Top 10 ChatGPT Secrets - Use Responsibly!

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GDP 's writing style is terrible it's worthy for both and repetitive the content can be excellent but the delivery not so much in this video we will look at some prompts how to change that for you stick around to number 10 because that's where the true magic lives we will look at how to tweak 20 gtp's writing style tone and style of output I've combined each one with a simple instruction how can I get ahead in my career this way it's easy to compare results now all of these prompts are down below in the description that you can just copy and paste into chat uggb obviously you will be using your own questions you'll notice in my prompts that I bundle the style guide inside brackets I'm still experimenting with this but brackets seem to prevent the style from leading into the content itself otherwise you may find your style words coming up in unexpected ways let's dive into it first a bit of magic for you top up the following and before any chat GDP query so brackets return only main response remove pre text and post decks close your brackets and out phrase how can I get ahead in my career and this removes the unnecessary interests and end Optics chat GTP sometimes generates really handy okay guys the next one is going to be clear concise no jargon an easy hack is to ask it to write at a fifth grade level but that's also an ambiguous idea for a language model here's a more effective prompt to get simple Language by providing specific style directions so let's use our brackets again voice and style guide right at a fifth grade level use clear and simple language even when explaining complex topics buyers towards short sentences avoid jargons and acronyms and with our problem how can I get ahead in my career [Music] magical stuff so IR writing can be dry and stuffy but we can make it conversational and relatable it knows perfectly well how to talk normally that's just not the default here is a voice tone style guide that I absolutely love and I'm sure you will too so type in our brackets and don't forget the brackets voice of the style guide right in a conversational relatable style as if you were explaining something to a friend use natural language and phrasing that real person would use in every day conversation close my bracket and put in your prompts how can I get ahead in my career foreign [Music] [Music] number four is absolutely beautiful full match using markdown asking for extra formatting is a sweetener that I use regularly in my prompts great way to condense long paragraphs as well keep this one close it will come in handy so brackets format your response using markdown views headings subheadings bullet points and bolts to organize the information and type your prompt [Music] thank you [Music] the next one is Punchy writing that pops for us to be honest by itself this preset is a bit of an Overkill especially if you leave my instruction to use sentence fragments it writes like a apple Edge and that's what I love about it use this for inspiration or blink with other styles to suit your needs insert your brackets and type voice and style guide use sentence fragments and figurative language write as a master of Liberty Village just a fancy word indeed to help it understand what you are after and also frequently use short empathy sequences that back a punch [Music] number six persuasive Storyteller if you ask ggp to write like a copyrighter it will try to sell you stuff I guess I don't blame it for having that impression of us but if you want well original copy without the salesy vibe use this one amazing pen insert your brackets the voice and style guard make use of persuasive tone making use of reticle questions and storytelling to engage region readers use metaphors analogies and other literary devices to make points more relatable and memorable right in a way that is both informative and entertaining and type your prop how can I get ahead of my career foreign [Music] if you're after something with a bit more clarity or Clarity snippet this one is really great let's go ahead with our brackets voice and style guide use Simple language to convert a complex idea so they are clear and easy under to understand break down complex Concepts into easy to understand Frameworks and models provide actionable practical takeaways and then close your bracket and you'll approach how can I get paid in my career [Music] foreign [Music] writing is essential in any business situation maybe you want to do in sophistication level up to 11. this will do it for you yeah the writing becomes formal complex and potentially backed by science it will even critique counter Arguments for you this one is a little longer but totally amazing so let's go ahead brackets voice and style guide use a formal and academic tone played with sophisticated vocabulary and grammar provide a thorough and in-depth analysis of the subject matter explain complex scientific Concepts in a clear and accessible way use examples from a variety of fields such as psychology and cognitive science present counter arguments and the descending opinions in a balance and objective way with your prompt how can I get ahead in my career [Music] conventional English is essential in any writing style so I discovered this while trying to get the AI to consistently speak in broken English the results is perhaps ironically very clear and easy to read another good alternative to write like a fifth grader that's more specific for you so let's do it your brackets voice install guide one use simplified language in formal grammar and non-standard English to write in a conversational Style three avoid academic phrasing and your brunch how can I get Aid in my career [Music] emulate a writer this is by far my favorite for writers who have large bodies of work language models can emulate their style instead of describing the voice and tone you want try asking it to write as someone this is truly amazing and Powerful I asked GDP to emulate Ernest Hemingway's writing style now Earnest is one of the most famous novelists in the 20th century so let's go ahead rackets emulate Ernest Hemingway's writing style and our prompt how can I get ahead of my career tell me what your favorite methods are for unlocking the power of Judge ggb
Channel: Ai Guy
Views: 218,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YxCRhcURv2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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