6-28-20 PM "THE LATTER RAIN" James 5:7

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening community family church excited to be in the house before tonight [Music] you can be seated for just a second but make sure you're seated in heavenly places so now we're gonna do things a little bit differently we have our young people up here give them a good hand they add youth camp this week they had a powerful revival all week long that came every single day and had some exact tivities during the day and then at night they had services so tonight we're gonna have them lead our worship we're gonna hear some testimonies from them and we're gonna start off with sister Kendall she's going to pray for the service and she's going to testify that we've come to take back our territory today hallelujah we've come to stump on The Devil's head today God I ask that you a movement you want to tear down walls and that she'll break off chains father I have that she will do what only you can do Jesus and that she will move in our midst today thank you that we get to praise you lord thank you that we get to worship you Lord hallelujah I thank you for what you've done that's more a father have your way God do not expect the Lord he thank you Lord anoint the darkness Lord let your glory fall hallelujah no one of the Lord shall prevail in Jesus name we pray amen hallelujah I'm gonna share a bit of my testimony with you really quickly this past couple of weeks I had faced the trial and in the trial you know I decided I'm not going to be discouraged I'm gonna take it to the Lord in prayer immediately because you know it was kind of like a it was just like I was being overwhelmed like not this again not something like this you know and so I took it to the Lord because I read something one time that said when you become overwhelmed it can lead to negative owner ability and I decided you know what I'm not gonna let the enemy get in only way I can I can't have time for the devil to get no extra chances to take me out because I know one thing when we want to get lazy just because we want to stop fighting don't mean the devil gonna stop punching and so I took it to the Lord in prayer and I have faith I said god I'm overwhelmed right now and I know that when something like this happens there's got to be something greater on the other side that I just can't see because I know when I see things around me that are troubling me there's something in the unseen hallelujah that you're working out for me and I've taken to the Lord and the very next week that's when opportunities begin to come towards me that I have been praying about and doors have been open and he took care of the situation hallelujah so I want to encourage you today that just because you see troubles and you see trials and tribulations don't forget that you have somebody in the unseen hallelujah who fights your battle but he wins every time now you can all stand together get ready to worship God hallelujah thank you Jesus the psalm says he is he is everything that we need tonight hallelujah my incredible Almighty [Music] the people shout for his goodness mercy boy Oh oh my Oh incredible Oh Oh okay here put your hands together tonight if you believe that to God and thank him for the service and I I thank him for a bpy see that was just last week and let me just tell you I was praying today I said God I want you to blow the roof off of this place God I want you to heal and deliver and set free people tonight Oh God and you know it got me thinking about the man and the mark I believe it's - and it tells the story about a man who was so sick he had palsy and he was in bed and that his friends had to take him to the place where Jesus was sometimes you can't take yourself but a friend can carry you in prayer and then they had to tear off the roof for him and let me tell you I've been tearing off the roof for each and every single one of you today because God is going to do an amazing thing tonight and then when Jesus touched that man then there was the scribes and the Pharisees they began to say well how does he have that authority and why is he going around shouting like that why is he going around jumping around because gods are the thing for me and maybe you might not understand what I went through but I know the things that I went through behind closed doors I know what the battles that I went through behind closed doors you might not know but I know what my Jesus did for me I'm gonna clap my hands I'm gonna shout hallelujah because thanks be to God because if it was not for the Lord who was on my side where I'd be I'd be in a ditch somewhere dead I'd be a drug addict I'd be an alcoholic I'd be stuck in gamblin I don't know where I'd be I'd be in a ditch dead I know that for sure and I thank God for all that he's done what he's gonna do tonight [Applause] when they ask me to testify I I was talking to God last night I was like God you know you've done so much for me and you're using me so much but Lord where where do you want me what do you want me to to speak to the people and he took me to the book of Job and those who aren't familiar with the book of Job job had everything I mean he had everything and I want to talk to some people out there that feel like they had everything for a season but then then you know the Lord he was speaking to Satan and he said have you considered my servant job and today if you're going through a trial I want you to put your name and replacement of job because God has called you my Bible says count it all joy when you fall into various trials so I'm so thankful that God chose me and the Bible also says in proverbs 24 10 it says if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small when I got ahold of that I said God you chose me you chose me even though I stumbled even though I felt I did not faint because you picked me up every time I fell so I'm so thankful that I my job to this world I'm so thankful that I have people in these in these pews that are a joke to this world it doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't matter what the doctors told you it doesn't matter what your which your mama said you were gonna be it doesn't matter what your daddy said you were going to the only opinion is gods I said the only opinion is gods so Church I encourage you to rise up it's okay if you fall it's okay if you stumble but you gotta let God pick you back up because if you don't let him pick you back up you will faint and I was listening to the message Pastor Tom preached this morning and he was talking about the favor and I got to thinking about when I was in that hospital bed I got the thinking man I shouldn't even be here I said I should does anybody have that testimony you shouldn't be standing here right now cuz I'll tell you I got that testimony I shouldn't be standing right here I'd be standing here right now I shouldn't be standing here right now but I'm thankful I'm thankful that I got into that hospital bed I didn't die on my couch that night I'm thankful I said I'm thankful as anybody thankful because I tell you I'm faithful and I just want to thank the Lord for using me for using me that's why the Bible says count it all joy when you fall into various Charles no 1 in that it's the testing of your faith that produces patience I said it produces patience come on church when you fall into a trial don't blame God because that's the last thing you ought to do you should be thanking God that he puts you in that trial because you may be time for a minute but I'll tell you a chore comes in the morning I say chore it comes in the morning the Bible says and Nehemiah 8:10 the joy of the Lord oh I said the joy of the Lord it's my strength it's my strength in the midnight hour strength when I'm sleeping [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] River boys try yeah god try [Music] oh boy trial that'll we do it God is high Oh Oh [Music] I three years sorry I'm gonna shower [Applause] Jesus changed amen how many of you are thankful to be in the house of the Lord tonight I know I can't do it justice like Josh Beit Stan but how many of you can honestly say then I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord you know yes my hiding place the one that I run to in times of trouble you know there was the time in my life or I allowed Satan to feed me lies and tell me that I was should be too ashamed and I should be too scared to stand up here and testify let me tell you what I believe that God set this up for a reason he knew that I would testify tonight he knew that I was supposed to stand here and I love what you did said on Friday night he said saying I want you to tune in right now say I want you to tune in right now because you are a liar you told me I should be ashamed but God forgives me not be silent you good to you [Applause] [Music] [Music] he says broken and uh scattered and mercy gathered mended and whole I'm empty-handed [Music] but not forsaken I've been set free I've been set free Amazing Grace how sweet the sound I can't see oh I can't see the love in your [Music] in yourself raising of the broken [Music] [Applause] [Music] our failure you take out your treasure in Jars up this hard Lord I'll be honest yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yourself now [Music] [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on up Britta's house I'm on the Bible says that everything that has breath given brains [Music] raise come on in kid or friends creig's alone you may be seated in God's house tonight so grateful to see so many people here tonight to celebrate Jesus I'll just say a few things right before I welcome the guests and take up the offering they talked about something called bpy C that stands for Barbourville Pentecostal youth camp and for I don't know how many years that has been going on but this is the first year they've not been able to meet in person so what they did was they actually had services at different churches and strain them online and people had the opportunity each Church had an opportunity to do their own at day camp so for instance our particular church we had our own camp at here at Community Family Church during the day and they would go into their youth sanctuary and they would watch the services online and be a part of youth camp that particular way and their souls were blessed this week and they have just been so excited can't you just see a difference in the faces of the young people and then awesome to see what God has done hallelujah dad were you seeing great as thy faithfulness this morning was he singing that did he play that I didn't know if you knew that do you know great as I think go to e-flat I just wanted to see I don't great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness [Music] morning by morning new mercies I will see all that I have needed thy hand hath hold on great ears I faithful name Lord to thee [Music] one more time great is it's great great you use the honey thing Grady you stay faithful name and a morning by morning its new mercies I I'm gonna see with my very eyes gasps hello thy hands ax nobody else can satisfy me like Jesus hath provided great is thy face a fondness great is thy faithfulness Lord to thee hallelujah he's a faithful God everything that I've ever had need over I haven't had to go to anywhere else because the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want ER I don't have to beggin please anybody Elsa everything and leaders in Jesus or I knead by hands drove it in greatest [Music] faithfulness great is thy faithfulness does anybody know that he's fatal has anybody known to be Jehovah Jireh your provider does anybody know want to be Jehovah Nissi your banner deceive of a fight your battles has he ever been shawarma row he'll Shepherd up when you win off the path he said I'm gonna search after you will let you go in the right way Grady you snob baby names Lord to thee come on if you know him to be a faithful God given the phrase have stood to his name give him the praise that's due to his name from the rising of the Sun till the setting of the same his name is to be glorified hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] praise the Lord you may be seated in God's house thank you for letting me get that out are there verses to that song I know there are do we have those anywhere we probably don't have them I guess I could look at on my phone [Music] [Applause] summer and winter time [Music] [Music] I said way [Music] I've wait year's night yes Lord Judy grace and thy faithfulness Oh God my father [Music] [Applause] I paid [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] come on and give the Lord praise in his house today come on if you know he's faithful give him a faithful praise given in all time God praise give him he's always there God give him a praise like he'll always comes through one time when nobody else is there I said Cheeta hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you sister Brenda you may be seated [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah allelujah really quick Josh because we're singing that song about the faithfulness of God and during this pandemic I've had a lot of friends who have lost their job lost money and things like that but God has done some great things for me during this pandemic financially and I want to give God praise for it because it's only God I've become debt free but at the beginning of May my house insurance comes out monthly and it hadn't came out yet so I contacted the insurance company like you know what's going on why haven't you taken my payment they said that someone has made a cash payment and paid my whole entire house insurance for a year don't even didn't even give me a name that's gone only God I decided even during this pandemic that when I would give and dude the text to give I would do 2020 because this is my year and I was like God I know there's school you know I know things are looking bad but I know that you're gonna do some significant things for for everyone this year but then then last week I got a letter in the mail and they said hey Rebecca you you know you haven't cashed this check that we've sent you for four hundred sixty-five dollars from a company that I had done business for over a year ago they said you know you overpaid us I was like well how in the world did I overpay you because you take my money out every month but anyway I had another check come in I've been having money upon money above our money up our money come and I'm so thankful because it's only God so when someone anonymously pays your insurance for a year now my car insurance is paid for a year and everything I just give god great you know praise for because he is faithful he is faithful and he sees the seeds that you sow into his kingdom and that he honors his word and I just want to thank God for His faithfulness tonight and be encouraged that he knows your needs here's a need meeting God no matter what it is whatever the - really I am gone I forgot in this house I love the gifts of the Spirit operating in perfection because there's those that need that because already provided a healing a long time ago so I'm waiting for miracles of all miracles to start happen because it's not something that it should it should be an ordinary thing for the children of God but I just want to thank God because He is Jehovah Jireh he is our provider go back to e-flat [Applause] sister Brenda's got another song on her great is your mercy towards me your loving car towards me your tender mercies I see you day after day forever faithful towards me you're always providing for me great is your mercy towards me great is your grace mercy toward your loving your tip number see after day towards me always provide for me great is your mercy towards me Gradius your girl towards me your loving kindness towards me you're tender jeez I see day after day towards me you're Piracy towards me [Music] come on and give him praise tonight hallelujah helo boho-chic Abba Hassan danava he Crocodoc Oshima naked mazi limo wash whatta so as you have son my mercy shall be granted to you day by day fret not the things of tomorrow for I will give you grace for the day the fullness of the day worry not about the things of tomorrow and the things that would could or even should happen for when you wake up let your mouth speak I will receive grace sufficient for this day and I will wake up in peace and I will lay down in peace because of the multitude of the mercy of God for as you have some out of obedience so shall my word be unto you even this week and the weeks to follow hallelujah we thank you Jesus let's give him praise let's give the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah hallelujah [Music] halle-loo [Music] ooh hallelujah Barney Lana money online I would every another [Music] who we praise you Lord we praise you lord hallelu yeah Moira urahara hire another Colson I Shaniqua wanna who in a I hear I so great [Music] hallelujah Jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall speak with new tongues hallelujah hallelujah it's a sign of the outpouring of God's power his spirit of these last days we thank you Lord one more time I know you've been staying up if you're able let's stand one more time my [Music] bored tonight let the wind of God let the breath of God blow across this nation down the coast of the Atlantic across our borders Lord down through the Gulf of Mexico over the tops god of the Rocky Mountains missionary Ayana let the breath of God blow across this nation that the breath of God blow across this nation that the cornfields yield their corn let the wheat fields yield their weeds Lord all the way to the Pacific coast from the northern borders all the way down God to the Pacific Ocean into Hawaii and Alaska Lord all the nations of the world let the glory the earth is the Lord's and the glory thereof I want you just to move your hands as the wind of God begins to blow across this globe hallelujah Hacha de cada hire while I'm at ahaziah de cabra eya in the name of Jesus Father in the name of Jesus that the healing virtue be released every individual that's watching right now that is sick spiritually in their will mind or emotion or in their physical body let there be a release of the faithfulness of God's healing virtue flow out of this house in the name of Jesus and we'll give you all the praise and all the glory for thou art a she you're the glory after [Music] [Music] one more time singing Ursula on your Celica choir of angels leaded by Lulu when your voice a little bit louder come on I've appreciated what Brendan said he said his family goes to solid rock south on Sunday morning and he said I listened to the pastor's sermon this morning I want you to know when I preach I don't just get up here I've not copied anything I'm I don't get it in the mail these come from heaven and the message this morning was this in Psalms chapter 5 11 and 12 when you get to verse 12 he said Lord you're going to circle me with favor you're gonna surround me with favor and that favor is a shield the Hebrew word for that shield is a shield that has spear Singh swords coming out of it to where the devil can't get ahold of you what Becca was talking about tonight you're here tonight because you didn't Dyer coronavirus you're here tonight because you haven't been on a ventilator and in the name of Jesus I'm asking you Lord to inoculate everyone that's in this house [Music] put a shield around us let not even the new virus that's supposed to come in October that the biologists has already told us it's ten times worse than this one all let me tell you something I want the very corridors of Hell to know I'm surrounded by the favor of God that favor is a shield not just any shield it is a circular shield that has swords running through it that the enemy cannot penetrate [Applause] one more time let's sing it together dogs gonna have a people outreach later time hear the word of the Lord my child for the enemy has come to you like a venomous Viper he has stared at you he has positioned himself to strike but did you not hear the words of my holy scripture I'll not only surround you with favor but that favor shall be the shield the shield that I have put around you is a shield that's filled with sharp two-edged sword let the venomous fangs of the evil one strike for it the striking to attempt to get you my sword shall pierce him and he shall fall dead in front of your face fear not I am with you [Applause] give the Lord a clamp appraised before you're seated and praise the Lord you may be seated this scripture just keeps on boiling my spirit pama now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me that's what His Word says aren't you glad that he's the glory in the lifter up of your head when you feel down you can say and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me Amen I don't know about you but I'm so glad I came to church tonight if you come from afar we understand because a church that is alive is worth the drive I can't imagine anywhere else I'd want to be than in the presence of the Lord not just in his house but in his presence isn't his presence wonderful his presence is wonderful so grateful that you're here my we've done 30 minutes of just praise halleluja halleluja it was just this time last week we were singing songs about heaven and as we were singing songs about heaven brother ron Mullen slipped into eternity right to the place where he was designed to be amen isn't it awesome to be a part of a church that magnifies heaven how beautiful heaven must be hallelujah grateful that you here I'll get right on pointing right to the topic we're so grateful to have everyone but especially if it's your first time here to community family church so do us a favor first time guests in that seat in front of you as a connection card if you're from this area and it's your first time here we'd love for you to grab that connection card and fill it out for us when it comes time for our offering time we're gonna go and take those particular we'll ask that you take those connection cards and if you take those and drop it off and one of our offering stands here in the front and the back or in the balcony we've got them all over for you too and so we're just grateful that we're that you're here can we let all of our guests know how great we appreciate them give us some God's house tonight it's also our opportunity right now to worship the Lord with our giving I believe that God has called all of his people to finance the kingdom of God I thought that was just for me I know that dropped my spirit Lord used me to finance the kingdom of God and I felt a God say that's what I've called all my people to do he's calling all of us to finance the kingdom of God so we can worship the Lord and our giving and as we're preparing for our offering when to let all of our internet congregation know that there are three ways to give you can give at CFC ky dot-com there's a place for you to click online giving so you can put in your information and send in your offering that way we also do text to give if you text the word give giv e to eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven press send you'll receive some information about how to do text to give and that's the method that my family not choose to use the other way to do it of course if you're writing a check make it to CFC you can give it here or if you're giving online you can make a check as well but mail it to one one eight seven five Taylor Mill Road Independence Kentucky four one zero five one so as you're making your offering read let's go ahead and say are offering declaration today together in faith as we bring in today's Ty's offerings and over and above giving we're believing the Lord for a supernatural release of God's favor over every area of our lives jobs in better jobs checks in the mail inheritances secure investments scholarships creative ideas finding money healing for our spirit soul and body deliverance to the captives salvation to the lost and an outpouring of the Holy Ghost say this loud we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ if you believe that say Amen now as they're preparing for this next song will let you know too that you'll have that opportunity to give during this next song so when you hear the song go on you can go ahead and bring up your offering at those times they're actually anytime during the service but especially during this next time let's go ahead and pray God we thank you so for the opportunity to come into your house tonight we're so thankful Lord for the outpouring of your presence that is in this house though we feel your presence so strongly in here and Lotus we want you to live and move and have your being in this place and lo God we're so thankful that we can worship You God with our hands clapping feet dancing and mouths shouting all of your praises but lo we're so thankful that we can worship you with our giving when we pray that you would win souls with every single dog let us give and we give you all the praise and glory in Jesus name and the church says Amen you may bring your offering and anytime the song I'm getting ready to sing it's called he has never lost the battle and my family and I have been struggling through about her right now and I just want to look the devil in the face and said God has never lost a battle in Zakaria for seven or seven four forget which one it says who are you great mountain and I just want to testify who are you great mountain that you shall not bow low cuz my Jesus defeated every bit of darkness in the name of Jesus he conquered death hell and the grave and I have the keys I have the authority to fight off the enemy hallelujah now you shall not download my Jesus my Jesus is before you Satan you are powerless so I'm decree and I'm declaring Satan who are you who do you think you are that you shall not Paulo when I call upon the name of my lord you shall hear my cry [Applause] so I'm gonna sing this song and I want you all to sing it with me if you know it but if you're going through something and if you're going through a battle and you're going through a struggle I want you to Claire who are you great mounts and what nerve the audacity you have to come at me the audacity you have to come at my family try me se10 you will not get past me I am the child of a God I am Most High I am cold and I want to do it I just want to encourage you to sing [Music] he is my food food for the Carling me out of the time what he started in he is my faith for for the car out of the dark and I can always believe what he said so listen to the sir power Jesus has broken the curse he has never lost a battle who are you brave mountain you should not fell my Jesus defeated the darkness he has never lost a battle and he never will and he never will he know and you never will he never will [Music] he is my faith full father calling me out of the dark and I cannot wish for what he said in he is my town Asian goby stores make alive but my soul is on fire with his word so when listen to the seller power my Jesus defeated he has battle my Jesus defeated the darkness he has a better [Music] and he never will he never will and he never will oh and he never will he never [Music] my great defender in my strokes ow he has never lost a battle he has never lost a battle in LA Brady finger ha strong he has never lost a battle oh so I see for you great mountain you should [Music] great [Music] Jesus defeated the darkness he has the battle [Music] a better [Music] [Applause] booty all the way up to 15 now let's praise God for teenagers [Applause] I'm afraid not to give the Lord a good thank you Oh cows a year ago actually been a year three months I scared to go back to harsh Bell for the test three months ago but it got counselor cause of the virus I had a blockage on the left side I'm on that and they said it wasn't bad enough to do surgery but still we don't wait a year we don't do another test on you so I started praying God open up my heart risk I go back for my test there's two messages on my home phone for Judy to listen to who she'd been out of town they says you don't have to come back for no tests everything is normal so I want to give God praise for that hallelujah [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna preach but let's do a burst of course of a congregational alright I know you've been singing already but some of these young people need to hear old fashioned congregational singing I will the one we did this morning oh I love to walk with Jesus do the verse like the man of long ago who had journeyed by the wayside near the gates of Jericho Jesus heard his cry for mercy who is that character we're talking about blind bartimaeus exactly and so we want to thank God Jim throw your hand up when you found it there it is let's if you're able let's stand one more time we want you to open up your voice and then I'm going to read one little scripture and we're gonna see what the Lord has in store for us are we writing [Music] oh Jesus my ball who had Terry by the wayside here gates Jesus heard his cry for mercy gave him back his side [Music] follow Jesus all along where he leads me pastor where he Jesus now this next verse says I'll follow Jesus all the way to Calvary sprout and I wish we could turn the clock back you could hear sister Janice with her guitar and her 30 inch ponytail and five and a half inch high heel shoes walking across that platform with tears running down her face singing this verse not one time did I see that but many times hallelujah this verse will touch your heart are you ready get ready to sing it is a small way to go all that seems loves me takes my where [Music] if you're able just remain standing for the one verse we're gonna read tonight in James chapter 5 and verse 7 and you know I believe in God that somebody I'm believing the best I can believe and faster than the best I know how to fast first three days of every month for somebody to drop us a few million bucks so we can build that new sanctuary right now with the 50 percent seating of course we stretch that a little bit today but with the 50 percent seating we have or we can only get about 1/4 of our people in here that's all for we've had for services is our fourth one today and we have a lot of people that just simply can't get in they can't get in the house because we don't have enough room and and I can't build it without money I people said have faith I got faith but I need money now to build so I want you to believe God and we want to thank God for the partners that it came in this week bill and Judy from Lanett Alabama Hulan and dreama from pres Peters town West Virginia Jerry and Sharon from Lake loser in New York Tommy indoors from Southaven Mississippi Lord and Janice emailed and David emailed in and we thank God for the new partners we have partnering with us $25 a month to help us take care of the Internet and the television let's give God a praise without James five and seven be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and has patience for it until he received the early and the latter rain just for a few moments were dealing with the subject the latter rain let's pray father we come to you in the name of Jesus we thank you God for this unexplainable undeniable encounter with the awesome eternal God now Lord let your word be preached tonight with love compassion mercy demonstration and power the Holy Ghost will give you all of the praise and the glory in Jesus name but the church say Amen you may be seated just for a very few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject the latter rain there's going to be a lot of information given tonight a lot of curtains and information there's going to be some things that are said that are going to be for your benefit of understanding you see the scripture paints us the picture the husbandman means a person who owns a great field a gardener not a gardener but a commercial farmer a commercial farmer here he says be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord but he said it's going to be just like a commercial farmer waits for the harvest to come in but he knows the harvest can't come in until there's first a planting and a harvesting there's an early rain and there's a latter rain there's a time for planting and there's a time for harvesting you see the church was planted on the day of Pentecost there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing and a mighty wind when I say church I'm talking about the called out ones those that the Holy Ghost has had a connection with God the Spirit is dwelling within us the Bible said when the day of Pentecost was fully come there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing and a mighty wind it filled the house where they were sitting cloven tongues of fire set on each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues the last words of Jesus on the Mount of Olives the Mount of ascension as some have called it jesus said go tarry in Jerusalem until you be clothed with power from on high and he said these signs are gonna follow them that believe in my name they're going to speak with new tongues we never wrote the Bible we never asked for this type of experience matter of fact nobody even knew exactly what it was but we have been watching the manifestation of the Spirit of God in this service tonight and many have received this wonderful experience of not only the Holy Spirit living in you Jesus living in you but you being baptized in the river that's in you when you are saved the Bible said there's living water springing up in you the word tells us he that believeth out of his belly shall flow rivers who live in water the woman at the well said I've got to live in water springing up inside of me that's what happens at conversion we are convicted by the Holy Ghost we are converted by the Holy Ghost and we change but then God takes us as human beings that have been converted and changed and he takes us into the river that is in us there is an awesome River inside of us you can look at it you can talk about it you can speak of how beautiful and how wonderful it is or you can allow the man in the white linen in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 47 you can allow him to take you by the hand and measure off and take you into the river which is in you and you can either go in ankle deep you can go in knee deep you can go in waist deep or you can actually be baptized in this river and win your vile tongue that is a deadly member that has no good thing that comes out wherewith we bless people and we curse people the tongue is a world of iniquity when that tongue goes under the power of the Holy Ghost it's connected to a new mind this tongue is connected to my mind this tongue can speak what only my mind tells it my mind can tell it calculations this tongue will speak it my mind will tell it colors and this lump tongue will speak it my tongue can tell my mind can tell this tongue of sizes dimensions and communication and my tongue will speak it but when I went back ties in this river this awesome river of the Spirit and the presence of God my tongue is disconnected from this mind and it is connected to his mind it makes no sense to the natural man makes no sense to his mind it makes no cognitive no cognitive connection at all because it's no longer my mind but it his mind is now operating through me and then God begins to be take that same experience and begins to reveal to me through the gift of knowledge and prophecy what his mind is actually trying to communicate to me and this is a strange spiritual phenomena that happened on the day of Pentecost and they came out of that Upper Room 120 seeds and they were planted all over the known earth everywhere they went everywhere they went they carried this gospel they carried it everywhere and they were sown upon this earth yes they were they were sown and the message of this early church when they came out of that upper room was Maranatha the Lord is coming back maranatha the Lord is coming back that was their message and they knew from the revelation that was received on the Isle of Patmos by John the Beloved they knew that this revelation of Jesus Christ has said that what one Dave Jesus was coming back in the clouds hallelujah that there is gonna be a sound of a trumpet and the dead in Christ were gonna rise first and we which are alive and remain we're going to be caught up to meet him into air and the Lord was going to come back and he was going to set his kingdom up on this earth and there would be one thousand years another word for 1000 is millennial there was going to be a millennial reign of Jesus Christ on this earth and during that millennial reign of Jesus Christ on this earth there will be no sorrow there will be no pain there be no war the weapons are gonna be beaten into plowshares and it's going to be the most powerful testimony on the face of this earth to the human race because God wants to show this human race in its fullness of that without your connection to God there is no peace there is no true joy there is no true satisfaction no matter how you manipulate through all of your designs and all of these things so now the church moves across the earth it moves in power and authority they have the message the Lord is coming maranatha the Lord is coming maranatha the Lord is coming in 312 is when Constantine receives his revelation of Jesus Christ and the cross and with this revelation the persecution that had dipped the church in oil and burned him alive they were fed to the Lions they were beaten up they were drugged out in the streets but now the persecution had stopped and the church had now been welcomed to the world in which we live in for the first time the church was welcomed and as the doors of the world opened up because they knew they could not fight against this powerful awesome God that had brought these people out of this powerful situation and planted this triumphant Church this church walked over top of the Roman Empire and never had a sword or a shield up they conquered cities conquered places conquered town until over 51% of the known world knew Jesus Christ by a personal intimate eternal relationship and nobody could make him doubt it they didn't say I'm a presbyterian they didn't say I'm a Baptist they didn't say I'm a Catholic or a Protestant they said I am a believer I know that this man Jesus was God manifest in the flesh I know he was baptized by John I know he was confirmed with signs and wonders I know that he was crucified on a cross I know he went into the heart of the earth I know he put his bloody foot on the Serpent's head I know he came up out of the ground with the keys of death hell and the grave and he gave those keys to the church in the end I gave it to him on the day of Pentecost and now the victory has been given to the church that whatsoever they bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever they loose on earth it shall be loosed in heaven don't you ever think and I'm not talking about denomination I'm not talking about a fellowship of people I'm not talking about certain things that we have conjured up in which we call the church the real born-again spirit field connected those Church the church that is connected to Jesus not connected to a denomination not connected to a culture not connected to a philosophy not connected or confined to the boxes that man puts it in this church triumphant ax is the mistress of the universe this is a church the triumphant is the bride of the king you hear me I know we talk about Mary being the Queen of Heaven but there's only one Queen that's married to the king and that is the glorious church that's been through the fire that's been through the flood it's been too difficult that's been to persecution that's been through hell and high water that's been through the darkness that's been through the storm that's been through communism that's been to everything you can imagine but even though the devil tried to kill it and destroy it we're still here tonight you are the apple of God's eye you are the mistress of the universe you are the Queen of Heaven you are the Bride of Christ you are the one that he died for you are the one that he paid the price for quit holding your head down now quit acting like you're nobody going nowhere you are somebody going somewhere you've been adopted into the royal family and your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life if you know what I was saying give God a shout [Music] [Applause] well but as usual as usual when the human race is surrounded by luxury when the human race is surrounded by abundance when the human race is surrounded by the good things of God it's not long we can have everything that God's given us but for some reason that fallen nature always goes to that forbidden tree at forbidden tree the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life now this triumphant Church 606 ad crowns Pope Boniface of the Roman Church Universal vision The Vicar of Christ we don't believe that maranatha Christ is coming anymore we don't believe that we are Christ no you're not you're the Bride of Christ yes where his body we work in his members but there's one Lord I said there's one Lord I'm on my time there's one Lord there's no man on the face of this earth that can take the place of makini Jesus there is no priest there is no preacher there is no denomination there is no doctrine there is no man there is no woman that has ever went to the cross that has ever went to hell that has ever taken the keys away from Satan there is no man worthy there's no man what are they who is worthy to open the books who is worthy who is worthy who is worthy who do you know who's worthy do you know who's worthy to open up the books of and to bring about transformation his fame is key [Music] so now the doctrine of post-millennial rain The Vicar of Christ had arrived the philosophy of men and the theology of man changed post-millennial means we are the body of Christ there's truth in that but post-millennial said we shall bring a thousand years of peace so we must conquer we must override we must take cities by force we must get all of the property we can get we must make our domain so Spain goes into Mexico and Central America and South America killing murdering stealing gold and set in a church up right in the middle of it you hear me tonight they believe that if they conquered the world the French if we conquer the world Spain came all the way up through California the French all through Louisiana in that territory of the Louisiana Purchase they came up with the same philosophy conquer conquer conquer cuz when you conquer you will bring peace to the world you'll bring peace connected to post-millennial doctrine you listen to me right now is the doctrine of substitution not the doctrine a substitution hold on right now I wrote it down because I had a strange feeling it's going to happen to me say hallelujah help me replacement theology with with the teaching of postmillennialism came the replacement theology and it's the same thing that what is replacement theology that God has done away with the Jews they had their day it's over they are nothing now but economic tyrants that's all they are economic tyrants God doesn't need Israel God doesn't need Jerusalem God doesn't need these things it's a good place for relics and and to go visit the land of the Bible but it has nothing to do with the kingdom now that God is going to set up and we're the replacement of the Jews and we're the ones that's going to bring peace on this earth and that was the doctrine that prevailed I'm going to tell you something that'll shock your shoe heels off when those pilgrims came to the United States when they hundred and twentieth when they got off of that boat they wouldn't even get off the first day because it was a lord's day but they had the same mentality they had the same replacement theology the Jews done away with we are the new Israel as a matter of fact it was even contemplated because they hated England so bad that they would begin to learn Hebrew that they would speak Hebrew they was gonna chow they were going to name everything after Israeli names because they wanted to reinstitute themselves even when they came to this earth I mean when they came to the United States they came with the mentality now we're gonna bring peace on earth once we get this thing in line we're gonna bring peace on earth the first Great Awakening that took place in from seventeen from 1730 unto seventeen seventy it was preached by it was preached by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield up you see the church once again once again once it got into the United States of America once they had already built their houses then the luxury came and in that Garden of Eden one more time man starts going to the forbidden tree oh no he didn't compromise the word he didn't compromise other thing but he made it a religious system the same thing that they came out of and now they begin to preach and teach of secular rationalism that we got to think rationally we can't just go by the Word of God we can't just go by the principles of the word of God but all at once the first Great Awakening came to this nation and as the Great Awakening came they had a passion for God they had a passion to search for God they had a passion to seek after his face that was the first Great Awakening then the Second Great Awakening happened in 1800 and when I'm talking about a Great Awakening I'm talking about a national awakening I'm not talking about a church service in Azusa Street and a church service over here and a church service in Brownsville and a church service over here I'm talking about an entire national awakening of the presence and the power of God the Second Great Awakening haptic place from 1800 until 1820 and with that Great Awakening up Kentucky had a very strong part in it up in the place called cane Ridge and that's where the Baptist's and the Methodist came together and the Presbyterian and they begin to call on God at cane Ridge and in 1801 the power of God fell up every time there's been a Great Awakening you know what happened these four doctrines you hear me every time this nation has had a Great Awakening this is the four doctrines that have come through in the first Great Awakening and in the Second Great Awakening number one the infallibility of Scripture and when God's getting ready to give a Great Awakening up he's gonna do it because of the infallibility of the scripture there's gonna be a group of people that says God said it I believe it that settles it I don't care what the world's got to say and I believe that by His stripes I'm healed up I believe that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I believe I'm blessed in the city I believe I'm blessed in the field up I believe his blood has covered me from head to toe I believe that Jonah got swallowed by a whale Allah I believe that Noah Niharika I believe the shadrach meshach and abednego went into a fiery furnace and never had a smell of smoke up or a since flame on their body I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin that I believe that that Jesus walked on the water I believe that Jesus ascended into heaven now and I want you to know I believe he's coming back again [Applause] [Music] [Music] every Great Awakening number one the infallibility of Scripture number two religious conversion that takes place with conviction and conversion meaning that men and women don't join a club and they just don't sign up and get baptized yet there's something called conviction in their life they say Oh God I'm sorry I've been living in adultery I've been living in this sinful environment I've been doing things that your word is against I've been saying things that your word us against I've been drinking things your word us against I've been watching things your word is against us I've been listening to things that your word us against I've been doing things that your word us against up that's when conviction gets ahold of your heart if there's no conviction there is no conversion I don't care how many people you've got in your church I don't care how big the crowds are a true great awakening the conviction Pacific initiative how can you ever be changed if you never believe there's anything wrong with you still smoke in your pot still drinking your liquor still sleeping with your woman and you're not married still sleeping with your man and your girlfriend and your brother and everybody else is going around I mean doing everything you can imagine that you're still going to the same theater so you're listening to the F word over and over and over if you're listen to God's name being used over and over and over you're still walking down there that Beach with a string up your hand in showing your naked body all you heard me don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about pop your still dressing wicked you're still walking wicked and you want to think you've got Gardner oh let me tell ya when God gets ahold of you ah there's something called conviction that there's something that'll say I gotta change my way of walking I've gotta change my way of talking I've gotta change my way of living do we really want to create awakening do we really want if we really want it then we've got to have conviction we've got to have the holy spirit that shakes us drop the top of our head to the soul of our pizza how many wants to know what number three is you know what number three is our troubles will soon be all happy folder and they're more when we meet all that's Shawn free from okay [Music] rising up in the sky telling this world goodbye Homer we've been shell fly Christian simply here's number three Jesus is coming soon morning all the night or maybe we'll meet there too I said the trumpet is surely gonna sound [Music] [Music] number four this one I don't have time to get into but it's the restoration of the day of rest but now listen this don't mean sitting on your porch on Sunday like Mayberry whittling and can't wait til Sunday is over suit and hurry up get your just stuff done now there is time that you need to rest but the Bible said when you enter into this rest you cease from your Labor's what rest is he talking about with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak under my people when the weary shall find rest this is the refreshing the Bible said I know you've had Sabbath day I know you've had the lord's day but there remaineth the rests for the people of God for when you enter into this rest brinda you cease from your worry you cease from it all you enter into that rest of the baptism and the Holy Ghost I'm tell you this next screen Awakening is it gonna put you in a swing on Sunday waiting for the day to get over this next fourth-grade awakening of it's a message of the baptism in the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues of the nine gifts of the Spirit the power of God are refreshing from heaven up [Music] now after the Second Great Awakening we go through the darkest times of this history men and women are brought in chains from Africa they're sold as evil men make money it's a horrible time it's horrible 22% of the population of 1865 million slaves only 23 million people in this young nation yeah the antebellum spirit what's the antebellum it's once again man in the Garden of Eden surrounded by blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessings blessings blessings blessings s he could have anything he wants but what's he wanted that forbidden tree I can't get enough let me bring people in poverty let me bring him in chains the most horrible time still the major denominations of the world every denomination is teaching post-millennial only the Great Awakening was telling him only Jesus can bring peace every denomination you get to 1865 they saw something coming they didn't know what it was but they slowed a song that was the anthem of anti-slavery and it said in the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me this is the anthem of the anti-slavery movement as he died to make men holy let us live to make men free Wow God is smart cheese Oh do you hear me tonight what was happening dl moody right stirring this time in the Moody handbook of theology he said we've missed it during this time he writes the pre millennial reign of Christ he said religion couldn't do it religion didn't do it denomination couldn't do it he said the only thing as America needs another return to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and he put it in his handbook and yes to this this is this mysterious thing he dies on December 22nd 1899 listen to what happened in your history this is history now in Appalachian Mountains they were having outpourings but it's not documented but this is documented and in 1899 at 12 o'clock midnight it is written in the Bible school notes at 12 o'clock midnight the few days after TL Moody went on to heaven and left in his hand book the pre millennium millennial reign of Christ there was a young woman by the name of Agnes that fell back in the floor and began to speak with tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance the news spread all over the world because it was documented there was a Bible School student over here in God's Bible School in Cincinnati he was attending of the Methodist Bible School by the name of William Seymour he said I've got to get to Kansas I want to hear about this latter rain I want to hear what God is - enough at the same time the Jews begin to load up everything they had in carts on donkeys they begin to come from Spain earth began to come from Belgium earth began to come from Yugoslavia they came from every nation of the world with but called Zionism and at the same time there had been no documented outpouring of the Holy Ghost until 1900 but in 1900 the documentation began and the latter rain began to fall on us and the latter rain began to fall and do you know what that latter rain is for it is to ripen the harvest up because this commercial farmer he's been waiting a long time after for the harvest of the earth but has patience for it from 1900 to 1940 I call this the generation of Abraham they were people of Prayer the first generation Pentecostals knew nothing but prayer everything they received they received in prayer 1940 to 1980 is the generation of Isaac they're well digger's and that's when this church came along you hear me God spoke to pain Zima quit k in the eastern mountains of Eastern Kentucky and said there's a whale to be dug in Northern Kentucky on route 16 she had a vision of acres and acres of acres of green beans growing in the harvests and she made her way up to Northern Kentucky and when she got here she went to the dog house of Dewey Sizemore and knocked on the door and said I'm here I'm here because God sent me and I want to have a prayer meeting in your house aren't you glad for that prayer meeting mom aren't you glad for that prayer meeting dad dad you were there you were only 19 years old ah mom was there haha but what happened in that meeting up in that meeting mom was restored and Bonnie learned how to play the piano she got full of the Holy Ghost uncle Jerry learned how to play the guitar and he got full of the Holy Ghost and Arlena never one of them Joy's they were all touched by the power of God it went from a prayer meeting to attend it went from a tent to a chicken house from a chicken house to a barn and from a barn to a basement and that's rock came along in 1956 so I was in that basement biggie was in that basement but let me tell you I think God has had his hand on this place we are on a hundred and thirteen acres I don't know why in the world a million dollars won't just fall out of heaven now but whether it falls or whether it don't fall I know one thing that's fallen from heaven out there that is the Holy Ghost stop this is going to be a place of the harvest this is going to be a place up but the Word of God there are over 40,000 people watching right now I can't even build a church that big I know that God's got something great huh and I want you to understand we are in the middle of this outpouring of the letter rain [Music] but it happens again it happens again you get to 1980 and this spirit-filled tongue talkin restored premillennial reign of Jesus Christ infallible word believed in God baptizing seek in the face of God it happens again it's the generation of Jacob the generation of manipulation you know what they said you know what the history books record the history books record this they said if the Pentecostal charismatic movement had not fallen in the eighties they would have conquered the nation and there wouldn't be hardly any other Church existing on this continent and in this country but spirit filled churches you hear me you couldn't build them fast enough you couldn't go fast enough everywhere the power of God but in 1980 man surrounded with his glory he's surrounded what's he do he goes once again to the forbidden tree because that's where the flesh always goes it always goes to where God says don't touch it don't go near it don't eat it stay away from that stuff stay away I'm called old-fashioned I know people say that people sound they said I can't believe you still have your church to stand and sing a congregational after this pandemic I've been through I'm more determined to stay away from that forbidden tree than I've ever been in my life I've seen too much flesh fall I've seen too much go under and I know the only way to overcome is my prayer by the infallible Word of God and by the blood of the Lamb of the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah I said hallelujah stay with me just for a minute this Jacob generation this Jacob generation I see three things in this 1982 2020 that's the next set of 40 you see these are 40 years that's a prophetic generation 19 a 1940's a prophetic generation the generation of Abraham 1940 to 1980 the generation of Abraham of Isaac well-digger's you go back and read your history everywhere people that's all these works everything Joel Osteen's all of these works Joel Osteen's work didn't start with Joel it started with his daddy you hear me all of this happened during this time it all happened during this time these well digger's but then the Jacob generation comes in Jacob is known as a manipulator and a deceiver so I see three things in the life of Jacob I see manipulation and with manipulation I see transformation Baja Sun I a la Hache in a but that's not the bat that's not the greatest part yet manipulation becomes transformation and transformation is the coronation because this is the generation that's gonna wear the overcomers crown so what else happened in Jacobs life Jacobs Kingdom blessing was expressed through his son Joshua so I believe Jacob's son help me when I say something wrong Joseph the kingdom is going to be expressed through the son of Jacob which is Joseph you listen to me there is a remnant in the family of God that's going to where they rose ring there's going to be a transfer of wealth shout Becca a transfer of health and a transfer of influence you know what that means brothers and sisters dogs gonna open doors for you nobody else could open you talk about a circle of favor that's gonna be around you there's gonna be God's gonna choose out of his family there's going to be a Joseph people there's gonna be a people that's gonna wear the coat of many colors there's gonna be a people that's going to have a transfer of wealth and it's not for us you hear me it's not for us just to sit and enjoy it's to bless the rest of our family it's to bless the rest of our family God's gonna choose us so don't try to fit in with the worldly Church don't try to fit in with the apostate Church you're never gonna fit in with that worldly bunch because God has a coat of many colors that's gonna drape over your shoulders in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] come on let's get him some praise husha help help me pray now help me pray help me brother I want the leading I want the leading let's get over this 1900 to 1940 the generation of Abraham they're gone in this house they're gone most sums all gone the prayer warriors have hold are gone they've left us the generation of Isaac the well-digger's they're still among us the well-digger's that want the ones that went to Barbourville Pentecostal youth camp and took a shovel and dug ditches around the tents so the kids could have youth camp the well-digger's are still here hallelujah when this pandemic when we were finally allowed to have church you know who were the first ones in the door were at the nine o'clock service all those gray hairs it looked like I opened the box of q-tips they those well-digger's they come walking in the door and I said well we we got everything fixed we got they silent rain afraid of nothing they look I said I'm afraid of nothing I probably had that Corona three or four times in my life I'm not afraid of that I'm not afraid of that I know the Lord's going to take care of me they never got to watch online because they don't have it online they don't have the Internet they don't even know what's been happening but the first time we sent it all call out and said the doors are open here they come with their grey hair and their money in their hand side they said I've come back to the house of God and I can't wait to be here oh I love going to church where the Isaac generation is I love going to church where the gray hairs are where those that dug wells in the middle of the desert and comes water to come out I let those that prayed us through we have been born into the Jacob generation we've seen just seething like nobody's ever seen deceiving we've seen lying like nobody's ever seen lying we've seen people get up and manipulate the people of God and say they hear names and stuff when they got the names all on water bottles and the water bottles they wouldn't memorize the names in the numbers of and thousands of people use in odd hours a nude and they prophesied and prophesied we've seen all that kind of junk we've heard them get up and preach and say if you'll put a thousand dollars in this offering and I've seen in one service alone 200 women run up with thousand dollar checks and lay it on the altar and I heard the preacher say you're gonna own the project that you live in that's a lie when you get money you don't want to own a project you want to own something else that's not what you want I've heard all this baloney I've seen those same people have a big fight I've seen those same people end up in jail huh I see no sane people to fall like lightning from heaven we have seen the worst disruption that this has ever seen but it don't stop with chaika's manipulation because he has a transformation after one day has a wrestling match with God and God says he said I'm not turning you loose up until I get the blessing now I'm not interested in the Fahim I'm not interested in the fortune I'm not interested in the showcase cinema I'm not interested in the entertainment center I want the blessing I want the blessing I want the blessing do you want the blessing that's a question do you want the blessing do you really want the blessing do you gotta have the blessing do you want the blessing with everything within it and Jim it's not gonna stop there there's gonna be a transfer of health a transfer of wealth and a transfer of influence shattered eyah amalah eyah double-booked solar higher hallelujah but among the family of God that's why Jesus said don't be pulling up weeds because when you pull up weeds you might get my wheat and I paid a big price for my child my child may be sitting in a dead church with a drinkin preacher yea with a custom preacher my child may be sitting in a environment where they carry on and hoot at the hootenanny and shindig at the shindig but I paid a price for him so don't you be pulling him up don't you be pulling him up but he said there's a day coming there's a day coming when among my people I'm gonna have a people win among my people I'm gonna have a remnant when among my people there's gonna be a Joseph ha ha ha Joseph may suffer Joseph may hit the pits Joseph may be hated by his brothers for a while but God's gonna bless Joseph in order to bless the rest of the family of God God wants everybody blessed on this earth he wants everybody say that are you willing to be a part of that Joseph's generation are you willing to be a part of that Joseph's experience do you want the Joseph's favor do you want the Joseph's anointing do you want it do you want it then your wallet do you want the Joseph sorry Robbie if I hit you hard I don't know if I hit your heart or not but I felt like hitting you hard no I'm not gonna hit you hard I felt I felt powerful let me taste some about the Jacob generation he's gonna watch Joseph get passed and Jacob may have had manipulation and transformation but one day he's gonna have coronation and the victors crown it's gonna come up on his head let's pray for you brother Wooten I don't know Carlos here or not sada he de hond a tacky Tata - hi he's being transferred in his work gonna be leaving us talking about four hours away eat a hot economy he should not tire God let him take say it with your mouth Jacky say I'm taking the Joseph I'm taking the Joseph call of God call of God the Joseph call of God shall be upon me halleluja halleluja touching Jesus protecting provide for him is there anyone here tonight you're cold in the Lord you're a backslider you'll wake from God you know this is my fourth time to preach I meant to be done at Tyndall for eight but I missed it I missed the time is there anybody that's away from God that in front of the witnesses present jesus said if you'll confess me before the witnesses present that I'll stand before you in the in the face of the world said all I want you to do is just be bold enough to come before the witnesses present they want to see you saved is there anybody that says tonight's my night to make a change maybe you're cold in the Lord maybe you're away from the Lord maybe you just been stale and you want to create Awakening in your life [Music] is there anybody you'll say tonight is my light [Music] all right let's if you're able it's all stand together if God [Music] if God has spoken to you during this message you feel the drawing you know we're trying to be social distancing and all that kind of stuff just don't spit on anybody don't get in their face but we're inoculated right now because if that same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwell and you heal quick and that means bring to life your mortal body your immune system just went up in the past two hours your immune system just went out Crona can't live in that Holy Ghost out of a hot shot so right where you are you can either come here or right where you are let's sing this together [Music] Oh [Music] now why don't you young people you're not going to get anything once you just shove those chairs back and all you young people just pile up in this corner here just have a little season of prayer for each other we're up we're not weak we're not gonna we don't linger our services long we give people time to go home and get in their cars and then we just stay once we go off the air you can stay and pray as long as you want [Music] all you young people from different churches wherever you're from I think there's some here from love you Kentucky is that right I heard there was are they here you folks from London you folks from Indiana just come up and join us let's sing that verse again [Music] [Applause] I want you to listen to this our brother and his wife came up with service was over it was at 12:30 or 9:00 12:00 to 12:30 service he came up and said we'd have to have a house we sold ours we have to be out in three days we put an offer I said you didn't lose money did you he said no I said you make that offer low enough you listen to me tonight you don't buy something that you don't buy something that you can't sell tomorrow and make money you might say oh I never thought about that well you start thinking about right now you've been smokes you've been living under a curse it's been generationally passed down nothing's ever been able to accumulate because you buy stuff and lose stuff you don't ever buy anything that you can't sell it the next day if you have to and make money well I'm not getting any amens but that's the truth I said don't I said don't buy anything and he just told me we prayed it quarter till 2:00 this afternoon he not only got the house but the offer that he was going to make they came down further than the offer because they wanted the house to go do you want to live under the Joseph do you want the Joseph touch not everybody's going to get it Jacob's got 12 children but there's somebody gonna get it there's somebody gonna live under the circle it's gonna be me just crazy come on let's just raise and do anything you want to [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's go back for thou Lord art a shield for me you're the glory and the lifter of my head I'm surrounded aren't you the father the name of Jesus I pray for these young ladies have pray for these young men I pray for the saints of God I pray for those watching my internet Lord let the Joseph Faber let the Joseph favour come upon this generation of Jacob for the preservation and salvation of the family of God Lord let everyone watching my Internet some of us are going to enter into that Joseph's blessing some of us are gonna see our children move in the Holy Ghost we thank you for it we give you praise in Jesus name we will see you next Sunday morning at 10:45 Sunday night at 6 o'clock god bless you we love you if you got a few extra billion dollars send them this way I'll build a church in Jesus name if not just send us a good offering we appreciate it you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 3,435
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: RjAihPlD7Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 40sec (8080 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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