69: ColourArte Summer Sequins Deconstructed Bloom. Beautiful Results!!

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[Music] hi guys this is the new summer sequins kit from color art this is evergreen it's my first color after that we have pink orchid lovely lovely pinky purple color and then next we have the flamingo feather which is just beautiful absolutely love these colors then after that we have butterfly wing look how gorgeous these colors are oh my goodness i love them so much and then we have this fiery one i really love it's hot tamale wow it's so pretty so so so pretty i love it and then after that we have fantasia this rich deep bright blue it's so pretty and then we have one of my favorite ones marmalade it's a really coppery orange color and it's shifty and beautiful and i love it so much and then the best name i think is purplicious gorgeous look how pretty that one is it's got like a pink and blue shift to it it's so pretty and then of course chambord i love the hot pinks i love the pink colors that leslie comes up with they're so pretty and with this one i wanted to show you the interesting effect of mixing these pigments in because this is called poison ivy but you can see so many different colors in the pigment to come up with this fabulous green and that's why i love the depth of these colors this is poison ivy it's a super pretty green and all those colors are in there and they shift so well now we have willow blue beautiful mid-tone blue with a lighter blue shift to it so i love a blue with a blue shift that makes me happy and finally we have arabian sea that's so pretty let's paint hi guys welcome to my channel my name is erisa and this is erisa roo art and as you saw in the video a little video before this i am working with the new summer sequence collection by color art yay and it's super fun and it's super excited but also today in the mail i got some samples of some new prism floor colors and i can't wait i got ten little samples so i'm using a couple of those two they don't have names yet the ones i'm using so i can't tell you what the names are they're just color samples so they have numbers but they're super gorgeous and i love them and as you saw in some in one of the mixing videos this is the poison ivy and when i mix this one you could see in there the different color pigments they have in it and it's so cool to me because to get this lovely green when i started to mix it you could see reds and you could see darker greens and different colors and i think this is why i love these prism are these color pigments so much because they shift and your eye gets to see so many different things and i think they're spectacular so i'm in love with them and i love them so much and i think everyone should try them because they're wonderful but i'm gonna do a ribbon pour on which i'm going to do a bloom uh deconstruction blue i'm going to do two big blooms deconstruct them tilt them out but i'm using two different colors for my base and these are all colors i've made because i don't have paints this much but this is a mixture using um amsterdam titanium white and this is a mixture using amsterdam permanent blue violet along with amsterdam prussian blue and both of those are mixed with golden soft gel gloss a little bit of uh liquitex pouring medium yes yeah that's what i used and a little bit of gac 800 and a little bit of water to thin it out just a bit and i'm hoping it'll work so i'm going to layer some cups with these two paints and then i will do a bloom a deconstructed bloom on top of them and i'm just interested to see what i get so i'm going to speed this up as i layer my cups and i'll be right back okay so my cups are layered i want to keep it to about there so i'm not going to go long because again this is deconstructed boom so i need a pillow i do have extra paints if i need it and i have a flow extender that was just a mixture of some paints that i had from drips so i'm just gonna do a really quick ribbon bore here all right so i'm using really light bright colors but i'm going to put a tube paint on the bottom that is iridescent precious gold by pebble oh studio eclipse and let's see what this does one more quick touch torch these colors are really really pretty and that purple is going to dry super super dark but i didn't want to put black so that is why i did this color so i'm only going to do two blooms here and here then i'm going to do some more colors so this is the poison ivy which is just beautiful quite a bit there i want stainless i think i was thinking about altering the alternating the colors as i lay them but i think i'm gonna go with the same and this is number 25 my mysterious prism course but can you see the blue shiftiness in here it's got i see like blues i see some pinks a touch of gold it's just really pretty it's just just really pretty in there oh my gosh i love it so much so i'm going to put that down here that is mystery primary or prismal number one and this is my arabian sea a new color in the summer sequin line and it's beautiful but i really wanted this light bright and bright on top of this darker background and then i will go with number 32. look how luscious that is oh my gosh so pretty pretty pretty pretty but i love that it's super bright it's so pretty [Music] i can't wait for these to come out all the way i'm so excited a big bubble there i'm gonna pop it i'm trying to decide there was one that did have a name and it's called wild yam and i really really love it it's this orangey poppery color but i can't decide if i want it in this pore because i have that gold in there maybe just a little bit just a little bit i just want a lot of colors i want it it's a pink but kind of salmon and it's got a gold copper chip to it i'm looking at it closely and like there's definitely there's golden coppers in there oh my gosh oh sorry i'm just examining my i like to examine the colors really deeply and then i'm going to use one more color because i'm going a little mad here and there's a lot of color this is the chambord this is one of the summer sequin lines and you saw that beautiful beautiful beautiful color beautiful color i'm going to use a white and a black cell activator [Music] i have my little travel blow dryer and let's do this i've never seen a split paste um deconstructed bloom before and i'm super excited and my celebration mixed with that uh like uh two thirds make sure that's including my minwax pouring medium and then one third asteroid and it's three to one with oxide black violet by um amsterdam and titanium white okay sorry big bubbles you want to get them out if you can let me torch it really quickly [Music] just really really fast you don't want to pull it out you don't want to hold your torch there at all there's some significant bubbles but there again it's just because i just mixed these paints and i was eager to try the colors and publish this video tomorrow morning today is saturday night right now it's saturday night okay let's blow this out i don't know what that is but you don't want that big chunk of paint there i should open it and it works better better better better there we go a little bit of that um a little more white i think a little bit of black all right hey i don't know i don't know it just could be the base because it had that purple underneath it hmm i really do like that purple but it may be too dark so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pour some house paint over it and do it again and this is straight from the bottle which is not recommended i recommend gac 800 so i'm definitely gonna have to pour off a lot to prevent this from cracking a lot a lot a lot ooh that was a nice chunk did you see that come out whoa i didn't want that in there oh give me my tweezers where did my tweezers go there they are watch this booger because you get things like that and paint and i collect the paint on the table make sure you are straining that paint you collect and i do i strain it through and so it's always good so i think i'm gonna go with the gold again did i like the composition i like that it wasn't too many blooms so i think i still want to do that i'm going to go a little further apart so i have a little more negative space in the center i do like the gold i definitely like the green because it gave me that gold green color which is really pretty and there's gold shift in this green anyway so it will marry well with this color yeah i think i just got a little hyper it was so fun and so pretty and then i'm gonna go with this blue because blue added to green gold gives you green gold so it'll still blend well you have to really consider how well your colors are going to layer on top of one another oh so pretty maybe i'll put a solid color between this is uh what is this this is prism violet by amsterdam so i'll give myself some more purple in this way and also creating a more of an opaque barrier between the colors so when i lay this um chambord it won't be right on top of the green because i think that's also what happened is the green and the pink mixed a bit too much in that last one let's use it all up because it's almost gone man i love these colors so much i'm definitely going to use that blue this number 32 blue because i really like that one in there really really really like it and i think that is all i will not put that wild yam in this oh make sure i have enough left so they daffy girl i have enough i'm gonna make it work there we go yes yes yes it's so pretty that's enough i think arisa that's enough you know that's enough so let's go here i'm like just knock it off man those bubbles are so stubborn in house paint they just don't want to pop at all so pop the big ones luckily i'm using my house paint base so there's no bubbles in it like i the other base because i just mixed that and this has just been sitting in the can resting for several probably a few weeks now i haven't used the house paint base for a while [Music] because i like creating my colors all right so i do need to make sure that i don't leave myself too much negative space in the middle man good luck bro here we go [Music] because i really like this end i don't necessarily want to blow these out i love those petals and how they look what to do what to do maybe i'll wreck it a bit i haven't wrecked anything successfully for a moment you know it's funny one of my most favorite wrecking tools is my plate because it's not too thick and i think it just offers you a little bit of movement without doing too much and so you can see how you want to go before you commit to anything bigger man the edges of these are pretty if you flatten it out you can create bigger racks hmm so i need a little bloom in the middle hi how about this oh i'm nervous i want to do a little swipe in the middle that just made me nervous i'm going to try to go in my same order i just did a little bit of purple since i'm laying these colors so directly on top of one another i don't want to drown it out and then i did this pink i hope i have enough and my little bit of blue green color all right that's as much as i'm gonna get let me find my palette knife that i want to use so i'm in a little black a little white move it around a bit excess off and there we go all that will fall off on the edge so i don't really worry about that a little white a little black those colors are so pretty that's that i wanted to use it's right there there we go not so much negative space that's much better but now we have to tilt because there's a lot of paint on here [Music] all right we're going to go up to the left i think first oh it's so heavy [Music] oh my goodness look at these colors look at these colors okay lastly this prism pore color this number 32 yes please oh my gosh it's so pretty in there look at all the very i mean if you really concentrate on that you can see so many pigment colors in this little one sparkly spot because each one of these pigments have so much color depth to it and you can see all the individual pigments in those colors and your eye just catches and picks up on the different sparkle in there because you see there's dark pink there's light greenish blue there's some gold right there oh my gosh there's you oh my gosh it's so pretty there's some like purpley colors right there oh my goodness leslie you are literally a master of color this is beautiful these colors are absolutely spectacular and i love them oh look at that oh my gosh this blue oh yes i love it so much and all these pinks that run through so subtly and softly good gracious i wish i would have made two of these ah look at this is so pretty oh my gosh and it's like sparkle heaven absolutely love this so much but if you want to try these summer sequin pigments out they are available online at colorado.com ah look at that little rainbow thing oh my gosh use my um discount code for a twenty percent discount it is erisa rue 221 let's settle right here for a minute look at the way that chambord circles that gold wow wow but originally route 221 all lowercase to get 20 off of your order yes i do earn a little commission for that so it does help me out but i really appreciate those of you who use my who've used my discount code i really really appreciate it look at the sides oh my gosh you guys are thank you for letting me pour for you thank you for watching my channel thank you for being here again and leslie thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us in the poor and comedian uh community i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 859
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: 7vyh5VlRLj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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