5-5-5 Boomerang Monkey HACKED Bloons TD 6! ft. JeromeASF (Stacking Tower Challenge)

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today i'm going to be going up against jerome asf in this fun 1v1 challenge on the rake map so here's the plan we both decided on a tower that we're going to make a 555 tower out of i've decided to use the boomerang monkey because i think with boomerang glaives and moab domination and just all of its abilities it's going to be incredibly powerful we're going to see if we can get to round 100 if any balloons gets passed that person then loses all right dude are you ready to go man jerome i am so ready to do this let's go gamers dude how long has it been since we last recorded 40 years 80 years 90 30. jerome i have no idea all i know is i'm so excited to be here today with you to be able to film this video it's going to be so much fun so for the 555 tower what do you think is going to be able to get to round 100 what are you gonna do i'm not gonna tell you dude we gotta yeah come on man all right so how about all right at the same time we'll put it down i'll take the left lane you take the top lane three two one go okay boomerang interesting here i'm gonna so i'm gonna put them down so make sure to put them just a little bit apart from each other so they're not in the same spot so you can okay jerome to get a five five five engineers gonna be so expensive but jerome think about it once you get ultra boost you can ultra boost the other engineers that's what i always think dude that's what i'm thinking i'm going long long long game although i might not make that much money it's gonna be a lot of money so what we're gonna do actually is i'm gonna put in two of whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's for you it's drone it's for you too it's for you too okay okay so jeez man so what we're going to do is we're going to put a village on both of them so oh smirk and we're going to get mib for both of them oh okay that's smurf that's burnt okay makes sense makes sense then it's not eating it's just cheating with extra steps okay good it's cheating but for both of us so it's not technically cheating yeah no okay i'm okay with that at first i was like jeez man how are you just gonna go and immediately cheat like oh i haven't seen you forever man yeah watch me cheat i mean isn't that what we're technically doing at the same time though we're playing hacked balloons td6 my guy a very wise man once told me there's only cheating if you get caught two teams oh my god i made one of my towers throw from the left hand so now they're just like throwing in like strange angles now does it make a difference on certain maps it does if you want them to like rotate around a certain angle i think that's for people that have a much higher iq than we do dude i had no is that new or that is no that is new that is a new one that they've added okay that makes sense i was like i played a lot of loans but i haven't played the last like i haven't played much in the last like two three months so far i've got glaives on one here i'm gonna level this guy up and get faster glaze on this guy and this one has red heart ranks there we go look at them look at these beats and the rule is it has to be like five zero zero zero five zero zero zero five for the upgrades right yes yes okay no so you can't do like five two zero okay well because then that wouldn't be a five five five tower that'd be like an eight five five five tower yeah that sounds better we'll do an eight five two five three five tower jerome you know what i just realized i think one of us might be in big trouble because at round 40 i think the moab's only gonna go to one person oh geez that's not even right dude that's that's that ain't right intro i think the ball might only go to one person i think that might be me i think i picked the wrong one wait how do you know wait how do you know that's the lane for it i i think it just i think because it's always the same lane so i could be in trouble but it's okay i just got a kylie boomerang which does extra damage to moab so i think i mean keep in mind do you have one big thing working for you what's that my upgrade is a hundred thousand dollars i didn't even think about that honestly and i was like oh geez i really kind of you know sometimes you mess up and like but jerome you could you're gonna be able to have a balloon trap monkey like think about that that's gonna be so good i know it makes like four hundred dollars a thing so if i capture like 40 million of them maybe then i could have a hundred thousand dollars there we go i got bionic arm so now i have two things that does extra damage to moabs so now i need to start saving up to be able to get the next one this boomerang is gonna be crazy powerful though i'm very excited oh yeah yeah the data ring yeah the data rank imagine if there was a a true 555 spike factory a spike factory that was carpet of spikes that would send super mines that had lasted forever everywhere on the track permanent carpeted superminds think about that drone duty please make this happen dude could you imagine if you have to deal with the moab i think you just lose at round 40. i think you just did yeah i'm pretty sure it's over i i don't even dude i don't even know what i was thinking man this is not true i don't i don't set a chance here waitro if you save up wait how much money do you have you might be able to get century expert oh no look i let some balloons fine it's okay it's okay yeah it's just one little thing it wasn't that bad but oh no that's scary to think about i have to get glaive lord soon then i need to get sentry expert going oh yeah yeah get him get him oh man get him all right oh no i have to deal with it wait no oh my gosh wait we're fine did i not oh my god no i lost around 40. i wasn't strong enough no oh i feel bad though i feel like we should restart and i'll take that lane wait let me let's try one more round and let me let me see if i can actually beat it if i really try okay so let's do this so we're gonna start and i'm gonna use this ability okay we're good what was that why did you just do that all along it was on cool down jerome oh okay we're going we're going into free play now let's do this wait does that mean i have to deal with all the bad balloons now all the like joe round 100 i have to solo deal with a bad balloon oh my gosh yeah look there pale oh my gosh i feel like if we make it around 100 i should be able to move my guys to your lane we tag team it yeah i agree i feel like that might be a little bit better if i can somehow miraculously get another you know fifteen thousand dollars i might be in a better state well right now i've got five thousand i'm saving up to get the 51 000 xxl trap yeah that's gonna drum once you get that i don't think you lose i don't think i'm gonna get that though too that's just so much money that is a very expensive tower to get though oh my gosh oh my gosh i can't beat them they're too weak so what we do in these situations if the tower is too weak to continue we panic we panic so what we do is i'm gonna give it a little bit of a boost okay so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna give him jungle drums which gives him a little bit of a boost and then i also give him um acidic mixture stronger what about where do i get this if you want to you're more than welcome to get it so if you want some cash drop no you have to pay with your own money jerome what i spend my own money i actually can't two because i can't upgrade my thing you're losing livestream well yeah i can't upgrade your tower i can't get the jungle drums oh i will then send me some money and i'll upgrade it i'm not paying the bank well then you're not getting an upgrade jerome this is an outrage then buy your own village for all of you one another but how much do i owe you um well 1500. all right bigger radius and jungle drums it cost exactly 1500 so you're okay fine fine there we go i get i'm giving them the soup now i'm giving them the green poop drink up lassies you gotta be you gotta be stronger now perma charge is 28 oh yeah that's an expensive no we're fine we're fine okay i need you you're free jerome i need you to stop yelling and calm down okay it's fine it's getting crazy out here oh wait oh my god jerome this is so bad because we have to split the money between us okay that's fine that's fine jerome do you have do you have enough money to get some kind of upgrade to make it so you don't lose i get overclock and if i use that ability on your in your engineer yeah but we gotta lose one more time okay oh wait wait the earth pipe is done wait wait wait wait whenever i'm in my overclock to get in time okay and boom okay i hope but it's overclocked the right one you didn't i don't think wait did i no no you're fine you're fine you're fine jerome it worked it worked oh wait i have claimed lord now oh no i am i am premium now you're gonna lose your room dude i'm so toast i'm toast there's no way there's no oh oh he's toast now big man jerome you have to get century paragon or else you're in big big trouble i can't it's a 20 million grand syndrome it's not that expensive oh my god jerome this game is bogus you're barely making it by you're barely making it by not any not anymore look at me go can i borrow 20 grand all right jordan let's do it okay let's do a trust exercise you send me you send me money and then i'll send you money fine how much just just send me just send me you send me six thousand you sent me all your money okay and we'll do a trust exercise okay thanks for this thank you thanks for the seven thousand dollars new tuna you get that back i need it dude nobody knows okay here you go here's your money back no no no oh drunk oh my god it's okay it's okay you're gonna survive you're excited and you're home you drove your boots oh stop look on the guy what are you doing i am saving your butt here john you have drunk you gotta pop them there we go there we go there we go we're good we're good how much money do you have you have only 10 thousand dollars judy i'm desperate man you can't even pop normal mo out oh there you go you just barely made it okay we're not done we're not done yet we're not done that's what you think oh that's what you think but syndrome five lives is literally all you've got i got it ain't over it ain't over okay you ready for this yeah you're about to you're about to have your mind blown all right i'm ready i'm ready let's see okay [Music] game time buckaroo century paragon activate he did it those century paragraphs will save you for a while but i don't know how long dude jerome you need to start getting i don't even know getting that xxl trap is going to be so important for you i know i know but i don't have any i have 3 000 i could sell from that guy three thousand from that guy 700 from that guy like i don't i don't have the money man this is rough that we have to split between the two of us i'm going to keep moving on up each time so what i'm going to do is i'm going to sell off the century paragon in order to get a trap later on my guy might be able to if i can get moab domination it's just not happening on this it's not happening over here chief i mean that's what you get for picking a support tower we have to be rounding round eight okay okay that's that's a fair goal we have to please get past round 80. i have an idea i have an idea of how to do it it involves you just giving me all your money i tell you what trump i'll i'll i'm gonna give you an exemption okay i'm gonna allow you to get i'm allow you to upgrade all of your engineer monkeys any way you like so you can get um i i don't want your pity i'm winning tootie you're not gonna win drum you've already lost if you lost two what do you mean i already lost what are you talking about i've never lost a day in my life jerome no you if my last night checked you lost like two or three times i lost once that's just semantics we're both still in this and i'm winning i'm gonna come out on top yeah i don't know i'm sure you will drum you're about to see the greatest move of 2020 all right i'm not saying much this year's been a dumpster fire but the best move of 2020 dude he's coming right now what are all about the witnesses what are you even planning on doing okay now today i have a question all right i got an answer am i allowed to sell the monkey intelligence i mean that's that's tootie i need i need to pawn i need to pawn it off i'm desperate okay i'll sell it you get eight thousand for it you want no no no don't tell you no no no yeah not yet i just want to know if that was a possibility sure i'll let you sell it for eight thousand dollars okay dude we've got around 80 coming and if the z omg is coming my way it's it's it's it's going to be the end of the video so just throw that out there i don't know you might be able to deal with it what is the z in zone mg stanford like zooper oh my god i forgot i forgot what it's it's what it stood for now now i'm upset i used to know but now there's only so many d words i can even think of zebra zoo okay those are those oh no i have to deal with it okay i got this one other z words give me a c word um all right well i i we're on round 81 so it's working we crushed it dude so far look at this i almost have a 555 boomerang monkey which is by the way sick look how awesome he looks dude he actually does look really cool okay mine's a monstrosity yeah over there it's just a mess room oh my gosh i'm starting to let balloons by oh oh my god that was almost a loss all right drum i tell you what as soon as i get all five tiers or all t5 which i just got so now oh my don't drop look he's got a hood and like a mohawk out of the hood and he's like he's like oh that looks so cool that actually does dude i want a robot with a mohawk but i gotta play oh god oh god oh no my moab dominator just helped me out oh okay i didn't count they didn't count they didn't count right that didn't count cheryl you're with me bear with me bear with me i got an idea i got an idea okay okay okay what's your idea out here now hear me out here tudy okay sell the monkey village please okay i would like my eighth grand please okay there's okay okay that was six grand okay okay okay get ready for it you ready one second you just put a little bit of money here just a little bit of money here i literally ninety dollars give me ninety dollars give me 90 dollars thank you wait yes thank you we're good we're good judy we're good tooting we're good so how are you going to deal with the bad balloon wait i have to deal with a bad balloon duty we're good again there we go radar scanner look we're back we back duty we're not giving up duty don't you laugh we're not giving up dude i'm laughing so hard right now i can't breathe we're not giving up i got like you parasite i'm not giving up if we get to round 100 we both win how about that that didn't count it didn't count all right let me run it back run it back run it back to the count put it back it was a fluke it was a fluke there we go there we go there we go see say there you go yeah that's exactly what it was a flute john what happens when we get rushed by the zohan geez tutti i'm not gonna be able to get a hundred grand am i the drone there's no way you can get a hundred grand yeah i i think this might have been a fatal mistake oh geez oh geez oh geez i don't even know which one's the engineer algaes okay no i'm barely making it past this here trump you get here there take this i don't need it judy i had another plan in mind oh my gosh i don't even want to know what you're called arms duty put it back right back i didn't know over boost run it back run it back dude put it back you ready you ready so many times wait i think i might have clicked the wrong one oh wait whatever uh yeah there we go oh ooh caught on judy weren't expecting that were you no worries no you got so bad bad it made me win all right right now duty homeland drum that boosts my towers i don't care who'd ever make it into the round 100 there's no way we're going to make it around 100 okay we're making it to 100 all right oh no here we go it's good we're good we're good that was a close one waitress yeah here you go here we go what there you go i boosted you let me boost me look at your engineer oh the totems i gave you a totem my only goal is to ignore the blues community enough i make it into their discord news channel that's all i ask i love when they i love when they get mad at me they get so angry jerome they get so funny mr old you don't think i know that you don't think i exist in this bubble do the best i can dude oh my god man let me be let me enjoy my games oh guys i'm knocking on your door where you gonna see on your tests pal looking at you guy making fun of me in the balloons chat boost you thanks jerome oh he's the bad balloon come on come on i'm gonna [Music] let's go gamers i'm out i'm out i leave way like leaving guys we didn't lose a single time
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 1,468,088
Rating: 4.8993831 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Boomerang Monkey, BTD 6 Boomerang Monkey, Bloons TD 6 Boomerang Monkey, 555 Boomerang Monkey, 555 Tower, Bloons TD 6 555, BTD 6 555, 5-5-5, Tier 5-5-5, 555 upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Boomerang Monkey hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Perma Charge, Glaive Lord, MOAB Domination, Boomerang, Bloons TD 6 Boomerang
Id: 2xLt1GsGQ5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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