610 A new radio, a new product review and a new calf

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hello america how we doing today we are out at the shop and i got a couple things for you uh first off is a couple of videos ago i was in the truck and i found this rcm 3000 here we go the rcm 3000 and i couldn't figure out what it was and so i thought well maybe some of you guys will know you know this little antenna gizmo and everything well i looked it up before i put the video up i looked it up i typed in rcm3000 okay and what it came up with was this it's some kind of uh what do you call it a little circuit board of some type i don't know uh well that's not it that's that's in a black box and everything i couldn't figure out what it was you're not so i thought well do a video find out maybe maybe somebody else would know so put it up online and within just a handful of comments boom found out what it was somebody says okay you read off this number here but if you read off the other number that i read off to you on on on the uh video you know type that whole number in and sure enough it came up it's a car loan so that's exactly what it was it's not a tracking device or anything like that it's a car alarm and uh oh we got calves on oh did uh let me real quick let me show you the uh the calves we uh we got a mama over here and she's over in the other pasture over there's too far for the the gopro but i'll get the other camera zoom in uh we got a new mama and a new a mama and a calf okay so she's over there right now taking care of him her him whatever and it looks like a little bowl calf but i'm not sure and then of course we got the rest of the calves out here mowing the lawn so we got that going for us um in the old bowl of course yeah i took a little bit of video of the bowl he's uh he's uh checking to make sure he's uh his services are needed oh well uh old bulls they only got one thing on their mind right all right so what are we gonna do today we gotta got the uh the car alarm thing you know let you know what that was it's in the trash now so on all i did is just pulled whatever all this wire wrap trap out and i just got my uh my cutters snipped and cut the wire off that was going through the firewall after the firewall i don't know it goes up underneath the cab somewhere i would imagine goes up underneath there to a uh maybe a speaker you know the alarm you know speaker whatever so um so anyway it works it doesn't work the truck works fine without it so all right so what else we got going on um i had in over in one of my cabinets over here i had an old cb radio okay and it actually wasn't a cb it was a conex 3300 so you drivers might know what that is the older drivers might know what conyx 3300 is it's a 10 meter radio works on a 10 meter band okay and if you remember back in january when was out in uh quartzite uh we were out there in the uh i did the video with the guys doing the ham radios and everything they would know all about that 10 meter radio well what what it is if you have a 10 meter radio they would sell it to like cb shops truck stops in places like this and you would buy it and then they would take it and they'd open it up take the cap the the cover off and get in they tinker with the wires somehow and i think they put a resistor in take a resistor out cut a wire snip of this solder that i don't know they did something to it and turned this 10 meter radio into a cb that has side channels okay and what that meant was you have your your original 23 channel radios cvs were 23 channels then they went to 40 channels okay that's what we still have today is 40 channels cb radio citizen band radios and you didn't have to have a lice you don't have to have a license for those okay hence citizen bam okay now uh they're all low power they're three or four watts is all well this connex would put out i think maybe 10 watts or something like that wasn't a powerhouse but it was a little bit stronger than a normal radio it was always off on these other channels that nobody was on really so you could talk a lot farther there was not near as much uh there was nowhere near as much static and and and uh traffic and noise out there okay anyway late at night you go off on these other channels these sidebands and you could hear people like halfway across the country i can remember one time i was in arizona and i was talking well no take it back i was listening i was listening to a guy in cincinnati so yeah uh they would you could really hear what they called skip anyway that's a whole nother thing and it's not what this video is about isn't so much the skip or the cd stuff what this video is about though is drivers need to put a cb in your truck okay and when i wrecked my uh the burgundy truck when i was kind of in a hurry to get out of it because they were it was last day of you know uh day the last day of the week we were getting ready to leave on vacation the next day and i'll grab whatever i could and i forgot to get my cb out so whoever's got the trucks got a brand almost brand new cobra 29 ltd uh radio and that i always like the cobra 29s the cobra 19s are okay but the cobra 29s i i liked them okay um and i was about ready to buy another one of those and i thought oh man i think i got that old connex so i went and looked at it it found it went to mount it and it didn't have the mounting bracket the power cord or the mic didn't have any of that stuff so i was gonna have to order and buy all that stuff and i went on to amazon looked uh instead of going there's not very many cb shops around the country anymore because they're all going out of business because why drivers ain't right or using their cbs anymore so that's what i'm kind of going to try to get across on this video here drivers get cbs and use the dang things okay they'll they make a huge difference okay um the biggest problem is that i see with uh you on facebook and there's all these facebook groups you know trucking facebook group facebook groups and there's this huge thing you're not a real trucker if blah blah blah blah blah okay you're not a real trucker if you haven't done this or have done this or whatever and it's getting kind of ridiculous okay but with the seabees drivers when i first started driving i didn't go to truck driving school there weren't i think there was one truck driving school in the country back then it was down in waco and um there's american truck driving school down there and uh so basically a company would hire you you know drive a truck yep you'd throw in gear you'd go through the gears hey yeah he can drive i didn't know nothing about trucking though i didn't know a dang thing about trucking i knew how to put the thing in gear and get pointed down the road and i learned as i went school of hard knocks and this was my teacher cb i learned so much from the other driver the senior drivers back in 87 i was a rookie i didn't know a dang thing but these drivers have been out there 20 30 years they did and i learned all this stuff from them okay i learned how to be a truck driver i didn't learn how to pass a cdl test there was no cdls back then but you get the idea back then it was a class a driver chauffeur's license okay but um nowadays these truck driving schools from what i gather and i actually was a trainer for a while and that's where most of this stuff went um they don't teach drivers how to drive a truck they don't teach them anything about trucking okay how to be a truck driver they teach them how to pass the cdl driving test and that's about it okay then they put them with a trainer trainer tries his best to teach him a little bit in you know four or five six weeks and then they give them the keys and say there there you go well i guess maybe that's a little bit better than the way i did it they i didn't know any i could get the thing in gear and drive it down the road and they here's the keys go to pennsylvania i'm like oh okay anyway so um in a way maybe truck driving schools aren't aren't too bad but to me they don't teach them enough okay and then the problem is once they get out of the truck they don't have a teacher all these all this wealth of knowledge from these senior drivers they don't have they don't ask for they don't ask any of the and i didn't really ask for information just driving down the road you had your cb on and you heard these other guys talking and you heard and learned from them don't do this do this do that don't do that trucker etiquette okay before i was a driver i didn't know you're driving down the interstate in the right-hand lane and there's a car on the shoulder as you come up to if there's nobody behind the next lane move over so you're not going by somebody this far away at 70 mile an hour you're going by a whole lane away you're 15 feet away now things like that people don't realize that stuff they don't know that stuff you know once you become a driver other drivers talk about that stuff i'm driving down the highway and i don't move over the driver behind me a half a mile a quarter mile behind me sees that damn flatbed why don't you get over for them car then people are out there trying to change that tire and he just blew their hats off okay you know oh okay well i learned because of what that driver told us you know what he scolded me so to say so anyway um i got uh i'm gonna put a cb in uh now this is a texas ranger um texas ranger elite it's a it's a regular cb radio it's not like the other one over there that's a 10 meter radio that's been adjusted to be a cv this is an actual cb and uh brand spanking new and it's got all the cord you know the power cord the the mounting bracket the mic it's got all that stuff that i would have had to pay probably about oh i don't know 40 or 50 bucks for all that stuff if i'd ordered it um and this one comes with it so you know for a little bit more money i got a brand new radio and here it is it's a con i mean a ranger now right here is the uh meter shows you your power meter how much you know your as you talk the the squelch and all that kind of stuff over here is the channel changer okay you know the meat or the channel readout i should say here's a channel changer here's some buttons that i won't go into right now but this little thing right here is called a frequency counter a free a freak counter now there you go maybe that's the title of this video freak counter talk about uh um what do they call it uh oh what's that word um uh clickbait talk about clickbait maybe i'll call this the free freak counter video anyway that's called a freak counter or frequency counter okay you don't have to have it it's just a nice idea to have but what i always heard years ago these were really good radios so um like i said i've always used cobra 29s but i'm gonna try this one okay so that's this hopefully this will be my last radio and um so with that got that radio uh talked about what else was gonna talk about uh i got the the uh um oh i know i know what it was these drivers don't have cbs anymore okay a lot of new drivers and shall we poke fun at the millennials yeah anyway the uh these young drivers that are getting out there on the road they go down the highway they don't even own a cv they don't have one well i don't need a cv because i've got my cell phone and my cell phone will tell me everything you know sure the cell phone will tell you a lot of stuff you can go on to google maps and stuff you can see traffic patterns and you know traffic back up here so go that way or go that way the thing is if you don't know to be asking for it you're driving along an open highway somewhere you're in the middle of rural illinois you're driving along and all sudden traffic slows down you slow down get behind and you sit in traffic a traffic back up for five miles when you could have had your cb on three miles back there's an exit the driver going the other way could have warned you and say hey there's a big big traffic accident or tie-up road construction or something up ahead and you get on the map and start looking hey i can get off at this exit go over a mile and run parallel to the freeway and go around it okay so that's where your cb comes in real handy that's a convenience handy where it really comes in handy is where it saves your life okay yeah i'm getting a little dramatic here but i know i started noticing this last year a year and a half ago okay january and it was in january maybe february of 2020 okay i'm on uh on the internet and you're hearing seeing all these uh stories about this huge accident up in wyoming 100 truck pileup in wyoming oh my god 100 trucks piled up and that's not counting the cars that's just the semis they're up there driving along in a snowstorm somebody slicked around got sideways on the road another truck crashed now the highway is blocked drivers are coming along now in the old days the first driver to come along probably wouldn't know a thing about it he's driving like whoa he crashes into it but before too long we're talking within minutes the trucks going the other way are seeing this and they're driving along going down the road man what's going on over there and they pick the mic up and they holler hey westbound westbound back her down back her down you got her accident right up ahead of you back her down from then on all the rest of those trucks can get slowed down now the cars don't know a thing about it but the trucks are slowing down and it slows the traffic down so instead of doing 50 mile an hour on slick roads they slow down to 20 and you know 30 then 20 to 10 miler and they come up gently on this accident and they don't go running and crashing into the other guys okay therefore killing people okay that was a big accident and then later on in february or march or something like that there was another huge accident i can't remember where i i want to say virginia or someplace got another big huge accident you know 50 truck pileup then nothing for the summer and then this winter this winter we had i think like five huge accidents one was right here in fort worth highway horror a fedex truck slams into a 100 car pileup in fort worth look again the driver can't stop this is the crash from another angle car after car crashed into each other on i-35 which is coated in a slick sheet of ice that made driving so treacherous witnesses are shocked helpless to do anything oh he's going to crash into them daylight brought stunning images of the twisted wreckage some motorists found themselves still trapped in the cars at least five people were killed and many injured in what was called a mass casualty event roads were slick icy driving along a car a couple of cars get out of whack boom boom driver sees oh slams on the brakes this truck gets all sideways blocks the highway here comes another 15 20 30 trucks piling into him why because they weren't on the radio listening in bad weather okay now you might know i have radio on all the time but have it so when you're in bad weather when it's foggy when it's raining real hard when it's snowing ice turn the radio on to find out what's going on up ahead you might you might save yourself from driving past let's just pick wyoming again you're up there and i i uh on i-80 coming through cheyenne and then eventually laramie you leave laramie and you're going up toward elk mountain which is not a real high mountain but they get a tons of really strong wind up there and blows trucks off the side of the road and they shut the freeway down a lot so you're driving along and you hear about all these accidents okay maybe they haven't shut the freeway down but you're pulling in this you're getting ready to drive into some really nasty stuff if you have your radio on you'll be hearing the other drivers coming the other way warning you about it you can safely pull off into laramie into one of the truck stops and wait it out where you have food you have shower you have you know toiletries and all that no these idiots with no radio they drive rattling up there freeway shuts down everything and they're sitting out in the middle of nowhere freezing their butt off with no food no water no no nothing okay because they weren't listening to the radio so i'm okay that's enough of me harping on that but that's why drivers ought to have a cb you have a tool use it okay so all right the next thing just real quick i want to show you something that just came in uh when i had the accident back almost two years ago now when i had that accident my dash cam was suction had a suction cup mount to the windshield well the impact was so hard that it smashed it up and broke it in half and everything the chip was still good but the box the the the framework was cracked and broke open so i threw that away it was junk and back in november when i took off went to st louis to pick this truck up uh i got on amazon i ordered me a new dash cam so i ordered this one okay it's a road let's see here right there nip that's too good there we go i'm working on i'm trying i'll take a good picture of this but anyway rove r2k uh dash cam and i saw some reviews and so it was pretty good it's a 4k you know and uh high resolution and everything well i bought it and didn't open i just bought it threw it the passenger seat of the truck and left it until here about two or three weeks ago uh i was in there trying to mount the thing up trying to learn how to use it get it get it ready to go and i plugged it in and it came on and went and shut back down hmm so i looked around trying to figure out what was wrong with it i scratched my head a little bit i read the manual and found you know troubleshooting ah troubleshooting says there's a reset button on here where's it at okay right there little bitty hole right there see it a little binky hole you take a paper clip and you stick it in it's almost like on your iphone or something to get the sim card out you plug you push a a paper clip in there and it resets the thing well i did exactly what it said read the instructions it says turn it on do this whatever push that in turn it back off whatever the process was and i followed it to a t and it wouldn't turn on and i messed with a little bit more next next thing i know i look took a camera looked in there and the thing is broke the little reset buttons broke it's junk it's it's total junk so i went to going to return it well i bought it in november and it's like a 30-day return or not a three-month return or whatever it just went past about two weeks passed and i couldn't return the damn thing so anyway that right there is junk that means this piece of crap to me anyway so a friend of mine tom hobo tech he's been doing all those reviews you know he came across last year he did about a year ago he did a review on a um uh bland motum a land moto night vision device now when i think of night vision device i think of the military the other the the navy seals or something going in they got the little the helmet with the goggles that come down night vision goggles uh that's not what this is okay it's a camera that is extremely sensitive to light okay it works fine just like normal camera during the day but at night these things are almost worthless at night i mean you can see taillights and you see headlights in a city with a lot of street lights and everything or full moon you can see a little bit it it picks it up but it's still basically just a hot spot right in front where the headlights are and a couple lines for the you know the highway painted lines and that's about it you can't see a lot with these so if there's an accident at night this footage is pretty much worthless because you just it's so dark okay i saw him reviewing this thing oh man that'd be great so i called him up i said when you're done reviewing that i'd like to buy that from you and he goes oh well uh well he was sitting there telling me about it and i said yeah what kind of a you know does it take an sd card or something like that he goes no it doesn't take a card it's not a recording device it's not a recording device what then why would they have or what's the point well apparently you set it on the dash when it's get all nasty and foggy or dirt you know you know you can't see you watch this little screen on your dash oh yeah that's safe now let's not do that but i thought man that would be a great dash cam but it doesn't record i talked to i was talking to tom about three weeks ago well on uh anyway i was talking to tom and he said hey they came out with a new one a while back and it records he said call them and they will send you one and i can review it so we're going to open this up real quick i'm just going to do a real quick unboxing because i haven't even opened it yet got it yesterday and i'm going to do a review on this after i've played with it a little bit okay i've got to play with it first to find out what you know all the uh ins and outs about it but uh come on get out there anyway i sent an email and hey i would i'd like to do a review on one of your products and everything and we'll see how good this thing is and they sent me back a message and said yes we would love to have you do a review of our product so here it is in the uh plastic off here here's what the box looks like land mode it's about the size of a rear view mirror so it's actually a pretty large screen and yeah now the wind's gonna pick it come on get out of here this is me i just opened this first time i've seen it now this is not the video this is just i'm going to show you what i'm going to be doing here you know in a few weeks i've sent an sd card and everything wow so it's got a 128 gig sd card wow it's got a card reader that you plug this thing into a usb you see this right here that's pretty cool so i got that now this is the device right here let's pull that out here we're we get missing like i said it's about the size of a rear view mirror i mean that's that's my hand i mean a whole lot bigger than this little gizmo look at the difference on these that's the difference it's ridiculous isn't it so anyway i'm going to test this thing out here's the camera on the back and somehow this thing does light amplification um there's like in the military there's two different kinds of uh light amplification uh like i said it was in the military i was in m1 tanks and the driver station had a light amplification which is what this is okay what it does it takes whatever lights out there starlight moonlight you know headlights whatever lights out there and it it enhances it okay and then you have your heat signature uh uh uh heat vision uh oh can i think of the right way to phrase that but anyways it works off heat signatures so my body is warmer than that ladder back there okay my my hand is warmer than than this device uh the engine on the truck or a vehicle or whatever glows because it's hot so when you see those kind of images where the person or the engine or the exhaust pipe or things like that are really glowing red heart that is a heat a heat magnifying device okay whereas this is a light amplifying device so anyway i'm going to read up more and more about it that's just something that's going to be coming in a few weeks i want to told him i wanted to take it out and drive it down the highway and try it at night because that's the big thing it's night vision and i'm hoping it'll work just like a regular dash cam during the day but at night it'll be leaps and bounds better than this thing okay and normal so if it works if it works the way i'm hoping it will uh i'll get you a uh what do you call them a uh a discount code and all that kind of stuff so you can order your own if you want all right so with that that's enough that's what i wanted to talk about today was uh seabees use them they're your tool their friend the idiot on the other end of it might not be a friend he might be a fool but still use have a cb in your truck they're they're very very useful uh when you pull into a truck stop and that guy's hollering and screaming about you know just being a jackass on the radio just turn it off then okay but when you're driving down the highway have the radio on so you can hear the you know whatever whatever problem might be down the highway somewhere so with that good enough see y'all later take care and uh uh i guess i'm gonna have to get busy mounting this cb up for now so take care ciao you
Channel: Sasnak
Views: 6,166
Rating: 4.9351702 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, RV, retirment, life on the road, sightseeing, dash cam, gopro 9, semi, 18wheeler, Trucker, trucking
Id: w5gxf22z7_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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