6.1 Fixes ARR | FFXIV Patch Highlights from New Players

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RIP thousand cells of proto-rak. The new version is infinitely less of a chore for sure.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DranDran 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Essentially, multiple dungeons got reworked to have different layouts and mechanics. Especially with Castrum and Praetorium. Also, Ultima and Lahabrea are actual fights with mechanics now.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/HUSK3RGAM3R 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
oh hey look we have patch notes for 6.1 let's see what's in here okay that looks cool oh nice i won't be permadeath when i fall anymore that's pretty cool [Music] [Music] well kyle we've been playing consistently since november and now we are here for our first big final fantasy 14 patch and you might be out there thinking wait a minute i've watched you a holes you're you've got to storm blood and now you're on a msq vacation doing warring triad and other awesome things from heaven's ward that's not required for msq but what do you have to say about 6.1 and that's where i would go that's what's cool about this there's a lot of changes coming to 6.1 that are not end game specific there's a lot of quality of life updates a lot of new coats of paint being put on some really old parts of final fantasy xiv and just there's a lot of things changing for new players and and players like us who are currently leveling so today we thought it would be fun to give two sprouts impressions on patch 6.1 and that's exactly what's gonna be happening if you didn't know that's us we're the sprouts the realm reborn has been reborn again welcome to final fantasy 14 a real reborn reborn reborn reborn that all the dungeons have been spruced up in some way the msq dungeons there's brand new ai party members we're going to talk about all that include the beefy beefy final dungeons that come with a realm reborn so spoiler alert for 2.0 and it's final moments to kick things off little spoiler light we're gonna talk about the new duty support system which basically means you can play through a realm reborn truly solo and you went and tried this out kyle right you gave the our new ai companions for a realm were born a little test run i did it's very chill it's very quiet naturally they follow your lead you have to assign all the pools but the tank gets right on in there starts grabbing a hold of everything you may get a little slapped to the face but nothing dramatic they're they're snappy and they participate in all the mechanics which throughout all these msq dungeons have been spruced up to match the mechanics you will see later in game including the visuals you'll see through things like heavensward and beyond so it's a fabulous learning experience seeing all the ai participate in those activities i tried out healing which early dungeon there's not a lot of healing to do i think this is now the best way to learn a damage class as opposed to something like even palace of the dead this is just so calm and lets you really lead the way and for tanking i think it'd be a fabulous tool i believe if any team could figure it out it would be the devs behind final fantasy 14 but i have to imagine like teaching ai to like pull like when to pull how to pull when it's appropriate to pull that'd be that'd be some hella code yeah and you'd be right back in the old feeling of the previous duty finder racing to catch up as ai take the lead so here you are very much in control get to see the sights get to look at the boss before you pull watch your abilities set your own pace it's an extremely welcoming thing for any new player to do that's rad i think it's something i would have liked when i first started playing at this point i i really like the social experience i'm having a really good time uh like i can really only conjure from memory one somewhat negative social experience i had in a dungeon run i'd like it as it is but it would have been nice to have this as an option when i first got started so i think this is a really nice addition and i have a lot of friends that are put off by what they see as like forced socialization through the way things used to work which is you you start your game in final fantasy 14 you play it essentially it's a solo game where people wearing amazing outfits hang out in hub cities but then suddenly you're like oh no i have to go to a dungeon and it has to be with real people i'm afraid and i have quite a few friends like that so i think they're gonna really enjoy this and if nothing else there's just one more piece that like fits into this cornucopia that makes final fantasy 14 feel like such a complete package i really like it a lot seems like a good addition that gauntlet that you hit right where sastasha tamtara deepcroft and copperbell minds just hit you back to back to back i'm sure the devs have data on that and the fall off that happens with players afraid to interact the community's been awesome and i love getting to learn alongside them i thought it was such an amazing opportunity to meet and greet that community but uh if if this is your cup this is gonna work just fine well let's talk about the thing i was the most curious about and i think a little bit you were too the revamped dungeons and when i say revamped dungeons i also mean revamped raids that have become now dungeons or trials a lot of changes tons of changes and the main through line here is just readability you are going to learn all of those group up and tank busters and spread out mechanics through the basic dungeons we've played through this game recently and a lot of these don't even get seen until nidhogg that's like that's how far in you experience your first indicators we ran together thousand maws castrum praetorium and ultima weapon and there's indicators all over those dungeons and trials so many of the boss fights bring in those those universal indicators so uh thousand miles of todorak how do they word it here in the in the notes just a certain it talks about certain mechanics and extensive changes to general progression kyle um hello this should be shown under the definition of underselling it's like you you got rid of the slow pools you got rid of the random spider walls that would pop up and block people out and have to be destroyed you got rid of the maze that made you get lost in there the part where you had to go grab the orbs or something to summon the plant bosses they're just there already like what a streamline yeah i because i i've ran it a couple of times it's not a thousand miles is not really seared in my memory so i'm really glad i ran it with you because you you seem to remember it better or maybe i don't know did you study up before this be honest no i'm just a i just like the duty roulette for healing so that's my evening activity i've seen it a lot all right cool guys well i'm glad it was a treat to run away with you because you were like oh look at the grass on the ground and the slow poles are gone and all this stuff all i remember is like doing this the first time as a summoner and obviously following a tank that knew what they were doing knew where they were going and not really thinking much of it having a good old time like it seemed a little slow because of literal slowing elements and whatnot but didn't have to think about it too bad then you know i start heaven's ward and if you've been following the channel along you know that once i started heaven's ward i made a big swap over to dark knight and taught myself out of tank and i spent a lot of time in duty roulette and oh my god the first time i got in thousand miles of total rack i was so lost and it was really early on i think it was literally day one of me learning how to tank in ff14 it filled me with a great sense of anxiety because i had no idea where i was going it's a cute idea the old rpg elements of a maze-like atmosphere and an actual temple that you're making way through this was a ported-in 1.0 dungeon that has now been completely modernized and it looks great it has some great sunbeams you really kind of feel the line of this forest temple decaying as you get deeper in and it's taken over by spiders this was the first thing we did on stream this week and i was really impressed i was just like damn look at this thing we haven't even gotten the visual update yet the game wide one right where they're gonna be making a big pass on how lighting and everything functions i can't wait to see what it looks like there it was good it was good stuff but the dungeon improvement doesn't stop there because uh castrum is now a dungeon and uh also boy i guess it got a peloton or something cause castrum cut weight like a champ oh did it man what a streamline it was so clean it was personal and that's what really impressed me about castrum and praetorium is i felt like i was doing these things not running to catch up with people participating in cutscenes that i was watching for the first time i was there for the first time and again there's tons of visual mechanics that you're participating in and some of them are really really fun in particular the final boss of castrum huge upgrade for what is a story moment that's a proper dance yeah i um listen i i i i know you know me greatest mmo player on earth never make a mistake i actually got hit by some things in that fight i actually died you three you did you did and i who i switched off because we had some lovely community members who were like well tank will heal you guys take a take a day off go do some damage and i was there on a summoner kyle not resurrecting you we all we all have to pay our dues at the end of the day but no more ramp things no more cannon things no more side mechanics that you wouldn't know just walking into it just a great bit of story that really really adds to the climax and as you head towards praetorium which is now from that eight man down to a four man oh do you feel this just really you're there you're the insurgent and not racing to catch up or or panicking to hit the button in order to get downstairs fast enough so the ads don't kill you i hadn't thought about i mean there's still buttons to hit right but was there one pack of trash what like two dudes standing there yeah it was it was super manageable i really thinking back on it now and trying to think of it through the lens of what if this was my first time running through there i think it is just an infinite improvement i did like some of the old you know mid-dungeon cinematics that took place but in in the grand scheme of things like thinking about the reality of where this exists exists in a game and in a game system where old content is still relevant for players that have been here since the beginning and knowing that you're going to have that mix there's always going to be those new players coming up through that get thrown in with someone who's done doing it for like their 70th time and i think this is a really good middle ground and the fights are way better first of all they're not over immediately which is which is important but they have meaningful mechanics that i think are teaching you the game like if i had done these fights before we went and fought nidhogg i think we would have died at least one time less if not more absolutely the arrival of the first boss was changed the streamlining that happened throughout getting to the magitek armor and just how short that was we calculated this to be about 15 to 20 minutes shorter than its previous version it still has some problems like the nero family call argument with sid is still long and really really girthy it lost momentum there that's really my only complaint is there was such strength moving through the facility and then we had to listen to them bicker on the phone but the fight the nero fight was vastly improved and again way more interesting i am right there with you on on nero that that's where i was i was suddenly aware i was like oh and like i get it this is why people are meaning in the chat because up until that point i'm like yeah coming at a cast room you have such momentum it felt like to me did it feel like that way to you oh yeah running from classroom interpretorium like it's just you're just going and you're like look at this you're going to have such a good clip obviously new players this will just be the experience but looking at it here on patch day they're really i just keep thinking about that that sense of momentum and then the non-voice acted nero scene happens you're like okay it's time to check my inbox see what people are talking about on twitter maybe make a sandwich you hit the elevator with gaius and i'm all for it i think that speech is phenomenal in japanese i think that it has a lot of energy he goes super saiyan that fight is really cool now and there's a lot of dodging mechanics he feels like a proper end game boss yeah i i will say i think the elevator scene goes feels long again it's better because it's voice acted uh and i love gaius i do think it could be cut down a little bit but it this is this is me splitting hairs like for the fact that we're sitting here talking about it like that's really i think the only reason i'm i'm thinking about it if you had to leave something in whole hog i'm glad it was that because gaius is the best maybe i'd like maybe i just need to switch it over to japanese maybe that would fix it for me kyle it does help but really what if hear me out you walk on the elevator little pop-up comes up we highly recommend you watch this next scene in japanese would you like to change that'd be nice plus it's a tiny bit shorter i was done with my cut scene before you didn't matter because you sold the weight for you i did have to wait for you on the other side is is there a universe where this is but the first improvement can we take the nero phone call and make it happen while we're playing while we're walking can we push the gaia's elevator scene on top of a building perhaps and we see him make that speech before he walks into the praetorium and then we just cut that out it's just the only reason i complain is because the energy in the room moving after the first boss of praetorium felt so good it felt so awesome to be in there like we were winning the day my defensive of it is that if you have to make a call on the replayability for the season players or the first time experience for new msq players i think the better call is to wait it towards that new player experience make sure that they get a solid impactful story experience which i'm not saying that that was the the end or that they were weighing but it does to me looking at it that's kind of what we're having that's where our discussion is going is like we're talking about it from our experience now as people have already played it and we were enjoying those boss fights and so there's a sense of there's a there's a selfish part of me that goes can we make these a little shorter because these boss fights are actually like legitimately fun and i want to be stoked when i see this come up in the roulette but at the same time then i think about kristen's playing now katie's playing now their first time's through and i'm like i'm glad they're going to see that play out in in full speed maybe not the nero scene but the guys elevator now we're gonna talk about ultima weapon which is the biggest standout here really thousand maws was already a dungeon was already a four man but greatly improved castrum and pretorium greatly improved as well as now four man's down from eight ultima weapon now is straight up a trial so pretorium is now in three pieces with pretorium ultima weapon and then a single per single-player quest experience essentially but now ultimate weapon has been moved into it's been trialified it's the trialfication of ultima weapon is what we're going to talk about here again what can you say but clean with four people gone you get to experience this battle and it is more dynamic it has all those modern indicators and mechanics inside of it and it feels like an epic moment where you throw down and getting to play this as dps it was just so meaningful to see my hits move the bar i was there participating in this final climactic moment to me this hit on like a really personal level because our experience going through the msq and just like truly getting our bearings as final fantasy 14 players alongside the community because of the folks that are a part of our youtube channel now like our community you you folks down there in the comments like it's it's not just a ploy to for the almighty algorithm like it's awesome to read your comments and a big part of this experience has been like the suggestion over and over again that hey when you go and do the non-required aroma-borne content the non-required when i say required i mean non-msq content from rumbleborn from heaven's war which are things we've been doing lately is checking back in on that stuff before we move on to storm blood over and over time and time again we are suggested do it on midnight level everyone basically kind of says something along the lines of it's harder but it's not hard the fights are going to last longer you're going to actually get to see the mechanics you're going to get a better fight experience and with castrum and praetorium and now what they've done here by you know segmenting ultima weapon out of praetorium being its own trial what they've done with all of these boss fights i think is find that happy medium where it feels a little bit more like going into something on mid-eye level while still to me these do still seem like things that for the most part you're gonna clear on your first try but they're not gonna be super fast they're not gonna be over before you can blink and you're gonna actually get to feel like you accomplished something because you are gonna have to dodge you're going to have to do mechanics or you're gonna die all these changes that we're talking about here with with thousand mods caster praetorium just this this modernization it is a bit of a streamline but i also feel it is a way to bring this this content into the modern feeling of final fantasy xiv and it's like i feel it's almost capped off by by cape westwind because that was a memeable i mean it was an actual community meme everyone talks up cape west wind and then you get through it you're like whoa wait that was it it just feels like the cherry on top of everything we just talked about in terms of improving the roamer born experience it's the beginning of the end you're facing down the final team of bad guys and you would queue longer than the fight was and the mechanics simply didn't matter with the passage of time so now it's an independent trial you go in there 1v1 part of your story and that will be that for cape westwind now for the purposes of the wall of trials we're gonna go ahead and like cement that legacy style so everyone remembers just how bad it was bomb of the barrel for us all to enjoy uh a a touchstone we'll remember it as it was fondly interestingly enough this now means that your first eight-man trial is actually after a roamer born proper in the patches with thorn march good king moogle is your first exposure to that many spell effects and frankly good king mughal is already complete chaos so hey i think it works it's definitely an upgrade from cape westwind you know while i don't think it's a bombshell addition in terms of like looking at this patch as a whole but i find adventurer plates just charming as hell i don't want to say insignificant because it doesn't feel that way because it is so full featured but it is like such a tiny piece of the overall final fantasy 14 product but dude i spent like 15 minutes messing with this and and and i was speeding because we were on stream and i wanted to get to like playing things i'm gonna go back in and tweak with this more like i i'm so surprised by how much functionality this thing has how much customization you can apply to your adventurer plate it's just a nice bit of decoration of that customization that makes final fantasy feel more lived in again and getting to let people know immediately when you're meeting them what activities you like what your schedule might be whether or not your butt's gonna be the primary part of the picture if it's gonna be your face uh plus these also move on to be your pvp portraits too so just just some nice flavoring for the world and one more thing to play with yes pvp which has new additions and we had our first pvp experience kyle it was an interesting new player experience all the abilities are different the map's entirely new the place was packed which is a huge moment for pvp in final fantasy 14 as it has been largely ignored as kind of the community feel on it there's lots of wind training so there's all kinds of weird restrictions you can't go in as a party or there's tons of menus and things to figure out this is not just a drop in for fun kind of thing we gotta do a lot of learning before we try this again i feel a sense of a lot of homework to be done to get a lot out of pvp which is interesting because they put a very very tasty looking carrot at the end of the pvp stick for me because they have armor that is so dark and metal and emo and i must have it i think just cueing up solo enough to brute force the learning curve is the way to do it and hopefully in the future they'll allow small parties to join so what do you think of 6.1 very curious like what seasoned players think about these updates to pretty old content and also if you can quickly teach me how to make sense of pvp where i don't need to go watch very long videos or read extensive guides i'd really appreciate it leave a comment below and as always be sure to like subscribe and ring the notification bell so that you don't miss the latest uploads from kyle and me new uploads every wednesday morning and uh you can get in touch with us personally i mentioned the twitter i'm on twitter at garrett art kyle is at kyle ferguson but until next time gg [Music] you
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 30,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, grinding gear, gg, 6.1 saved arr, 6.1 fixes arr, 6.1 fixed arr, 6.1 solves arr, 6.1 ffxiv, 6.1 ff14, 6.1 redeems arr, arr reborn 6.1, 6.1 brings arr into the future, 6.1 fixed a realm reborn, 6.1 ffxiv arr reborn, 6.1 ffxiv patch notes, 6.1 massive update, 6.1 arr dungeon changes, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, Patch 6.1 FF14, Patch 6.1 FFXIV, ARR Dungeons, ARR Dungeons Update, ffxiv, ff14
Id: uL-SBv5kCAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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