your items from one bag to another;   all you need to do is pick up a Ziploc  bag and transfer it to a different bag. For items that I don't want others to see when  I'm looking through my bag or transferring things,   I use oftentimes dust bags from other smaller  bags or even sometimes sunglass dust bags,   and I fill them with items that I don't want  outsiders to see. They also keep my bag clean   and organized, and it's easy to transfer items  from one bag to another. When I store my bags   in a wardrobe, I make sure to take out all  the Ziploc bags and whatever is inside my bag,   and then I take a dust bag that is given with the  bag and fill it with a lot of extra paper or other   dust bags. Then I just close it and put it inside  my bag. This makes sure that I have my bag in a   very good form and shape. I zip it up like this,  and it looks organized and clean in my wardrobe. When traveling, I usually roll my T-shirts  or my socks into a little form like this,   and then I fill those T-shirts inside my bag so  they help me keep the shape of my bag defined   and rigid. Then I place my  bag in a little dust bag   like this, close it, and put it inside my  luggage like this. Also, when traveling,   sometimes when I have a delicate bag and  I don't want to put it inside the luggage,   I put it inside another big bag that I'm  carrying and carry them together like this. Finally, the most intriguing part of this video  is what's inside my bag. I would like to first say   that I love this bag because it's very  comfortable to travel with. It's great for work,   for casual lunch dates, or even to carry  in the evening. Despite its small size,   it's very spacious, and you'll see  that it carries a lot of things. First, as I already said, I have my sanitary items  in it. Because these are personal, I will not   reveal what's inside. But this is great to hide  all your personal items in it. I have my favorite   Ziploc bag where I carry all of my personal  items for keeping my hands and my face clean. So   this is a little comb. It's very small, but  it's so good. I have face and eye wipes,   my all-time favorite hand cream,   a little hair clip, and a hand sanitizer.  Actually, I've always been into hand sanitizers,   and I sanitize my hand quite often, also because  I have kids, and I sanitize their hands as well.   I have chewing gums with me all the time,   a little essential oil that's eucalyptus, and a  face mask and gloves that I carry around with me. I have a special Ziploc bag for items that are  called stationery, so I have my headphones in it,   my pen, and my little rose quartz  crystal that helps me feel grounded,   and I just carry it in my hands  whenever I feel anxious or stressed. I have my sunglasses,   and if I'm not using this sunglass pouch, I  use it for some sanitary items. So I reuse   the sunglasses dust bag, and it's small and  good when you're taking a small bag with you.   Instead of carrying a large dust bag like this  one, you can opt for a smaller one like this. Finally, I always have a notebook with me where I  jot down all my notes or all my thoughts and ideas   that I have throughout the day. It's good also  for doodling, which I love doing when I'm free   on the road or talking to someone. I use this  notebook for that, and I always carry it with me,   but I carry it in a little sock like this in order  to keep it clean and nice. The reason I carry my   book around is that I always meet new people,  and it's a great way to start a relationship.   I give my book as a gift, and then we start  having a conversation, and I make new friends. Thank you so much for watching  this video until the end.   Please don't forget to leave a comment, like,  and subscribe to my video channel. Bye bye!
Channel: Jamila Musayeva
Views: 1,007,642
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Keywords: handbag, what i have in my bag, what i carry in a bag, fashion, lifestyle, handbags, purse, bag, what i have in my purse, style, what is in my bag, handbag collection, handbag of the Queen, how to carry a handbag, my favorite handbags, handbag guide, handbag styles, handbag collections, best handbags, luxury handbag, designer handbag collection, jamila musayeva handbag, celine, chanel, launer, Gucci, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Goyard bag, big bags, small bags, best bags, must have bags
Id: 9wlVpzSKeGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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