11 Military Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier

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[Music] eleven military hacks that'll make your life easier being a soldier often requires some real-life macgyvering but you don't have to be in the military to benefit from tips like putting duct tape on your feet to prevent blisters or using cotton balls and Vaseline to get your camp fire started here are 11 tricks from the men and women in uniform that'll make your life a lot easier don't forget to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell to join us on the bright side of life [Music] number 11 duct taping your feet duct tape was originally invented to help World War two soldiers keep water out of their ammunition cases it came and just army green which when combined with its waterproof properties gave it the nickname duct tape nowadays soldiers use it to prevent blisters and calluses caused by those notoriously uncomfortable military boots you can do the same if you run long distances for extended periods of time or you just have that one pair of shoes that always ends up giving you painful blisters just put some strips of duct tape over the areas on your feet that rub against your shoes the most to decrease the friction you can also put a band-aid underneath if you already have a blister there number ten latter lacing for added ankle support soldiers might have to wear boots all the time but most of us bust them out during the winter and you know what's common in winter slippery patches of ice that can send you to the hospital with a sprained ankle for added ankle support lace your boots the military way here's the technique 1 start at the bottom pair of eyelets make sure to lace the string from the inside out 2 next put the lace through the eyelet that's right above the one it's coming out of on the same side do it from the outside in 3 cross the laces in the middle pull them up and under the opposite lace on the other side and bring them vertically through the eyelet on the next level like you did in step 2 or we're beat steps number two and three until you reach the top five tie your shoe strings with a basic bow or a double knot for a better hold if you still have a lot of lace left although you shouldn't with this lettering technique just wrap it around your ankle and then tie it tuck the remaining laces inside your shoe the steps sound complicated but you'll get it down really fast with some practice number nine maxi pads for first aid in case of an emergency you can use sanitary pads to prevent a wound from bleeding out I mean the whole purpose of a maxi pad is to absorb blood flow right doctors even gave this hack their stamp of approval based on a study by Canada's Dalhousie University and st. John Regional Hospital sanitary napkins are just as hygienic as sterile gauze all you got to do is place a maxi pad over the wound and bind it down with duct tape of course you'll still need emergency medical services but this is a useful hack when you're in a pinch number eight putting sugar on wounds speaking of first aid in a pinch you can put sugar on a wound to prevent bacterial infection don't worry because this unconventional medical treatment has scientific backing based on a study by the University of Arizona's college of medicine not to mention it was one of the most popular topical wound cures in ancient times you see bacteria can't multiply in a super sugary environment so you can cover the wound with a sugar paste or just plain sugar keep it covered like this until you can get to a medical professional or one gets to you number seven running tights for added warmth running or compression tights aren't just for jogging or making a fashion statement you can wear them under almost any pants without them being noticeable this is a life saver when it comes to staying warm and really low temperatures so whether you're ice skating or going for a hike in some cold region don't forget to put your running tights on first [Music] number six super shiny shoes there's a very particular hack when it comes to those super shiny soldier shoes say that five times fast super shiny soldier shoes super shiny soldier shoes super shiny soldier shoes super shut okay take a generous amount of shoe shine rub it on your leather shoes or boots and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes then go over the area with a lighter or flame and get ready to see your own reflection for a finishing touch use a clean damp cloth to polish the surface oh and please be extra careful when it comes to being near a flame if your shoes aren't made from a fire resistant material like real leather do not try this act number five the military tuck if your shirt is a little too big for you maybe you've recently lost some weight and haven't been able to buy new clothes tucking it and having it look nice can't seem an impossible task just use the military fold and tuck technique to look crisp and professional in a nil fitted shirt here's how to do it one tuck in your shirt but leave your pants unbuttoned for the mean time to put your thumb and forefinger to pinch both sides of your shirt seams three pull it down until the fabric is taut four fold each side backwards five button up your pants and throw on a belt to keep the pleats in place number four cotton and Vaseline as a fire starter now before you throw that bottle of petroleum jelly in the garbage for fear that it's going to start a fire in your house listen to this dr. Elizabeth Winslow a research consultant at the Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas a test that Vaseline is not a fire risk cotton however is a great fire starter the only downside is it burns up too fast so by covering cotton balls in petroleum jelly and lighting them on fire you get a strong but steady flame that keeps on burning a great hack next time you go camping number three lose a tail when driving if you ever feel like the driver in your rear-view mirror is following you all you gotta do is make four consecutive turns in a row this is usual the best way to lose a tail if you still can see your alleged pursuer please call emergency service right away or just drive to the nearest police station number two making a pristine bed this list wouldn't be complete without instruction on how to make that iconic crisp a military bet here's how to get those corners no fitted sheet can achieve one start by tucking the bottom of the sheet between the mattress and box spring make sure there are no wrinkles or bunching to do the same thing on the head of the bed as you did at the foot making sure to pull that sheet taut 3 pinch the sheet about 16 inches away from one of the bottom corners and lift it up a bit tuck in the material between the corner and your fingers 4 put your finger against the corner to keep it sharp and fold the rest of the material over you should end up with a 45 degree line in the sheet on the outside of the corner 5 we'll repeat the steps for the rest of the bed corners number 1 peeing in the shower urinating in the shower might be a controversial topic in some households or even a dirty little secret for some people but according to the medical community and actually prevents and cures athlete's foot urine has natural properties like uric acid and ammonia that help fight fungal infections so if you think about it you're pretty much giving yourself an instant spa treatment free of charge not to mention of course you'll save a ton on your water bill and decrease your ecological footprint sounds like a win-win to me a kind of gross win-win but still which of these military hacks are you willing to try out let us know in the comments don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life
Views: 3,223,980
Rating: 4.7257752 out of 5
Keywords: military hacks, life hacks, peeing in the shower, shiny shoes, ladder lacing, fire starter, safe tricks, safety
Id: frG12W0MRf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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