SECRET AI Better Than ChatGPT (100% BETTER) 🤯

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if you are seeing messages like this chat GPT is at full capacity right now and we have all been there if you use maybe five times chat GPT at least you saw one time chat GPT as full capacity this is something really annoying and I want to share with you guys how you can go and actually avoid this message and also something that is actually much better than chat GPT so as I said really high volume on the website it is crashing all the time everyone are really mad about this but there is a way to use chat GPT without actually going on chat GPT website and you can actually use it without any limitations so if you don't know what is chat GPT it is basically open AI tool that you can go on this website askchat GPT all the questions you have and it is going to get answered you can also give different tasks but I'm gonna not going to talk about that right now I want to share with you guys something as I said that is much better than chat GPT and that is open AI API so if you go and access chat not actually chat GPT but GPT free if you go and access this API you're going to see a page that looks like this so how you can go and actually access this website you want to go and write in your browser Playground now once you enter that in your browser you're going to open this API and what you want to do is you want to go and sign up if you don't already have open AI account or maybe login if you already have one you probably already have one because you're watching this video so once you create your account or login you're going to see the page that looks like this now a lot of you guys are going to tell me that chat GPS PT is much better looking than this website but we are using all the powers actually powers from chat to GPT and even more than that with this tool right here so basically what are you doing is when whenever you ask questions on chat to GPT it is going to the same place then on open AI playground basically it is the same place but on the playground you don't have any limitations which is really important for us because there are some censorship censorships or something like that that are happening on test GPT so if you go on this website you're going to get everything answered whatever you ask so to give you guys nice few examples how you can use this playground it is really easy to do so let's say what is the fastest train in the world and you want to go and click on this button right here submit so as I said it is a little bit uglier than chat to GPT but it is more powerful which is really important for us so you can see that we have the answer the world's fastest train I don't know how to read this in China top speed you can see right here so basically you're going to get all your questions answered and there are tons of different ways that you can actually use this tool you can use it to make money to do different learnings or even can do your job so I'm going to give you guys few examples how you can use this playground tool so we can go and write attention for example I want to create a YouTube video I'm creating YouTube video right now so I want to put attention grabbing title so I'm on something that is going to attract clicks so I can say write attention YouTube title for or let's say about AI so we can go and click on submit and basically that in future unlock the true power of intelligence so basically you can see we have one example of our title for our YouTube video so we can maybe say write more because this one is not enough for us we want to have few options so you're going to see that let's say maybe write five more you're going to see that this playground tool is going to keep doing our requests and this is really great because as I said you're not going to have any limitations you're not going to have crashes or something like that so maybe we want to learn let's say 10 ways to make money online we want to learn something so let's say 10 ways to make money online you're going to get the this question answered and for example we want to become an app developer so we want to learn more about this so what you can do is you can go now and say write outline four become the app developer let's say course so basically what this AI tool is going to provide us is it is going to provide us with all the outlines so you can learn each this Outline by asking chatter GPT to tell you more so let's say we can go and ask okay introduction to app development that is something that we don't actually need but let's say we want to learn how to create apps on Android and iPhone so you can go and ask that or you're going to have different stuff that you need to learn for app development so I want to show you guys also how you can go and use this AI tool because it is really funny I have I've been using this actually so you can go for example on Italian website so I have searched on Google what is the most popular Italian website so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to click on this random article and I'm maybe going to copy for example this stuff right here so I'm giving you guys an example just how powerful this tool is so I'm going to copy this text right here this type part of article I'm going to come back on playground I'm going to say for example Translate article and I'm going to put this text right here so what is going to happen when I click on submit is basically this AI tool is going to transfer from Italian back to English and as I said this is really great way how you can go and use this AI tool with different stuff so for example you can go and write legal stuff so for example I need a legal disclaimer for for example for my website that I use affiliate link so basically whenever someone use my affiliate link I'm going to get a small percentage of cut for that sale so I want to write for example write a legal disclaimer or let's say disclosure for affiliate links and basically uh chat GPT or DCI tool is going to give me a full lag legal document that I actually need to use to disclose that I'm using affiliate links so you can see this website may contain affiliate links basically and that it is going to you're going to earn small portion of each sale that you get on your website so as I said there are tons of different ways to use this AI tool I'm going to show you guys something really interesting and that is how you can go and generate images or art using this tool so we can go and say create prompt for art and let's put something weird because we want to create art let's say what waterfall in Spring I don't know it is a little bit weird but who cares so let's say we're going to get prompts for waterfall in the spring so we can do what we can do right now is we can go and copy this prompt for our generating art so we can go and copy this text right here we can go on a mid Journey so if you don't know what is mid Journey you probably know because there are almost 10 million users right now so basically what you can do is you can go and write for example you can see right here you can write any text you can go and give what specific you want for your image and basically based on your description of the image mid journey is going to create this art so you can see different art that was created by images you can see how amazing it looks like for example you can see this one this looks really amazing and it was created by just writing text so what we can do right now for our art is we can go right here in the text and write slash imagine and we want to put our prompt so prompt is our text that we have copied from a playground and I'm going to click on enter so you can see waiting to start creating art it is going to take some time it usually takes around let's say from 20 to 30 seconds to create art and while we wait our art to be completed you can go and just look how amazing this art looks like you can see this is going to be our art so we can go and see how different um how people are using actually this AI tool just to write different text and create images this is something mind blown for me because I didn't imagine something like this can happen so you can see we have our art that is created for us and you can see this is the art you can see the waterfall you can see the spring you can see some trees flowers and so on so what we can do right now for example is we can go and create story for our art so I'm just showing you guys what you can do with openai because it is really interesting and I'm really enjoying showing you guys this stuff so you can for example say write story about waterfall in Spring so basically we can create story for story time for our uh for our image or art and I think this is something really amazing because you can basically give any tasks chat GPT or playground and it is going to answer it or do these task you can go and ask to program something or to develop some app it is going to happen so you can just you just need to give a specific description of what you need in your app or website or something like that and AI is going to do it for you so this is how you can go and actually use this tool without any limitations like chat GPT it is pulling basically the same stuff uh it is going basically pulling the same stuff from this AI to chat the GPT and you can use the same tool on playground but as I said you're not going to have any limitations you're not going to have crashes and that is why I'm 100 giving you guys statement that Playground open AI is much better than chat GPT if you found this video helpful make sure to like this video if you want to see more videos about open AI make sure to check out my YouTube channel and also make sure to subscribe guys thank you for watching see you soon and bye
Channel: Brko Banks
Views: 36,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT3, Open AI, AI Chat, better than ChatGPT, MidJourney, SECRET AI Better Than ChatGPT
Id: Eu0u4jMCvU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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