The Most OVERPOWERED Tier 6 Tower in BTD 6?! (Tier 6 Banana Farm)

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why hello there fellow chap i am reginald von bottlesby as you can see i am a aristocrat and a very important noble person as you can see from my fancy bow tie and uh quite a nice sports jacket here i am in the business of making money and let me show you fellow entrepreneur how to be making money in balloons td6 i have an original idea an original invention even that will be guaranteed to make us quite a lump sum of money we will be going ahead and using the t6 banana farm to be making lots of money let's do this all right guys enough of that it's time to make us some money guys alright we have the new t6 banana farm guys we've all been waiting for it okay we don't need power okay we need more money so that we can afford all of these cool dandy experiments right all the things are really cool but like i said guys we need money okay so first thing first what you're gonna do is you're gonna put down a banana farm you don't need anything else okay okay i guess we can put down a free dart monkey is that that's what we can do okay maybe maybe we'll make it so he actually fires a little bit faster no oh no that's fine we need to get increased production as quickly as possible so the way the t6 banana bottom works guys is kind of the same as the other towers but instead of being based on how many pops you have it's on how much money you make so we need to get this guy to fifty thousand dollars made after we get him to fifty thousand dollars made well then that's when we start getting lots and lots of money here we go ahead if we can get sharp shots he can start pop two more balloons look at that there we go and then razor sharp shots and then as soon as we can we're gonna want to get triple shots so we're at 260 bananas so far that's a lot of bananas guys okay that's a whoo that's quite a bunch oh that's a bunch of bananas sorry guys i'll see myself out now i want to go ahead and get long life bananas i also want to get valuable bananas and then we can really just focus do it is greater production or valuable bananas better probably i'd say greater production is a more worthwhile like pickup to get or just like it's just better in general i think what we might also do is go ahead and just get morbid like get a couple of banks so then we can fund our expedition because if we go straight and like straight forward like banana central which cost 108 000 there's no way we're gonna be able to afford that right that's gonna be way way too expensive guys so we're gonna have to go ahead and start focusing on getting some other things maybe like two banks so we need to go ahead and maybe we start focusing on like getting a bank we i also want to focus on making sure that we don't just like immediately lose because defense should probably be one of our number one priorities but it's fine i honestly should have made this into a bank first but it's okay i don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal or you know what we should do guys is here can we turn this into a bank we actually can still turn this into a bank so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we are gonna turn both of these into banks it's gonna be a little bit weird that we're turning both of these into banks but it's fine okay we don't need we don't need to worry about it we're gonna turn both of these into banks and then we'll put the the main banana farm we'll put right here in the middle and that's the whole plan is once we get them there it's gonna be fine oh i totally forgot that the banana farmer actually like fires bananas at the balloons we don't need backup we got banana farmers guys obviously we need a monkey bank which cost three thousand five hundred dollars and then with both of these having two monkey banks that should uh i guess we can start focusing from there getting more and more banks and then we can use the banks to fund getting our other banana farm guys that's just that's just being a smart businessman obviously here we can go ahead and get valuable bananas ugh no balloons are getting by and i don't like it so we're gonna have to deal with camo balloons we're also gonna have to deal with like lead balloons soon and i don't like the fact that we're gonna have to deal with that so maybe we just go ahead and get like a sniper monkey what's gonna be able to deal with all of them we could go ahead and just get like a wizard monkey i think having a wizard monkey on this map is actually pretty useful we have one thousand five hundred dollars yeah let's just go ahead we're gonna grab a wizard so we're gonna grab a wizard we're gonna take our wizard and then fireball intense monkey sense and then there we go now he can deal with everything and now we need wall of fire wall of fire it's only 970 come on oh my gosh it's so slow it did oh wait i totally i totally forgot like hey i can just you know get get money from our banana farm because for some reason i was just not getting money from there okay we're at 1 800. we need more we need monkey bank wait how much money is that oh that's 3 000 that's a lot of money okay so far so good 25 rounds we're good we don't need to worry about anything right now now maybe we just focus a little bit on defense just yeah just a little bit you know i'm i'm a fan of not dying right like i'm a fan of not having to just absolutely lose let's get let's get a submarine submarines are really cool submarine advanced intel and then we can go ahead and get triple guns there we go whoosh i love submarines submarines are so good and then we can also get shimmer there we go and now that we have shimmer now we can pop he's the only one that can pop lead balloons which is a little bit annoying but that's okay this is at five thousand dollars so i guess what we can do is we can just save all up all of these so that way we can get money for the banana farm i've been wanting to get a t6 banana farm for a while now just so like you get the banana farm and then we should be able to afford anything that we want right actually i'm gonna make a uh a risky play here guys well okay never mind it's not really a risky play but i'm gonna do it anyways instead of putting i want to get like this t6 banana farm that's gonna make us just tons and tons of money and then once we get that i wanna see if we can like how much money we get and see what crazy things we can buy like how quickly we can buy it after we get the first t6 banana farm right and see like is a t6 banana farm like really worth it like is it really gonna escalate how much money we make all right let's go ahead and let's put down a couple more banks because right now it's just not enough to be able to make to get us to that that t5 because we need a hundred thousand dollars and a hundred thousand dollars is not cheap it cost about a hundred thousand dollars if i'm gonna do the math right all right this right here is now we're gonna make here where can we where do we wanna put it i guess we'll put it right here because if we wanna make uh like eventual sun god if we wanna try even i don't want it to be in the way so that that's gonna be our little guy right there so we're gonna go ahead and we gotta upgrade them there we go we have to get okay we can get rid of i guess i'll leave that banana farmer because well he's gonna be doing banana farm things anyway but we need another banana farmer guys so we're gonna just grab a banana farmer we're just going to throw him down here's here's our banana farmer he's going to be he's going to chill right here all right greater okay so we need banana research facility and so we need about a hundred and twenty thousand dollars that's really expensive i just i i just kind of realized like 120 000 that is that costs a lot of money that's very expensive and he we're fine we're fine that was a little bit annoying having to deal with but it's it's okay so we're gonna kind of hold on for a while uh i don't like i don't like how far these these things are getting they're getting too far okay we can go ahead and wait oh we already got shimmer okay we're gonna get necromancer because necromancer is well i just realized kind of worthless because it makes the balloon spawn over here so that they're actually not going to be very useful at all i guess maybe a little bit useful once things start getting by but the balloons only get to like right here so like what's the point that's such a waste that feels like such a waste that is so sad that's okay we're at three thousand dollars okay let's go ahead and let's upgrade it to the upgrade it to the banana researcher so now it's gonna start making us even more money so we need to get this to a hundred and eight thousand dollars we need a hundred and eight thousand dollars how's this looking on bank status seven thousand we're at 40 oh that one's already maxed are they all maxed uh they're kind of close we're going to collect all just so that we can have a clean reset we're at fifty thousand dollars now and we could sell each one of these for ten thousand dollars so or we can sell two of them each because they cost give us about five thousand five hundred each so that's ten thousand and that's twenty thousand so we can get about twenty six twenty seven ish thousand dollars and since this only costs a hundred eight thousand dollars we only need to get to what eighty eighty eight thousand dollars if we can get to like eighty eight thousand dollars or something like that we're gonna be fine and we're already at like sixty six thousand so we're fine and then we're gonna have to wait for this guy to start getting us more bananas and then i don't wanna have any other banana farms i want that to be our only source of income no other banana farms are gonna be needed okay none i say all right that's gonna oh my gosh that's only four thousand dollars all right we should be good now we can sell all right sell sell sell and banana central okay so there's our we got banana central now so that's gonna start just making us a big doll look at that that's starting to make us big dollars we need to get it to 50 000 which i don't think is gonna take that long honestly we need to worry about getting this guy upgraded though this guy is uh luckily that's gonna help out all right and we have a super strong banana farmer 24 000 wait i totally forgot we have churchill why don't we just like put churchill down there we go and then we can just like upgrade this guy there we go and he's just gonna like i mean it's churchill churchill is super duper strong especially like on this spot right here he's just gonna be really strong he's already got 1000 pops what's this at 36 000 what does this do again turbo damage laser bombs guys obviously how could you guys have forgotten about turbo damage laser bombs oh well met my fellow chaps my name is original and i never leave anywhere without my uh tooty bow tie shirt which you can get for yourself in the description down below and i hope you enjoy the rest of the video cheerio chap all right we're 45 000 guys i am so excited to see this 47 000 49 000 and the funky farm what that's so cool wait wait wait wait let's sell this guy real fast what happens look at this oh it's like golden banana crates we already have a hundred thousand dollars okay let's get another banana farmer i can't believe i sold that banana farmer but we can hear we can put this banana farm the funky farm guys it's the funky farm obviously that's so cool it doesn't say how much how many bananas it makes for us though let's see so let's see let's see wait how much money does it give let's see 13 000 every single time that is we already have 200 000 oh my goodness guys let's start trying okay let's see if we can make like let's make a true sun god temple so here we'll put this guy right here and then we can level it up oh my gosh we can already buy a sun temple okay so we need to go ahead and armor piercing sub commander okay let's get super range so that was military so let's get primary so we need 50 000 for primaries so 50 000 for primary is going to be i'm pretty sure this is going to be that's 56 000 so that's primary military that was that's 25 000. here let's do let's do what can we do for military i guess we'll do like a helicopter and then we can upgrade it to the bottom path and that should be ooh we that'll be at least just be a guarantee and then for magic brewmaster is always just a it's just a solid choice wait that's not a brewmaster i was lied to here arch mage here we can level this guy up that's 64 000 okay that's like a guarantee so now we can go ahead and we can upgrade them to the sun temple all right so there we go we've already upgraded him to the sun temple at around 65 that's how much money that this t6 banana farm is giving us guys okay let's go ahead and now we just basically do this whole thing over again so that's military and now what is uh what's this one cost no military what is what's the best one for military what's this apache is 40 that's still that's like a little bit too expensive maybe it's report that's 32 that's gonna be enough right that might not be enough that might like barely be not enough i i actually think it's fine yeah because that and that mixed with that there's no yeah 39 000 that's still that'll be plenty okay i'm i'm just a little bit paranoid that i don't have enough so i'm just gonna put just like a little bit of money into it just a little bit and now we need to go back to magic magic you can go ahead and you can just use a brewmaster for magic primer brew is pretty good and then we also need to make sure we get a support tower we put the support tower down and upgrade it i don't know why i upgraded the middle path or the top path i need to upgrade it on the middle path and not be a silly person 43 000 there we go and now we need to make sure that we have both legend of the knight and the other guy outside of the range both of these guys so this guy and now oh we're finally out of money guys we're finally out of money look how much money is made seven hundred thousand dollars okay this banana farm is definitely worth getting guys the t6 banana farm is definitely worth getting okay it's pretty good guys i'm not gonna lie it's pretty good i mean it's 13 000 every single time you do it so is it like a hundred thousand dollars around no that'd be way too much how much is it i don't know it's a lot of money whatever it is it's a lot of money we need to get to 250 000 in order to get the legend tonight we're already at 200 000 we're making so much monkey money right now i don't know why i said monkey money we're making money the banana farm i love how it's the funky farm the funky farm guys okay oh there we go we already have the money we have the legend of the night now so now we have to save up and get 540 000 and that should upgrade us so can we get 540 000 in six rounds that seems like it'd be a little bit uh that seems a little bit crazy in order to get that much money i'm not entirely sure but it's definitely worth trying to do guys we're at 80 000 already and that's pretty sick why does this guy have such cringy names lightspeed ultra mega strike that's like power rangers i'm not i'm not hating on power rangers by the way i love power rangers as a kid but you guys know what i mean it's like power rangers i'm not gonna talk about it guys we're moving on to the next subject the next subject is why do i not have enough money yet okay the funky farm okay the funky farm's definitely not failing me because this has already made a million dollars and which weird is i hey i leveled up on level 111 now very cool all right let's keep going i love the look of the funky farm guys okay the funky farm is awesome also will i get enough money before round 80 i actually don't know i want to believe that i will here let's go ahead and let's get rid of everything that's not going to be a part of this so we can sell you we could sell you how we can sell you sir and i think that's all we're going to need oh it's worth 14 dollars okay there we go guys so we're at four hundred thousand dollars are we gonna get another a hundred and forty thousand dollars in two rounds that seems a little bit crazy you guys i don't know if that's gonna be possible what we're gonna see i love how this support shirt nook has done like all the work okay never mind it's still like the sun god temple but we're not gonna worry about that 140 000 so wait a hundred four four four hundred forty so we need a hundred thousand dollars in like the span of one round i don't know if it's gonna be possible guys it's gonna be close i mean look at how much money this is brought in 1.2 million dollars that's insanity absolute insanity oh there we go true son got boom we got the true sun god before route 80. the venge we got there we go it actually froze on the vengeful sun god temple look here we go to free play we actually got the vengeful sun god temple on hard by round 80 with zero cash drops zero cash drops and we were able to get it guys that is amazing the t6 banana farm guys is op okay look at that 1.3 million bananas and i even sold the one of the banana farmers so the funky town is way to go guys if you enjoyed this video hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications you guys are amazing i love you all i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 326,717
Rating: 4.9191556 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Tier 6, BTD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 Tier 6, Tier 6 Banana Farm, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Banana Farm, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Bloons Tier 6, modded bloons td 6, btd, BTD7, Banana Farm Hack, Tewtiy Tier 6, Tier 6 Tower, Tewtiy Mod, hack tower, Bloons TD 6 Update, BTD 6 update, BTD 6 mod, Funky Farm, tier 6 Banana Central, Banana Farm, Bloons TD 6 Banana Central, BTD 6 Banana Central, Banana Central
Id: jieJdr36cGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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