[653] Prototype Dual Fork Bowley Padlock (Model 543)

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a prototype of a brand new product from the bully lock company in canada this massive hunk of brass with the wild-looking key is the limited edition variant of the model 543 closed shackle padlock the model number comes from the dimensions of the lock it's five quarters of an inch thick four inches from top to bottom and three inches from side to side thus five four three the lock is currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign in which three different variants of this locker available this brass limited edition lock is the most expensive at 225 Canadian dollars or about 175 us it's limited edition because it will only be available on Kickstarter and not thereafter and it's probably so expensive because brass is a very expensive metal out of which to make locks it's also very heavy making this lock about three pounds five ounces then we have a high security variant that one's made entirely out of 17 for hardened stainless steel and I believe it costs 210 Canadian dollars or about 163 US and finally there is a lightweight version made out of aluminum that's 1/3 the weight of this brass lock and it's probably best for applications in which you carry the lock around like locking up a bicycle that version costs 175 Canadian or 136 u.s. the bully lock company sent the steel prototype to Bosnian bill and the aluminum prototype to lock man 28 so as they post videos I'll put links to them in the description below so you can check out those other variants we're going to be taking a very close look at the brand new locking mechanism that this padlock introduces but first let's take a close look at the external characteristics we of course have this beautiful brass lock body but if you have a keen eye you may have noticed that the bottom plate is different you'll get a 17-4 stainless steel I'm plate regardless of what lock body material you order these plates at their very thinnest are a quarter of an inch thick which provides some pretty good protection from the bottom for the core on the side you can see we have this stainless steel plug it's actually on both sides those will not be in the final product their artifacts of the prototyping process and in the final version the plugs will match the lock body material they'll also be sanded smooth so you probably won't even see it then we have the shackle it's essentially a prototype mock-up shackle it's unhardened and unfinished but dimensionally correct it's seven sixteenths of an inch thick or about eleven millimeters now that's a little bit on the thin side for locks of this size so I asked the bully lock company about it and they had a pretty good answer they wanted to make a usable lock if we look at this lock it's an alloy model 362 and you can see it has a 16 millimeter thick shackle which is huge and very strong but it does have a problem that problem is that most people don't own and probably couldn't easily find a chain or has that this would fit through the 7/16 shackle is on the upper end of shackles that can be reasonably expected to work in most applications so while the lock nerd in me would really love to see something a little bit thicker I do have to acknowledge that bigger isn't always better if it renders the lock unusable so this one might strike a good balance now let's talk about the lock core it's very similar to the original bowie lock which I featured in video number 636 I believe I'll put a link to it in the description below but they doubled down on the design rather than having one tied on the fork they have two tines and rather than having I believe five pins we now have nine pins now one interesting note about the key is that it is a little bit shorter than the original key which is actually something I like because was huge on your keychain this is also a prototype kay it doesn't say Boley but the final product will so opening this up is very easy in fact easier than the original Bowie lock we insert it it only goes in one way because one tine is thicker than the other and we start turning at 45 degrees the key will slip further into the lock then we keep turning another 90 degrees and the shackle can be completely removed to lock it up we just reverse the process now I've heard quite a few people talking about bowie locks who have never actually held one before saying that this key looks very very weak and you might think that in fact that was my first impression before I held one of these keys and I had to say they are extraordinarily strong you couldn't bend one of these if you were trying unless you had some tools so I would not worry about these things at bending or breaking so let's take this guy apart now and I will show you the new double time locking mechanism to get this apart we have two I believe 3/16 of an inch thick cap screws that are down the shackle holes so let's get them out if you do get one of these padlocks and take it apart a little pro tip don't take it apart while it's in the unlocked position because you will just dump a lot of pins out luckily that wasn't a mistake I had to make myself fully locked company told me about that in advance come on there we go okay so here's our lock body everything is out of it our two cap screws these are two ball bearings for the ball bearing locking mechanism interesting little feature is there is a magnet here to keep these on the inside of the locking mechanism while this is in the unlocked position we then have a little pin in the top this limits the rotation to about 90 degrees and here we have the rest of the locking mechanism you can see this bottom plate and if we can see this operating and it's outside of the lock you can see that top actuator turn so now let's take it apart a little bit more and you can see this bottom plate actually integrates the pin shields with it so when we insert this key and turn it you can see what those Forks do is rotate around the pin shields those pin shields protect the pins to make sure you can't get any pics directly to the pins the only way you can get a pic in there is to make something long and u-shaped and that's very difficult to do though it certainly is possible then we look in here we can see the meat of the core we have this outer lock body then we have this intermediate ring and that's actually the outside of the core and then we have what the Bowie lock company calls the idler and the idler is what turns when you're first inserting the K but stops turning once you've gotten to the point where you're turning the mechanism and should we take it further apart let's see if it's easy to do if we can get it apart easily we will do that okay okay so this is our side with five pins and does this slide yes it does okay so let's take all that apart okay a small brass spring smaller than what we would find in a normal bully lock a standard key pin and a spool pen and we have a serrated pin and a standard key pen same short spring okay standard key pen and a driver pen that is standard with very sharp edges the exact same in slot 4 and the same in slot 5 ok moving over to the side of the core with 4 pens I'm actually going to put them right on top of here the same spring all standard pins again those driver pins with the super sharp edges and I believe they have the same thing in the standard bully lock all standard okay again standard pens now we can take this apart all the way you can see the lock body itself with the pin holes on either side we have the core which incorporates the actuator and also a rare-earth magnet magnet right there and if I can get this out we have the idler ring let me show you exactly what that does when we insert the key you can see it rotates with the key so that prevents anything from being inserted it isn't a key itself and isn't following that exact path essentially blocking all avenues that you would have toward the pin except going straight up and around so really nice little little concept here it was very well executed in the original bully lock and this one just steps it up a notch so well done to the bully lock company this is a very nice product so if you do want one I will leave a link in the description below to the Kickstarter campaign as I said those three variants of the lock are available I gave you the prices and also look in the description below for Bosnian bill and lock man 28s videos that's it for today if you do have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 2,949,992
Rating: 4.9354343 out of 5
Id: D6vioIPVzM4
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Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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