617 Ah shoot I'm broke down

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[Music] for hello america how are we doing today we are have an issue i got an issue um i had a couple issues with this truck since i started driving it and uh one of them kind of almost knit me in the butt last night um gotta open the hood here show it to you [Music] i'm at the repair shop yeah something broke on the truck and uh as you can see i've had to band-aid it a little bit do y'all notice anything different about a truck here there's the turbo there's the exhaust there's the head there's the strap what the strap yeah i had to put a had to put a band-aid on the truck to get it home limp at home kind of thing um i left the other day went down to uh eagle pass i got down to uvalde texas and uh there was a train across the road and it's a noisy trick i'm not by the interstate so sorry for the noise um you know i'm driving down the road there was a train across the road and uh so everybody come to a stop and uh my fan kicked on my uh the engine fan kicked on and i hear is what in the world so i jumped out and opened the hood real quick and the fan is spinning around as you can see right here it chipped it out a little bit just a little bit okay it was hitting right here or actually it was hitting right here on the air conditioner right up here so what happened is this this alternator and that air conditioner are all on this bracket right here and if you as you can see there's a crack right here and it goes over and there's a crack right there and that completely broke loose and this whole unit here shifted forward and was touching the fan oops yeah so anyway i thought well i got to get that away from the fan so i reached and grabbed the strap first i got out here i got to think well maybe i can pry something in here put a put a screwdriver or something in here well that ain't going to stay so i thought well how can how i got a strap so i went and put a strap around the adjusting bolt right here i can't see what you can see here that adjusting bolt right there and the strap goes around i just went around the head came back around behind and right back up anyway tightened it all up that pulled it away got me home so now that i'm looking i thought it was just this little bracket here and we could just you know weld that up but i see there's a big crack right here too so yeah that's that whole bracket probably going to replace it i don't know he might be able to weld it up i don't know but uh yeah so there's that and then also i've been having trouble with the starter not the starter for say the solenoid on top of the starter uh you go to turn the key and it just i mean it doesn't do anything there's no click no nothing well right down here on the driver here's the driver's window driver's door right here on the side of the motor down below that's where the starters is down there well if you can see this this little beer can shape thing right here the starters great big okay down below and this is the solenoid sits on top of it nine times out of ten on a starter the starter doesn't go bad it's the solenoid that goes bad so they usually don't sell the starter just the solenoid by itself or whatever so you you just replace the whole starter i talked to my mechanic over here and he said he he can get him from a guy that he takes these old ones and just rebuilds them okay great so we'll put a rebuilt starter on it uh what else oh down here the remote lube see you got your clutch linkages and all that well one of them goes down to the uh underneath the bell housing area and it goes up and grease is the throw out bearing uh the throw out bearings when you when you push the clutch in you clutch pulls the the linkages pull the clutch away from the pressure plate and when it pulls away it's running on a bearing in there and that bearing doesn't really use it it doesn't it's not active unless you get the clutch in so it needs grease though so anyway can't grease that throw out bearing unless that fitting's on there he says he's got a fitting he'll put in there and reattach the hose and we'll be good there too and also i've been having trouble with the fuel filter now if you remember we got the oil filter on your side this is the primary fuel filter and this is the secondary fuel filter or water separator okay and when the fuel comes out of the motor out of the the tank it comes up on this fuel line right here through this fuel line in here and this separates any big gunk and water then it goes over to this the primary fuel filter and filters it even better and then it goes into the injectors okay this has been getting clogged up with these little little black flakes almost look like like black confetti or or black corn flakes or something much smaller really little bitties and uh think of uh have you ever seen goldschlager they have the little gold flakes floating around in goldschlager just make those black and that's what this looks like well it gets it clogs up the uh the filter and everything well i think what it is pretty sure what it is is that fuel line 17 year old fuel line is getting old and it's deteriorating on the inside and all these little flakes of of the fuel enough fuel rubber are floating down and getting into the filter and clogging them up prematurely so i got to take that off so the other day uh this last week i think it was thursday i was down there in brownwood pulled in and changed that filter real quick so i grabbed another filter and pulled it off from changing it and when it pulled out you get a little air filter air or air bubble in the fuel lines so you go to start it right it wouldn't start wouldn't start you know so you get out here and this is the what they call the jack off pump okay and you just pull that out and you you pump the fuel lines it purges the air out of the fuel line okay so i'm out there doing all that getting it all done and uh went to start it again and it just went nothing just the key is just completely dead oh god so i've got a pipe that i go over and i reach down in here and you just on the top of that solenoid you just give it a good little wrap you know and get up there and usually that breaks them loose what they do is they get old and they get sticky kind of gum up anyway fire it up well that means that solenoid's going bad therefore the starter is going bad there for you just replace the ding thing so uh yeah a few little things that are uh messed up oh another thing is this is another one i've totally missed look at that the shock is completely worn out down here and this pin okay it bolts on on the inside comes out and that's you know it's here's here's the replacement i got it right here sorry let me see here there it is here's the replacement pin so that pin will go in there like that through that hole and replace it okay so take a guess take a guess how much that little booger cost take a guess i might tell you something yeah it's for a bolt a steel bolt unbelievably high priced so anyway it costs more than shocks so anyway um i'm gonna uh put any shocks on it putting put that pin in there throw up throw up bearing the fitting so i can grease it um the uh the plate that holds the alternator and all that fix that and new starter so we're uh we're in the shop and i'm gonna go pam's gonna come over and pick me up here in a little bit and uh i'm gonna head home and edit videos for you so so anyway uh yeah other than that it's done pretty good at riding good i'm getting about seven and a half uh at 65 mile an hour i'm getting about seven and a half mile a gallon at 70. uh if i slow down to about 62 it will go up to eight point my eight mile a gallon so um and then of course if it goes faster like 70 75 uh it's probably down in the mid 60s so speed kills speed kills fuel mileage you know really does so hey i think that's just a quick update for you let you know let you go just let you know there there's a few little minor things i found on this so i got to fix so we're uh we're good y'all be good take care ciao you
Channel: Sasnak
Views: 8,753
Rating: 4.9594846 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, RV, retirment, life on the road, sightseeing, dash cam, gopro 9, semi, 18wheeler, Trucker, trucking
Id: VbyOsJJCo9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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