75: Gorgeous Straight Pour Tabletop!

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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel my name is erisa and this is erisa rue art and i am pouring on a 24 inch table top today which i never do well i do i've done before obviously you can see i've painted this one already but i don't do straight pours and that is what i'm doing today i saw sarah max video of straightforward and she is one of the queens of straight pores and i love watching her do it and i've actually tried before with a com it was a fail but that was like a year ago so i feel like i've learned some and so i want to try it again but i wanted to use very similar colors to what she did but with a little bit of a twist because i want more sparkle in mine because i really like sparkle but um like i said this was a painting that or a table top that i had done before i never put it on legs and that it's been almost a year i think maybe more i don't know that tells me that i wasn't really fond of it so i had already varnished it so i sanded it down i did just a quote of house paint on it because um it'll cover up and i want to do a straight pour but let me show you my colors that i'm using again they're very similar to sarah max so if you didn't watch the video it was a big collaboration with a lot of other artists they did this week on tuesday yes and it was gorgeous but i want to show you my colors so this first one is a mix actually of artist loft floor acrylic right white soft body white actually and um amsterdam titanium white because i didn't want to use all soft body because all that's all i have and i know it's creating a lot of cells where people don't want sales so i'm not using a lot of that and then i have decoart americana metallics in 24 karat gold and to this actually is a little bit of iridescent precious gold by pebeo studio acrylics i think my white is a little thin but let me check the other colors first and then i do have the bordeaux red by artezza i don't often use marteza colors just because they're not from the center but they're really pretty i love this bordeaux red it's gorgeous and then i have um greenish blue by amsterdam and so for her kind of turquoisey color she used liquitex turquoise deep so i'm using greenish blue and then she also used liquitex basics bright aqua green but i am using pebio studio acrylics in their iridescent blue green that is that and then i have this color that i mixed up with a lot of different colors this is a mixture of um amsterdam new patio iridescent blue black amsterdam prussian blue then i used a couple of my prism pore colors to sparkle it up a little bit i used a little bit of the hot orchid and a little bit of the pretty petunia and i also used a little bit of the amsterdam what is this purple called is permanent blue violet so a lot of colors in this one but i really love the outcome i love this color so much and then my last color she had fire opal and i didn't have that so i went all um frankenstein on this one what did i mix in this i had the iridescent precious gold i used a little bit of the heartthrob prism pour and then um i used a little bit of the golden honey prism pour and then i used the quinacridone nickel azo gold by golden and i actually really love this color it came up with it's really pretty to me so i'm happy with my colors i am going to layer my cups in a very similar fashion i hope i can do this because i really do love her um straight pores they're so pretty to me this is a 24 inch canvas i'm gonna need i think approximately 18 ounces 16 ounces of paint so these are both 12 ounces or something like that 14 ounces i think and so i'm gonna layer them because i'd rather have more than less so here we go i'm gonna put a little bit of white in it to begin i'm not gonna layer on the seam i'm gonna layer away from the seam of the cup almost laid right where i didn't want to right there and then i'm going to go with my blue my dark blue mixture with the iridescent blue black then i'm going to do what am i going to do next you know i think next to that i kind of want the blue the fire opal that can be dangerous because blue black and fire opal and or with the not it's not fire opal but you know it's got an orange hue to it so hopefully i'm not creating mud there but that's what i wanted to add next i'm gonna go with the bordeaux red a little bit of the white i should say and then my greenish blue or blue green i don't know bluish green i think i don't know i can never remember and then buy iridescent blue green nah that is greenish blue over there all right so that's gonna be my first layer with all my colors i won't bore you to keep on going through all of them i'm gonna throw some golden on top with that i think i didn't put gold yet so i'm gonna speed it up until i get all these done for you guys [Music] might as well go all the way to the top right i'm always i'm almost there might as well let's do it there's gonna be way too much paint for this canvas but that's okay and do i want any more gold i don't want it to be obnoxious with the gold i'll add a little white and then one more of my blue black layer oh my cups are really pretty do you see that it's a gorgeous cup all right i'm gonna put spread that out and then pile of white and this is me doing what sarah did because i am not a master and she is and so i'm not gonna go off books i went off books for a little bit for my colors and that's all i got all right so i'm gonna start on my right i think here we go wish me luck [Music] [Music] release there we go that looks really pretty and i even like that it twirled a little bit on the end there all right so i'm gonna go left-handed on this one that makes me nervous but we're gonna do it [Music] [Music] there we go huh i did it i got two swirls look at my cups look how pretty those are i love those cups those are gorgeous okay so i'm gonna use any color here i have some of my white i will go around it oh i really really like how these look so far yay and then i'll throw another color down maybe my greenish blue there we go oh man alive i did it oh my gosh okay let me grab a little spreader here i'm just going to spread it out just a little bit um it's really pretty it's super pretty oh my gosh i'm so excited all right i think that's gonna be enough spreading let me get my torch got my bubbles and this is all paints mixed with american flow trough i didn't use any house paint pouring medium i didn't use any cell activators nothing like that okay now where do i want to turn this all right it's so pretty i love it i think i'm going to go i'm going to go with my standard i'm going to go up into the right first and it's hard because this is a wooden surface so i don't really want to twirl it maybe i want to put some more flow extender i'm going to use some other colors because i don't want it rolling over because i really like it so i got the colors why not protect the paint the composition there we go all right throw my hands off so i don't drop it okay let's go back up moving it slowly so it does have a chance to push the flow extender because if you go really fast you're just going to or bowl over your flow extender anyway and you'll still have your painting your composition rolling over itself and i'm a little let this swirl a little bit but slowly at first [Music] i'm just going to get it covered completely then i can specify and i didn't i don't know if you can tell i did not tape the underside of this board and in part it's because i always sand the bottom of my board if i'm working on wood i always always always sand it smooth so to tape it is just to waste paint tape because um i'm gonna get it smooth anyway so i'm gonna come off the top a little bit and take that part off there get those cells over the side this is so heavy guys oh my goodness i want to open up those bits a bit up there [Music] oh wow i really really like this [Music] oh my goodness it's really pretty i'm gonna give it another torch and then see where my weight is and center it up because it is not centered right now but i need to give my arms a little break i'm gonna get my smaller torch since it has more fuel maybe oh you're died you've died oh my goodness all right so the weight of my paint should be right here make sure i'm not dripping and i think i want to come up a little bit more off that side off the top i should say and i'm gonna keep on keep going with the swirl [Music] oh wow you guys oh i'm whispering i'm happy if i'm whispering you know this get my edge cleaned up there whoa sarah you are the master at these you are so right it was all about the paints consistency and i think every other time i've tried it my paint has been too thin so i got a lot of mud which i did not like but this time you guys you just wait you'll have to wait because i don't want to get rid of my gloves i'm going to go wash them but i'm going to check all my sides and i'm going go wash my gloves and i'm gonna be right back and show you this up close because it's absolutely spectacular i'll be right back guys [Music] oh my goodness sarah mack look at the inspiration you created and the product i created look you were totally playing on my instagram on my you were playing silently in the background as my little guru um but oh my gosh i absolutely absolutely am so happy with this and that the colors stayed so separated and so beautiful i'm so happy with this i cannot wait i love that combination of that fire opal color i made and that bordeaux red right there whoa that looks spectacular and these bubbly cells oh gosh and i love the stripe in the middle i love the swirl so much look at that oh my gosh and i'm so glad i did go with the iridescent um bluish green i really really love that pebble color so it adds just a little bit of sparkle here and there and i love it oh my gosh i'm so happy with this guys i prefer it in this orientation but i don't know i'm just so happy it's almost like warring galaxies i love it that the white is on the bottom here and on the top there sorry if i'm making you dizzy but look at this part oh goodness gracious i don't even know if you could see it all it is so beautiful it's so beautiful and those lines in there good gracious i'm happy i'm so happy thanks you guys for watching ah i'm thrilled oh ah look at that even that little tiny red cell right there how it's popping up out of nowhere oh my gosh sarah thank you so much for the inspiration you've been an inspiration for me for two years now i think i've been watching your channel and i am so thrilled thanks for watching take care i will see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Arisa Roo Art
Views: 471
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: W6OqGKG0l9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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