[644] TAG5 Industries Key Impressioning Light Box
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 488,778
Rating: 4.7935123 out of 5
Id: p0euhqTq_9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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I love any information having to do with impressioning and I STINK at it! lol.
I have been struggling with the idea of paying over $75 for a plastic impressioning handle and I have never been able to pull the trigger. I have tried using vise grips and no matter how tight I think I have the key on, the key always slips because the jaws are not flat. Only the very tip of the grips hold onto the key and the limited surface area is what causes the loss of the grip on the key.
Thankfully this came up and I went a research spree trying to find the "pin vise" that was used here. The only thing that came up was pen sized tools meant to hold drill bits. Looking further into the research hole I believe I found the tool and it is being sold as a "Lowell Pattern Hand Vise" and the retail price can range from $16 to $32. Some found have the same failings as the vise grip where the tools grip doesn't close flat but only at the tip. However, the fact that the hand vise is wide enough to grip the entire width of a key, that may mitigate the loss of grip issue.
I hope this information helps others :)
Great video! Any chance you could do a video on his disc detainer pick?
that's a nifty little tool there. if only it were cheaper. I'd be happy to pay $100 for it, but $480 is just asking way too much