Take A Ride With Me In My 1988 Freightliner FLC, I Started Heavy Haul Trucking At 21 Years Old

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i grew up you know being taught that the world owes you nothing you know whatever whatever you come into this life with is whatever you're gonna live with unless you work for more [Music] so the way we'll do our picture is what's going on mother truckers welcome to the asian my show we are with jordan skye you know with jocelyn transport how are you doing today good how are you we're doing great right you know so far everybody wants to know who you are you know how did you get into trucking and this beautiful truck right here that i could tell you have a lot of pride in uh so you know first off let's uh introduce yourself uh my name's like you said jordan skye i'm uh 24 years old i uh i mean i guess unlike most people i didn't really come from a trucking family i'm uh i guess i would be the first generation really i grew up you know my dad was a gear head and whatnot and i always had an interest in the mechanics but i didn't really go that direction at first i actually started out in the medical field i was a um ophthalmology assistant for five years what does that mean does that mean you could read minds no ophthalmologist is eye doctor so like i was kind of like the nurse and the eye doctors so yeah i did that for five years um and then you know like 40 hour work weeks are nice but for me when i came into trucking um i know it sounds kind of bad but like i saw dollar signs i was like you know okay this is this is really a chance where you can you know you can get in you can make a lot of money um it seems like more than an honest living um where was your first introduction to this so my first introduction was scrap hauling um there was a guy that i was you know kind of finding drivers for at the time we were uh calling for padnos and uh he was kind of short on help and he's like you know how do you feel about getting in the truck and i was like oh no you know i can't even i can't even drive a stick shift car there's no way there's no way i'm doing it and uh he's like well just you know give it a shot go get your permit you know see how you like it and i did and um i started out on a driver's permit with you know one of the other guys the hull scrap for him and after about the first week i kind of kind of grasped the hang of it at least to shift in and get around and whatnot and uh yeah by the end of the month i was in a truck and i was i was hauling full-time for him so wait up so wait up and how many gears was that truck uh that was an 18 speed it was it was a 2004 peterbilt and we uh it was heavy hull scraps so we were hauling like 100 130 000 pound trailers you went from not knowing how to drive a manual transmission car yeah to if you guys aren't getting motivation from this man or woman i don't care who you are if you think you can't do this and how old were you when you you got into this i was 21. 21. yep so you've been doing it three years now um yeah yep i uh i spent it was a couple of months in the scrap hauling business and then i actually went straight to tankers um and i was hauling milk tankers and then after that um i got into super eights so i was hauling eight axle milk tankers for the last year and a half shee yeah you go those are even heavier those are you know they they scale like the 164 range so that's what's up that's what's up though i love it i love it you know um this beautiful truck what what is this ride right here can you tell people can you walk us through yeah this is a 1988 freightliner flc with the b model cat in it it's got a 10 speed in it right now it had a 9 speed direct and chris had to swap that out for us because it just wouldn't cut it on the highway but she does just fine now we uh we hit the flower trailers you know just like you saw in the other videos with our guys and she hauls them down the road all day long does really good for us and makes me some good money hey i love it and what kind of engine is under this hood it's uh it's the bee model cat really can we take a look yeah let's take a look look at that you know it's kind of just an old farm truck before now um chris picked it up obviously it's still got the cornstalk paint scheme and tractors and but like i said it's it's honest it's making work every day i love it i love it i love it you know and you know for for all the people that you know feel discouraged you know and feel like they can't do this you know any any advice for those people i mean i would say me being me you know like you know you heard the just of it i started out not knowing anything about trucks you know trucking in general and you know i think if you as long as you put your mind to it you're going in for the right reasons and even me you know i wasn't at first you don't go into trucking for money um you know like there's definitely money to be made but you have to have a passion for it and i didn't even know that it was there when i started and luckily it was but i think as long as you have that passion and that drive and you know you're honest and you're ready to to work hard you can you can really do anything you know you just got to stay dedicated and and uh keep your goals in mind i love it i love it and non-flex but you see this beautiful truck right here that's hers too yeah i mean at 24 years old yeah you're doing it i'm trying to as best i can you know um you know we'll talk in the cab uh about you know how long you're on the road and this and that yeah to really get a feel and maybe some more advice but you know i appreciate it so much can we hear what this baby sounds like yeah of course got the old push start button push start yeah so you uh turn the ignition key over give it a second and then this button right here wires are right up look at that i'm telling you i'm i i am really impressed you know uh i'd love to see the next generation just do well and hard working because everybody in their mama now wants to be a tick tocker and a youtuber yeah someone actually wants to go out there boots um no no judgment though because these are brand new i just i'm breaking these ones in still no one's thinking that at all but yeah i know look at that i love it and i love it yeah maybe it could be i'd hate to ask but can we go on them just a little lighter of course we can't appreciate you so all right you're pretty cool so what do i do i just hop in the other side appreciate it all set yeah let's go all right all right jordan skye yes when we say we're trucking what are we talking about you're on the road for a few hours a day you're on the road a week at a time what do you mean when you say we're trucking uh yeah i usually do about two weeks out i'll stay two weeks out and then i'll go home for uh for two three days two or three days yep so you're really out here trucking yeah no every every day you spend at home you're losing money you know it's great to go home and it's great to be home it's i mean it's kind of a constant battle when you're at home you're thinking of the road when you're thinking of the road you know you're out here really getting it yeah trying to you know i tell you i tell you i i'm still i'm so happy to hear that um you know so any advice for people that are jumping on uh they're new they don't have anyone in their family either they're watching your video they're they want to learn a little bit something what's some good tips for them with your three to four years experience now going into this um well like i said you know it can be scary for anyone whether you know whether you're 30 years old or you're 20 years old or you know you're male or female it doesn't matter um trucking is intimidating it's it's a whole different uh you know whole different dynamic and you're just you're completely out of your helmet when you first come into it no matter you know no matter if you're new at your old you just got to keep in mind you know like i said if you you have you know a good amount of dedication and you have goals and you know you're focused you can really you can really make anything happen you know you just gotta not get discouraged everybody messes up everybody has tough days you know there's there's been countless days where i really just sat there and like man maybe i'm not cut out for this you know like this isn't this isn't for me i'm way over my head but um you know you gotta you're allowed to have those moments but just if you do after you're done regroup you know calm down really focus on what you want you know what if it's still still a passion and interest to yours don't don't ever give it up you know everybody's everybody's gonna fail everybody's gonna falter and you know you just gotta keep keep strong and keep dedicated and keep plugging for a person that says they don't like being on video damn i'm getting the motivation right now people you ain't getting no motivation i don't know where you're at i love it no that's great i i really do you know and i love just how goal-oriented you are so 24 years old where the hell do you see yourself in the next five six years when you're when jordan skye is 30 years old where do you see yourself uh you know i i would like to see myself spending a little less time on the road by then i definitely don't think i'll ever get completely out of trucking you know i i have a truck of mine my own that i just bought nothing special but it's a k-100 cab over and i have some pretty pretty big dreams on restoring that so hopefully you know if by 30 that'll be done and i'll be toasting around to shows with it okay i'll tell you look at this we ain't playing around people so no air ride suspension we've just got uh spring ride right now so that's a little rough so you you're really sharking out here yeah this real truck this is the closest i think you know that was that was a big thing for me you know like coming from mill calling and scrap hauling and whatnot i uh we drove pretty new equipment you know 2020s and whatnot and it was it was cool and it was good and um it was a good time and a lot of people when i when i stepped into this and in the into the flc they were like you know why why would you do that you know you were already there you were in in that brand new equipment and you know running what everybody would consider to be nice stuff and uh this is i think realistically the closest to uh old not definitely a available curveball i like being challenged and it's done that for me hell yeah that's what's up i love it i love it you know and i really appreciate you just for spending some time with us a lot of people say this is no disrespect and tell me if you've heard this yourself but your generation yeah they want things handed to them they want the easy route and when they do have something they they feel like they deserve it yeah you know what are your thoughts about that honestly uh i grew up you know being taught that the world owes you nothing you know whatever whatever you come into this life with is whatever you're going to leave with unless you work for more and uh that's you know that's that's my opinion on you know this generation they are entitled and it's unfortunate i don't know you know how we got to that point or why we got to that point you know there are a lot of good good kids out there you know still to this day that that grew up with those old-fashioned values and and whatnot but you you know all this easy money out here it all comes at a price you know the the tick tock and you know everything else like damn youtubers young youtubers um you know everything it all comes at a price you know and you you know if that's if that's your price you know awesome like if that's what you know you want to be involved in and you know that's that's your own thing but you uh i mean don't get me wrong at some points i'm kind of envious you know to be to be able to do especially you know to be able to do like what you do and whatnot like that's that's got to be fun it's got to be you know everything's a job yeah but an interesting lifestyle but yeah i just you know like i uh i guess in in my in my mind in the way that i grew up unless she worked working it's not really yours and you know that was that was always the mentality that i had and always the mentality i kept and i uh i'd like to see a lot more people you know a lot more young people get out there and really i guess experience what it's like to have to bust ass for it yes you want to shout out anyone is there anyone in your life or people in your life the team anybody that really helped you get to where you are now um i would say you know my dad for instilling the values of me that he did you know i wouldn't be half the person that i am if it wasn't for him i probably would have quit long before now you know if i didn't hear that that voice in my head uh telling me like hey you know you got to get up and do it every day regardless you know you don't have anybody to prove a deal but yourself but you got to get up and prove it to you know get through but um you know aside from that the people that really inspired me in trucking um you know just everybody everybody when i came into it you know my from my first boss to my co-workers and no calling and whatnot everybody everybody taught me something along the way and um i know that i wouldn't be half the not that i'm a great driver or anything but you know not definitely not the best but you know you're not using the clutch this whole time yeah yeah no we don't we don't use those you know opening that's it i'm just letting you guys know she's been floating the gears this whole time okay people i tell you you got the old school heart girl 24 years old man uh i appreciate you i really do uh i i really wish you the best thank you i i want you to have everything you want in this world and i know that when you do have it that you've earned every penny thank you so that's great yeah that's awesome definitely the goal there at least at least it was for me well you know i appreciate you being here thank you we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams bye
Channel: The Asian Mai Show - Official Trucking Channel
Views: 527,798
Rating: 4.9137087 out of 5
Keywords: trucker, truck driver, lease operator, owner operator, freightliner flc, cdl, how to get your cdl, how to finance a semi truck, truck driver life
Id: ICr_faSiX0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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