Why Did I Promise To Build This?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PikachuFloorRug 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2023 🗫︎ replies
coming to you live from Surrey British Columbia it's the Linus Tech tips show and this is a very unfortunate situation because this is not a build that I wanted to do today but you guys kind of forced my hand in a recent video looking at five weird computer cases we had you vote in the comments for which one I would have why did you pick the tank there were so many interesting options and you guys go for the oh my God so heavy you guys go for the steel tempered glass tank that has absolutely nothing going on in the way of cooling but just what because it looks like a tank I thought we were over the camo Battlefield aesthetic for PC hardware and then you guys go oh my God don't crunch there and validate these choices I think this is still alive I don't see any surface mount components on the desk pad I guess uh stay tuned and we're gonna find out how much airflow does the tank PC have does this SSD still work and who is our sponsor it's moosend moose end is the email marketing platform that doesn't have any kind of overlay while I'm doing the sponsor read apparently so I'm just going to not pretend it's anything other than this and I'm going to read it off my laptop they help businesses of all sizes create send and automate their email campaigns choose from one of their beautifully crafted templates or make your own so move on over and check out moose end at the link down below without further Ado let's go ahead and get this party started with of course the one and only LTD screwdriver actually there's more than one this one is not mine I stole it from the short circuit set because I forgot my backpack today which is only partially my fault there was a lot of snow that's true there was a lot of stuff it's true there was a lot of snow what that has to do with forgetting my backpack I'm not sure but I'm so distracted I've seen plenty of people use snow as an excuse for all sorts of things so I figure you know well oh the school is closed uh snow okay well fine I forgot my backpack snow I don't know it's it's it's it's snowing uh first thing we're gonna do is show you guys the motherboard we're using we've gone wow we went extremely high end what was your rationale for this ploof oh I guess I'd know that if I hadn't closed the dock that explains the rationale for all the components uh the motherboard it's 450 dollars but it does support pcie Gen 5 so if a graphics card ever shows up that can actually take advantage of that you've got a pcie Gen 5 slot here it has support for pcie Gen 5 in a single m.2 slot as well so if we ever get storage drives that need pcie Gen 5 you're going to be ready for that it supports two and a half gig Lan Wi-Fi 6E it has a 16 plus two phase power design and loads of i o literal loads that this right here is an imperial load okay and then this rest of it over here that's a metric load so it has two different you can't crack up you know you can't crack up because then it makes me crack up let's do this feel all right for our CPU we went with the ryzen 9 7 900x and the reason for that is that our 7950x was in use and by in use I mean I put it in my computer last week you know that's what happened to it right that's true yeah yeah was looking for a 7950x because we wanted 16 cores we wanted the most the most beefed up tank and instead we ended up with the second most beefed up tank they're still Zen four cores they're still 12 of them so it's not exactly a slouch but yeah it's not quite as high-end as the 7950x now I've got something I need to chat with you guys about I have seen a lot of people speculating that uh I'm over the hill I lost my Edge just can't keep up with the young kids anymore we did not have a review this morning of the 7950 x3d and while I can't give you guys the whole story that's going to be coming in a video probably sometime next week or the week after that I can give you guys the tldr we did get a sample from AMD shout out AMD for supporting us in that way we did do a ton of testing on it over the span of the week leading up to the launch but unfortunately it looks like we may have gotten a defective chip because our results were pretty far out from the rest of the press so we ended up having to pull the plug on that video at the last possible minute which is why you guys ended up with that lab update yesterday oh did I say that we didn't have a review this morning sorry I meant yesterday that's why we had a lab update yesterday and that's why you guys are getting a live stream today because it was supposed to be x3d yesterday lab update today anyway let's get this CPU installed we're going to just throw out the rule book and we're going we're going to build a laptop ah that's it I mean two has is better than what I got from David that's snort two highs on a snort okay yeah it starts pretty good okay all right I'll accept the start okay so come on in let's show how to install an AMD ryzen processor in an LGA socket here we go oh my goodness who put this board back they didn't put the they didn't put the screw in there all right look at that wow it works just like an Intel socket that is LGA it's put that in there give it a little wiggle waggle all right yeah I wonder what the engineering reason is for this different shaped IHS I'm sure that uh someone's talked about that in the past yeah apparently it's to replace those structural uh no it's the chiplets on the outside or the uh camera what they are oh The Sims or whatever yeah yeah it's easier to replace them when they're uncovered like that ah well that's pretty that was pretty cool it was one of the higher points of failure all right well that's very cool all right cool let's go ahead and put some Ram in here I don't have the rationale for this open right now but I'm sure I can pretty much guess yeah look at that we went with ddr5 6000 Mega transfer per second memory because that's what you should basically be using if you're running an AMD am5 system these days uh these are cl32 the lower the latency the absolute better and ah due to some growing pains with their first generation ddr5 memory controller we've gone with two sticks rather than four sticks because if you want to get the best possible performance I would just strongly recommend going with a two dim configuration it's just a little harder to get things stable with four sticks in the motherboard look at that wow progress always feels so fast at the beginning of building a computer and then you start getting into the cable management and the power supply and everything goes downhill but I'm not going to let that drag me down instead I'm going to stay focused on hoping that this SSD still works if you're just tuning in now I accidentally lightly gently placed this case on top of it earlier in the Stream it was very light very gentle very intentional but it is possible that this SSD doesn't work anymore which would be a real shame because this is a Gen 4 rocket nvme 4.0 two terabyte drive from sabrant that is all set up for us to play some games at the end of the Stream so if it doesn't work anymore it's not just as simple as grab another drive and go because we were really hoping to actually run some programs uh ploof question for you do we still have the heatsink that is supposed to sit on top of this SSD uh no the board came like that the board came like that I don't believe you I I literally got the board like that today even the missing screw wait a second it's got a q lap where did you get this board from this isn't the one from the xqc collab is it I don't think so how sure are you I'm not sure Logistics handed me this number what well I noticed it was the same model okay and I'm pretty sure I brought that board back without the cover here because it didn't really matter because it was a dead board well this one's not dead this one's not dead you're sure I mean I tested everything earlier okay brought it up and running wow this is a lot of drama for one stream already we have a potentially dead motherboard potentially dead SSD and we haven't even gotten to any merch messages from you guys yet uh in case you were wondering the way to write into the live stream is not via Super Chat not via twitch bits that is not the way to do it you're going to want to send a merch message so over on lttstore.com in the checkout there's a field whenever we're live where you can write a merge message and our producer Dan hi producer Dan hello uh might reply to you or he might choose not to reply to you I need to stop that audio there we go um or he might curate your message and I might reply to it or uh he might just banish it to The Ether because you wrote something inappropriate we will have no way of knowing until you do it oh look at that I've got one already Daniel D says are you ever planning on hiring remote people from the U.S maybe for customer service or something of that sort uh it's not the sort of thing that we do any more than we have to there are certain benefits as a Canadian employer to having Canadian staff and so we try to we try to hire you know locally whenever we can sometimes it's not possible like a notable U.S hire that we made recently was Gary the head of the lab so you guys would have seen him actually in the video that we uploaded yesterday with a tour of all the progress that they're making but he was very specially qualified with his experience both in the I.T industry and in the computer review industry so we made a lot of exceptions and had to deal with a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork and cost in order to get him up here and it's been it's been a very long-term process so we're we don't go out of our way to do that anymore than we absolutely have to because it really is a royal pain in the butt now one thing that's a little bit different about today's stream is that in between talking about computer components we are going to be sharing with you some facts about tanks this was a PLU finish very good idea I think um so in between the motherboard and RAM stuff I was supposed to say the idea for the tank far precedes its use including a vehicle designed by French artillery Captain named uh in 1903 this included an armored self-propelled Cannon moved by a caterpillar system similar to Modern tanks tracks very cool um good job I I like it all right oh okay we got one more to get through one of the heaviest tanks in service is the American M1 it weighs about 62 metric tons which is 60 tons more than the amount of i o we found on our motherboard give or take a little bit of tonnage because one of our tons was an Imperial ton oh no you went with a water cooling system why would you choose a water cooler for a stream that we're starting at four o'clock two things two things the stream was supposed to start at three okay the stream was supposed to start an hour ago I will give you that one second thing there's not a ton of height clearance I see you can fit a cooler up to You're Gonna attack me like that hold on stand up stand up yeah this guy not enough height clearance we're like you might even be slicing basically the same height so I don't even want to no no no oh I do not know how to get this case open I guess that's my first challenge here and then I will figure out how to put an AIO cooler in it I guess it probably goes at the front but good gravy which of these panels am I supposed to take off no don't give me a hint don't give me a hint do people want to see me struggle oh my God I just gotta get uh I gotta get the chat open so that I can hang out with the people feel free to interrupt if you have any merge messages Dan okay yeah I got one here oh you got one all right hit me have you guys ever considered doing a new Full mineral oil submerged PC I know you guys did it in the past but I'd like to see a newer build it has been brought up several times yes every time I am the one who rejects it um my big thing with it is well there's a few things one is that it's kind of a pain in the butt especially because there's no one who makes commercial mineral oil cooled cases anymore uh Puget had that whole thing with the patent troll that wouldn't let them produce their case anymore which was really stupid so they don't produce a case anymore and I don't think anyone else would want to if they're going to just get like sued by this patent troll anyway and then number two was that when we built the old mineral oil cooled computer uh we just didn't know what to do with it I used it as my station for a while and then it kind of specked out of that and is also really bulky and you know kind of a hazard to have around and then and then oh yeah and then it started leaking which was really inconvenient and made a mess and that's sort of bound to happen the thing with mineral oil is it just eats things that it gets in contact with so it's a real pain to have around it's really heavy so anytime you need to move it it really sucks um the other issue is that I feel like we've set our piece you know what else is there to really say about mineral oil submersion cooling other than yup that's the thing you can do yup you probably shouldn't so I just don't think I don't think it's gonna happen I don't I don't think we're gonna do it again I think if we could get our hands on uh what's that 3M one called floor inert or like if we could get our hands on some other type of submersion cooling system I've seen some really neat ones where it's like a pressurized sealed system and then the chips are actually cooled by boiling away the liquid like there's some really cool stuff out there but it's generally only like super high-end Enterprise and those types of vendors don't all don't always see the value of showcasing their technology with us the ones that do see the value inevitably are like this was amazing I can't believe the effect it had on our business let's do more but some of them just they don't get that so much of our audience is not consumers buying iPhones it's a it's a really different Tech audience from other Tech channels and it's a lot of like system admins and purchasers for very large companies like it's just this is their this is their day Daily Tech fix right and it turns out they have you know a real job right so yeah we'll see we'll see I'd love for it to happen but no guarantees right now um do you want help what the heck is going on here okay David so here's the deal all right oh no oh no there go the screws oh this is not good where did all those screws go there's one okay we've got all four of these but I'm missing two of these oh no goodness gracious I need a magnetic Parts train at some point but um we will deal with that a little bit later okay so here's what's going on David here's our front intake all right we got that far front intake easy peasy um here's four fans four fan spots in the top but two of them only sort of have access to fresh air so I don't know what the deal is with that we've got what appears to be a radiator mount here can I get you a look at this we've got what appears to be a radiator Mount over on the other side but that's right up against the glass so I don't really get it oh yeah look at that there's more fan slash radiator Mount here but that's also right up against the glass that's just going to be for looks I guess is that just for looks oh ridiculous okay fine it's just for looks so the only cooling that actually happens out of the 4 7 10 12 fans is half of them half of them do actual Cooling unbelievable okay fine uh so I oh my God oh my God okay ah this is kind of locked into place here okay I think I get it I think these are gonna come off here and this is going to open up the top this tank turret is gonna yes oh yes no problem You Gotta Give Them credit it's a surprisingly high quality Case for a weird novelty product you know 700 cat um okay context for our American viewers that is about 500 US dollars again for a novelty case the quality is definitely there but uh I don't know that I would uh purposely pay that kind of money for a novelty item yeah wow now I really feel a lot of pressure to find those screws I lost because every one of them is worth like five bucks where did this rubber grommet come from where did this come from oh no oh no no everything about this is bad oh okay well not everything about this is bad let's go ahead and kind of figure out our cooler situation this is either a double or a triple I'm assuming it's a dual 120 mil no you went with a triple 120 mil cooler okay come on over here and explain yourself sir I do not understand the rationale here there's two reasons two reasons okay okay first one the 7900x because you hate me no oh okay sorry go ahead the second reason these are 360. well not really but they have glass on the side I know that where are they going to get in the air it's it looks pretty you can put on the front are you taking the piss Ed you're gonna have me build a non-functioning computer it'll work okay how much how much Gap is there here not much jeez okay let's have a look let's have a look brings me a triple and the worst part is we've moved all the inventory over to the lab I can't just I can't just go get another cooler if I'm like are you taking the piss mate and then just like go get a proper one there is this much space for air to go through that radiator I okay I have an idea you could leave the panel off okay but leave the panel off I thought we were doing this for look sir I'm not gonna make aesthetic minded decisions and then ruin the aesthetic hold on maybe it'll fit in the front it's possible that we can make it fit in the front I would love to rotate the case around so you can see better David nothing would please me more uh all right CPU socket areas over here which means that if we want this bad boy to go on it oh boy that is that is quite far away however it does fit um it does fit yes it does it fits okay we dodged a bullet as long as oh you know what I think it oh there could be a clearance issue remember we've got to get fans in here too and there's some there's some front panel connectors here that look like they might cause a bit of trouble all right did you bring a lot of fans only the ones that came with the cooler wait you only brought we don't even have fans to put in the sides we can get more we have friends over here yes we definitely need we need more fans oh God they're RGB oh well hopefully no one was planning on going home anytime soon you've got a heart out oh oh good uh okay neat uh David you got any merch messages to make me feel better all right David oh Daniel oh Daniel besser I'm still here uh this one's from Dylan if that tank turn doesn't have a yaggy Wi-Fi antenna that's a missed opportunity uh also are any of you folks going to Defcon uh no no I was not planning on going to Defcon uh is anybody else going to Defcon I wish um sorry that's going to be that sounds like a negatory I guess we're we're not making an appearance at Defcon this year also do you have an update on the stubby and is the small black backpack still planned uh okay the update on the stubby is that we are hoping for a launch this year I'm not going to promise anything because you guys saw how it went with the regular screwdriver so you know fingers crossed still happen this year but if it doesn't then when it does launch it'll be really good and we'll just we'll wait for that um as for the small backpack that is absolutely something that we are still working on it's taking us a lot of time to get the Comfort just right so we want it to fit better for smaller framed people um Yvonne my wife is one of our one of our sort of targets as well as we've taken some feedback from our thumbnail artist Maria who also has a smaller frame as well as I'm trying to think of people internally who oops kind of need a bit of a smaller backpack olamide from the Creator Warehouse team would be another example so we're we're trying to get feedback from as many smaller framed people as we can but then at the same time we're trying to make sure that if you know I or a Nick light you know someone less small goes and buys it that they're not going to have a bad experience either and getting that just right as it turns out is really challenging so it is taking some time but we are absolutely still planning to make a smaller version of the backpack all right the good news ploof is this does appear to fit ow what is going on right now is this display on somehow or it's on a battery it's on a battery why did they put a battery in this thing it is on a battery humidity and temperature sensor and it's on a battery to make sure that even when your computer is off you know the temperature of the inside of your case cool well that makes perfect sense oh case manufacturers use so innovative I love it I love it I sigh and I you know write my little my little critical comments in my reviews but at the end of the day if I didn't love it why would I be here uh speaking of which Daniel do you have any merch messages for me I do I do uh yes it's not David I know I haven't been working here very long I know I know excuse me this one's from Dustin hi Linus how often do you check your attic to make sure Dennis isn't living in your house again uh oh no no no you're good you're good you're good I just I was going to destroy my wrist you can see it's kind of in like a a lock hold here so I had to I had to rotate around I I'm just gonna put this last screw in I hope and then I shouldn't need to have my back to you anymore oh shoot no I missed it owie this is very stuck uh I I I haven't checked actually I mean they probably won't do that anymore Dennis has actually been reassigned he no longer is just in charge of Channel super fun I think he might still do the occasional super fun thing every once in a while but he's in charge of our sort of Premium sponsor Integrations now the idea is because he did such an amazing job of the sponsor spots on channel super fun and our sponsors were so pleased with them we actually created a role where he's going to be in charge of working with the business team to create and sell these super Dynamic sponsor Integrations for LTT and Tech linked and all the other channels in the in the lmg family pretty pretty excited about it because he really did do an amazing job of that even if Channel super fun just no matter how many times we try to resurrect it never seems to find its way to making Financial sense I mean you'd think something that's fun to make would just automatically be profitable right fun in the name yeah it's and it's and super and it's a channel I mean it has all the elements should have been a slam dunk unfortunately it's just uh it's tough it's tough and it's it's such a super competitive space more like Channel super lots of competition right it's like anywhere where you're up against Mr Beast it's better to just pivot started that channel years ago uh no I don't know uh you know what I think Jimmy was making videos at that point but not that anyone was watching it took him a long time to really find his Groove and then while the rest is history but if you watch him the advice he gives you is you know just start uploading upload a video it'll be crap but it doesn't matter upload another one it'll be crap but it doesn't matter upload another one and that's really been the formula for him and also some you know other stuff like just being an algorithm genius that doesn't hurt okay this is bothering me a lot I need to know where that screw I dropped is oh no if it made it onto the floor we are in trouble here folks because this is not this is not good yeah it's a black screw it's one of those little countersunk black screws I am determined for this 700 Canadian dollar case to be perfectly put back together nope I give up that was it that was my big effort if only we had a desk pad here that wasn't all black it's the new stealth it's the new stealth desk pad is this the new stealth desk pad no it isn't think so no this is a prototype desk pad that we may or may not ever actually make then completely ignore my merch column oh I will yeah I'll ignore your merge call out uh editor yeah editor editor's not doing nothing you know what we can do though we can go ahead and get our CPU Cooler installed and our motherboard installed we're making good Pro I just stepped on a piece of glass uh not a broken one like my foot's fine but I almost broke the glass which how did I manage to unplug this laptop again that's incredible wow how'd I do that look at this I managed to unplug both sides of it it's not plugged into the wall and it's not plugged into the laptop I swear you guys saw me I started the stream with this laptop plugged in now we're gonna have people scrubbing through the VOD trying to find where the laptop came unplugged yeah uh okay cool so this can go here do you want to switch to that top down maybe we do have a top-down camera we got these production values look at this oh yeah hey check that out maybe you guys can help me spot that screw while you're at it maybe David can take a little rest how you doing David great good good good all right we've got our Hardware here uh Dan you want to hit me with some merch messages sure thing give me a second here we'll get that over the way up hey uh this one's from Austin when is your power supply holder going to be released are we making a power supply holder ah that yes that makes way more sense um we have a cable managed for those of you not in the loop we have a cable management product coming that is going to hold like power bricks it's like a magnetic power brick holder and what the heck is going on here this is just about the darndest thing I've ever seen David can you come have a look at this with me I was missing a standoff for my motherboard I went to went to put the standoff in I went owie because there's a little spiky thing that appears to be the other end of a screw coming up through this spot that ought to be where the standoff is no it's not it's here what the devil is going on here I think this may be a design flaw there's another spot for a standoff right next to it here you can see that see that spot right there right there why I'm pointing with the corner of the motherboard but that's not the right spot when I put this motherboard in that little spiky spot is sticking up through the hole so I guess we're only we're only putting in eight motherboard screws um well okay then that's super weird I previously only installed an ITX board and so it wasn't ever a problem for me I see so this is very pre-tested though yeah pre-tested except for that we didn't actually test with this Hardware so we the case does fit we hope to explored we hope everything is going to go together on stream today but we'll see how it goes um in response to your question that power supply holder thing along with the power strip holder and all the other cable management stuff should be coming later this year but we're using a new mold maker so I have no idea how long they're going to take to get us molds that are done to a sufficient standards and then I think they were also still figuring out the lead times on like the neodymium for the magnets and all that so you'll have to just bear with us it'll it's going to be like anything it'll come when it's ready and until then I will continue to shamelessly promote it and build hype so that you can just be sad that I have it and you don't and like the screwdriver and that's it yeah yeah exactly hey look if you got a working formula you don't mess with it the screwdriver launch was very successful so you guys can rest assured that that's how we're going to do it every time from now on uh what else we got Dan okay one moment here he's working on I've got one here uh would you ever consider doing video game reviews on your Channel ah employee number oh I'm trying to remember what our employee numbers are because I think mine's a meme I think my employee number is 69 or 1337 or something like that because otherwise I would be one so I think technically Luke is employee one employee number one has suggested that no fewer than dozens of times in fact if you go back to the origin of Channel super fun which we were just talking about love how these topics of conversation all end up interlinked here if you go back to the origin of Channel super fun Luke and I each made Pilots for what channel super fun could be and then we uploaded one video that contained both of our Concepts mine was sort of a an unboxing an overview of this like bug killing device called The Bug Assault that you fill with salt and then it's like a spring-loaded like like shotgun like mechanism it like sprays out salt and it stuns flies so that you can just shush them outside or if you're really close apparently it'll actually kill them um so I did the Bug Assault and Luke uploaded a game review I forget what game because uh it didn't succeed and channel super fun became silly toys and games and stuff like that but that was sort of the first attempt at us bringing a game channel to life the guy operating the camera has pushed me to do gaming content yeah no fewer than a dozen times including wanting to do like a tech linked style of thing for game news uh gaming podcast um more in-depth sort of in the weeds gaming content with uh like from from like a technical perspective like a man you pitched me a really cool piece of content a while back but I was like yes yes we need to do this and then just we haven't gotten to it yet I think it was to do with like game settings or something like that and how they all affected mods all games look awesome yes that's the kind of thing we would love to do more of but there's just it feels like there's just never enough time and the reality of it is that what we've found over the years is that while there's a lot of overlap between the tech Enthusiast audience and the like strictly gaming audience it's less than you would think which is wild to me because I always thought of them as as Inseparable right like I I always thought well if you're if you're into games surely you must you know care about making your computer run right because otherwise how are you going to run your games obviously um a lot of people don't see it that way and then I also thought the opposite was true like if you're into computers I mean don't you play games like what do you do with that high-powered computer item as a kid I didn't know any better I was like oh oh you make gay oh you have a job ah like it didn't really occur to me I was like well why else would anyone need a hot rodded computer so obviously video games uh I don't know if this is enough thermal compound but we're gonna find out soon enough I also don't know which of this Hardware is AMD and which is not so I guess we will figure that out too you know what I think it's probably this this is all AMD yeah all right there we go what else you got Mr besser okay let's see we got any spicy one spicy ones yeah that's what we need we need more spicy merch messages in our lives all right this one's from Brendan speaking of your defective chip i r made a 3080 this past month after I discovered it was underperforming by 16 this was a hard issue to spot and I'm less and I'm sure less techy people would not notice what are your thoughts on this I think you are going to find that our video is very much to your interests because that is absolutely the kind of situation that we found ourselves in and that is one of the reasons that instead of us finding the problem and AMD saying oh whoops here's a new chip we ended up around for a week and not having a review for you guys because it ended up being one of those sort of defective situations it's a little bit defective rather than obviously very defective so we're going to talk a little bit about you know why that happens why that can be so challenging Anthony's writing this up with um with some collaboration with the labs team so you know why that happens why it can be so challenging to spot how you can learn to spot it for yourself if something like this happens to you and I think it's going to be super educational even if it isn't what it was supposed to be which is a review of the 7950x you know you get life hands your lemons you got to make make lemonade and then build a lemonade stand and sell that lemonade to a sponsor speaking of which do we have a second sponsor for this video that maybe I should uh we do that's what we do let's do that do you want to do it during the intro or right now I can just get this thumb nut on hey there we go all right it's all the way at the bottom oh credits on this laptop why do I have two laptops is this tightening oh yeah there it is perfect and the show is brought to you by oh look at that xsplit X split it's a Cutting Edge software company trusted by millions of creators businesses and organizations that provides Advanced broadcasting and video production tools for well creators um Gamers and businesses look at that good talking points xsplit offers a range of products like broadcaster and vcam broadcaster that allow users to capture produce and stream high quality video content to popular platforms like twitch and YouTube you can customize your broadcast with different sources beautiful effects and Slick Transitions and vcam allows users to remove replace or blur their webcam background during a video call live stream or recording you can create a more professional looking and distraction-free video experience without the need for a physical green screen with xsplit so check it out today at lmg.gg xsplit and start creating and sharing amazing video content that will engage and Inspire your audience cool good stuff what on Earth is this cable so long for Asus jeez that's okay we're gonna go all the way under and we're going to bring this to our USB 2 header on the bottom um okay that goes up like oh boy yeah sorry David I'm getting my hands all up in your way here aren't I this guy is gonna go here oh yeah just like that perfect and then this guy is gonna go you know what uh it's gonna go ow darn it those are sharp pins which is which is good that helps them get into the receptacles um you know I'm not criticizing I'm just noticing that it penetrated my finger it's not a bad thing it just hurts high frequency I'm sorry uh okay this plugs into AIO pump right here yes yes good okay and that's about as good as that cable management is gonna get I suspect uh yeah okay I mean that's that's not so bad right yeah right David it's great yeah we got this okay what on Earth is the plan for this are these are these daisy chain okay what this has got to come with a splitter or something please tell me this comes with a splitter it should it should there was a fan splitter earlier fan splitter I found the fan splitter I don't see the RGB splitterbs you might be in trouble here ploof I want to hit me with another merch message while we stall for time absolutely um this is from Robert hi Linus I work for Geek Squad as a PC double agent and would love to hear your take on whether or not in-home tech support will be viable in 10 years as the Boomers die off and chat gbt advances oh yeah because here's the thing it's not about whether you have the resources to fix something yourself it's about whether you have the confidence to fix something for yourself and there are always always going to be people who have a life I mean have interests other than their computers and those people are just it's not so much that they couldn't figure out fixing their computer it's that they don't want to it's that they would rather invest their time in some other bucket be it entertainment or work or relationships or whatever else it is and then use whatever money they earned or money they saved let's say repairing their own car okay so maybe they don't pay for oil changes but they could use that money they saved on that not worrying about how to fix computers and not caring how to fix computers that is never going to change not everybody is going to be interested in computers and you can you can quote me on that one I mean if they were it's good for me you know I'm I'm into it oh oh wow that is that is quite it's all three thin the RGB splitter it's it's strong I remember this backstory for this actually Alex had a project it was one of his sleeper builds or something like that and he was enraged because he had had to do a full rebuild of something for the for the Glam b-roll footage and like some RGB thing died or something like that or he was at the final stage of the building he couldn't plug in all the RGB he's like I'm just ordering a bunch of these Splitters screw it I don't care if they're like twenty dollars each for a stupid cable we're just gonna we're just gonna have them and I said okay he was he was mad he was mad for some it was something like that don't don't don't quote me on the exact circumstance did someone take the box for the cooler away oh you did uh here's all the accessories for it all right thank you cool I am going to plug all of these fans into my CPU fan header which is this little guy right up here I always recommend if you can pull it off plug in your CPU fans uh so the ones on your AIO into the CPU fan header you can just plug them into something else and have nothing in there and just disable that warning that says hey your CPU fan is not running but that's there for a reason right if you could just if you could just use the CPU fan header as intended and get a little warning if things aren't going well that's that's a good thing now I just need to deal with this cable management and Dan's going to give me another merge message I'm gonna try um okay this one's from Nathan started re-watching content making me want to do a third build um is there a building era you wish you could relive and which would it be oh a building era uh neoclassical Thanksgiving I'm pretty sure that the viewer means computers David that makes sense um building era that I would re-win man I okay this is going to be a little bit unpopular but I loved the UV trend of the early 2000s if there was something I could have back it would be those like kind of wild psychedelic looking DFI UV reactive motherboards and stuff like that I would be so into that if someone brought back a UV reactive board I would just use absolutely nothing else in our builds from that moment forward so you hear you heard me right okay ass rock you guys are kind of wild enough to do something like that you got that I will use no other board for that entire generation if you give me a UV reactive board I'm ready and I'm waiting I love the look I just I can't not love the look and I bet you instead of like the onboard RGB on the motherboard could be uh ultraviolet as well yeah give me another pin give me give me a UV pin I'm into it I'm very very into it I could create a full new standard for RGB I'm ready all right Dan hit me again all right uh this one's from Jaden hey Linus with how long the WAN show has gotten lately has there any been has there been any ideas to expand streaming content would you consider starting a new recurring live stream or bringing in other lmg hosts um it's a good question if anything I would say the longer the land show gets the less likely we are to start another another regular stream uh the land show has gone from being a placeholder uh you know the quickest thing we can possibly crap out on a Friday to becoming actually very very time consuming and and Flagship content for us uh you know obviously from a business standpoint you might look at that and go oh well then like let's let's do more of that let's let's start some more live shows but from a I have only so many hours in the day standpoint that's a little bit more challenging my wife is already the the prime asker of the question why is the WAN show so long now um and I've never really have an answer other than I mean I don't know it's like it's work um you know merge messages she's like you're just growing out with Luke I'm like is that so bad yeah yeah what's wrong with this you hit a record last week that's what it sort of becomes yeah did you see that post on the subreddit that is um the length of the land show over time yeah it's a it's a bit exponential yeah the the lockdowns seem to have somehow precipitated a dramatic dramatic increase in Wan show lengths I realize I haven't really talked about computers for a bit here why don't we do that momentarily I'm just plugging in the front panel i o I'm trying to find the best possible routes for these cables this is quite this is quite an open case so my plan is to sort of yeah thanks David is to sort of hide these front panel cables over here maybe give them a little a little cable tie down at some point this is my front USB twos which it looks like I'm not going to be able to plug in oh wait no this is front USB oh perfect okay I have exactly the right I O then this is my front USB 2. get in there and then this is my front audio which is going to go right here okay it's gonna try to go right here okay there we go ah I'm just kind of uh I'm kind of a purist like that like for a showcase build you really have to plug in your front audio no but I I want to like I would never I would never use it these days anyway because I would just be using like a DAC uh like an amp and DAC USB like external thing but I don't know it just it bothers me to have things just hanging loose in the computer and dead ports at the front I just can't do it now I'm plugging in my reset switch power switch and there's my hard drive led oh fun little fact I don't know if you realize this but LEDs are um uh sorry they are what would you call it sensitive polarity whatever anyway they have to be plugged in uh positive to positive negative to negative but often for Aesthetics modern cases just have both of the wires black and sometimes case manufacturers are big Dum Dums and don't label one of them positive and one of them negative so the way to tell is that there's a tiny little arrow here that pin with the little arrow I don't know if you can even see that David yeah there we go see that tiny little arrow that's positive so that one on the vast majority of motherboards goes to the left the more you know I don't know why they don't see the funny thing is like this same case manufacturer has the positive and negative markings on the power LED so why why do they not put it on the hard drive one how are people supposed to know that to look for that stupid little unlabeled Arrow it's ridiculous the little tiny things that make computer building not actually just Lego for adults you know like I hear a lot of people say that yeah computer building's easy it's just Lego friends no it's not it's not just Lego for adults it is still challenging and it can still be overwhelming or intimidating especially if people haven't done it before and it's because of little stupid utterly unnecessary things like that um and that's one of the reasons that like Corsair has been so successful they just do such a good job of actually test building in their in their cases and they just came in out of absolutely nowhere like if if you're relatively new to the Enthusiast computer scene you kind of go oh yeah of course I had to make cases they didn't Corsair came out of nowhere out of nowhere in a space that was dominated by like the antex of the world and now it's like antek who and they're still around oh yeah they're totally still around they have a pretty broad product line actually but I can't figure out um like What markets they're really succeeding in because it sure as heck isn't the North American one what I suspect is because antec had such a strong distribution Partnerships globally that it's just been an extremely extremely long tail as they've been out competed by folks like Corsair by fantax by NZXT some of these relative newcomers right I mean that's not that bad in terms of oh wow that is a flimsy power supply bracket you see how I bent that like that right we're at oh that's a bent boy all right no problem we will we will deal with that later oh shoot I think this is another piece of the AIO what a shot um all right do you want to just go to the wide and give David and his poor arms a break for a little bit well or we can go to the top down we go to the top down go to the white oh let's do a tank fact tank fact time in 1487. Leonardo da Vinci designed a fighting vehicle sometimes described as the Prototype of modern tanks it was to be maneuvered by two large inside cranks powered by four strong men there were even cannons and steel enforced slanted Falls to help deflect enemy fire wow in 1487 it is sort of amazing is there anyone in the history of humanity who got things so right and also so wrong as Leonardo da Vinci Futurama showed us he was an alien yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that that actually that actually is was a really good episode I quite enjoyed the uh Leonardo da Vinci was a moronic alien yeah it was a stupid alien uh Dan hit me with merge message sure uh this one's from Jonathan hi Linus I've been watching for a long time since the early days at NCIX we've been working with slick do you sleep like do you take breaks from watching me he lives in your wall he lives yeah who are you Dennis sorry what what since AMD x3d CPUs appear to run a lot cooler maybe uh would you think they would be put into laptops this gen no what I suspect is that amd's yields of their 3D V cash are probably so low that they are there I mean look we didn't even get the 7800 X 3D yet right like they can't even they can't even ship the full lineup of desktop processors that they've announced and that's with them having one of the two active dies not have 3D V cash on it so a there's what AMD told us which is that that helps with performance because they can Ascend tasks to the type of core whether it's a higher boosting or a higher cash core that will handle it best but I think the other reason for that I'm not sure if they've said it explicitly but it almost certainly is a reason for it is that it helps improve yields because they can use just regular non-3dv cache stacked dies for one of those dies and they only need one 3D V Cash die per CPU so what I suspect is that their yields on these things are still atrocious and that it'll be a struggle for them to even ship as many of these desktop chips as they can let alone introduce another product line that uses these same dies that's my guess I do okay this one's from Robert in the recent lab update video Linus mentions that he had a positive feedback from outside people are there any plans to rent the capacities of a ready Lab One Day to other creators resellers um I published kind of a like uh like a Labs Manifesto or like a lab's vision statement on our Forum a while back and I laid out sort of I think it was seven different ways that the lab could ultimately make money um the first one the most obvious one is hold on let me see if I can find this just like on Google because if I can't then it's probably going to take too long I'm not going to be able to just uh just read it uh lab General discussion yeah I don't think I'm going to be able to find this but the point is that affiliate revenue is one I think like a professional tier subscription to the data like deeper dive data is another option um and yeah licensing out API access to the data which it would be kind of the the end game like most sophisticated tier of of what you're asking would absolutely be something that we would be interested in in terms of monetizing it I don't know what all of that would look like I mean maybe you know for someone like a fellow Creator um you know let's say I'm just gonna I'm gonna pick a name out of my butt or not totally out of my butt I'm gonna choose Marquez because we recently had a conversation about cross licensing our footage for each other he very you know really appreciate this he 100 did this the right way contacted me personally and asked about using footage from the WAN show for his Ai and chat GPT video to which I responded yeah of course man um and I also said hey why don't we take this one step further and instead of me wasting my time and you wasting your time asking for permission every time we use a bloody video clip from each other uh why don't we just have a standing agreement that as long as it's not done in a disparaging way um or like uh you know in a way that is misrepresenting the original content or anything like that we just say hey with credit it's fine if we just use each other's clips and uh we'll just have a mutual cross licensing agreement like that so as long as it's credited it's cool he's like yeah that's cool so in the same way I could totally see us not just making it available for sale but also just making it available to Friendly creators or to creators who also have something that we would love to have access to in in a like a cross-licensed fashion um I mean I don't know I don't know what the future holds I think it would be one of the ways that we could potentially make money is is like contracted testing so not necessarily just licensing access to the tests that we've run but actually like running whatever test someone asks us to run this thing is resting no it's rusting David show the people where my 700 case has a rust on it and not just in one spot can you see that okay I can I can see that it's not oh there you go yeah it's a battle worn 1v1 me I Gotta Laugh I got no no they left they couldn't help it instead of my face in spite of themselves come at me tank case manufacturer um anywho what was I talking about oh yeah ways to monetize a lot I think I had pretty much made all of my points there and that's all I have to say about that uh Dan do you want to hit me with another one I am so bothered by that screw I have been looking for it this whole time forget the screen this entire stream I've been talking to the audience and looking for the screw the screw is a computer and looking for the screw no and I'm so upset okay all right hit me with another merch message this one's from David Linus what are the chances of doing reviews on Commercial Hardware I'm trying to Source computers for work that can run solid Edge and I'm realizing commercial gpus and CPUs are foreign to me um well CPUs are pretty straightforward they are kind of the same CPUs but you get to pay more for them that's where you fall back on you know your your Staples right what's the architecture what's the cache what's the clock speed okay what's the equivalent you know Core Series or or ryzen non-pro series all right I guess I'll pay the premium if my you know my vendor or my boss requires a certified solution even though I think it's stupid and bada bing bada boom right you're ready to go if I can interrupt yeah apparently it might be near the power squid might be near the power squid under the powers under the power supply okay well let's have a look near or under the power squid I think they're just sending me on a wild goose chase they're lying to you look and there's no wild geese at all they're screwing with me I like it it's a pretty screwed up way to waste my time though um okay no I'm actually over it now I'm not going to crawl around on the floor anymore you know this happens with Yvonne a lot where she'll she'll lose something like even things as large as spoons and the problem is that she has a jacket that has magnetic clasps around the wrist so I will invariably find like like spoons or screws or cooking utensils oh on arm and she and she can't find them she'll have been looking for them for like 10 minutes it's great it actually never gets old for me but it's getting old that I can't find my thing oh that was a terrible thrill all right I um did not get RGB fans here ploof I couldn't help noticing that for the wheels there were three RGB fans in there three RGB fans is not the correct I thought we had more number of RGB fans have a ton of lean Lee uni fans however it doesn't light up as well on this particular build because it's on the outside of the unifan instead of on the center the outside instead of the center I see what you mean because they're going to spin like Wheels if you put it in the center but otherwise it doesn't look as good so we can just use this non-rgb fans on this thing but it's knocked to us I think the people deserve better I mean what do you guys think can we go with the LTT Edition knocked to a fans for the wheels I don't understand stuff isn't over here anymore we've moved like every entire selection of RGB fans wait do you need me to go do you want to use Corsair we have our we have more RGB fans we can use courserver you're gonna have to use a Pro Controller yeah yeah all right of course our fans all right all right all right I know now I have to put their Commander controller in oh okay like a commander should go in a tank right oh I need a drink of water lttstore.com all right hit me with the merge message okay oh hold on poof yelling what okay this one's from David uh no we just did the one from David uh this one's from Anonymous funding lab where do you see the CPU architecture going next safe to say that both 3dv cache and hybrid P cores and e-cores are things that weren't obvious where do you think we'll go next ah wow next I mean I could go out on a limb and say the place that we're gonna go next it we don't have enough we have more we have more well what do we have more of because I need something I have six of these are all 140s so that's why I can't do anything with that uh these are maglevs so these are different from the light leaves what was the commander Pro uh yeah I know uh um oh man where are we going from here jeez most of the trends that I would be able to foresee as a normie right like I'm not a chip architect most of the trends that I would be able to foresee are ones that are already well on their way I think we're going to continue to see very high power consumption chips as Intel and amd's competition heats up I think we're going to continue to see many four designs like you said with big little style architectures so performance cores and efficiency cores I think we're going to see I think we're going to see a lot more specialized accelerators in our CPUs it kind of I don't want to say started with but went really mainstream and obvious to the point where everyone has it with video decoding and I think we're going to see more and more workloads like that especially you know with machine learning becoming so so integral um so I think CPUs are going to have specialized Hardware just for that just like we're seeing on in the workstation right now and yeah what else is there to really say you know I think that's about it that's all I have to say about that hit me down oh no what what's that here there's six fans yeah yeah we're good then this is the right kind it's the same one yeah yeah this is the same as that okay so if you want to unbox those we're we're bringing the RGB fans to the people you people you ask for so much you want water cooling you want RGB fans you want no hot takes on when show I'm only human show the the nobody got canceled and everyone still has a job show uh all right don't worry yeah you know I was trying to figure out why so much of the staff here watches Wan show that's got to be it to find out if they need to come to work on Monday before you give them to us I mean okay that's a thing that has happened are you miked oh you're not miked okay so he said for those of you who didn't hear because you give company updates on Wan show before you give them to us um yeah well that's our that's our model OKAY of transparency with the community transparent model okay the people appreciate it they know I think more about the inner workings of this company than just about like any company would be stupid enough to give the General Public uh do you want to grab a screwdriver and uh help putting some screws yeah okay this is more screwing than I can do by myself I'm going to need some help screwing it's terrible ah Dan hit me before I get myself actually canceled here yeah yeah uh do you think High GPU prices are hurting PC gaming I used to be a PC Gamer but recently made the decision to buy an Xbox series X instead of a PC it supports mouse and keyboard 120 frames variable refresh rate Etc absolutely but with an asterisk it's always cyclical right I mean when the Xbox uh when the Xbox one came out it was Untouchable like we we tried back then when the PS4 and the Xbox one came out we did PC builds we were like yeah we're gonna try and build a PC that can compete with this thing and it was close but you had to you had to make some serious compromises that thing did not have a great power supply in it it did not use a great case I'm pretty sure we had to use some secondhand Hardware like consoles early in their life cycle are Untouchable from a price to Performance perspective but before you go to that bike do you want these fans for like actual airflow or for looks for looks okay so they're blowing it blowing in yeah point it out yeah yeah okay and if they're gonna be for looks they might as well be purely for looks just making sure and I've got them centered and butted right up against each other which is maybe not the best look but I already started screwing them in like this actually oh no I kind of changed my mind no I'm gonna no I'm gonna space them out I'm gonna space them out a little bit all right the butt for that but later on in the cycle the advantage shifts dramatically towards PC because those consoles I mean they can only go down so much in cost there there's a limit things just kind of cost what they cost and for compatibility and to streamline the game development process they can't dramatically change that Hardware so if building that chip and building that power supply and you know building all that outdated Hardware costs what it costs um then there's a there's just a basement they can only go so low that's also the opportunity for the console manufacturers to finally make some money on the bloody thing because they sure aren't at the very beginning of that console's life cycle so that's where the PC starts to make more sense again all of a sudden can I help you yeah so I just want to get under here because we can take a whole panel on the bottom off and we can cable manage all the fans that panel on the bottom is already off so yeah just just stuff them into these holes and then we'll just we'll just Jam everything into the bottom I'm going to grab the oh I am going to yes I'm going to unbox the GPU in the meantime want to give me the overhead then absolutely we went whoop whoop there it is with the Radeon RX 7900 XTX can I just shout out amd's terrible numbering scheme for their product branding okay so you got like think about it you got your Radeon you got your ryzen you got your R R fives and r7s and r9s our x wait what okay but that's for radio right not ryzen Radeon and then are you kidding me they're both 7 900 I have a 7900 in here and then I also have a 7 900. one of them is a ryzen 9 7 900 x and then one of them is a Radeon RX 7900 X TX there are a lit literally an infinite number of numbers and letter combinations literally infinite and you use exactly the same one in the same generation are you kidding me I think they're doing it on purpose more of this angle please yeah maybe not so much maybe that's not necessary anyway you can go back to the uh back to the overhead let's get this thing unboxed while ploof plugs things in and we are totally not in his way how you doing over there oh wow you can tell this is very fresh first time unboxed very sealed much sealed cool all right let's install this mother goodness gracious wait we didn't have to go what why did we go sfx for the power supply my goodness well you know they have short ATX power supplies right no I've only seen sfx what Silverstone Silverstone has that super super compact one oh I've never seen that uh oh they just sent it to us that's probably why you missed it yeah it's basically just the size of a 120ml fan it would totally fit here yeah that'd be great yeah well this will still work um yeah the cable length it should all they should all be long enough okay well you guys aren't going to see the optimal setup for this because that would have been uh one of silverstone's super low volume ATX power supplies instead you are going to see this Cooler Master v850 sfx gold I mean this computer was never going to be practical anyway so I guess what does it matter if there's yet another thing about it that's sort of impractical that's the path we're on here okay this can go kind of here and then let's just hold on you have a cable Mash this place there's a cable why are you putting it down why are you putting the cable there if you don't want me to mash it nothing doesn't look why is there an hdmi thing that fell out of the GPU well I mean you said you tested it so I didn't test if that was going to fall out obviously oh my God Is This Too Tall no and I think it should go it'll go it's barely what the measurements say it works what the hell is going on here it's the same height this is smaller it is lower um okay jeez it's ridiculous okay we wanted to get a 49 . what about this power connector though okay that might be tight oh my gosh we have a bit of a ploof this is glass well only that part is yeah but that part goes here we'll see we'll see what do you mean we'll see it's right there I think it'll work I have to really hold it over there we've got the XT if it doesn't fit we've got the XT if it doesn't fit we've got the XT like we're gonna settle for an XT I only want seven the best 7900s in here top tier 7900s this is the 7900 PC Dan you made this more probably costs about seventy nine hundred dollars with all the RGB fans we're putting in it these these fans are like 20 30 each stupid look at this wimpy power supply oh it's a is it we little baby power supply uh we need to remove this power supply no no you get use the bracket how the hell am I gonna screw this oh I'll screw the bracket to the power supply first oh thank goodness I thought I had gone and painted myself into a corner here with these fans plugged in where I can't even screw in the power supply but we got this oh you think you're done helping build now I actually do need your help with something real quick okay I okay first of all I am losing these rubber grommets from I don't know where oh here because they just fall off of here okay there's okay but wait they're missing yeah from the very top well how'd they go missing um see how easy they fall off I heard the sound of a bus there this was his project the five weird cases project and he's all like oh I don't know maybe b-roll I was it definitely wasn't me it definitely wasn't me even though that was my project it's probably me we brings that uh that fit we just didn't grab them okay oh oh I see this one goes inside the other bracket uh maybe it does not fit no I'm not sure of anything anymore oh nope like that oh that's horrible that's truly awful uh yeah I guess so I I actually don't think that's how it's supposed to work because you can see this is countersunk right yeah but it's gonna work yeah okay fine I'm over it Dan merch message me this is ridiculous hey Linus the tank case is a really cool idea for a PC which unusual case out of the many you've seen would you most want to build a PC in and why I can't say that any unusual case makes me think what's the tank I really want to build a computer in this oh boy um that was why I left it up to you guys that wasn't originally in the script when sploof brought it to me I I think what what was what was your what was your plan I don't remember oh no you wanted me to pick which one yeah and then I basically I basically deferred I deferred to the audience because I was looking at them going well these are all stupid I mean cool but also ridiculous so I'm just gonna I'll just do whatever you guys think is right and then well this is what I get right I ended up with the tank oh which is fine which is fine you've all done a wonderful job of helping me pick which case to build in um I'd say though ones that have stood out to me like over the years there was that really cool one with the Gullwing doors uh that one was pretty sick um what are some cases that have like really stood out I mean there's the classics what's that yeah the aircraft carrier was super cool you know I think part of it for me that makes this hard is that if there's ever anything that I really wanted to build in I kind of did it like even the uh even the the Power Mac G5 that was kind of my dream like case mod case you know where I wanted to to take one of those and turn it into like a Rockin PC and we did that so because I have the luxury of running a large Tech Channel any Tech case I want to build in I I kind of I kind of have done right that's the whole that's the whole point of this um yeah I'd say I'd say the one that I was probably most excited about was that Mac though that was that was super cool took boy did it ever take a long time to get that project over the finish line but it was totally worth it where then devil is this supposed amount um sure let's go with there and gorgeous hit me with another another bar keeper oh okay this one's from Kevin hey guys I learned English and building PCS just by watching YouTube and I'm curious have you accidentally ever learned something while getting entertained uh greetings from Belgium yeah of course I mean Bill Nye is a major personal inspiration just um how how fun he made learning when I was in school was it's such an eye-opener right it's not like I didn't have decent teachers but I would watch Bill Nye the Science Guy just just purely for entertainment I didn't even think about that I was actually learning while I was doing it it was great a way to write an intro that is in the style of Bill Nye that would be awesome but the production value is actually really high in some episodes yeah I mean TV I guess back when TV made money it was easier to justify spending money making TV oh wow that is a very crooked power supply I need to fix that uh sorry one moment please that is truly awful okay hit me with another one there's there's more than one spot where you can mount the power supply there's multiple little little slots so I clearly got it misaligned here they thought of everything sure I've only got a couple left here uh this one's from Daniel hello I recently bought a couch Master cocoon 2 to make gaming more comfortable do you think uh what laptop keyboards like the Corsair k63 will be made again um if you don't know the couch Master seems to be a big long board of a keyboard I know what the couch Master is all right um I don't think so I think that keyboards like the rocket Silva um like that Corsair one you mentioned products like the Coach master really cool but I think they are today's solution to yesterday's problem if you kind of get what I mean and the reason I think that is that as consoles and PCs continue to merge I only see that Trend continuing and one of the side effects of those Trends aside from exclusives no longer really existing anymore it's all timed exclusive now is I foresee that controller support on PC games isn't going to be an afterthought anymore it's going to be a given and it's already predominantly that way I'd say like new releases for a PC if you don't have controller support you kind of are missing the boat anyone who's playing on a steam deck anyone who's playing on Steam Big Picture and I think game developers are recognizing that and tailoring their tailoring their games to that reality and so I don't see the need to be sitting on the couch with a giant keyboard stretched across your lap anymore when you could just use a controller um ploof yes some of these RGB you seem to have oriented this up top not that one okay that's the only one that's upside down near Little Things uh-huh I mean you know yeah okay I oh man okay how are we going to plug in I don't think this Commander Pro had all of the RGB stuff that it needed no oh there's a second one in logistics there's a second one yeah okay what what about second Commander Pro we need what do we need yeah we need that we need oh no we need the breakout RGB doodads do we keep those here you know I had a whole system where all this stuff was here and then people kept taking things away from here and putting them out in logistics and then they went and they took Logistics and they moved it to a whole different building and now what are we going to do we're hooped sir hooped well that wasn't me that was your decision we also um see these need these little male to male things see these uh there's a bunch of those there's a bunch of those oh thank goodness okay um just shout out Corsair curse you for not using standard RGB connectors it makes me extremely unhappy every time I have to deal with your RGB mess I get it you guys have cool animations that you can do and all that good stuff I I see the benefit but I feel that the benefit does not outweigh the disadvantage of that your stuff does not work with anybody else's stuff I really don't really really don't like that all right Dan hit me okay uh this one's from Nick hello from Switzerland hello Switzerland have you considered creating a head shop and or creating a reseller Network for the LTT store to get your products in more hands and reduce shipping costs for consumers um sorry the question was uh sorry it's from Switzerland so I'm assuming it's about European LTT store I would assume so uh yes um yes the thought had occurred to us the challenge with that is that okay where are these where is the sorry where is the last fan cable here what am I doing oh no what is this plate these are like all four pins how does this plate come off sorry there's a cable management plate that I didn't remember that's what I'm asking when you said I already removed it well I didn't clearly because I'm a big liar we need the three-pin one stone um three pins of what for RGB four pin do we need four pin four pins okay then you're in luck well no three two plus one so yeah three pins yeah three five volts five volt yeah no this project is cursed uh yes it has occurred to us to do European LTT store the issue with doing European LTT store is that Europe is very far away with a very different tax code and a lot of challenges associated with doing business in it compared to doing business here in our home and native land um so it's just not realistic right now we it yeah it'll happen at some point I I hope but we just have so much going on with labs and we've got LTX this year and we've got um I don't know I'm sure there's stuff that I'm not thinking of right now but there's there's a hundred people here and they're all working on stuff and none of it is Euro LTT store so that should give you some idea of just like how wildly busy everything is three pin unless this is one of them uh nice oh well I just I'll just take that you'll take this yeah yeah that'll do because I only have I only have three of these anyway yeah okay ah why is everything hard perfect you decided to go with six extra fans no I decided nothing I decided nothing it was the right thing to do it was the right thing to do I didn't want to have extra fans but the people the people uh needed it yep yep they needed more RGB in this system people's Champion well someone has to do it and apparently it's not going to be you know give me more than two hours to do a stream and I'll try to do as much RGB as you want hey I am not the one who says timelines for these things sent us a defective CPU I don't control it that's not that's not your fault that's true do you mind plugging this into the RGB header on the front okay no no you got this you got this yeah there's lots there's lots of slack on that one uh I really need those RGB hubs that go with the commander Pro if you don't find one no pressure but we are boned it is super not I don't even know what those cables are I don't even think they belong with the commander Pro people never never put RGB Hub Hardware back when they when they return stuff to inventory I thought we were supposed to throw that out it drives me up the wall and you ever wonder why you're not in logistics anymore Dan oh that makes a lot of sense actually um yeah in all seriousness though it's it would be simpler if we just redid it every time but that would be extremely wasteful so we try you know we try to reuse stuff as much as we can between projects but it's it can be infuriating sometimes now what is this sled on the bottom is this intended for for hard drives or something like that it kind of looks like it I'm getting a hard drive SSD vibe from the sled here okay yes this is what I need I need RGB hub and I think this will do it no I don't think I need any of that I don't think so wait RGB will this oh no I need the I need the RGB Hub that goes with the commander Pro this one just plugs into a USB header this is standalone okay so do these have okay now we're opening up multiple ones this one's sealed though that's a good sign it means the accessories might be in it I mean they might not someone might have already pilferred the accessories no I do not see an RGB Hub in here I don't think it comes with the RGB Hub I think it's uh it's a separate piece we had an entire bin of these stupid RGB hubs at some point cool Corsair RGB boxes let's go all right yes uh you may have this back it wound this yes this is what I need now I think there's two separate parts for this one of them is SP and one of them is HD or something and I don't think anything denotes the difference between so you just have to kind of Wick it um oh no uh the three pin yeah no no no okay so that's for this that's for this box there's an SP and an HD one okay but we I don't think we need this box I think what we need is just a male to male RGB cable like a male to male Corsair RGB cable which hopefully exists uh is this yes here's one this is only two pin is two pins enough pins good gravy LED one okay oh no this computer isn't gonna work um oh yeah I didn't say the power do I not have say to power I got state of power it's all there okay yeah I'm good I'm good every no no everything is good nothing could be better yeah um you're forgetting something though there are four more fan mounts here oh Grace you're not forgetting anything you were just hoping that I didn't know there's more rust on my case stream is an absolute show you can't swear on YouTube oh sorry sorry sorry sorry is a swear word yes technology no this one's the tank the other one was the ship the show oh the ship yeah that was a ship this has been a ship show ship show uh okay two RGB Hub all right yes yes yes all right we've got this everything is completely under control uh do you have another merch message stop sending merch messages like I'm not funding this what a mess this is what you've done uh this one's from Isaac if your kids asked would you let them work for LTT um not right now I think it's yeah I think it's a little early for that [Applause] or as for you know whether they could join the family business I mean I you know I think most parents would be would be excited to have their kids join the family business but I think for me it would be it would have to be done in the right way right like it couldn't just be like yeah let's go nepotism um you know my son is now executive VP of sitting on his butt all day right like we're not going to do anything like that that was such a huge morale sink for me at my at my old company back when I worked at NCIX just the fact that the the boss's family just kind of there was this one family member some some of them at least like like and they they weren't all competent but some of the ones that were incompetent at least tried to do work but there was this one that as far as we could tell did absolutely nothing did absolutely nothing came in literally had one of those little portable DVD players rolled in unpacks the deed portable DVD player watch DVDs at their desk never came out never talk to anybody never did anything and then went home at the end of the day and we're sitting here going like why don't you just write a check why why spend time and effort on this charade why not just send them a check like okay it's not fooling anybody what's the point of any of this I never got the answer to that question you can't write it off as an expense you can't write it it's not an employee right well yeah aren't you going to save taxes just say they were there I mean if anyone ever got interviewed it's not like they wouldn't have said yeah they're useless they don't do anything I mean I guess if you're in the building it's easier to justify and if you're just going to sit and watch TV all day anyway what the difference does it make if you do it in a air-conditioned office or an air conditioned to your house um okay all right so that's that's honestly what you think it is just plausible deniability all right yeah you're probably right let's start wiring up some power here shall we oh I need to find another one of those RGB breakout boxes I'm going to plug that into led2 here no no I got this i got this I just need the mail to mail cable again which I found no I didn't that's male to female rats ah yes I got one yes don't even worry ploof no I'm looking for long fans no you're worried don't stress don't stress you get no no no you got to de-stress don't long fan screws don't worry don't worry it's okay it's okay it's okay just buccane ERS here you go long is that long enough no I gotta go through what do you mean through long fan screws so I want to use like rad screws or something you can't oh see what I mean how the devil are you supposed to right I might be able to hook well this glass has got to come off then right okay it's a screw here wait a minute oh okay oh oh you have to unscrew the whole the whole gun the cannon the front Cannon one here oh yeah and there's two at the back wait that's how they hold the top glass on are you kidding me the gun on the front is how they hold the glass on this is ridiculous why you got to do that why are you gonna be like that okay success um I'm kind of feeling there's cables on the outside maybe cables towards these corners wow that's really tight yeah yeah so let's do it like that okay you got this yeah yeah all right yeah and these are these are exhaust oh man why did you why did you guys choose this but see I didn't have a choice that's my excuse you had a choice I kind of want to power this up while you're working on memeing more RGB fans okay yeah so I'm just gonna wow yeah I'm just gonna straight up do that mashed done that's a joke by the way because it's Army themed ploof I got I got a chuckle I got a chuckle for mashed I have also never seen a single episode of it but I do know the theme song yeah like when my Power Rangers was over uh you're not miked so you can't really yeah it's not that I don't want him to talk it's just that he has this thing he does where he thinks he's not co-hosting the video and so he doesn't get miked up and then we arrive on set and it's pretty obvious he's co-hosting the video I thought a stick mic would be sufficient and I thought it was a great idea when we started this turns that it was a terrible idea uh and we're not gonna do that again don't listen to ploof to Future uh stream cart rules and uh procedures yes I'll always listen to Dan I won I found countersunk 632 screws in Black yes I found a whole bag here it is no one will ever know it's a slightly different surface finish it's Matt you know what can you just change them all no I'm over I'm no I don't have enough to change them all it's okay I'm over it I'm over it this is good enough I'm actually pretty happy right now ah want to hit me with a merch message sure uh we already did the kids one and then Andy can come hang with me while we plug in some power cables got our modular power cables here this one's from Edgar what's up Edgar uh convince my Boomer boss that only using the web-based version or apps like Word Excel or teams on a high-end computer doesn't prevent slowdowns in my opinion 36 plus browser tabs open is inefficient and dumb inefficient and dumb tell me how you really feel wow convince my Boomer boss that using the web-based version doesn't prevent slowdowns well yeah sure that much is true but what I don't know is what your Boomer boss and your words not mine what I don't know is what your Boomer boss is doing in this software if what they're doing is so heavy that it could cause slowdowns for their computer then your boss might actually be right so let's say your boss is working on extremely computationally intensive spreadsheets for example yeah you're uh you're in the wrong here pal however if your boss is just typing then it is possible that a a local word processor is actually going to be less oh shoot I just plug this into the wrong one if I only have one that I think I want it to be on the left one it's possible that uh a locally run program would be would be lighter because then at least you're not dealing with the network connectivity side of it to be truthful though I this is something I'm I'm purely speculating on and the best way to prove it to your boss would be to use data right test it find out just I mean it's something that can be measured so easily so you know why why have me convince them why don't you do it there boom roasted oh wow this is very borderline okay there's our eight pin CPU power connector do I have another one though [Music] yes all right there goes our second one hit me with another okay this one uh is also for you uh Hey Linus thanks for all the tips I was wondering if there were any plans to make more feminine merch like dresses or skirts they seem to do well as counterfeit but hopefully the real ones could work as well um that really depends on how our next couple of of like women's or like feminine um merch products go we've got t-shirts coming uh we've got trying to think what else we have in the pipeline they want to say definitely t-shirts and then some more we have underwear coming that's for sure and so we're going to have to see how those go and if they're a big success then absolutely you're going to see more and if they are not a big success then we might kind of we might kind of cool it and maybe focus more on like inclusive sizing like maybe do um you know make it so that everything is available down all the way down to XS or double XS or something like that so that um so that our unisex merch better covers the entire Spectrum 7900 excess 7900 XS yeah for sure for sure for sure we're going to take a page out of amd's book and just call everything the same thing all right hit me with one more all right this one's from Zachary hi Zachary it's been a while since the project zero cables build any chance of an updated version could be coming in the future yes it is well underway and it is flipping awesome uh it's a lot closer to what I had actually envisioned last time where the the channels are actually routed into the desk so the cables are running what would it be like longitudinally inside the desk uh we're gonna have a Logitech power play mat embedded so the whole thing from the outside is just going to look like a desk but all the cables are actually inside the desk surface even though it's only like the size of a regular desk I I'm pretty stoked I'm pretty stoked it's pretty cool I'm also stoked on I think this computer is done out my arm is stuck um there we go that was a little awkward I'm gonna put these PCI slots in place we're getting there okay hit me again okay this is from Patrick hi Linus and team thank you for sparing me time I've been wanting to build it for some time now for showcasing also did you guys heard about the train case from Leon Lee a greetings from Luxembourg yeah the good old train case that was a classic uh that one and the like the weird sale one the pc88 that's That's a classic every once in a while lean Lee builds something where you just go really you know okay really um but you also got to kind of respect it right they March to the beat of Their Own Drum and if their models is such that they're able to sport these super low volume special edition or limited edition cases then hey power to them it's not always obvious from the outside you know what is what is viable or sustainable um with someone else's business model right like if I was a Corsair I would look at that and I'd go oh that's absolutely just like Maniac stuff right there right but Corsair doesn't own their own case fabrication facilities whereas lean Lee does if lean Lee decides to build a one-of-one case then that's their prerogative and again like I said you know maybe the economics of it makes sense for them I see a lot of speculation about how things work over here that is just just utterly wildly inaccurate right like people people who think that we're on the brink of bankruptcy or whatever else um yeah don't worry ploof the checks are going to keep bouncing I mean uh cash clearing clearing the checks will clear it's all good um and it's just it's all it's all just utter speculation it has no basis in it in anything right but they the the level of certainty it kind of reminds me of chat GPT right where I'll see these extremely certain people who will talk about their you know their business chops and their experience and blah blah blah blah blah and it's kind of like okay but you're just a random person on the internet and you have absolutely no access to our books whatsoever and I know you know yeah like there's certain things that are just facts you know when I log into the bank account we're not on the brink of bankruptcy so thank you for your thank you for your contribution but uh I think I'll I think I'll go with what my bank tells me instead of what you tell me because one is accurate and one is just not one is random nonsense all right hit me okay this is from Jason hi Jason with more people consuming their media from untraditional broadcast have you ever considered having lmg attend or exhibit at Nab in Las Vegas and do a live land show from the exhibit floor I've been to NAB two it's amazing yeah an EV uh super cool show um but let me ask you this why what would um I'm sure there would be some cost right like even just travel so it will be thousands of dollars to have a team of people down there where will my thousands of dollars in return come from and I'm not trying to be all you know businessy and gotta make money money money money money about it uh but presumably the point of attending a trade show like an NAB would be to generate some kind of return on the investment and what would that be would be my question and this is this is the way that I will often address things when people pitch things internally as well is you say why not and I say but why and if there's no clear answer well then there's no real need for us to continue having this conversation when you when you have when you have determined why in fact we should do this then I would be happy to entertain it but if you're just kind of talking nonsense then I don't really I think we'll probably build up better things to do right um you know obviously I try to be nicer about it because people don't sometimes realize that they've suggested something that has no uh you know no possible path to viability or whatever else and you want to obviously be respectful but you have to yeah you have to have some kind of Hope of generating a return on investment otherwise why are you spending money on it it doesn't make any sense and now the return doesn't have to be cash sometimes the return can be um intangible you know I think that something like whale land had and had an intangible value that was that was easy to argue for like fun I had fun did you have fun yeah it was fun yeah it was fun NAB you know unless you're just unless you were just looking for an excuse to go to Vegas on the boss's dime um I don't know that I would describe it as fun there's certainly a lot of cool demos and stuff there which is great we've sent teams down there before but the only time we've done it is when we had a sponsor who really wanted to send us down there and the reason is that it's it's not for fun it's it's for work it's work so I think that um that's probably why we we wouldn't do Nab in the near future hope that answers your question I do not hate fun I like fun I just yeah you're being very reasonable yeah I'm not trying to I'm not trying to be like that about it made a whole Channel yeah it wasn't just fun it was super fun they didn't go to NAB Channel super Channel super on Ice that's what we should call it Channel super paused um this looks awesome like freaking awesome I kind of like this case now I hate building in it building and it's not actually that bad though look at all the extra you know it's bad because we've got what 10 RGB fans yeah but it would also why stupid if you didn't fill it with RGB fan it wouldn't look as good I fully admit that but that whole like big cable space on the bottom like you got tons of stuff that just tuck stuff away so not only do you waste a bunch of money on your 700 case but you blow another 700 on your stupid RGB fans yeah uh that you need in order for the case to not look ridiculous what hurts me too is it's not exactly 360 or 420 like you see these huge gaps on the sides of the yeah so he's pointing at these gaps on the sides of the fans maybe that's where they're supposed to get air flow from I don't know maybe I was hoping the radiator would fill the space but it doesn't you put a rat up there and there's still a bunch of missing space terrible terrible uh okay here's this wait you didn't put the cables where I put them out the side as much as I could yeah on this side but I pointed it out the sides so that it wouldn't just be down in the middle we're not redoing just pull it down you're tired cable time cable time cable ties uh there's some on the very right there they're very right Dan want to hit me with a merch message or maybe I should just look at chat for a change I don't know what's up guys how you all doing you enjoying the stream you guys enjoying the Stream I hope you're enjoying the stream I can't hear them very well do we want to make them uh you can't hear them sorry the audience yeah oh well oh my goodness Make Some Noise yeah no I don't know I don't mean literally Dan I'm sorry I have no idea how many people are even watching this good gravy there's 15 000 people watching this mess I'm so sorry I'm so sorry we're gonna do better ploof is gonna fix the cable management he's gonna take the whole thing apart he's gonna put yeah I got badminton tonight I gotta go in like three minutes Booth can finish out for you it's fine can finish it yeah no no no is a full sentence yeah Andy has a cat and a kid crap and ploof has a date playing video games oh it's gonna be playing sons of the black hole don't you come I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore okay let's just do this if this glass shatters because of the pressure I'm putting on it trying to wipe it up quickly it's not it's been nice knowing you oh no did you not wipe down this glass before you put it back in place not the inside dude are you even serious right now to do this so fast look that's good these fans don't match only one only one only one match one doesn't match and it's still the same uh model the ql yeah ql120 it's just an older ql120. and so therefore it's got the black housing instead of that white diffused housing look at this you have enraged the people look at this though it does look amazing it looks and it fits it's a little tight but it's supposed to be raised a little bit on those um okay on the O-rings here's our plan they're missing I gotta run this down yeah it's gonna be like impossible those grommets are quite quite missing okay uh we shouldn't be closing this up though that is better why are you tightening it well I'm because I don't want it to come off when I tilt it up like this oh my God so that you ah can grab oh I don't even I don't even know where that went no that strand go I don't know where it went either we need to turn this thing on okay here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna get the computer post ready and you're gonna put a monitor keyboard and mouse on the desk that's great I can do that no problem we've got this we've got this nothing could go wrong from here on out um oh my gosh okay this is gonna go here ow what the heck was that back of this motherboard's pretty Sharp it's very sharp sharp looking motherboard good Aesthetics sorry what okay ow dang it okay all of these cables are coming through yeah so one power and one RGB for four cables okay and then we've got a second Hub we're gonna put that second Hub oh yeah there's my here's my second Hub okay so here is our RGB one two we're not cable managing this we're not cable managing this we've got this man there's got to be some memes in here however build starts how every build ends and it's like it all starts with like optimism and sunshine and rainbows and it's going to be great in the cable manager like you've got this I got to send this to the social team like you've got this image in your head of how perfect everything is going to look and then How It Ends we should just basically post this no cleaning up for like two hours tomorrow our you know like six boxes of Commander pros and uh ql120 fans I take only partial responsibility for that only partial I do take part of the responsibility for that I had to ask the people and the people backed us into this corner okay do we have fan splitters right now I have no way to make these top fans spin there's like no uh three there's no try Splitters that's fine I just want I want three dual Splitters then yeah okay perfect I mean well perfect is a strong word but uh solutioned uh here you can take that white one back we don't need no stinking White fan Splitters okay one two These are nice low power oh these are not low power fans but the lights are not powered by the uh by the fan header so I can easily run four off of a single header I'm just gonna run this I don't know here oh yeah here we go come on we can do this oh man I totally spaced on that I have a heart out today hey Andy can we get a close-up of that Rat's Nest no don't close up the rats nest what's wrong with you what is wrong when you're putting your hands in the touch you you come in my house you touch my rats oh no oh no okay okay I want to power this thing on and see if she works I can't say that I am super confident where does this plug into oh there it is jeez it's hidden behind the tread up here and you plug the power supply in on that end oh yeah okay you better believe it you ready you ready yeah they're here oh getting older okay all right dude we got this stuff we got this though okay this goes here the card fits oh yeah the GPU fits I mean you basically you're not wrong the computer you're not wrong I hang your not we weren't always helpful and you're right you're right when you're right you're right he just really enjoys saying that because of how he knows that I know that he doesn't think that I like Spaceballs it's a classic movie I like turtles all right you ready it works there's a fan hitting the wire somewhere and that's what I get for closing this up okay hold on hold on no no I think the solution to this is going to be very simple hold on here I need to if you could just okay Good's a strong word isn't that gorgeous okay are we good are we coming down yes you're going to be on the commander Pro somewhere uh because that's underneath okay and I got this bracket here why is that is it yeah oh yeah oh it lives okay uh yes they are not uh and this monitor is not on no no no that's fine that's fine you have to install the IQ drivers uh uh is this uh oh is this uh hello yeah the system will work hold on it's going oh oh oh she's do she's AMD she's doing something stepped on the mouse stepped on it okay okay we've got some screws here is she gonna work okay wait I think nope oh it turned off it turned off ploof hold on hold on hold on barely see the LED oh it's red okay wait wait wait red he's doing a power cycle Red's not good is red good red is okay because it's gonna do a Power Cycle that is okay it's gonna not be red for very long it was doing this early yeah the red is gone Red's a funny color it either means high performance or you're boned now it's going nowhere in between the good white clearly and then the green light oh I think it's going yes yes okay now we see if you killed the boot driver or not probably not I killed the boot Drive I don't even remember what you're talking about start of the stream you could with the 10 shooter I no I don't know what you're talking about uh sorry down there is um by the garbage can I missed I meant to throw that on the counter that's the case Hardware it's supposed to have this in it not that it really matters but there's a screw I mean missing so many screws oh it's only missing some grommets so everything else is there that mismatched fan is is destroying my will to live it is the worst thing ever this is what I get for wrinkling the back of the land show set isn't it this is this is the universe's Revenge It scent ploof as its Angel of Death to punish me uh here 's that green light yeah yeah I rebooted it because it hung on trying to get into the BIOS oh okay sold who needs to go into the BIOS anyway the windows we know why no no we don't know why it could have been anything fine we have some educated guesses the boot Drive okay it's going to boot oh but then I sealed it up before seeing it boot to Windows that's bad GBS I don't think the bottom sealed does that count I mean we made it as far as the fan spinning if it's on here I think would call that a w you should do like a full restart Maybe or clear CMOS or we could wipe your greasy fingerprints off yeah that too you can wipe the fingerprints off yeah and then we could just get some b-roll and be like yeah well we can't get b-roll yeah that's true it's kind of alive it's a live stream we can't trick you guys um okay we would never trick the people ploof you're right never we're we're Steve we're actually bamboozle we're very upfront with another trick don't work and then we fake it and we say yeah we couldn't get it working but we got it working the next day we're pretty upfront about that one I can't think of any time where I've straight up lied to anyone stretch the truth maybe two days later we're back at it yeah we want you guys to be along along with us for the ride uh do you have any more merch messages to hit me with since we're going to be kind of calling it pretty soon here yeah I got five left Timmy uh this one's from Brandon how important our graphics card updates have you tried benchmarking a GPU with the OG drivers and then drivers from way later to see if there's even a difference very important yes there is a difference uh they will they will really go after deficiencies in not just performance but also compatibility to try to try to squash bugs that are that are affecting um that are affecting Gamers who are running their products both Nvidia and AMD are pretty good about trying to trying to deliver the best experience that they can they don't always get it right but they really do try uh this can stay I'm good it's the monitor some people are concerned that this is xqc's motherboard uh yeah well yeah just posting and booting fine earlier okay it was installed in games do you know what the I'm noticing a weird flickering on the RGB on this GPU is that something that you were expecting to happen Andy do you want to come get a shot of this okay the fans on the GPU are running some kind of RGB pattern admittedly the flickering was happening before but it was posting and oh we lost your mic somehow oh no you guys come back well yeah we got this okay so let's just give her a replug of the okay hold on just give it a let me see up again see if we can get this boy get this boy booted up the next thing I'm gonna do is rip out that m.2 and see if that's preventing it from posting I am also deeply worried that this might be xqc's motherboard and maybe ploof lucked out and it worked or something everything is green now the green boot light is oh hi look at that gave her a little re-cd seat F1 to run setup Expo enabled save let's go [Music] and I'm gonna show you something you know this guy what's up thanks Andy that's very helpful for all the people who get motion sick out there I don't know sorry noises I'm sorry uh is my mic back yes sir oh okay here you go Blue wait is this it's not going anywhere it's not so now I strongly fear it is no no hold on let's go do a little restart it's not the boots you're going to restart something not the boot Drive let it go don't hit delete float plane that was not me that was Andy wait for it oh my God wait for it I told you what I simply couldn't guarantee the uh condition of the boot drive after it had been crushed by the tank yes yes we got this okay whatever it is oh that's actually also not it uh hold on uh Andy look away your what okay oh okay all right with something okay cool uh I don't know if we have time to install IQ and I don't know why there's no internet oh right now I didn't install the land driver earlier and I plugged in that cable oh so yeah there's activity yeah so I'm actually really confused I like I genuinely I installed games and stuff earlier super weird uh you know what I have a solution to that there should be a big thing of Wi-Fi antennas here okay at least it's connected oh it's connected it's good just took a moment yes I tried a different cable yes IQ the smartest thing ever wait what wait wait yeah it was good dang it did you I I didn't do anything they're personal gain or personal humor gain you sure it seems like so yeah not today not recently oh wait it's connected now okay uh okay IQ software download IQ but no no no no no no no no no no oh my God it how big is this download this is why people say Don't run IQ because uh it's going to eat up your system resources oh my God well I play one game just play one game the people can imagine the RGB it looks so great it was I know the RGB you were there it was there I installed like the wizard of the wizard of ugly computer and you were there and you were there and you can't make Wizard of Oz references anymore the kids aren't even going to get them yeah you're right I watched The Muppets with my kids and I realized that so it was like the 2009 like the reboot one or 2012 or whenever whenever it was uh so I watched the reboot one with my kids and I realized that as self-aware as the Muppets reboot movie was that they were sort of irrelevant they made a lot of cultural jokes both throwback and 2012 that make it 10 years later even more irrelevant um like one of the celebrity cameos is like Judd Hirsch and like would would my would my kids know who that is you know who Judd Hirsch is uh you'll recognize them um hold on let me find him how important is this uh well I mean we're waiting for this I think you you care about the IQ download yes I care about the IQ watch steam play Halo this guy can't play Halo without RGB oh yeah he's familiar yeah I don't know what he's in though yeah lots of stuff anyway he's one of the celebrity cameos and I'm just like you know even okay so they they have um oh Jim Parsons and he's at the height of his Fame at that time yeah and like you know my kids would just probably think oh some random actor right like I don't I don't know I don't see Big Bang Theory having the same kind of long-term relevance that something like uh Seinfeld but then you know maybe maybe I don't know I think that's largely just because of how much variety there is now versus back then you'd watch like one or two shows there's so much you know there was like Friday prime time and like that's what you that's what everyone would watch you'd go to school the next day and everyone like oh my God cheers you know just doesn't happen anymore okay please wait we'll setup configures IQ okay is Hardware info in here part of me secretly hopes that the RGB does not work and that we set up IQ for nothing on here sorry Hardware info is on there I didn't put frame View that's fine I'm getting it adrenaline is installed and the latest drivers are installed no ice several games are installed they're ready to play they've been launched once before nice Linus I'm getting a bit of a scratchy on your mic bit of a scratchy on the microphone on the cable side but it's popping oh sure fine okay we're good how's the CPU doing okay how's the CPU doing uh not enough course 12 course not enough terrible it's turboing to 5.26 gigahertz man this latest generation of CPUs is just nutty I I can't even you know uh okay Commander pro lighting setup here we go no devices connected here we go here we go here we go okay what are these These are light Loop right uh how many fans I don't know one of them has six and can it see them oh yeah oh yeah ten fans wait it's only got the three oh no where's the other three I don't know hello buddy you know what three's enough yeah just turn the computer yeah I'll just turn it careful with the cables they're not even lit up very well is that just because what IQ set to right now oh wait wait wait hold on what's that oh okay oh yeah oh yeah look at that wait what why is why are these two detect okay some of them detect and some of them don't you know what that's enough for you guys to imagine it there you go just get the get the low angle Andy get the low angle yeah yeah we good we good there we go oh yeah look at that the top slit now too hey hey this thing looks freaking awesome it looks awesome all right you know what when you're right you're right and you guys you're always right that was worth it love it this mismatched fan is driving me absolutely crazy it's not the same at all that's not a light Loop fan everyone's still here is quietly shaking their heads I'm so upset so upset geez did you is it that you didn't have the option for a light Loop are there no more light Loop fans please tell me I did I just grabbed the closest um Corsair fan with RGB that I can find okay free view come on here we go what kind of FPS we gonna get you got to sign in next no are you kidding me okay I look away oh man whatever happened to I just want to play the game please type the authenticator code you type the authenticator code you type the authenticator code I'm not going to I think mine is to it welcome back here we go I'm good I'm ready Andy yes yes yes yes yes default Hardware presets Let's Go video let's go uh Okay resolution 4K oh man no I don't want minimum and maximum frame rates are you kidding me unlocked uh yeah everything Ultra that makes sense oh okay this boy though she can handle it we're gonna go run someone's multiplayer game let's go with the tank with the tank she's a little loud um this is a very restrictive front grille I don't know that from a practical standpoint I would still recommend this case um these poor fans absolutely no way to draw an air whatsoever I can't even I can't even feel any attempt at drawing in air for them I mean these ones same thing these don't go anywhere they don't draw air from anywhere um also ploof weren't they supposed to be exhaust I mean yeah but they wouldn't look as cool they wouldn't look better like this so you just kind of that's that's why the wiring didn't end up perfect because I I realized oh you know we should turn these over um and then the wiring was just so back of my mind compared to getting the the front pretty part of the at least it looks great it looks so cool at this point honestly I'd rather the front here was just glass too let's just not have any Cooling and let's see all the fans through glass Andy how much is this in Chinese Yuan how much is that so if we bought this from China Linus it's cheaper it's much cheaper like 200 CAD well that helps a little bit I don't mean the CPU is sitting at 52 in game I mean that's not bad 5.4 gigahertz boost yeah how's the gpus the GPU I'm checking I'm checking uh GPU hot spots at 87 but I haven't been gaming for that long for a hot spot that's okay that's pretty good for Hotspot yeah hey Dan go for it um we're running at 130 FPS 4K absolutely maxed in Halo infinite thank you for telling me oops where'd he go I'm confused why wow it's uh not a not going to be an issue for gaming what a kill get this guy where'd you go wow he escaped where'd he go where the hell did he go it's too fast for you what just happened oh whoops now let's get that flag back oh she runs like a dream though she runs like a dream oh just like you've got to run to badminton I'm yeah yeah right I gotta go oh but she's so fast she's so fast look at this computer go oh I love it uh man oh yeah we got a couple more merch messages hit me and then I'm out of here all right this one from Mitchell love you product possibility of jeans uh no no jeans but we do have some cool like Tech pants coming uh this one from Manu a line is trying to start an online blog do you have any tips for starting out on double cool sorry what he's trying to start an online blog do you have any tips for starting out online and in general starting out self-employment gigs be yourself man um you know go all in but hedge your bets just be safe out there yeah I don't know what else to say that I haven't already said it's tough as a bike commuter who has a fairly heavy bag would you ever make an attachable hip strap belt for the backpack or is it not needed due to the fairly low it's a different product I think if you're if you're looking for a waist strap it's a really different product and it's just not where we're trying to compete right now last one I've got today is from Jacqueline hi Linus me again last one you said the lmg Christmas album wasn't worth transferring the bits and bytes would you consider a vinyl release for the LTT store instead no bits and bites necessary uh no it's terrible that's all I got for you I gotta get home and continue working on the remaster of the no I can't believe that guy got me all right thanks for tuning in hope you guys enjoyed it final temps here for the GPU hot spots at 90. that's perfectly acceptable and for the CPU we are sitting at 65 on the package somehow it kind of does okay I don't know quite how that works
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,541,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: M7Lr3ujt4Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 42sec (8502 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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