Gaming on a PC from 1983!

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okay and so I've been doing this channel now about building computers and customizing them and just how to work on them now for almost 11 years but you know every now and then someone will ask me like Jay what was your very first computer well the very first computer I ever used was actually an old XT system yeah you know the one with the green blinking cursor kind of looks at The Matrix but the first computer I ever owned that was mine it was in my room it was my PC it was a Commodore 64 and guess what I found one I'm more alive than ever before [Music] 64. let you play hundreds more games than any video machine plus draw program even do music [Music] the Commodore 64. oh my goodness so anyway it's 64 because it has 64k of memory what's funny is my second computer that I ever owned was my dad upgraded me to a commodore 128. how many cave memory do you think that was anyway the comment so yes this is the original box this is the original box uh it's funny this came out in the early 80s I believe it was I remember exactly the serial number is still on here too my biggest fear is that it doesn't work now here's the thing it was advertised as working and I wish it was like mine from my childhood but you know that sucker went off in a yard sale never to be seen again as I think most old systems like that were um we'll open the box in a second here the tape almost a tape drive my goodness yes I did have a tape drive when I was a kid the floppy Drive is actually a Tandy model it's a Well Vic 1541 so this was actually harder to find working or advertised as working than this um it's funny too it weighs like twice as much as the system it's got its own internal power supply it runs off a standard three prong plug and then it's got a built-in fuse and then Big O power switch but anyway this was designed to work with more than just um any Commodore 64. it actually used uh I can't remember the the what the plug name was we'll put it down here it's been so long but anyway it was designed to work with anything that had that serial Port but uh it's almost like a midi cable kind of let's go ahead and open this guy up and I'll show you all the other accessories I needed to try and figure out how I was going to do this first a trip around the Box new from Commodore Advanced color Graphics professional sound and music 64k of memory plus cp-m option for your business education or personal use this is the part I love the personal computer with more professional power can we just do a quick calculation of specs as to how this thing holds up to like a Nintendo switch so on the side of the box here when it comes to Specs it's hilarious so user memory RAM 64 kilobytes permanent memory of ROM has 20 kilobytes of permanent memory 20. remember everything's like soldered you can't you can't change any of this or upgraded microprocessor it's the Commodore 6510 6502 compatible now they don't give you specs on the box as to what that is but I have them right here 1.023 megahertz barely one megahertz if it's a pal version It's 0.985 megahertz so under a megahertz the graphics is a vic2 320 by 200 that 1080p panel is going to be a little stretched and you'll see what I have to do to try and get it to work on that guy because trust me finding a CRT was even harder to finding this anyway interfaces two joysticks four game pedals a light pen did you know that they actually had a tablet for this we found that online we almost got it but I went no I'm going to stick to like what I had as a kid there was a drawing tablet for this which was like so far ahead of its time and then 8-bit user Port built the 8-Bit user Port it's gonna be for like this guy right here built-in RF modulator so that is for video out if you don't have the cable that turns it into basically uh an analog yellow red white so it does have an RF video out which then would go into like an RF converter to go into an antenna in on a TV so that's kind of like the original Nintendo days if you remember that how you had to switch to like channel three yeah that and then uh cartridge interface so this is kind of nuts man I love the back look at the printer I had that printer I had that printer that is so cool see we got that guy right there so we to make this work on a panel it's gonna be interesting but let's look inside the Box this thing is a little bit discolored although they did come in a few different color variants some were very light some were very dark there were different printings on the keys depending on the use case it was going to go in this one was probably closer to this color when it was new but it's funny how the beige over time just turns more brown but I think this might have been the darker brown home PC version because the business type was much more light tan and then the home version was much more Brown to be kind of like matching with all your wood grain furniture that was guaranteed to be everywhere back in the 80s and the wood paneling on the walls because it has the brown key switches or the keys the the keys so and then depending on the side what was printed on the side of your keycap depending on which version you got as well so this one has all the extra stuff on the side my shift lock was oh oh yeah that's right it was an actual shift lock it just got stuck down I forgot how that worked I thought it was broken for a second there and then you got your F keys on the side which you just have F and then you have shift for the other F key I love how because mice didn't exist then you had cursor up and down left and right and that was depending on the shift key on which one it did so you talk about playing games like this which I used to do foreign yes I used to be good at that now I just randomly probably I know Morse coded your mama or something I don't know um the power brick power supply 117 volt input 50 60 hertz obviously goes ntsd and pal output 5 volt DC 8.5 watt or 8.5 Watts so this is one of our Lenovo Legion power bricks for the laptop this one is a oh man I forgot my glasses and I just noticed I forgot my glass 300 35 100 [Music] here's the craziest part are you ready for this this is 40 years old oh yeah the package that they have not changed that standard since the 70s so what came in the package here uh is that and this is what set me back on being able to do this video sooner as I really really wanted and you know what we have another really cool display piece to go on here once it's all set up but uh sorry Falcon you're moving over here now yeah those two boxes are like the most on the side right here these are the controller ports this is where like the joysticks and stuff would hook up there's the power switch and then that's the power plug on this side right here this is where the ROM cartridges can go which I did get a couple of by the way um so you can run floppy disks or actual ROM cartridges so I've got Avenger I have no idea what that is and gorf we think it's golf but we also know that translations were a struggle for Japan back then they still kind of are today but not as bad we think gorf is golf so I saw it I just had to I mean I spent like 30 bucks each on these cartridges like I played Modern game prices for this but anyway geez careful Mitch it's all solid stayed in there thank goodness okay we're good anyway it just goes right here and then once the ROM is inserted and you boot it up it'll boot off the ROM so it should boot right into the game I think otherwise we're gonna be doing some Googling because I know how to load off this I have a couple floppy disk games here actually I think one of them I left at home dang it that expensive I paid eighty dollars for one of the floppy disk games for this which is like an RPG and I forgot it at home but I have Top Gun and the uh read or the right protection sticker popped off but that's okay we just won't turn right to it this is five and a quarter floppy disk for Top Gun came out 1987. this was one of my favorite games uh because you can play your friends and battle them nobody has any magnets nearby right because they matter now anyway this big old thing just to uh read that my daughter was so confused when I showed her this she was like what the heck and she's here today she's gonna yeah she's gonna help play games with this but anyway dramatic 3D vector graphics exciting split screen display one or two player options non-stop action danger and excitement carefully Slide the top gun disc label side up into your disk drive load uh parentheses loader parentheses comma eight and press enter return type run and press return the game will load into your computer's memory this is when I say modern folks who are just getting into computers especially kids do not know the struggle it used to be because if you didn't memorize that what I would use I would write them down on the sleeve because when you lose inevitably lose that manual and the fact that this one has survived since 1987 almost at 1887. since 1987. uh it's impressive I mean I don't know what goop is all over the outside of this I don't really care as long as it works so I should be wearing gloves so how in the heck were we gonna play this game well what can what joystick do you think it actually used Atari joysticks and we got two of them so if it all works today fingers crossed please for the love of God work we are going to be going to the danger zone so like I said my daughter's here um because of the generational Gap she made something when she found out I was doing this and I don't know what it is she's like insisting that she showed me what it is right now Atari Legos excited about this right now huh because of the Atari joysticks oh wait does this actually work no it doesn't it I was like can we actually oh my goodness look at that it's almost exact same size replica this is the cartridge holder right for the games did you buy this with your own money did I buy it it's like it was like two something did I buy it mom did okay two two dollars yeah holy cow s what it's like me as a kid right there that is so cool yeah we're gonna put this on uh on the Shelf somewhere awesome well thank you so much yeah I'm gonna stick this over here so it doesn't get damaged and then I will put it on display with our other stuff okay now what we have to do is test this and see if it works if this works we plan on getting all the whole team in here to enjoy some extremely Retro Gaming I'm not putting down any other channels I love all the other channels but I've seen channels go we're doing retro gaming and then get like a PlayStation 2. and I'm like bruh let the gray-haired grandpa of tech show you how to Retro okay okay I'm not gonna turn this on yet because the problem is like I said you know there's no HDMI port on this thing what we have back here is we have these guys right here this is where the cable for the drive is going to plug into uh I think it's the one on the left you know in case I can't remember I did find a hardback Commodore 64 manual so I have that but and then I had to have the uh the cable right here for it which is uh dim that's where there's a din midi it does a din MIDI cable anyway I have several of them because I wasn't sure which one was going to be right because I kept finding conflicting information that is the video RF out which we're not using because I don't have a way to turn that into a antenna signal into any of my modern monitors so I had to wait for this guy to come which took a lot longer than it was supposed to this is the cable that you need to make it work and I love that these are just modern reproductions of it everyone thinks like oh everything today digital or analog RF okay that so analog was like the better of the options back then the next Connection in line that is guaranteed to give us some problems here is going to be this HD video converter so this is giving me in power to HDMI I don't know if this is going to work and I need it to because I have no other way to display the stupid thing well it's not aligned perfectly in the hole so what you heard was the rubber scraping against the case okay this is so cool seeing this Commodore 64 on my gaming mat which is going to be restocked soon okay okay you ready [Music] pass sound we might have to go on the hunt for a CRT right now [Music] it's making sound so something's coming out so we found some things saying we can't get a video signal out of it um we found something saying open it up and check some of the socketed chips that hasn't come loose but check out how to get the back part off all right I'm a computer okay so this is what the inside of it looks like this one was assembled or built in 1983 um it's a glass fuse right there that confused nothing looks damaged it doesn't mean like nothing looks wet water damaged or anything like that that really amazed those capacitors are still not like exploded these are in really good shape it's just funny how they all everything in here looks brand new right even though it's exposed to elements because the openings in the back but it's in really good shape so I think we're still just having a signaling issue of trying to get this to work properly with our limited monitors that we have available [Music] we found a CRT and we know it works because they used it with a like a N64 or something but there's no remote control so I think my ears immediately when I turn one of these on to start yeah yeah dude it has to warm up look at that okay it's already set to auxiliary it's doing the same thing the buzzing oh yes that's going to be really annoying there's clearly something wrong with either the cable or the sound so that's what my computer was like as a kid okay I want to see if the floppy works I turn on the floppy first screen turn that on and I do not remember the command I gotta put the I think I could have just still done it with it I don't remember so okay floppy disk is in floppy Drive is on the system is on okay load space loader quotations comma eight searching for loader oh it's going it works run yes it's actually it's happening loading Top Gun you need a chair I feel like it didn't actually go nope there it goes there It's gotta It's gotta warm up it's like an old diesel engine [Music] press fire to start oh I'm flying foreign come back we're gonna move on to the ROM cartridges now and then we'll we'll have a little Top Gun tournament when we get both going so gorf where's gorf here I'll do it again he's good to hear every pin listen okay it should just go to gorf yay wait that's not golf it is gorf do you see how fast that booted okay so it's not golf I'm just racist apparently scorpion it's basically just like gallica oh I really wish the sound worked Jay we're literally making a video about my childhood you suck wiggle it as you push it in lots of force lots of force it's not it's not it is it all the way oh scared of it yeah it is dude look how fast it boots I love it it's the same game it's the same oh yeah it's RGB it's the same game every cartridge game is just gallica oh yeah Space Invaders it's not it's Avengers it's totally different I keep losing apparently I really suck at this game all right two player game press fire to start oh wow this game does not have as many good memories as it used to all of a sudden no oh never mind there it is [Laughter] [Music] he immediately runs away this pool yeah be quick yeah stop climbing you're such a troll you just just pulling up and down on this thing yo he basically Maneuvers are invasive Maneuvers all right yeah come here now freaking die stop dodging stop trying to hit me and hit me he dodged duck dip dived and dodged yeah if you could Dodge a cannon you can dodge a war oh God what yeah yeah she cheats I think she is she might be I'm scared now oh we're just head on fighting each other yeah because the whole screen lights up got it let's go dude your left thumb wait I have an idea watch this watch I think yeah you're right I think I'm ah get away this is what my childhood gaming was like when you think about your childhood gaming what do you like what what comes to mind are you still in your childhood but like yeah like game-wise what's your favorite like memory of gaming this is literally mine I Phil and I talked about this in the past Top Gun on Commodore 64 was my favorite game as a kid and that's why this this whole video led to this moment and I am I am about 700 in on all this stuff to get it working right the drive alone was actually like 100 and something bucks this was like 250 bucks those 60 the what so the game that I forgot at home which would not have been fun to watch on camera is called The Bard's Tale it's actually a RPG game almost like almost like Zork but like it's not just text based it had some graphical interface on it um even came with like a wheel a turning wheel that either turn to like decode stuff it was very involved game but it was 80 bucks for that game I don't think I'm seven I think I'm like 500 bucks in for all of this with shipping and everything but um what what's your favorite game that comes to mind a game that comes to mind the game that comes to mind is Minecraft of course but like playing with people was when I went to go visit my cousins in New York and we played um I forgot what it was they were like little monsters I mean battled each other her favorite memories when she can't remember yeah yeah I know what I'm thinking of there's no doubt there's no doubt she's my kid we're gonna start doing some more retro stuff I'd like to get a little Tandy machine in here they can be fun to get like a 286 one the next one of my next favorite games that I liked I loved playing on PC was like on my 486 and that was uh Aces over the Pacific and that was another dog fighting game that was a lot of fun so there you go I I told you guys I was gonna do some retro stuff I'm really happy to have a working Commodore 64 which is literally a blast for my childhood Phil's Phil says he wants to have the Retro wall where basically we have a console and a like a computer from every era that's working and playable which I think would be completely awesome so anyway I just thought I'd take you guys along for a ride the Commodore 64. it's not just like a gaming PC like this it it's actually pretty powerful they had astronomy apps that would teach you like Sky mapping and how to like find all of the constellations and the planets and all that midi and music production could take place on this there was a ton of attachments and things that you know could expand it into a complete home PC remember this thing was designed to compete with IBM and Apple at the time and it came in way cheaper and was way more powerful which is why they talk about it being the more the high performance personal PC uh anyway I think it'd be fun uh just to do this video and maybe kind of start doing like the era of PCS that Jay has ever used so anyway there you go guys comment down below what your most fond like earliest memory is regarding PC and if it's your and if it's your first PC that you just bought this year put that because guess what 40 years from now if you're still around you're gonna remember that PC so this is mine this is my memory thanks for watching guys and as always give this video a like if you appreciated it and dislike I guess if you're just like those graphics suck bro I mean yeah all of our phones have you know probably a good 50 000 times the performance of this thing your watch probably does yeah yeah you're right watch us more more pixels computer all right guys thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 499,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commodore 64, commodore 128, jayztwocents, jayztwocents gaming pc, retro tech, retro pc, retro gaming pc
Id: wMEbCvWZM58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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