(634) XPUZMAG (Alien Technology) Picked & Gutted

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the expose mag guys there's been a lot of talk about this particular lock on some of the message board some of the lock channels I got this from Walkman 28 he's right oh right there anyway thought I'd do a quick introduction on this and then pick it it's a little bit easier to pick than what you might expect but before we get to that I'm going to show you some of the details of this of this lock now first of all you'll notice it has a not CH located here and that's simply a guide notch this outer ring this part does not turn you'll also see a little guide here this is to align your lock properly in fact this whole ring spins around and inside of there on this plate there are 23 different holes and beneath it has to line up perfectly with the holes beneath it I would imagine that different locks I've got a sample size of one here but I would imagine that different locks probably align at different positions for example right there my lock aligned somewhere like right in there and surprisingly right there all the holes line up with the dimple or with the pins beneath there so I didn't expect that but it just plays out there's only one exception is located I can't see through the camera lens but I think it's this one right here there's no pin beneath that one pretty interesting lock so how does it work well you've got a weird lock you've also got a weird key a getter part here try imagine walking around with that in your pocket pretty good sized key round it's going to be a lump in your pocket all the time but when you take a look at it you see a couple of weird things this is that notch that aligns it inside of the lock properly and then we got the pins of course different depth there you see that but we got a weird looking pin right here it's a hallow pin and as you can imagine I told you about that spinning ring when you grabbed this out of your pocket you push that's kind of loaded in there like that you push that up and it aligns with that little rod slides over it and then you rotate it until the knotch lines up on the top there with that hole and then it slides in you should push it against the spring pressure and then you can open the law it stays in there rotates freely 360 and then it will pop out when you get it back to the very beginning so that's that's one of the first weaknesses of this lock that I would like to try to exploit I'm lazy and if this were my lock I would go to work in the morning and I would stick this thing in there I would lock my door I would pop it out and I would walk away and I would leave that little notch in exactly the right position I wouldn't bother I mean ideally you would take your finger and you would spin that around so nobody knew what position that was in but by leaving this over here like that located right there it aligns up the holes that are necessary to open my particular lock so if you run across these just bet that the person was just as lazy as me get yourself a pencil or something and at least starting out you want to mark where that little peg is and we're going to mark him right there we're just going to assume that he didn't do this little finger spinning trick okay so let's go ahead and let's pick it let's put it in the vise and I'm going to show you how to open this thing - quite a bit easier than what you might imagine alright guys I said the first thing you want to do is align this inner rotating disc correctly now you can see that's where it goes at least with Mikey but there's any number of places it could go but I've noticed as I rotate this thing around it's rare that you get almost all of them to line up you get roughly half of them to line up but in this position the one that Mikey puts it in they're all exposed every single one of well bar one there's one single hole that's not lined up with a pin all the rest of them are lined up at least three-quarters most of them are perfectly aligned so even if it's aligned somewhere else with another key I think this is probably a good place to start and as it happens this little peg is lined up just about with the number seven on that Taiwan patent so right about there you'll get everything perfectly aligned alright so we've got 23 pins to work with us that's a little bit intimidating and that's one of the factors of this lock I think it's designed to intimidate I'll tell you right now first time I picked this and got it open it blew me away I couldn't believe it because it happened so fast as did the second and third time I had only been taking a few minutes and I very quickly figured out that although there's 23 pins 17 of them are fake there's only six pins in this lock that are real but we don't know which ones they are and I'll tell you the way we're going to find that out I'm going to use this little probe it's just a bent probe and just pick any hole I'm going to pick this one and I'm going to push down I'm doing that just because it's easy for me to access and then will you keep complete view of what I'm doing so you push down I know we all like to use very light tension but this is a case where you really want to muscle it you want to push that down as firmly as you can because what we want to happen is we want to identify the six pins that we need to pick this lock and the rest of them because they're fake there's no binding so they're going to remain springy so there you go nice and springy so he's definitely not one we want to mess around with he's springy and I just worked on a logical shot he's bound so what I'm going to do because I I figure he's probably a live pin I'm gonna take a magic marker and just mark him cuz he's the I don't want to be messing with 23 pins I just want to mess with the six that are acted he's bound so I'll mark him springy ok he's bound mark him there's no pin in that one a slider on my probe a springy double check just to make sure now the two things about the fake pins they're silky smooth you get no resistance whatsoever and they don't go very they don't go down very far so there's a bound one if you get one that is either bound up or goes down very deep that should tell you that that's probably a real pin that one's bound to bring a he's bound bring it and spring it so how many we got okay we got all six there's one two three four five six those are my bound ones and what that tells me is that all the other seventeen unmarked pins they're all fake so now I can tension this thing however I want I don't have to use this probe anymore I can put a piece of wire or going across and in fact if you give me a minute I'm going to take this piece of wire and I'm going to bend it I'm going to put one and say that hole and one that hole and that way I can turn it with my thumb and keep everything out of your way so give me a minute to bend this thing all right I just bent this thing into like a u-shape and I'm going to pick I spaced it so would fit in the widest possible part here so there we go and again I want to keep my thumbs and everything anyway I'm gonna take this little it's just a file I'm going to put that in there like that and that's going to be my tension bar I'm going to put a little bit of tension on this thing and we're going to start messing with those six pins and to do that I'm going to take it's a broken pick actually I just sharpened it so we can get down inside this little hole so a little bit of tension and you can see this whole thing is not tensioned by this outer ring the lock is actually tensioned by the pins that go inside of the lock kind of an odd design but hey it works okay lil bit attention and let's start messing with those six find out where the binder is okay I've got a good amount of tension I'm going to pick this one first it feels like I better let off on the tension because I got this leverage working for me okay got him it's a lot easier when you're not to pick 16 of them I mean 17 dummies only have to mess with six I think we got him okay it's kind of hard working around the camera I'm sorry fellas my hand is getting in your way I'll take this off to the side a little bit maybe now my fat thumb is not gonna be in your way just marking checking those blue marked ones I think I just set that one I think we just set him now this one is not quite perfectly lined up I got about 3/4 of the hole to work with but it doesn't matter long as you can fit your probe in there that's really all we're after ok-hee I think he's set now obviously not getting the right order here but because I had a couple of them popped back out on us I think we just set him felt a very slight turn on the core that one is still springy oops that was not being picked that was the pic sliding off of the edge okay I got another click on that one I click on him got another click on that one I'm going to lighten up on the tension I think I'm probably put a little bit too much torque on this thing doesn't take a heck of a lot of gas when here we go we got an open so you just turn this thing completely around and we get it open and then it'll lock back in place right about there so there we go well not the to it fellows this expose mag but I know you don't believe me about all the pins are fakes I'll tell you what let's go ahead and let me take this thing out here I'll crack the back of it and we'll take a look at what's inside hi pretty easy there's four Phillips screw head screws that have to be taken out I've had this part earlier to see how it went together I couldn't believe it was so easy and was very surprised it's a cool lock because it's so intimidating I mean - quite honestly if I had not studied this thing and failed picking for many hours I probably would have just said let's cut this door down I'm not even going to mess around trying to pick it it was just that intimidating but after having picked it several times by accident almost and then taking it apart and seeing really what what's up inside now when you take this apart the first time these little pegs here will be slightly oh sorry these little pegs right here will be slightly mashed and you won't be able to get this disc off I had to file it a little bit and it's still still kind of tight let me zoom in and I'll have to hold this thing up so close to the camera and the way I do it I just pry it off there we go and once we get or open now you see the inside back it out a little bit so we can get a good macro these are the six real pins all this empty space is where the other 17 non-functioning pins are so you see the springs and then beneath that let me go ahead and remove this from the body try not to drop it I'm going to set that down for a second now you can see the the look like a drain hole but here's the thing that spins around whoops there's a thing that spins around with our marked pins and when we turn it over and take a look now you can see all the pin fakin and real all mixed in there that's a real one and you can see he's pushing his spring up right there this is actually the Bible portion and this is actually the core apart this front that contains all the pins so when I pull this up everything will fall out the pins will not come out of the back here I don't know why the springs will come out but the pins will not but when I pull this apart you can see there's three on that side and there's the three on that side I'm going to go head and pull this completely apart we're probably going to drop some pins but that's okay because I want you to see it's only engineered to have six pins not not 23 and there they are there's your six pins they are all standard we set this down they are all completely standard this would probably be a lot better lock if come on focus if we had some security pins in there but we just don't this plate is actually sealed in place you can see the crimps around the edge and that's what holds the basically a key pin and a spring for all of the 17 dummies it's actually crimped in place only the six live ones penetrate all the way through so I guess it's what you would expect the trick is to find those six real ones and I think I showed you how to do that it's not that difficult just use a little heavy tension and a probe and you'll very quickly identify what six they are mark them and then those are the only six you have to play with you can totally ignore the other 17 anyway fellas there was what left of the X buzz mag it's a cool lock I won't deny that very intimidating and I'll tell you the machining on this is very precise you can't really I'm going to try to bump it but based on how close the tolerances are I'm not sure how much luck I'm going to have but I'm going to give it a shot so anyway fellas thanks for time stay safe stay legal Lockman 28 thank you sir for this lock I appreciate you moving me to the head of your line to deliver this thing from Taiwan thanks guys [Music] alright fellas I have hit this thing several thousand times I got nothing I made a bump key I just since I got six keys with this thing what I did is I get that cap off this is an original key on the right and all I really did is grind everything down to the lowest level hoping that when I hit it it would probably set those pins I don't know why I don't know if there's drag in there or if they're not making good contact or what but uh no luck bumping this thing but given some time you can pick it not as now not as difficult as a job as what you thought but bumping is out of the question not going to work anyway thanks for time stay safe stay legal you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 1,578,648
Rating: 4.5726862 out of 5
Keywords: xpuzmag pick, bosnianbill xpuzmag, alien lock, (634) XPUZMAG (Alien Technology) Picked & Gutted, XPUZMAG (Alien Technology) Picked & Gutted, xpuzmag lock, XPUZMAG, alien technology lock, alien lock technology, bosnianbill alien, technology alien, alien technology 2014, Bosnianbill, aliens technology, Alien Technology, Bosnian bill, lock-lab, alien tecnology, alien technologie, lock picking, how to pick, challenge lock, lockpicking 101
Id: -9k4pn0P3cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 24 2014
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