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live stuff oh i waited for a few people i goofed up on the um on the live stream thing the one i had advertised i clicked wrong and messed it up so i'm starting from scratch and all the people are over on that one waiting and uh uh i've goofed up so anyway it is what it is i got one thumbs up somebody's watching four people are watching all right there we go hello michigan greg you're the first one hey shimaj how you doing howdy uh very good sorry i goofed up the first one i'm not used to eating these live streams i'm not very good at them so uh uh can you all hear me okay is there is there windows a little breeze blown through the shop but hopefully it's uh it's doing good looking good hello yeah yeah there we're getting some people 38 all right man let's get looking good um they're going so fast i can't read them all hello america hi conway how you doing ed ronnie who else egg something like that uh happy memorial day yes it's memorial day weekend and i'm here at the shop we'll get a few more people in here uh and i'll start in on some of my um some of the stuff i was going to talk about but um uh this is kind of a q a of um you guys have a chance to ask me questions that uh i normally don't respond to or whatever mainly about the truck and me driving and stuff like that just whatever you come across i guess but uh where's the clinky oh right here coffee no i'm not spelling it no it's not a sippy cup so here we are um 52 people already very good very good yeah i decided to advertise this um this live stream i put it up yet last night at about nine o'clock or something last night and i got on this morning and saw nobody noticed it i'm like i did something wrong so i went and clicked around clicked around and found oh i forgot to make it public so i made it public at nine o'clock this morning so you guys had three hours of uh advanced notice or whatever but then i get out here on the phone at the shop and i was talking to my mom here for the last hour or so i guess kind of catching up with her i said mom it's 11 55 i got to go and i got on the computer on the phone trying to figure out how to do this how do you do this i'm looking for that little button to push and it wasn't there it was down in the menu somewhere and they changed it i think or something you know i couldn't find it i finally figured it out i've clicked on it set the phone over here on the stand sideways you know you know in panoramic view or whatever landscape mode and it said it can't do that lock the screens right so i shut it off which screwed that off so anyway um technology is not my friend i guess um oh yeah and as far as saw one of the comments about the truck and everything uh the blue stripes came out really really good i need to position that so you can see the truck there you go how's that or yeah that'll go off the table but anyway uh right here the little saz now i wasn't planning on doing that these stripes from here back what happens she ordered the vinyl she ordered one roll of vinyl and when it came in she was starting to cut stuff out and she goes oops i goofed up i didn't order enough she added both sides you know she basically did one side of the truck saw how much it was going to do and then she added the other side well she only added the sleeper side but not the cab and the hood on the other side so there wasn't enough vinyl to do the whole truck because these stripes right here from right here we're going to angle all the way up to the top of the sleeper up there there's going to be five more stripes up on top she says i don't have enough vinyl what we can do is order some more and you can come back next week and we can put them on like ah okay let me put these on and see what it looks like and everything and then i got the thing and after she walked away i got thinking i had think i had been thinking about doing that saznack logo right there and i'm like should i do that or should i not i mean it's um is it a little too gaudy or presumptuous or what word i'm looking for i don't know but anyway um and i i kind of decided no i better not do that well then when she run out of the vinyl and everything it doesn't look complete or something so and i asked her i said can you do this so i gave her one of the bumper stickers you know those little stickers i have i said could you zoom you know blow that up and stick that on there somewhere and i was thinking about maybe putting it up in the top corner up here or something and she said no it's it's not high enough resolution it's way too low of resolution so the um where they call it the um the pixels will show real bad it wouldn't look right so she says well i feel bad about this let me run in there and do some so she went on a computer for about 20 minutes come back out says what do you think about that i go oh i lack so we did that i said can you put a little youtube logo right there and she goes yep so she printed it all out and so that's that's what happened that took all day the video made it look like they did it in about 20 minutes but it took all day i got there at eight o'clock and i pulled out about five o'clock on tuesday last week hey uh jane bray very good five dollars canadian thank you watch him from vancouver there you go vancouver island um uh one of the guys i watch one of the youtube guys i watch is uh uh just incredible and he just bought some property up there his his mother recently died and left him some money and he was a van lifer kind of guy and lived in a he lived in different kind of rvs and vans you know for several years and uh right now he's living in some kind of like a panel truck like a bread truck hello from salem indiana hello tommy um but anyway his mother passed away it left him some money so he went out there and bought some land up on the side of the hill looking over the the bay basically where he's at is from seattle you go straight west out of seattle and there's vancouver the southern tip of vancouver island it's out there and you talk about a view man that guy he's got a you got a nice little set up there so um all right so uh what do we know what do you want to ask me some questions and everything and we'll i'll try to get there see please thumbs up so stan can get credit for you too yeah that's another thing i never seem to do enough on my channel on my videos is like and subscribe like and subscribe give me the thumbs up you know i figure everybody kind of knows that uh maybe i ought to remind maybe i'll you know point that out once in a while i always forget to you know but um do i have any pets no pam has two dogs at her house uh she's got two uh australian shepherds one is a full-size three-year-old full size and then this january when i was out in arizona camping with everybody she got another one she got a uh a miniature australian chevron a mini aussie actually i think it's a toy a toy ozzy and she's a pistol she's quite a little puppy so um let me see here donald trump hey how you doing dee [Laughter] uh let me see here i gotta scroll back here a little bit some questions uh sorry the phone's in the the camera's in the way or the li i've got my camera on this side sorry uh three rivers michigan and watched uh video with red truck when it was snowing up there yep there you go when i was doing the uh power slides on it yeah that was pretty cool uh looking from dfw what area would you suggest from a small 10 acre oh right here hey you want to buy this property it's for sale if you want it it's 15 acres just south of dallas about 30 miles um i uh uh not really in the mood to sell it but for the right price uh when will we hear the train horns again right now [Music] that is exceptionally loud in the shop here it makes your ears ring yeah not so bad i mean it's okay outside but inside this shop it's like an echo chamber uh do i have my pipes packed well i mean like glass packs or something i've got a resonator under there and it knocks the harshness off of the straight vibes they're still relatively throaty i should say you can see them on that video and i'll probably show that a little bit more on future videos and stuff when i'm rolling um they um they're not pure straight pipes but they the jake is fairly loud but cruising down the highway it's just a nice soft purr um uh see stan could you enlarge saznak from front to back enlarged saznac from front to back i don't know what that phil what do you mean uh see oh another another who did that and imperial eddie all right ten dollars thank you appreciate it i i'm not used to these uh super chats and everything i always feel oh shucks she shouldn't have but keep doing it like but it's just i don't know i've i i've bartended for a while way back in years ago and whenever somebody gave me a tip i just it felt weird i don't know i just guess i'm that way um uh are you going to court site this winter for rv davey uh yeah i'm going to be going to courtside every year as far as i know next year i'll be going back out there again in the van the van sitting right side right behind me right right back in there um trying to read the scrolling here um let's see let me scroll back here a little bit and see some of this i missed anything late late to start uh steve late to start the video so yeah i'll get docked on pay i guess yeah there you go uh what really it's really sweet your app adjusted the audio yeah it's loud i rang my ears it's a loud horn it's it's a it's an actual train horn let me i don't know if i can get under there and show that to you or not um i don't want to crawl around in the dirt and everything but um let me get a flashlight i got news about a flashlight too here where is it um let me get a battery pack going to try to look underneath they're not the plain um train horns you buy at the truck stops and stuff they are big bell now i gotta flip the camera around how do i do that there we go all right here this is the driver's door okay there's the driver's window driver door handle here's the stack it's all dirty because i run in the rain but right back there there's one there's one horn and there's oh there we go there's two there's one two and there's a third one back here you probably just can't quite see but yeah there's three horns back in there and uh they're actually they're like a cast aluminum or cast i don't know some kind of cast just like the real train horns on locomotives that's why they're so dang loud um i don't know i've always heard that real locomotive train horns that we're on burlington northern united pacific whoever those are illegal for us to own because they were the railroad never sells them that's what my brother-in-law used to work for the railroad and that's what he told me can you get me some horns no we don't sell them to private people at all we destroy them so he he worked for the railroad and that's where i always heard that he if you own real train horns they're hot they're stolen so these are made by a company down in florida uh my the name escapes me uh anyway they're for a company down in florida real train horns something or other and uh they're they're made cast iron just just like the ones on real locomotives real locomotives have like five or seven trumpets this has three so uh let's see camper one of ron valiant is there a rope on the ceiling for the horn yeah it's for the regular horns that are up on the cab these horns that are up on a cab from peterbilt there's the lanyard you pull them the train horns are right inside the door there's a ball valve and you you turn that for those horns they're separate horns okay a separate air air supply uh police siren that'd be better um oh yeah hi catherine how you doing uh old lady cooking show where are you uh i just might be a about cooking probably cooking yeah old lady cooking show my old lady cooking show if you want a recipe you will go to her channel she has hundreds of videos of different recipes whenever i want to cook something that's i that's where instead of looking up online or internet or you know looking arrested i just go to her channel and look up you know meatballs or something and she'll have it on there so she's a good cook her husband must be huge she's a really good cook um if a kid blow does this yes that's kind of a i think it's a law truck truckers have to blow the horn for little kids but yeah little kids don't do it very often anymore though like we did when we were kids they just i don't know maybe their parents don't teach them to blow the horn or something i don't know um there's my old lady cooking how you doing there we go uh let's see here um what are some of the things i was wanting to talk about is um i have been running i haven't videoed anything yet because i wanted to get the vinyl stickers put on about a month ago choice called me and says when you ready to roll i said well i'm kind of ready to roll now i suppose but i'm trying to get a couple things done to the truck you know a couple things here and there he says well we just got a contract with uh utility utility trader um they they have them uh years ago five years ago better they built a factory down in mexico somewhere and they bring the trailers across the border at eagle pass texas if you remember back years ago i used to run from salt lake clearfield utah salt lake city down to houston or down to san anton back and forth back and forth and that was for the heb traders heb is a grocery chain here in texas in south texas from dallas south they don't really go north of that as much anyway uh we'd pick up traders in in clearfield utah and bring them down to uh san anton to their terminal or their office and um after that they built a factory in in mexico and they started bringing them out of mexico so i won't be doing any of those clearfield utahs to texas i probably won't do any more of those yeah they used to blow the horn okay that's about the horn still but yeah they um uh anyway uh he says we've got a whole bunch of trailers for stevens transport the big trucking reefer company stevens transport um they order 100 trucks a year kind of thing you know 100 traders a year kind of thing and they're backed up because of last year kobe they didn't hardly get any they're probably going to get a couple hundred trailers and they gave us a a batch of about 75 and when those are done they might give us another 75. well they called me about a month ago saying hey we've got this new contract and they're going to pay us they use you can get them any time but they wouldn't pay the deadhead you had if you were in san antone or some place down there you could go over to eagle pass pick them up and bring them to fort worth and what they do is they bring them from eagle pass to fort worth to thermal king and thermal king puts the unit on the reefer unit on the on the front of the trailer and then stevens comes over picks the trailer up takes it back to their shop and they put the stickers on the door and then they start using them um so i'm bringing brand new reefer trailers but with no unit just just the box uh bringing them up to fort worth and i've been doing that for three weeks now um i don't know why for some reason i didn't want to video that because i felt bad because i i had the yellow on there still so um uh then also i have a video i need to make for uh that dash camera thing that um that land motor dash night vision dash cam i've been using that i can't make a video until i use it for a while so i'm actually if we get done with this video here this live stream i'm going to start filming for that and it'll probably be out on monday and then after that i'll be rolling on monday uh to go back down it's labor day at memorial day i mean i'm going to be heading down to uh uh eagle pass to pick up a trailer on monday to deliver on tuesday because they're closed on monday because the holiday so that's what i'm going to be leaving like i said monday to head down there and be up in in fort worth on tuesday and just go back i'm doing i'm doing four maybe even five traders a week kind of thing if if it all works out i can get four in pretty easy five is kind of squeezing it because the log book stuff but um um i can do like four and a half okay four and a half a week kind of thing so uh so far i've hauled three for the first week for five and four so three four five and four be what is that eight no 13 trailers so far so um and uh they're paying round trip they're paying loaded miles to go down pick you know go down pick it up and then load the miles to come you know empty miles down and loaded miles they're paying both ways uh otherwise we'll be able to afford to do that and the thing is they just got behind and man we don't we need trailers we need them real bad so um so that's what i've been to i have actually been trucking um and i will start doing the road videos here now that i've got the vinyl stickers on and and all that i'll be ready to start doing the road videos um what else was i wanting to talk about um uh oh uh the good question paul would you ask let me go back here i'm not reading my thing i get to talk and i forget to read my gizmos here when's the cross going on the hood whenever i get a chance i i i'm trying to get junior out here make him crawl up inside the hood say when you open the hood up when you open the hood up there's the radiator stay stationary so to get inside of the hood to get to the bolts i got to crawl over the top of that radiator and every time i've ever done it i've either broken something or damaged something or it's really hard to get back out you know so i figure i can get up there and lower junior down in there here take that wrench with you and get in there real easy and not break the hood you know uh anyway i'll eventually get it on there it's just uh mechanical issues on the truck are more of a priority for me right now so yeah but yeah the the cross will be going back on the hood the hood ornament that's on it right now i like i like except well here's the here's the cross right here there's the cross it's saved from the old truck okay but that ornament on it now is a homage or uh dedication to the old antique trucks if you look at it it has a a thermostat in here okay right in there and what this was is back this is a hood that tilts okay this hood oh it's a clamshell hood you unhook it down here and there's hinges up here the whole thing opens up but the old trucks that opened up from the side you know the butterfly hoods the radiator was actually solid mount okay this wasn't just a cover on the hood it was actually the radiator it was like a cast and they'd polish it up make it all pretty and everything and they put a thermostat right on the top of the radar the thermostat a thermostat right on top of the radiator so the driver is driving down the road he can see that thermostat from the hook you know so he's driving down the road and if he sees that the actual thermostat it's like a thermometer isn't going up he knows the engine is getting hot well that's um an aftermarket you know kind of um to the old days kind of thing i really like it but i like the cross better so i'm gonna put it up eventually whenever i get i gotta get junior out here i just don't wanna crawl up inside that hood i wanna break anything and then i get up there i'm too fat and old i can't get out so but yeah we'll get back on there eventually so let's see what else we got for questions here uh am i gonna make uniform shirts and blue stripes for you uh i've had people ask me if i want to you know get sassnack hats or you know t-shirts and stuff like that i don't know tom did it with his channel and he said it hardly any everybody ever buys that buys them and stuff so you know what why do the effort i've got my stickers my i'm happy with the stickers and everything um i miss you playing with that we were holding a model yeah let's see i'm starting to read my things here am i a veteran yes i was in the army back in the 80s i was in the army i was m-1 tanks down a fort hood sasnak flip-flops no i don't i have never liked sandals of any kind i like my feet being enclosed in a shoe i just i've never liked flip-flops i've never liked sandals i've never i don't like flip-flops because i don't like that thing going down between my toes it bugs me so um jersey would be cool yeah i would be i would like to have that stuff but there's a lot of work involved for for selling five shirts you know i don't think they'd be that good so maybe someday what daniel daniel leslie what are my thoughts about the extra wide tires instead of two separate the tools this they're called super single tires and back on the dual back on the tires people don't know what i'm talking about back here on the back of the truck the dual tires they have a new tire system called super singles instead of having two tires duals okay they just have one big tire right in the center and it's it's about from this tire this width it's about that wide okay so you got one really i don't know if i was ever aiming from this tire instead of going out to here it comes out to about right there and then you get rid of the inner tire they're called super singles um they're supposed to be better on fuel mileage uh mainly because they're lighter they don't have as much you know unsprung weight and all that kind of stuff they're lighter as far as the overall weight of the truck i don't worry about that because i'm hauling empty trailers but when i first started trucking the company i first started with they had they used super singles on the trailer and they were terrible i hated them and i guess i've just gotten real prejudice against super single tires because they blew out all the time we had nothing but problems with them and so that was the first generation basically they were cement mixer tires hey laurie laurie berg thank you five dollars appreciate how many alberta east side uh let's see and if i've missed one of these super chats i i really apologize i get to talk and i don't look at the screen too much i'm sorry so um see you in the desert next winter yep i'll be out there uh be in the van i'll probably won't be in the truck cause i'll go out there for a couple months in the van but um super singles are about like automatic yeah i i guess i'm yeah they say the term old school is overused i think but anyway um yeah old i'm old-timer kind i like just it it was working fine the way it was the super singles the bad thing about them if you get a flat you're on the rim and you're stuck on the side of the road duals you have a flat on one the other one will hold it until you get 20 or 30 miles down the road and get the thing fixed i just i like the idea of duals the super singles are cheaper because you're only buying one one more expensive one tire that's more expensive but there's only one of them so it's cheaper than the two tires and the two rims instead of you know one rim instead of two rims so and overall weight it's lighter and all that um overall cost they're lo they cost less i think because you only got one tire they probably last about as long as the duals it's just when you have a tire blow out or a flat tire or something simple like that you wake up one morning there's a tire you can't even in the truck stop you can't even limp across to the shop they have to road service out to the parking lot to fix you you know it's just it's i don't like them i don't you know i don't even like the idea of singles on the steer axle but you know what are you going to do on that uh i love your love your videos thank you appreciate it i uh uh in a way this is going to kind of sound maybe thank you for your service 67-73 you're a vietnam guy yeah yeah thank you for your service there john alberta i'm missing all these yeah i'm trying to read some of these super singles here the new truck cabin compared to the old one which do you like better and what's your what are what are your plans for the new one my plans for the new one it's done it's pretty much done i mean just little mechanical things here and there i got to get the clutch adjusted i've got put some new shocks on the front um eventually new tires people ask me why i don't you know tires look about worn out well they're about worn out key word they're about they're not worn out they're about worn out so i'm going to use them until they are worn out when they're worn out i trade them in or sell them or take them off put new ones on one of the other things the this this truck has 24 24 5 inch rims you know 24 and a half inch rims almost all the new trucks are 22 and a half inch rims you know it's what they call 22.5 and 24 5. um the 24.5 tires are getting harder and harder to come by especially in today's thing with all the cove and importing and all this kind of stuff there's not as much of a selection in the 24 5 tires so um i'm gonna wait until they're completely worn out before i buy new ones and these will probably last through the summer you know the steer tires are probably here in a few weeks or a month or so uh they're they're getting because they're not the big flotation tires on the front they're just the regular tires and um i don't know if i'm gonna i don't think i'm gonna go to flotation i think i'm just gonna stay with what what's on it i figured hey this truck's got a million miles on it with those smaller tires we'll just do it that way the big idea about the the bigger tires is uh some states up north especially i think minnesota and maybe michigan or something they measure how wide the tire is and if you they only give you so many pounds per inch of width of tire and if you're too heavy they can give you a ticket for having too narrow of a tire on the truck but i think that's up up north in like michigan and minnesota somewhere wisconsin maybe i don't know uh let's see let's see looking homer hey homer how you doing um uh truck looks really good like the blue how's everything going we're fine we're finding yeah i heard you were back in iowa yeah have i slept phil yes i've slept i've been on the road for three weeks i've been coming home on the weekend but but uh yeah i've been i've been sleeping in the truck every night um i haven't done any you keep bugging me about the uh the cooking videos and i will eventually do a cooking video that opens another thing i forgot i'm wanting to talk about um i'm back on a diet i've gained a lot of that weight back remember years ago i did that fasting uh intermittent fasting diets and uh how's it feel to be back on the road yeah it's it's i don't know i like the driving part of it but worried about getting pulled over by cops and uh and you know that kind of stuff you know dot stuff and just yeah headaches and then stupid drivers on the road you know just but anyway what was i back to the uh the fasting the um the uh fasting uh uh back three years ago whatever it was i lost a whole bunch of weight 64 pounds in three months uh i got up to 280 288 pounds uh at my heaviest and i went on that fasting and lost all the way down to 224. as soon as i got off of that it bounced back up into the low 230s 235 2343 right in there and i stayed there for about a year and then during this covid stuff just sitting around the house not doing anything you know just kind of getting bored and you get bored i eat you know and i just uh i gained a lot of it back and i got way back i started getting up into the 260s and when i left three weeks ago i left i weighed myself i was 271 and i've been fasting while i'm out on the road and i don't i'll fast for a couple days and then eat one day and then faster a couple more and then i come home for the weekend so if i'm out for five days four of those days i'll be fasting kind of thing and um i've lost 13 pounds so far i weighed myself last night when i got i got home last night and weighed myself i was 258 so 13 pounds so far so you know and i'll be uh um i'll be uh working my way down to where i get rid of all this stuff again you know so um somebody want to lose chase weight cows from your paddock okay uh somebody asked okay what's the something about cdl where is it at okay how much does it cost for driving lessons to get a cdl i don't know i didn't i've never done that i don't know you go to truck driving schools uh uh as far as the truck driving schools you can go to are you can go to a trucking company a large trucking company and they'll have a school within their business and you they'll they'll train you for free but then they expect you to work for them for a year or two or something like that and if you don't if you work for them for three months and then quit they expect you to pay them for that schooling then you can also go to community colleges and stuff like that i have no idea what the prices are on any of that because i did i never did that when i started driving i said they you know they said do you have a driver's license it wasn't a cdl back then it was a class a chauffeur's license and i said yeah there we're back sorry about that um i was about ready to brag about my new phone i had to get a new phone plan you know because i was on the road now uh i went to atnt finally uh but um for some reason i lost my signal anyway um here i am i'm back i'm back um see what was what was i talking about cdl's oh yeah and i just on road training i i just learned to drive out on the road and the thing back like i've made in videos you had other drivers out there coaching you or scolding you no really they didn't really teach you anything it's when you when you did something they didn't like they'd scold you and hey you dummy quit doing that oh okay and you learn the bad things and you don't do those bad things you know bad habits nowadays nobody's on cbs much anymore and all these new students once they get out of truck driving school which they really haven't learned much of anything they put them in a truck and they don't learn anything on from then on they really don't learn much and uh it's just all the bad habits that the the what's the word i'm looking for the uh uh the do's and don'ts of the business i can't think of the right word but anyway the do's and don'ts of the business they don't uh they don't teach any of that stuff because nobody's on a radio anymore that's where most drivers used to learn was from the radio talking to older drivers um have i let's see daniel have i been to canada and what's your thoughts on splitting every gear you don't have to split every gear have i been to canada yes i took the van the previous man my silver van this is the gray one i had a 2015 transit van and i went to alaska and i went through canada and it's western canada anyway it's beautiful i went up through banff and what's that other one up there one of the banff and there's another national park up there i can't remember the name of but uh man it was gorgeous up through there um the most remote i've ever been was up there in the yukon past uh was a white horse on the uh on past white horse out there you know man i hope i don't blow oh i hope i don't break down out here because it was pretty desolate but i mean there's traffic a little bit but yeah it's it's pretty you're out there a long ways up here in northern canada but and as far as splitting every gear i don't split every gear i skip most of them um the splitting like an 18 speed and splitting every gear that's when you have a real heavy load on that's what those are designed for uh this truck has a 13 speed in it and i just drive it like a nine speed basically and when i get to high gear i just go ahead and flip up into the high ring high range and then i split to the high high side of that gear so i drive it like a nine speed with a boost i guess so let's see what else we got here um any more power station reviews coming up no not okay i did the power station was it rock pals i did their review for them um and then i've got this dash cam thing that i'm going to do today and probably be out monday and also got a uh a call from a company uh a flashlight company they're gonna send me a flashlight to review and it's just it's gonna be a little a little small flashlight but we'll start small with a little one and maybe they'll give me some of them big you know honkers that light up the moon kind of thing you know but yeah it's going to be a nice it's a it's about five inches long about an inch round uh you know fit right in your hand it's 1 500 lumen um if you go down to the lower settings you go down the lowest setting it'll last for 45 days 45 days yeah well it's only one lumen so we'll get to that when that came when that comes in they're shipping it to me i haven't got it yet whenever it gets here i'll do a review on it they want me to get it done before june 13th i think because they're going to have them on sale they haven't released this particular light they haven't released yet so they're going to release it and have a big sale on on the 13th of june so i need to get the video done before that but i haven't got the product yet so that but it's just a flashlight so uh and that's another thing people have sent me you know things to hey would you review this too you know for me and i'm like it's a salad strainer you know why would i review a solid strainer this is a trucking channel okay yeah i did some cooking videos so i'm no no i'm not a chef okay uh i figure if i'm gonna review things it probably ought to be something that you can use in the truck you know um so you know i kind of pick and choose which ones to review uh it's that's all kind of new to me the reviewing stuff so we'll see how that works but the the kind of the nice thing about that is when you when when they send something to you you're doing the review for free but you get to keep the product whatever you know so if it's a you know like that flashlight hey it's a nice flashlight i'll be happy to do a little video for you and i get to keep the flashlight cool you know that's nice so anyway um what were some of the other questions let me go back see if i could find them um channel nine used to be for the police yeah every split every gear okay do i can you use a remote starter uh like in a car where you can remote start from your keychain i don't think they have that for trucks for one most trucks are manual well it used to be now they used to have a remote start in the sleeper when you're back here sleeping you could reach up and turn a key from the sleeper and start the truck you know but i've never had one of those i've heard other drivers have them a little bit um yeah john you're right folks i show 252 people on the live chat and only 11 oh 114 thumbs up hit the thumbs up for the poor guy yeah john go to bat for me there you go [Laughter] yeah do all the thumbs ups like and subscribe and all that kind of stuff yeah i always i always forget to say that but yeah um is your is you is this truck a pre-def truck yeah it's a uh uh 2004 so it's it's a pre-def it doesn't have any emissions on it at all it's got a mbn motor a cat nbn motor nbn series an nbn series is basically a 6nz which is cat's best motor ever made the 6nz series and they tried to modify the 6nz a little bit to make it more uh emission friendly without putting all that junk on there the dpf and all that and it wasn't enough and it made the 6nz a little less and it didn't do the emissions enough to satisfy the epa so they only made them for a couple years but it's a good motor it's a single turbo and just it's a good basic a lot of the same parts of the 6nz which a lot of you probably don't have any clue what that is but it's the series of motors that caterpillar made so i'm happy with it the fuel mileage is okay um the fuel body isn't quite as good as the burgundy truck the burgundy truck doing what i'm doing fifty percent deadhead and fifty percent loaded back and forth on fairly flat ground uh wind either i have a headwind or tailwinds that kind of balances out um the burgundy truck i'd break a little over eight eight and a quarter something like that this one's getting seven and three quarters ish you know seven and a half seven and three quarters somewhere in that range so it's not as good but um um i don't know yeah it's it's okay i guess uh uh gearing might be a little different in this truck i don't know what kind of gears are in this i'm assuming uh 350 uh 355s i'm guessing it's a 13 speed with 355s with 24 low pros trucking truckers know what that would mean um what was some of the other things i was going to talk about what are your thoughts on the newer trucks compared to the older models and do you like max i never drove actually i drove one mac before i started being a trucker when i was still driving local route delivery i had a uh it was a b model cat i don't even i don't know my max that well but it was a mac and the cab was way shifted to one side yeah so the mirror on the driver's side was right here the mirror on the passenger side was stuck out there about four feet i don't know what model that was but i only drove that truck for about three or four months i was working for a battery company and they that one truck i drove it for a little bit and they gave me a little nicer truck but uh but yeah i don't know max old trucks i like the look of the the cool to me the prettiest truck out there the flat hands down prettiest truck out there was a late 70s a model hood extended hood kenworth you know um the thing of the truck that on smoking the bandit the the the the truck that snowman drove or jerry reed that was an a model i think that was a short hood they made a long hood okay that long hood truck that if from the factory the way they were back in the 70s they were nice but guys can modify them and you know set them a little lower and just make them look better and they're some of the prettiest trucks i've ever seen they're beautiful um the second very close second would be the 359 pete i love those trucks they don't fit me well i actually considered buying one but they don't fit the cab isn't made for a tall guy like me i'm six almost six two i'm just a little over six one and i feel my knees are jacked up and and the foot feet is such an angle you start getting shin splints you know your your muscles are working so hard on the front of your shins yeah uh there's just it's not a very comfortable cab compared to the 379 cab uh the new modern trucks are very comfortable they just don't have it's like 50s cars you know a 69 camaro or a 63 split window corvette they had panache they had cool all over them a new tesla they're just they're just ugly you know just i don't know that aerodynamic thing is just it i don't know i just don't look i don't like i like the square boxy square hood you know and i know that's terrible for fuel economy and everything but still that's just the look i like this look you know so all right what else we got for questions here let's see here welcome from saudi arabia all right how you doing from where we're hot over there right now i bet in it in swedish and here okay daniel uh you're from sweden uh uh i guess you don't have any peterbilts or kenworth's over there and i don't know people ask me the european drug truck what do you think what do you like scania or volvo or man or well i don't know i've never seen one of those trucks let alone be able to comment on them to me they're all those cab overlooking designs and of course that's because your laws over there are different than ours but yeah the little short stubby cab overs and you know they just have different weight laws and length laws and everything have i talked to tom recently no um last time i talked to tom had been close to two months ago i've tried to call him a couple times he never answers his phone i don't know he's always doing something whatever um i did notice congratulations tom hundred thousand subscribers and uh yeah he finally got a hundred thousand subscribers and uh um that's a big pat on the back for tom yeah he's done really well for himself on his channel so um yeah let's see we actually do have kenworth in sweden i'll be darned who knew i had no idea yeah yeah uh let's see here trying to scroll back through some of the older videos it seems like i must have missed a super chat somewhere because it went up who have i missed on a super chat let me scroll way back see if i can find it so well man i'm scrolling way back i wish i could comment on every one of your comments i just i can't talk fast enough [Laughter] so i can't find them so anyway if i missed your super chat i apologize i'll i'll go back through and see it later but but uh uh do i have the keller no i sold the klr oh gosh back in february or about february january february something like that actually i think i sold it before i went to arizona so i've been early january yeah just realized i wasn't going to use it so let's sell it it just sit here in the shop and never never went anywhere with it um it would be fun to go on the road again yeah for you guys to watch me but yeah i'm uh i wanted to retire so bad so but anyway it is what it is uh i thought well i go back for a few more my idea is going back to work is um i'm 56 years old and i can still make pretty decent money driving a truck and if i just take all my money that i have now and live off of savings i could probably live for the rest of my life but i'd have to re-eat rice and beans i'd have to be really really frugal with my money on top of that inflation they're printing more damn money than when they know what to do it's not just biden it's not just trump just it's always it's been that way since nixon you know they just hey we need some more money just print it out here don thank you thank you you can review the hundred dollar bill review the 100 billion keep when you're done there you go but um yeah they just keep printing money and every time they print money my dollar is worth instead of a dollar it's worth 80 cents now you know and it's just it just keeps going up and up and the inflation's going through the route you know it's starting to go through the roof it's going to probably going to be like 70s when you know inflation was so bad in the 70s and you figure in inflation next thing you know i'll be running out of money when i'm about 70 you know so i thought now i probably ought to go back to work while i'm still young enough to do it because there'll be a day when i won't be able to see and won't be able to pass a driving test or something and i won't be able to make decent money you know you know then what i'm not trained to do anything else like youtube but that doesn't pay very much put it this way just give you an idea just give you an idea i make more in a day maybe a day and a half i make more in about a day and a half of trucking than i do in a whole month of youtube so i'm not making much money with youtube i wish i was i wish i was making tons of money but i'm not i mean you make some it's it's it's it's spending cash as we say beer money you know it's beer money but uh or it's tobacco money yeah oh that's nothing people ask me what i smoke uh tobacco uh i just got a pipe i've got a couple different pipes but this is one most often it's a uh dictator um it's a mr brog b-r-o-g mr brog you can i got it on amazon it's a mr broad and it's called a dictator d-i-c-t anyway like like a a dictator of a country and i really like it it's uh but the the the tobacco-eye smoke is super value there you go just stole super value but i like the cavendish the cavendish has a real mellow uh it's something i read up on it something to do with the uh the way they uh cure it or something and they steam it or something like that and it takes a lot of the bitterness out when i was coming back from arizona this year i stopped at my mom's talk to her i gave her i gave her a computer or something what i did i stopped say hi and my dad gave me this well it's not real prince albert it's they just use the can he bought some some tobacco on online um through i don't know somewhere online and they sent it to him and he thought it was going to be a bag and it was like a bag it's like he has all these old prince albert cans that he's used over the years and he you know had him for like nuts and bolts and screws and you know just whatever yeah same thing i like using my coffee cans for nuts and bolts and washers and stuff and uh he said man i i just filled up all these cassie harry take one and it is harsh i mean i can kind of blend it with the others and you know smoke it up but it's got a real harsh it's like cigarette tobacco and cigarette tobacco and pipe tobacco are quite different okay as is pipe tobacco they're all three they have their own thing cigarettes have a it's basically a nicotine delivery system is all it is um pipes have a really hard bold or harsh you know oh that's strong you know pipes are usually very mellow and you know pretty pretty easy easy smoking that's why i like pipe you know plus it gives me i'm sitting here in a chair gives me something to fiddle with you know i'm using the poker and scraper and all that kind of stuff you get rid of the old ashes you know and then you get a tamper you tamp you know that so anyway that's that so for all the people that have asked me what what do you smoke well there it is it's true value or super value i just buy it down at a local uh tobacco store and it's like six bucks for each of these i got whiskey cavendish a couple more over here we've got oh they're all whiskey cavendish this time but i've smoked just different flavors what i've learned is the smell you know when you smell when you smell somebody smoking a pipe you have that aroma when you're smoking you don't smell that you you taste the tobacco but you really don't smell it that much other the flavoring is for the other people okay i don't know how that makes sense you know hey i'm going to give you secondhand smoke so here at least it'll be pleasant to smell i guess i don't know anyway off of that what else you'll probably want to talk more trucking um uh what else we want to talk about um what are we man we're 49 minutes into this already my gosh time goes fast still still like to know what steer tires you find best for big trucks well i i tend to like the lower priced ones uh michelin and bridgestone are probably the two best but they're they're pricey i'd much rather buy the the they're with their second level uh tires like generals or uh hand cooks or um the the yokohamas toyos are pretty good uh i refuse to put the chinese tires uh the chinese tires are just from what i've gathered they're terrible okay uh every now and again you'll get somebody oh yeah they're great they don't last very long but they're a third the price you know instead of a 500 tire they're putting 180 tire on there it only lasts you know so many miles but i no i i i'd rather stick with like the hand cooks are one of my favorites so not so much that's my favorite when i go to the tire shop those are the ones they have that are kind of in my price what i'm willing to pay and they're pretty good you know they're not as good as bridgestones and michelins now this truck has michelin's all the way around it right now that's because with united a lot of the bigger companies like that they have open accounts with your bridgestone or michelin or whatever and then they can because they're least homeless these really big companies they can get name brand the high brand tires for less than i can the lower brand tires you know so let's say their tire costs 500 let's say a michelin cost 500 bucks and the tire i want to buy is 380. they can get a michelin for 350 through their system you know and that's why there's michelin's on this truck but they i won't be buying michelin's or or bridgestones on it because they're too dang expensive for what they get so anyway what else what do we got here let me look uh toyota's got good compound yeah i'll tell you i don't know a problem with toyota's yokohamas they used to be terrible tires but they've gotten much better uh china tires are trying to bombs yeah there you go it's a good way to put it how much does my tractor weigh i haven't weighed this truck yet but it's almost identical to the uh other truck uh the other one was around 2700 full of fuel full of water right around 27 000 pounds so um so yeah it's it's it's a heavy tractor but then i wouldn't have bought this if i was hauling just regular freight because regular freight they don't want you to uh they want you to haul a certain amount of weight well you're limited to 80 000 pounds you know for a normal truck out on a normal five-axle truck going down most highways it's 80 000 pounds well if your truck weighs 30 000 pounds you can haul 50 000 pounds of cargo if your truck weighs 40 000 pounds you can only have 40 000 pounds of cargo and customers want you to haul that 50 instead of 40. so it depends on what you have a reefer will weigh more than a dry van a drive in a way more than a flatbed and you know that kind of thing but what i'm doing out here i don't have to worry about weight so that's why i got the big sleeper i'm going to be comfortable if i don't have to worry about weight anymore i'm going to have the big box back here to sleep in here to live in uh oh danny i think when he spilled that coffee and totaled he must be responding to somebody else yeah uh yeah must be so anyway i must have missed some um have you ever driven your truck through something dangerous like a hurricane or a flood or protesters no i've never never been in a hurricane i've never been close to a hurricane when katrina hit i guess that was the closest i could have come i had just bought an 06 peterbilt and i bought it up in in nebraska and i drove it around i went down through houston and everything and then from houston i got a load coming uh going out to west texas out to midland i think middle of odessa and i got out there the morning it was hit i was in i showed up on in in odessa the morning and it was coming into katrina that that early late late night and early morning it was hitting hitting uh new orleans and uh actually not hitting new orleans it hit it hit mississippi but new orleans got the flood anyway um they were asking me hey you want to go to florida i'm like no send me the other way and it wasn't so much the hurricane because by the time i got loaded the hurricane went on through and i'd come in behind it you know but we all know how hurricane hit uh katrina messed up the gas system and all that stuff the uh power lines were down you know even if the tank a gas station had fuel uh they didn't have the electricity to pump it out you know so uh yeah when i got left there i i went up to amarillo and picked up a trailer going to or a load i was hauling freight back then i went up to amarillo and picked up a load going to seattle i think or portland or somewhere up there and i just went the opposite way i got the hick away from it um i went through flood waters you know just lo you know uh not major floods like new orleans had but but you know just a river is flooded and it's maybe a foot two foot two uh deep like here in dallas there'll be a a highways kind of overflowing and i'll flow through that uh something that would carry a car away a truck is heavy enough and tall enough you know you can go through it um but yeah i've done that but not nothing and never no protesters i was home all the whole last year i wasn't doing all that protest stuff i was at home so and what would i do i don't know i really don't know i want you know the redneck enemy had to run over the bastards you know but yeah you don't do that it's a human being so you know what do you what do you do you know uh i don't know how i'd react i probably i don't know uh uh i think it's one of those things you you don't know how until you're actually in that situation so anyway all right let me see something else what else we're going to talk about um if i ever played american truck simulator yes i did uh with tom out in uh two years ago out of arizona a year and a half ago down in arizona he came over to the bus you know the big rv i had and he uh he hooked up his uh computer or something of xbox or whatever he had i don't remember what it was but we played it on there and it was his laptop i think anyway he brought it over and hooked it up to the tv and we played it and i was terrible at it he says my god you're a professional truck driver and i'm like yeah this is a video game i'm going to hit that guy now in real life i wouldn't hit him you know but in this one this game yeah just plowing through stuff another thing about the simulators is you can't feel you know in real life you feel all the g-forces you hit the brakes and all that and as a simulator you can't feel that you hit the brakes you don't know how hard you're hitting them you know you're hitting it so hard and you end up locking the brakes up now that kind of stuff so but and another a simula i drive a truck from the dad from the cab i don't drive it from behind the trailer up in the air like a drone shot you know so yeah it's different you know so somebody play and i don't understand the american truck simulators the other people out there have vid youtube channels for american truck simulator just go get in a real truck and really make some money you know so i don't know of course i guess they're making money on their youtube thing i guess i don't know so all right let's see another question here would you recommend a new driver to buy a truck and start working for himself with a new cdl no go to work for somebody else get your get your feet wet don't jump into the deep end when you don't know how to swim okay go into the kiddie pool learn how to drive learn learn the economics drive holding that steering wheel and pushing that gear or putting an automatic holding that steering wheel and maneuvering the truck that's nothing i mean they can teach a monkey to do that yeah me i'm proof of that okay they can teach anybody to do that it's learning the business part of it learning how to make money at it okay yeah you can go out there and work for a company and make some money as a company driver but if you want to go buy a truck the it's it's like would you go if you didn't know how to cook would you go out by a restaurant and become the main cook at a restaurant if you didn't know how to cook no you know learn your trade first and then get into the business go work as a cook for somebody else and once you've learned to cook and now are a chef now go open your restaurant yeah just don't go out and buy a brand new truck or whatever don't go go jump in when you don't know what you're doing no be like swimming in the deep end with not when you don't know how to swim all right what else uh what's the hardest part of uh backing up seems to be hardest for everybody i kind of came natural to me i guess i don't really have much trouble with it but but i think most people have trouble with the backing track it's not so much if you're out in an open parking lot you just need to back straight up that's not the problem but when you're at a 90 degree angle you got to bend and twist around into another truck you know into a little a slot into a loading dock or something a lot of drivers have lots and lots of trouble with that um the best advice i can give you for that if you're a new trucker a new driver or whatever there's that thing called goal get out and look hey mckay what is that i don't know what kind of dollar sign that is what currency that is i don't know i started following you after the play in the at i registered okay yeah um i don't know five five dollars or something i don't know what that that uh uh that uh currency is um but yeah um but uh get out and look get if you're backing into something you know into a hole or in a truck stop trying to just get parked for the night if you're not sure stop put it apart get it go out and look you know go out and look and see oh man i'm about to hit that guy uh that's why i hate parking in most truck stops i try to find anywhere to park at night except the truck stop uh because so many guys are just maybe not even backing in they finally get back in but the next morning when they take off they turn and take off and and rip your hood off what the heck you jump up and your hood's all twisted and there goes the truck he didn't get the picture of him you know who he is he takes off you'll never see him again and you're sitting there with a truck that can't run you know because now you got to take it down to body shop and be you know out of work for a couple weeks that's i hate that you know so it's just trucking has changed a lot in the 30 years you know and i would imagine 30 years ago drivers were going trucking sure has changed here back in the 40s it was a lot different than it is in the 80s you know so it all it all changes and sometimes i wonder if it's for the good trucks are more efficient trucks are more comfortable riding softer riding i mean i you go get one brand new brand new peterbilts and drive the thing and uh they ride comfortable um uh forever for instance up in kansas kirk uh his driver uh drives that that peterbilt it's an automatic peterbilt driving down the road it's comfortable it rides good it's just in the parking lot it's just so foreign to me i guess i guess it'd be like anybody else i mean if you've never drove a truck before when you jump into my truck you'd have a hard time driving it but i'm used to it same thing as a car you get in somebody else's car where's the windshield wipers at where you're scratching your head trying to figure out where everything's at so but um the new trucks they ride comfortable the thing about the nice thing about them is they're quiet because they're brand new they're all sealed up real nice and tight this thing rattles it's kind of it's got a it's got a personality to it you know when you're driving it has its own you know it's it's it's uh loose i guess i don't know like it's just it you know it's not a brand new truck so it has noises and you know stuff um did something there i see most triggers now i don't even know how to speak in yellows don't even get into that [Laughter] [Music] would you take a new driver with you on the road and teach him to be a driver i did that for a year that's what happened to all this yeah i did it for a year with a truck now a company i won't name they're pretty bad company i might have named them already somewhere along the line but but yeah they were kind of a company and i work for them for a year with the attitude i'll go over there and because you make like double miles and you get paid for all the miles as a trainer so as a solo you might get three thousand miles a week as a trainer you get maybe five thousand miles away you can get paid for all of those at your rate and um i learned you just you really don't make that many more miles because you're so busy teaching somebody and that that's the teaching somebody is not the problem it's living with them in that little bitty cab little bitty sleeper and you got two grown men i mean if it's a man and woman and they like each other man and wife or something boyfriend girlfriend it's okay but two grown men you know and oh man did you roll the window down you know that kind of thing you it's just uh it's too cramped of a space for two grown men to be in and um i just didn't like the living during the day when we were driving down the road it was fine mckay whatever it's a euro oh okay very good 10 euros thank you all right whoever gave me the other five i appreciate that euros euros where's it at there it is mckay uh mac mccoy mccoy there you go mccoy yeah thank you five and ten bush i appreciate it thank you um let's see what uh uh email this uh who do you know what the biggest trucking company in the usa is i'm pretty sure it's swift uh without a doubt um oh it's 10 bitcoins cool [Laughter] all right that's a 10 bitcoin all right yeah no it's not a bitcoin it's a euro but yeah i'd like to have 10 bitcoins that's cool bitcoin kind of took a dive here in the last week or so hasn't it it was up in the 80s 80s or something it was down to mid 30s now 35 or something so yeah it's taking quite a dive 20 dollars from uh who i i kneel for one there you go yeah me too i kneel for one uh would you ever consider putting cameras on your blind spots and putting monitor on your dash as to assist you in the extreme yes let's ah i'm glad emil you hit on it just right i've been waiting for somebody to ask me that where is it at where is it at it's in the truck let me go up in the truck and get it um this is gonna do a dual purpose it's gonna help me just for the driving and and uh my axe this kind of thing but it's also going to oh where'd it go where's it at where'd i put it must be outside put it somewhere oh what did i do with it maybe it's in the van sorry i'm shaking the camera all over the place and going out here in the wind um no i had it let me think anyway i got um dash cameras or uh i'm sorry um cameras for the truck what the heck did i do with them huh hey look back inside this sleeper again where did i put them oh here it is i put them on the i put them on the driver's seat so i wouldn't lose them where's my keys i'm holding you where you got your glasses up on your forehead and you know where's my where's my glasses let me see we'll just set it here on the table all right there you are now i bought this with my money it's not a review or anything but it's the bar on amazon e-wrapta and this is a project i'll probably do this weekend or something like that but here's all the different cables and everything get them out of the way for now we've got short cables and long cables and we've got the box sorry folks i didn't i wouldn't plan on doing this it's not really a review or anything like that i'm just going to use them putting on the truck that way i have round here's the monitor and that's going to go on the desk i'm driving down the road and i got my desk sitting over here i've got a computer well this is sit right beside it okay that's the monitor and here's the little cameras okay these are the cameras that are going to go on on the mirrors okay they're little little uh security type cameras okay they got different brackets to use and that will run in and plug into that this i'm gonna bolt onto the here here we go here's the mirror up at the very top there's a bolt right here that's all wrestling i'll take that off put a new bolt on but this camera will sit about right here like that what that'll do it'll shine in this direction behind the truck okay and then they got they got two of these kind of cameras and then where's the other one i don't know which one's which here because they're just plain boxes um okay here's one of the other style this is more of a bullet style camera okay and that is going to go up there on the top of the sleeper i'm going to however high i can reach by stepping up on this step here i want to be able to reach it with my hand and and clean the lens off but that will sit right here with that view so i have pretty close to 360 degree view around the truck uh mainly for if anybody backs into me in the middle of the night um if i'm sleeping and somebody's you know i'm sitting there sleeping or i'm not i'm in the building doing something eating dinner or whatever and somebody backs into my truck i can see all angles everything except straight behind me you know and i'll be able to also use it when i'm editing videos i can have these odd camera angles like you know i'm going around a curve or pulling into a truck stop or parking lot or whatever instead of just the dash cam i can use the video off of this uh because it records also and i can uh use these different camera angles so yeah um i bought that thing for the burgundy truck about a month before i wrecked it i never i didn't have a chance to put it on so uh i've been holding them i was going to put them on the bus or go well i'll just keep using well eventually now i got this truck i'm going to put them on there um and yeah i can use the side cameras as mirror mode yeah but i'll just use regular mirrors it'll be more for like a accident camera but at the end of the day hey i remember back when i pulled into that parking lot i could use that angle i just get the chip out go back here put it in the computer and download that video a little ten you know five minute video or whatever whatever however it saves it and i'll put that on uh you know use the different camera angles when i'm driving along a really nice looking truck passes me or something smoking the bandit passes me in there in in you know uh what's his name oh uh uh jerry reid and uh uh with uh snowman snowman comes blowing by me or whatever and i hey got a different angle you know that kind of thing i i'll try to use it artistically in videos i guess that's what i'm getting at so i need to pack my pipe you like blonde chicks uh i like all chicks um seems like it most of my girlfriends are have been blonde uh pam's blonde and uh um um now i like all them uh redheads um they're fun but they scare me i probably shouldn't have said that but no um redheads team seem to have a temper it's just if you screw up just a little bit they they let you know um but yeah blondes and brunettes um yeah i just i yeah i like all of them you know i guess whatever um i don't like the blue haired ones and the green haired ones and the purple haired ones i just you know i don't i don't like the goofy hair hair things women do with their hairs i like traditional look i guess uh oh yeah i probably shouldn't have touched on that should i uh where is pam pam's at home she's at home she's just kicking along just like normal um i think she said she was gonna clean on the house today or something i don't know what she's doing but i told her i had to come out here and do my live feed and and uh work on the truck a little bit so but um let's see and uh people keep asking me where's pam gonna sit at home in her chair at her office desk i don't know i mean that you know she's not she's never rode with me has no desire to go with me on the road so you know that's why i put the desk over there i've had the desk in like four oh my again 10 wow okay you have used the 360 camera and a motorcycle i think i'm going to get the insta 360 1r so you can record my death in glorious 5k yeah i have a insta360 one r um it's in the camera bag it's uh it's in the truck yeah anyway um i've got a insta360 one r and it's a it's a good camera for those odd shots you want to get but when it comes to editing it's just it's not as i like the the the gopro works for this just just the day-to-day carrying around oh america uh i use the gopro for that now um i think some people misunderstood that video i made here a few weeks ago about the gopro 10 which isn't out yet it's my wish list i just wish the gopro maybe don't change the gopro itself make another line of cameras that has this this and this and this because um the gopro is terrible in low light uh the audio is not that good if any kind of wind you know you get that change a few of those little things put it in a different different camera not for the action camera but for like youtubers and you know your your content creator type camera i think they'd have a pretty nice little market there [Music] um uh oh i know i make some somebody be careful now stan my wife's a redhead redheads are good good-natured it's all just perspective people have it must have been the redheads that i've met i mean i probably shouldn't have touched on that oh i'm gonna get myself in trouble uh anyway but i'm a gentleman gentlemen prefer blondes there you go but no i like blonde brunettes it's not so much the hair color it's the personality that's what i go for so anyway let's see what else we got when you're backing up do you turn the wheels the opposite mirror i don't really know what uh when you're backing up some people say hold this when you're driving straight hold the steering wheel at the top of the wheel when you're backing up hold the steering what the bottom of the wheel works for so whatever works for whatever floats your boat on backing up uh it's i i don't have those 10 magical words do this and this and this and you'll be a perfect backer upper you know um it's practice you just you got to practice it's that's how it works um uh stands right i have two redhead ex-wives well there you go uh uh see you ready let's see joe be nice there she is hi pam so surprised she's watching i figured she'd be i figured she'd be mopping the floor or something you know didn't know what she was gonna do uh when you're backing do you turn the wheels in the office okay that's already the same question yep smoke my my dank pipe no it's not it's it's a pipe then a dank pipe straighten up uh i should never never mention the redheads and oh gosh yeah i'm reading up on some of these back ones here [Laughter] oh yeah she's watching the yellowstone episodes yeah yellowstone the tv series yeah that's really good yeah uh uh i'm going back quite a ways here robert you asked me is the truck governed for insurance reasons or does it matter a lot of trucking companies govern their trucks for that reason uh this truck is not governed it's governed by how you know uh i don't think it's governed any particular speed is governed by how strong it is and how how fast it can go um how fast have i had this truck 70 maybe i don't drive fast i drive if i want to drive fast i get on a motorcycle or a a sport car or some kind the truck trucks aren't a sports car you know they're they're a truck driving like a truck a truck is not meant to be going 100 mile an hour down the road a truck is meant to go out there and move freight from point a to point b and do it safely and make profit that's what it's for you have to drive 100 mile an hour you're not making any profit or you could be making more profit but that way you're probably making profit but not you can make more by just slowing down and driving normally um um practice the truck stop get you ultimate fame yeah yeah that's the last thing drivers want when you're sitting there in the truck stop and you have a student with you and students trying to practice backing up and they know you're standing out there giving them hand signals turn this way do that and they're thinking oh god there's a student backing in beside me going to wreck my truck so yeah that's not if you want to practice you know if you're a trainer and you want to practice bracking do it in a terminal with their trucks you know if you're working for swift do it swift terminal don't do it at a truck stop because that truck that he backs into it messes up you're ruining his livelihood you know uh you you're with swift and you back into a swift truck then just give them another one you know it's no big deal so and they tore their own truck up not somebody else's so yeah don't know me practicing backing up in a truck stop around a bunch of other truckers oh my gosh 77 minutes we went i was going to do about an hour i probably ought to wrap this up here shortly um see you can go back uh rodney if you want to see the inside of the truck i might do some more videos of the inside you know as i you know just making videos um if you go back to uh november when i brought it back from st louis uh i did a inside and outside you can go back and look search for those videos it was somewhere in november early november i think it was and go back and look at those videos and it's a full walk around of the truck um let's see i've had newbies offered to pay me to back their trucking i have to just back it in for them you know i'd rather they i'd rather they ask me to back in i'll back their truck in for them and they don't hit that other truck you know and they won't pay you know no i don't you know just watch and learn and practice you know i don't charge people to do that kind of stuff i've done it very few times and i just i've never no that's not something i'd charge for i mean you're out at a you're out of the baseball game or you know somewhere in the parking lot's muddy and somebody gets stuck don't charge them to pull them just hook onto them and pull them out don't charge them for that you know it's pass it on you do a kind i do a kind thing for you you do a kind thing for somebody else you know somebody sit broke down on the side of the road and you stop helping they run out of gas run to town grab some gas bring it out to them give it to them you know maybe they pay for the gas but you know oh here's 50 i really appreciate no keep it just do a kind gesture for somebody else down the road pay it forward you know i'm big big into that pay it forward to somebody else so we're getting along long on the hours here uh or the time so um one of the things i wanted to touch on you know like and subscribe and all you got all that but i wanted to touch real quick on the uh uh the uh patreon um yeah if you if you would like you know if you if you're tight on money you know don't send me money on patreon okay if you're if you're tight uh you're living paycheck to paycheck or on a fixed budget or something like that but if you're like phil the stalker and got more money than god yeah phil i'm just teasing but if you're somebody that has you know uh has plenty of money and everything and um you want to uh support the channel i'd be happy i mean i'd appreciate it it'd be a nice pat on the back but like i said if you're tight on money or on a limited budget or something like that don't worry about it but for you that do have the means uh i yeah i'd love to have more patreon people i really would um it would always be nice you know i mean i put a lot of like you said uh i make more trucking in a a day or half in two days a day and a half of trucking than i do a whole month of youtube so you know i don't make a lot of money on youtube everybody thinks you make a lot of youtube millionaire if you have a million subscribers and every video you get you know 500 000 views yeah you make good money on youtube you can make good money but but what i do so as small as i am i don't make very much money on youtube so it's more of a it's a it's a hobby that i make money on instead of a hobby that cost me money so instead of you know remote control airplanes i used to get into remote control airplanes i spent a lot of money on you know fixing them all up and doing all that kind of stuff and rubbing remote control cars and stuff and i'd fix them all up play with them a while it was a hobby but it cost a lot of money you know and uh but but after a while you're like man i got a lot of money wrapped up into this hobby with youtube it's the other way around you buy a couple cameras you got a little initial investment but then after that it's all hobby money that you make money instead of spend money so that's one of the reasons i like youtube it's it's it's fun i get i've met a lot of people that i would never would have met if it wasn't for youtube you know um oh another thing since my truck is recognizable now it's not just a plain old burgundy truck or a plain old white truck with yellow stripes it looks like all the other united trucks since it's this now and it's got that on there okay you see me drawing down the highway toot the horn hold her on the radio or you know you see me in a truck stop or something come over and say hi you know now don't wake me up at two o'clock in the morning but yeah you want to come over and say hi and everything i'll give you a bumper sticker you know you shake your hand and say hi and see how you know i mean i've made a lot of friends doing this youtube stuff so um but uh uh let's see well okay last question daniel last question do you like the sports cars and what's your dream sports car my dream sports car money not withstanding bugatti veyron [Laughter] i want to get a bugatti veyron that'll do 200 and what are they up to now last i knew it was about 260 miles an hour they're probably 280 or something like that by now and i'd probably get up to about 150 and chicken out [Laughter] but yeah um if if i won a lottery um and no money was no object i think my favorite and i'm gonna catch heck for this sports car be a 69 mach 1 a red 69 mach 1 with a black shaker hood that to me is the perfect car i just love the look of that car carolyn whoa thank you that is super nice thank you very much uh let's see here's to make it making up for describing it and one of the previous videos in the comments said she said she made some comment about the video the the truck looking like a somebody called them united piss stripes [Laughter] thank you carolyn i appreciate that so yeah it's uh that's very nice um and then the truck yeah uh new okay all right enough of the tip sippy cup people are joking around about the sippy cup yeah i i know it's all just ribbing and everything but yes god here's another comment about the sippy cup but yeah no this is my this is my coffee cup and uh like i said i didn't spill this coffee cup i spilled a styrofoam coffee cup with a plastic lid because the way i picked it up and the cup fell out out of the bottom of the lid anybody can do it i just happened to do it at 60 mile an hour so yeah but anyway yeah and then the sippy cup the whole thing about the sippy cup came i was up after i wrecked the truck about about three or four weeks later i was up in kansas doing weed harvest with kirk and uh woke up one morning come out and there was a sippy cup in the cup holder i'm like all right who did this nobody would fess up i don't i probably kirk but i wouldn't put it past john either john might have done it too i don't know somebody put a sippy cup in that truck and uh yeah okay haha funny guys appreciate it yeah you know that's when you know you people like you that's when you know you're loved when people rib you when they give you a hard time you know they they if they didn't give you hard times because they don't care so there you go um so uh rv and mojos uh you wanna hope to meet me and tom or whatever uh best time to be out there in arizona quartzite you know try to try to get out there somehow wherever you you know however you can do it that'd be the place to meet us that's kind of the reason i go out there i go out to hang out with some friends sit around a campfire and make myself available for people that want to come in and say hi you know 68 shelby gt mustang you know gt500 yeah i just like that mach 1 for summary my uncle had a 69 mach 1 and that's why i like them so much i guess but uh let's see shelby cobra yeah um i think this is supposed to be so i drink from a sippy cup sippy cup sippy cup i drink from recipe cup because i'm a big kid now two and a half men okay anyway um uh see if i touched all the things i wanted to touch on i got to do some work on the truck like i said let me walk around i got to adjust the clutch i'm not going to do i'm going to get a mechanic to adjust the clutch um i gotta put new shocks on the front uh uh adjust the clutch um i've got a grease fitting it's a grease zert that goes down up underneath on what they call a throw out bearing on the clutch when you push the clutch in there's a bearing on there that holds the weight of the the clutch or whatever when you pull it out it starts spinning is a bearing in there and it needs grease well on this truck they've got a little plate up here to have a hose going down so you can just stand right here and grease you don't have to crawl up underneath the truck um most trucks don't have that it's an option on some of the nice repeater builds so um anyway the hoses come loose and they can't grease it so i need to get here's the fitting right here it's a little bitty brass fitting and i need to go find there it is that's that's it right there and you see there's on this side on this side that's fine thread on this side it's heavy thread but those threads are worn out and that's where the the hose hooks on to so i need to find that fitting somewhere and uh when i take the truck to the mechanic i already got the shocks there inside the sleeper right now um i gotta do the shocks the the clutch adjustment that fitting um i need to put steer tires on it here probably another couple three four weeks maybe something like that when i feel these are you know as far as i want to push them i'll take them off and put new tires on uh eventually look but they still got some you know they still got tread so they're okay um there's the wear mark right there so i still got quite a ways to go on that these will probably last me through most of the summer uh probably into after early september then i'll put new tires on um let's see what else um eventually i'm going to go up to ari the people that make this sleeper and remember the back of the other truck had a stainless steel quilted stainless steel on the back i'm going to put put that that window up there when it rains really really hard or when they're at the truck wash it'll uh leak so i need to replace or seal that up somehow i think i'm just going to take it out put a patch over the top of it like i did the roof i'm going to patch that up it doesn't leak real bad except in the car truck washes you know when you're really spraying on it it leaks but um just for the most part everything's in pretty good shape on this truck i think um you don't know until you're driving down the road anything breaks and then you oh now that that's broke now you fix it so but uh yeah like i said this vinyl stickers on here look really nice i'm pretty happy with that uh we'll see maybe next year late next year november of 22 um i might take it in and get the whole thing painted it still depends on money and and uh how these vinyl stickers if they start peeling off or something like that you know we'll we'll we'll uh we'll play those cards as we get them so um i think what else um that's about it so we'll uh we'll cut this off i appreciate y'all and and uh let's see my gosh 132 dollars thank you people i appreciate that a lot yeah 132. we've got 200 i saw we had up to 300 people at one time and uh kirk should pay me he does pay me when i work for him their ball tires are bald like stan i once i get this tonight i'll probably go through this video and i'll watch and read all these comments all these ones that i missed i get a kick out of reading oh i didn't see that oh god i forgot to tell them about that so that would have been a good good thing to talk about you know so i just when i'm when i'm talking and everything i i have to con if i read that i'll get all sidetracked and everything so um but yeah here's here's the old stacks and everything some old scrap metal i'm gonna have to get rid of so throw them away um um gotta let the cows back out it's been raining every week or every day or you know several days you know it's getting muddy i don't like the cattle in here when it's muddy because they they tear up they get up underneath the trees and stuff and they start killing and tearing up the grass so when it starts when it's going to be raining a lot i look in the forecast and it's raining i'll i'll close the gate and keep them out once it dries up a little bit i'll let them back up here and they'll graze and mow the yard again so they're all down there by the pond right now the pond's kind of overflowing because we've got a lot of rain around here this spring so so yeah i got a lot of cleaning up that's all the boxes that this the stacks came in um and here's the old stacks it's junk i got to take care of them throw away can't do that when i'm out on a road driving so last three weeks i've been working and driving and everything so um but anyway i got like i said i got work to do i got to put the cameras on i got to do other things to the truck so i better get going and let you all go and i appreciate you watching i'm glad i hope i could answer a lot of the questions you guys have had uh a lot of people when are you gonna get on the road you get on the road i'm thinking myself i've been on the road for three weeks but nobody knows that because i wanted to wait until i had the truck done i don't know why just maybe it's in here i don't know but driving that truck with the yellow stripes i was just like god i hope nobody sees me that's for say it just looks so terrible it it vanity i guess i don't know but uh i don't know that we'll uh now that the truck's done and everything the i'm going to do the review video for monday and then after that probably thursday i'll have a a road video driving this week and uh um but i'm going to be doing these uh del rio eagle pass to fort worth back and forth as long as they last okay because it's it's easy money you know it's it's easy driving easy running and uh uh so yeah that's what i'm gonna do so anyway y'all be good take care and we'll holler at you uh let's see my old lady cooking show you got one comment here have a good one stan you bet you take care um do i put it on the hood no i'm gonna put the hood on them and i don't know where you talk about that all right y'all take care y'all be good bye you
Channel: Sasnak
Views: 6,015
Rating: 4.9542565 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, RV, retirment, life on the road, sightseeing, dash cam, gopro 9, semi, 18wheeler, Trucker, trucking
Id: ejdf6-4ShkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 30sec (5490 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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