Don't Skip These Dungeons | Heavensward FFXIV

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look me in the eyes kyle and tell me race vulgar is less cool than a stone [Music] angel hmm okay okay you got me on race vulgar [Music] well kyle it's been a little bit but we have now run all of the hard and optional dungeons from heaven's ward which is a misleading headline because some of those quote-unquote hard dungeons are new versions of a realm were born dungeons but they're part of heaven's ward and actually tie into events of heaven's ward more than it ties into anything that had to do with those original dungeons back in overall merbourne with notable exceptions like hull breaker isle heart and they're not hard but there's also a naming convention here that's like extremes and savages and wait are you saying that hard modes aren't actually hard let's go back in time to a simpler expansion heavensward and face the wall of dungeons yet again that means it's time to dust off the heavensward wall of dungeons today we're going to be doing something a little bit different i've got this note right in front of me that i wrote up i've already made my decisions on where i'm going to put every single dungeon that we're going to talk about today now comes the face-off on the wall of dungeons this is gonna be interesting our friendship may end today dusk vigil is up first kyle which is a blue quest kyle did you know that dust vigil is not a required dungeon however i think it's a really good dungeon showing my hand a little bit i think it's i think it's a solid theme the falcons rest quartus western highlands needed a dungeon and this thing was right there like what an entrance the giant walled all the spikes coming out everywhere i'm surprised it wasn't required because it was such a set piece on the horizon i was surprised it wasn't required as well because i wasn't like aware of or used to i was aware of it but i wasn't used to this loop of new expansion go get urethra currents so you can fly i wasn't really looking out for them i know you should go do all blue quests and we even preach that but i i don't follow every single thing that i recommend i'm a little you know bendable in my beliefs kyle but nonetheless yeah i was also surprised because you're right it is it's so looming in the distance and it's so atmospheric because of the constant ceaseless blizzard that is happening when we we went and did it way after the fact like very near the end of our heavensward journey i've really distilled my thoughts for dungeons down to three basic things kyle what were the vibes what was the music like what were the bosses like this is the garrett patented three-tiered system for evaluating a final fantasy dungeon i could probably apply this to other games but i don't know music is so specific and so rich in final fantasy 14. i don't know if i would if i would bring that to other games but i digress for dusk vigil i think it scores pretty high in two out of three of these categories for me oh yeah yeah i'm curious to see which one is the not scorer okay okay do you want to take a guess what one do you think i i think is is just okay being a fan of frozen throne and wrath lich king arthas in general i assume you like the vibe i think you like the music cause it's kinda spooky but i'm assuming you found the boss's lame i wouldn't go as far as to say lame but yes bosses is where i would say it didn't score as high for me but the vibes it's frosty blizzard covered ruins um i love the kind of like we as you and i both seem to enjoy the kind of visual escalation as you go through as the zone around you changes and there's a visual story being told as you go deeper into dungeons in the midway section here when you get into that hallway like like where it kind of closes up on you because you start on the outside and then you head inside i absolutely love that the music is haunting it's got this cr you know atmospheric music box melody going on it's also hummable so yeah for me it comes down to the bosses were a bit of the the limiting factor i thought that was a it was a damn good mammoth model i thought it was a nice mammoth i i rather enjoyed the frozen zombies just as like a theme um both the trash monsters and the boss itself for sir ulmeric sounds right to me yeah um mechanically maybe not the most interesting in the world and then the final boss is not a bad model but it's just it's just kind of a griffin it's just a griffin it's true it does utilize some of the fallen rocks and get behind it mechanics in final fantasy and when it comes to fallen rocks or line of sight final fantasy is really giving for the most part you can fire through most of these terrain-based obstacles so there's no problem getting behind it early and just hiding there if you mess up this boss you do get tossed around for an extended period of time which can be frustrating and does kind of give an edge to maybe range classes and jobs in the situation did you die to it or something kyle this seems extremely specific when i was learning samurai i ended up in this dungeon a lot and noticing the rocks was something i struggled with on astrologian healing i'm in such a back seat i'm in the stadium seating that i've noticed mechanics really well it's very easy to react to things in range yeah that's that's the one point i will put in the in the final boss's corner is that i am a sucker for classic mmo boss mechanics and there is nothing more classic than hide behind the thing that just fell or just hide behind the thing it doesn't have to fall sometimes there's pillars that are in the room and you're like oh i bet we're gonna have to hide behind that or sometimes kyle aim the boss at it so they daze themselves moving up to the castle is really my favorite part of this moving through the snow watching all the characters in their underwear step in the snow all the players are dressed up in their glamours getting up there just gives me a giggle and i really like the mammoth final fantasy makes a lot of unique models this may be out in the world somewhere but it wasn't laborious at this point i didn't feel like in moving across a frozen tundra i had witnessed 25 mammoths only to then fight a slightly larger mammoth this was very special and i like that and the griffin this was our first griffin that i think we ever saw eventually you see griffin's in storm blood but griffins are kind of rare and i like that aspect of it yes it's not the most fascinating monster it's one we know from a lot of different properties but it gave it a rarity that made it mystical again so kyle to kick us off where did you place dusk vigil lowbanger i think it is a solid two out of three as you mentioned and even then the bosses are traditional fantasy monsters and that really speaks to me i feel like i'm gonna get some flack here but i'm not going to lie to you okay my job here is to not lie to you it's to be honest to my feelings kyle cause this is my list you want to make your own list do so kyle did you make your own list i think i would put this above the arie and i'm gonna go to bat for it because i let you put the area over the vault which i do think is a cardinal sin but you'd put it above your vault though yes i really really like just the i just like hanging out in this dungeon a lot and the hangout factor that's that's part of the vibes like do i just do i want to be here the area had mid hog though and nidhogg is better regardless of story fighting a big spiky dragon is way better than a mammoth an undead frozen dude and a griffin well now we're gonna make all the vault fanboys mad when i suggest you know what let's put it below the area but above the vault but you're a vold fanboy i am of all fanboy but i like dusk vigil more than the vault but i also like it more than the air yeah i like yeah i i think it i think it looks real good right there kind of living like right right in the middle there right thereish okay yeah okay all right so that's where dust vigil's going i'm so sorry vault fans listen i i get it i get it we're splitting hairs here we're splitting hairs [Music] now it's time to talk never reap never reap is such a cool name so the dungeon's ultimately disappointing yeah yeah yeah it's called never reap that is such a cool name uh uh for vibes i wrote sea of clouds see if clouds is kind of meh listen i i love the vanu sea clouds is you know you go all the way back to our heavenswards videos i was like yeah it's like it's very dreamcast it reminds me of sonic adventure it's fine uh it's it's just that it's amongst so many other i think amazing zones in the expansion of heaven's wards so it really doesn't do much for me the music i think is uh pretty forgettable it sounds like muted pokemon music to me like if the the the pokemon adventure music was kind of a letdown and um you know boss one it's a bird boss two is a bird person and boss three is a tornado serpent in a pretty cool arena boss three i think it's a boss arena points it's a nice you know crystal cavern that you're fighting that thing in nanjenkunk the bird the first bird has a cool visual mechanic where it brings in the fog and you have to kind of find it which is cute many would say that any visual mechanics at all are bad i think this one's okay plus it's in a very small arena we're not like really searching hard for it kanu vanu has a unique mechanic that i've never seen before where you have to pick up the totems and move them around and thereby place them changing a little bit of strategy for it the final boss is a model we saw spawned back in the bismarck fight in other places i do like the arena it's hanging out in and the turbine it casts with the knockback is kind of fun but ultimately i agree with you sea of clouds isn't that evocative nor did this change up that environment much and all the bosses other than maybe the redecorated bird are things we've seen before i really i feel like i was just wholly seduced by the awesome name and expected something way cooler way darker so i feel bad for you never reap but you kind of falsely advertised my turn you went first last time kyle uh this is just a windmill slam maybe not the best for me i think that's fair i want to put it below some i'll i feel like sawmile is still criminally low and could be a nice lame i even i don't care where it goes as long as it goes and maybe not the best i feel so little for never reap all right let's have it live right there below somehow all right all right which means we are moving on to fractal continuum let's show my hand here and say the touch is really freaking cool i agree it was the elegant museum and what a cool idea for a dungeon and to be going around like all the little optional things you get to read and the various creatures that are coming alive out of the glass and moving through the facility which now that we have that language built of what elegant tech looks like particularly the elegant tech that is in azure's law has a very unique look to it compared to something like crystal tower i really dug this dungeon and the music is just kind of rocking is it it's just it's just going it's a good time this is a fanfic dungeon could have been part of the main story but ultimately wasn't all that important well you get to enjoy a little bit of side lore yeah the vibes are pretty much off the charts for me this is about as high score as i can give a dungeon for vibes it's just it's really good i love the museum aesthetic and it's monsters breaking out of stasis tubes which i will never not love i love things breaking out of stasis tubes kyle bring back alien encounter in disney you cowards the music and fractal continuum kyle it's the best small organ i've ever heard mall orion all it's organ it's the mall organ you ever you know grown up in the 90s you go through the mall and they have the piano store and there's always the dude playing the organ this sounds like those light up paintings of dolphins [Laughter] which that store that sells that would be next door to the organ store at the mall you're absolutely this is the brookstone music [Laughter] i'm gonna get a foot massager also boss one is general grievous boss two is an actual minotaur and boss three is a curator creepy-ass looking construct yeah the bosses are really solid i like the side swipes that the multi-armed phantom ray performs really adding to his theme the minotaur is nice it's a really nice minotaur we've now seen it in palestine dead in other places but it's just a nice bulky thick boy minotaur and the curator is a creepy creepy robo sphynx all right your turn where'd you put it this was an epic for me i placed it high high high high banger i wasn't really thinking about where we placed the the original heavensward msq dungeons before but looking at it now i think i would have easily put it above balsar's wall but talking about it now with you i want to go run it so bad that i think i want to move it into epic i think the ante tower the great google library have such an amazing theme that's just fun to explore this is still a little elegant messy if we had done instead the great google library the great google museum and then all the monsters were the same with the same test tubes top of epec but the elegant language it's a little weird it's not an aesthetic we dislike but it's not our favorite one like for me the look of the elegant technology i i don't dislike it but i don't love it it's pretty middle of the road for me i much prefer like the mock if we're going through architecture of major villains in final fantasy 14. personally it's a very personal thing i like the aesthetics of anti-tower and great google library more so i would i would put this low epic i like it again though this is like super splitting hairs i'm glad i don't have to choose i can just go run any of these anytime i want [Music] all right so it's time to talk about saint macian's arboretum this is my vibe this is the look of this place it is just it's gorgeous while also being sad it's super atmospheric i love the fog in the air and there's a really nice escalation visually as you travel through because we go from what looks like an ancient temple greenhouse into spores into a wasp layer and i don't even usually like fantasy bee hives i can't stand it when world of warcraft does it but i actually kind of dig how final fantasy 14 does it and then you come out on the other side and you're in creepy ruins and you end up fighting uh lady gaga's version of the last of us [Laughter] that is that's surprisingly accurate and then the music is great too because the music really fits because there's something about like this this place definitely used to be beautiful it used to be a sight to behold and has fallen into disrepair and the music matches that because the music is i would describe it as oddly pretty while also being haunting and sad it is ambient in a way that works for the dungeon i agree with you completely that this is a wonderful tour of aesthetics that you would want to see in a giant garden and i love botanica from burning crusade this is that cranked up to 11 like absolutely they took the aesthetic and blew it up you're right the bees really work and i don't feel like i'm shrunk down i feel like they're giant creepy bees because they're very spiky and armored and dangerous it's not comical it's very serious even when you're surrounded by these rivers of honey i'm taking the threat seriously and i really like that this is epic for me i love this dungeon this is it it's heavily weighted toward aesthetics but the bosses are also pretty fun even the very first boss i love that it spawns many versions of itself so it has its own massive cone attack that rotates but then you have to worry about those little tiny cone attacks that don't rotate and i just it's it's just enough it's just enough little extra flair that's not gonna slow me down in a roulette but also doesn't let me completely turn my brain off while i'm running it this is the dungeon of aoes but aoes are fun to dodge and i feel like every time i run this i discover something a little different see another corner it's just so big and compared to the airy which is very cloudy and balsar's wall which feels like you've seen it all in one go i put this on top of banger but i'm comfortable with it in epic absolutely i i think i would push the envelope i i don't know i don't go and look up what what like popular opinion is on dungeons before we do this i always find out after the fact because oh you let me know i feel like though i just get a sense that fractal continuum is a really popular dungeon for a lot of people me personally i would put the arboretum above fractal continuum but i could concede bottom of epic i just really like the look of this place no i think that's fair and i really like the bees i've loved giant bees since banjo-kazooie and honestly that was such a surprise it was so cutely thrown in there i want to put it right above uh fractal wow i managed to talk to you to bump it up a full grade and above fractal yeah yeah i think i like it i think i like it the bees man the bees now it's time to talk about ferrous serious hard we're going down the lighthouse kyle instead of up it really cute idea to reverse the dungeon reverse the mario kart track reverse the polarity is descending as cool as ascending no no no it's no it is it's not absolutely not even close it was really cool getting up there all the way to fight booby harpy and going back down even though it's been like kind of i don't know like reinforced research put some supplies in it uh but yeah it wasn't as strong as the normal mode the non-hard mode the easy mode it's not even that hard it's all good we're all good they should really just put a two next to these very serious two fair is serious one you fought your way up a tower to uh fight some fan service very serious hard you fight your way down to fight a flaming slimer yeah it's definitely slimer which did kill us yes i i do give a points for that i give a point to that in the boss category the final boss has skill check mechanics where like you gotta burn down those gray bombs which we didn't know about because we run everything without looking it up the first time and we definitely died of death the first boss oh my god these names graha luminary glowy rocks okay order patriarch b goo was a kobold with engines you had to destroy not all that terribly interesting i did kind of like when we got down in the foundation and things got real rocky and minish and that was kind of interesting was it or did it remind you of copper belt mines because that's exactly what it did i mean it's hard to not compare it to the original and i think the original was really strong and this was much weaker can i can i take myself out of my just i i really like fair serious originals so can i like remove that from my brain i'm not sure i i think it gets worse if i remove that from my brain and just compare it to heaven's ward dungeons there are two things for this that's saving grace for me one i just like like houses on on principle i like being in a lighthouse and i like the lore around ferris syria so i like being in that place and two mechanically interesting bosses boss too thank you for reminding me order patriarch i think actually has some some decent mechanics that are that are memorable like you have to burn down those alchemy boxes that spawn and then he also does that spin drill dash so anyway uh it's your turn where did you put it kyle oh wait we gotta talk about the music do we this is a slightly augmented version of the original pharah series music but i really like it i love the tone i love the operatic singer in the background i'm a really big fan of the ferris serious business i think now is the timer i admit not the biggest fan of opera okay if i'm going first i say this is lame gonna be nice about it could be cooler right could be cooler got the music it's got a lighthouse theme descending is a really cute idea to reverse the dungeon and then at the end it has a surprise where you go even deeper in the dungeon well kyle i also put this in could be cooler then perfect wonderful i would one thing i would say is it would touch the bottom for me oh you you want to like it's real close to maybe not the best but interesting boss mechanics save this for me and the fact that it's in a lighthouse we're going to talk about lost city of amdapore hard talking vibes i already like amdapor i already like this dungeon and lost city van de por is moodier and rainy i already kind of dig it lots of egg sacs everywhere though and they're kind of colorful so i feel like they've they've detracted from the previous fungi aesthetic well wait hang on though hang on though and now it has a bunch of eggs in it well there were eggs in it before right right but these are more like cocoons which i'm now getting like oh wait was it webby because like the silk worms the caterpillars and stuff were rubbing it up and now we're coming back to it later and it's got a bunch of cocoons and butterflies in it did that not click yeah no oh yeah yeah and we found a big moth yeah so i guess that makes sense yeah those are there the first times we're in the first the first boss the first time's here is the redo of the google model right with the mouth in the stomach right right i love that boss i absolutely love that yeah yeah but the moth is also cool like it's just it's just a moth i don't get super stoked about moss hey listen butterfree was in my six in my first original playthrough of pokemon but i'm not i'm not all about moths but it's it's fun enough it's got some pretty decent mechanics i think what surprised me thinking back on this was how much i like the statue boss aesthetic for boss 2 and boss 3. final fantasy 14 does very well with its statue art they really look like stone even though they're moving it's something i didn't think i would like but upon revisiting it for this these are cool bosses they look neat there's a nice attention to detail i think the music works it's you know kind of like a haunting sad piano is everything haunting and sad i guess so no but the places i like tend to be this is what i think of when i think of like traditional final fantasy music like tickling the ivories i'm trying to do what you did now with ferris sirius which like i'm trying to take my brain away from original lost city fan department but it's very difficult i at the end of the day i think i like the original more but i but i still i still enjoy this one i'm not mad when the show's up in my roulette i do not like the king hat on the lion the flying lion not just that's a dumb hat he would be so much cooler with that i know it's like a traditional kind of royal symbol it's like the fleur de lis kind of thing that's that's french this is more of like a british kind of look but lions wearing hats is dumb ball caps crowns whatever i can't think of a hat that looks good on a lion but i do like the last boss the last boss looks like the most frustrating magic card you can think of it's resistant to everything they're not allowed to lose the game while it's on the field i hate it i played a lot of white decks back when i was big into magic and this this uh kuribu is a like a pharaoh's era white legendary absolutely 100 points for that it's a good look it's a really good look the crepe is just cool but i i i like classical warrior angels and that's a vibe i'm very much into so i like lost city of amdapor i don't love lost city vandapor so i'm gonna go first kyle okay i would start this i would start the bidding at the bottom of banger all right for me it is middle of banger and that's because we take the lost city of m depor tile set the kind of more dark descending into the old keeps look of the old magical guilds that ruined this place in the first place and we move out of that to the pristine untouched castle which is a very cool evolution and regardless of the silly second boss i do think facing down the paladin order statue at the end is a really cool change up for a place that was so corrupted to me it comes down to i think sorkai is cooler than this it's a very simple equation for me sorkai is uh for me it's like if sea of clouds was cool it gives you that in the in the sky thing but it's much more operatic and also if i'm coming to it from hey you know what aesthetic i like white magic cards uh sorkai does that better also you fight a freaking dragon at the end of sorkai and it's racevelgar are you gonna look at me look me in the eyes kyle and tell me race vulgar is less cool than a stone angel really what you're doing is selling sorkai so well that i feel like we have to move it up people had opinions about vault ethereal chemical research facility and sorkai and i would like to be clear banger means we liked it there's so many moving pieces the vault is cool for a very particular aesthetic ethereal research facility i love the aries great because of great final boss and same with balsar's wall along with the conveyor belts like there's there's so much good in here yes heaven's ward had some amazing dungeons is what we're landing on yeah really okay okay you got me on race vulgar that's the technicality here and i realize banger is currently elevated by its best trait and each one of these is propped into banger because the one thing you're there to see is a good overall dungeon but i don't think there's anything that elevates it above face vulgar we're simultaneously ranking an entire theme park but also the individual rides yeah okay let's do it let's do it all right just justice for my boy race figure you have no idea how much has been eating me that we put sorkai so low it's been like it's been eaten at me hallburger isle hard is up next and kyle i'm a proud member of the maelstrom okay i had a lot of fun with this one it's pirate trials it's fun it's jaunty it's got tie-ins with limsa and the maelstrom which means murweb which means i like it no matter what the smellwood's just cool man i'm with you on vibes not because i'm really feeling the pirate aesthetic or kind of the island atmosphere it's more just that in the cornucopia of options we have here a dungeon that is for the men for the fun of it uh just to give everyone a good romp in time and train them up yeah like like sorokai that gets some points for variety the setup for the dungeon is really unique aesthetically it's an island it just looks like an island and you're you're fighting curls and and pirates also there's way too many gorillas i don't i don't want to fight gorillas there's a lot of gorillas gorillas i don't think are on islands but hey i i don't i don't know i'm not a big monkey or a fan unless they're really really small and cute i like lemurs yeah lemurs are spider monkeys lemurs those are great once we get to like chimpanzee and beyond i'm like yeah dude they're too close to humans i'm out they creep me out really it's the butts like i just want you to have a fuzzy butt i don't want to see your butt also i don't want to kill them this is obvious you're so close to human and it just oh this just feels just feels terrible i'd rather fight actual people you know it's in it's a fair fight i don't i guess gorillas could rip you apart i'm getting lost here gorillas are kind of cute though they they got fuzzy butts i like gorillas they're scary they're just really the bone of bows that are like creepy smart the music maybe not the best not as piratey either as i think i'd like to take it that might be more of an american film industry construct when we think of what pirate music sounds like the bosses are they're a mixed bag so you know how i said i really like classic mmo tropes for for boss fights to me a classic mmo fight trope is like the gauntlet style which is the first boss like hey you're just in this pit and we're just gonna keep throwing things at you that's super classic mmo but this this to me needs more character because when i think of the ones that i really like from wow they have character like i think of uh uh toc from rafa lich king where you're fighting characters from the opposing faction that are wearing armor sets that you recognize while the faction leaders yell at you from the stands now granted that's a raid but there's also a five man that kind of did something similar they're a more colorful cast of characters we're fighting like cats and no-name pirates here didn't really do much for me it's fun mechanically dodging all the stuff but yes it is a pile of mess it's enjoyable as a dps because whatever you target you're gonna take down so it's not that we have to coordinate targets or we're in a huge rush there and that's kind of fun everyone splits to the wind and takes out what they can where i start to like the bosses is with a mirror which i didn't think i would like because i i realize amir the snail is a call back to an older more classic final fantasy boss but i haven't played older final fantasy so i have no frame of reference for this but it's a really just fun fight to me it's it's super video gamey he's constantly replacing the ground which affects how things are gonna go down he's changing his shell it just feels like a video game boss which i enjoyed a nice little break from the aesthetic too as we make our way through the cave as we head towards the final boss the grand storm marshall slaphian sir miss beard just call him miss beard okay miss beard puts the helmet on and suddenly he's a soul's character there's like a treasure chest mechanic and you gotta get the poison cleaned and it's kind of nice having the audience there on the boat ship in the background but it's kind of kind of a lame end to things but that's the theme right we're not here to kill anybody we're just here to help everybody train up yeah we're here to have a challenge right yeah we're here to like spar and have a good time and show our medal i think the treasure chest with the antidotes is a unique experience um i have gotten this in repeats from running random dungeons and i can't stand it because everyone steals my goddamn treasure chest yeah yeah that happens so annoying um yeah so it's i actually like the mechanic uh it's fine if i'm running with you and some friends but um i do not i i kind of cringe when haul breaker isle hard shows up if i'm just like randomly running some stuff kind of showing my hand where'd you put it right in the middle it could be cooler but there's a there's a lot thematically i like about this i think this would be a pretty solid msq quest if we had to gain the favor of a certain faction or it had some sort of weight to it but as an aside it just didn't really hold up we tried not to talk about the story outside of it i liked it i liked the story outside of this i thought it was a fun little side story if we did take into account like the lore ramifications and all that stuff this would go higher for me because i just thought this was a really fun side story but we don't take that into account i actually also put it in could be cooler and i have it above ferris sirius perfect i like it all right so up next is google library hard which for the regular version is a heavensward dungeon and it's currently sitting at the very top of epic this is as of right now great google library original is our favorite heavensward dungeon it is time to talk about the hard version well vibes kyle um we both i'm just gonna put words in both our mouths we both love google library i think we both love creepy magic libraries on principle google library hard is even creepier and has forest temple vibes yeah the decaying part of the library the forbidden section it has a absolutely amazing evolution of one of our favorite bosses in the whole game it's more of what you want and it takes it deeper ink long dry was a banger of a song and therefore so is bibliophobia yeah it's very full it's like the the piano stands out but then you listen for you're like oh there's a whole layered string section going on here as well yeah it's not as uh it's not as jazz lounge as the previous version no kind of the same song the jazz music ver original version is so unique that i think i like it more than this but this is not bad by any means it's very dramatic and it's it really gives a sense of adventure i would say two out of the three bosses are out of this world awesome i love them the demon of the tome with the books slamming together on the aoes with the bridge you're on is just badass i i like the flame liquid flames kind of cool spicy edition pepsi man yeah it it's the threat of the library right the fact that this flame is living inside the library yeah yeah he kind of has an edge that i it that matches the theme i want to kill it because it's going to burn all the books and okay i think it's it's it's fine but it's not an owl in a chair fighting us with the power of literature i wonder where this started that owls are the curators and keepers of libraries but it absolutely works in folklore they're a wise animal well and the fact that he's in his chair which is flying is just outrageous but the books are attacking you and he's got a bunch of cyclones do when the big book comes down and one of the few things from final fantasy that i know from popular culture like a behemoth comes out of it it was finally a final fantasy reference i knew kyle i was like i know what that is that's awesome like the book slams down in this just jacked pissed off i love how pissed off behemoths look they just look like the only thing keeping them alive is pure rage and steroids i freaking love this dungeon i think it's fantastic i think it lives up to its predecessor where did you put it it's top of effect man as you make your way through the red carpet section of the library and the books are falling from the ceiling opening up and releasing the trash i love libraries i love to use bookstores i love books and this is just an aesthetic that is well above the music supersoul and the boss is really fun it's just check check check across the boxes i could sit here and talk about i how i really don't know if i prefer the original or the hard mode more i might slam them together side by side and say i just love these i'll never be mad ever seeing these come up in roulette or a friend being like hey i need this dungeon do you mind running it with me they're great they're really great they speak so much to i think aesthetics that both of us love hell yeah it's so good [Music] ninth and final dungeon that we haven't talked about yet from our list of heaven's word hard and optional dungeons it's time to discuss psalm all hard we were pretty harsh on og saw maul it came in with all this lore and then you just kind of walk around a cave for a while it just seemed like it had all the pieces to be great and it wasn't i feel like some all hard gave me what i was looking for gave me that dinosaur cave i wanted more lava and i got more lava yes the music's kind of goofy it's you know very electric guitar heavy i love elixir jar we get a really cool tour of models and some of these we've seen other places like the blooming chichu i think these things are fabulous but horrifying little gremlin beasts or big gremlin beasts i should say like they're they're great fighting the as you put it the bulbasaur version of the rock elemental that was fun light laid onward i call it ground type bulbasaur the cherry on top here is gauro who is like a full-blown godzilla fight yeah you yelled we ran this together real quick before recording this because we were like oh crap we hadn't done some all hard and you just yelled oh killer croc you're right at first he looks like killer croc but then he does that glow he starts roaring like godzilla and it's a to me it's a really unique model i'm trying to figure out what it's shared with and and i i don't know i haven't seen anything that looks like gal rap gal rau go galro um i guess it could also be goro but like it's it's kind of a standard looking monster but to me it's really well executed yeah he's beastly he's in the thick of it and this is something we're only just getting to in storm blood but he didn't really have that many indicators on his attacks he would charge up various swings putting his claw in the air or get ready with his butt to do tail swipes getting to watch the model for the cues in addition to the ground effects has been such a cool evolution as we've gotten deeper into stormblood seeing that here already happening back in a heaven's word hard is a great development yeah it just it just gives me just classic fantasy adventure game vibes i enjoyed it and lava scorpion was fun i could take or leave the model but the mechanics for that fight were really good uh the the the edges of the arena burning away with lava as it you know as it comes up and then you get stuff coming down from the top and you also get lava burbling up from the ground to give you ground effects that you're supposed to avoid plus this really almost circular fan attack where as a tank it was easier to just run through the boss into this little safe wedge behind him than it was to you know run away from the circle um it was just there were nice little finesses without it seeming like it was gonna be something that was gonna be a real pain in the rear if i get this while just you know grinding down just one day well and it's not just like they put the ground on fire they actually changed out the textures and the depth with the lava so you really felt like you were on this little island in the sea of fire with the geysers going off in the background the way this whole dungeon works with lava too is just it i've been trying not to mention well but it just takes anything wow's done with lava and just bodies it yeah the look of this dungeon it's it's like yeah i've seen it before but not like this there's just a lot a lot of love here for a blue quest i'm honestly shocked that there was this much polish on kind of random aside like hey can you go back in there for me i don't fit in the cave all right so um kyle i started this at the bottom of banger that's where i put it i put it below los city van de por it's a banger for sure after our discussion i might put it above los city vanderport but i really fought you for lost city man before where it is so if you want to keep it above let's let's do it let's do it right there okay it's time for the bonus banger round bonus round we got to deal with banger here this is a mess i i cannot abide ending this video with banger unsettled i think what we have to do is we have to picture the very best thing about it and judge it on that merit because there's so much good here ah but but but what if the boss is the best thing about one thing but the just the vibe of the or the aesthetic or the setting of the dungeon is the best thing about another that's that's hard all of these have a five out of five in one of those three categories that's what makes it so difficult so if i'm saying for me dust vigil it's just the setting it is so well done the fit and finish of dusk vigil from an artistic standpoint i think is near perfect it is a beautiful dungeon race fulgar is just cool as probably the coolest boss we have this coolest single boss fight i think in anything here is a cooler setting better than a cooler boss or a cooler boss better than a cooler setting or is the coolness of racevelgar cooler than the coolness of just how dusk vigil looks that's what you have to do you have to like you have to really zen and imagine yourself in the environment and now imagine yourself fighting race vulgar which one makes you feel cooler which one do you like better you have to really like really focus just vigil and no one's going to back me up on this wow yeah i don't think they will no no one will including you at the very least we can move down bale star's wall as much as i love conveyor belts and robots and the aesthetic there the griffin fight has been outclassed slightly the ground breaking is so cool though but you know it is very cool but i i i like the racial graphite more it can't be done i yeah my problem is i don't know what the top is of banger my gut is telling me bale stars wall and arie are too high up but what do we agree on is actually the top because i might make an argument for sorkai that's where my brain went i think overall sorkai is just what a solid dungeon there's no downside of sorkai or some all hard we've had things that knock down other ones like the messiness of ethereum chemical the maybe less interesting bosses of the vault but soraka and some all they're just good yeah but sam all doesn't do anything i feel like unique it just does like a classic setting very well yeah that's true whereas sorkai is i've just never seen anything like it i think we switched sorakai and balesar's wall i was think kind of thinking the same thing yeah that makes that makes me comfy i think that's the right choice now i think that looks a lot better i'm really happy with what weird dos vigil is i think it's gonna ruffle a lot of feathers but i it's just it is so my jam and i'm saying with the the airy for me like i just like i like the evil space castle vibe with a big dragon fight at the end you know why i'm okay with the air staying there the towers falling over it's just so cool it's true i think that i personally think the mid hog fight is overrated but the towers falling over is so damn cool see i i kinda i came away thinking belsars and arie got away with murder so i might say research facility and airy train change places but then my but then i just win the dust vigil fight dude i would straight up make that trade like i disagree about dust vigil in the vault but i would trade you pokemon cards in the cafeteria right now for an airy swap with a theoro chemical research facility send it i would walk away from that trade really happy and again too these are we think these are cool these are all things we like like you want to put red text under banger you can say damn fine that gives me more peace this does give me more peace i can sleep on that me too i can relax now yeah i do feel like i got away with a crime with dust vigil you are but that's all yours like i love it man that is my that's my dungeon man the audience can be mad about you putting dutch vigil there i'm scot-free that's not my fault we did not talk about this ahead of time this is completely this is just happened just in recording but dude i've been carrying a dagger for sorkai for a while that it bumped me out hello you really came in swinging i i don't like pegasus pegasuses are so lame like that's really what it comes down to i don't either but that fight has really cool mechanics i like hallway fights it's something that we didn't get a lot of in world of warcraft and something final fantasy 14 does a lot and every single hallway fight is different from the other demon tomes man it's good stuff let us know your thoughts do we have justice in the banger category now for heaven's ward but this completes the heavensward wall of dungeons if you would like to make your own wall of dungeons hey we'll we'll put the assets in the discord so join our discord with the link below all right as always you know it's youtube please like subscribe ring the notification bell we have new uploads every wednesday morning and we stream every monday afternoon and thursday evening so come join us for that and if you really like what we're doing here and you want to support both kyle and myself well we have youtube memberships now if you're on our live chat and get access to emojis and if you're in our discord you can get yourself access to those members only channels so thank you so much for watching everybody until we see you again gg [Music]
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 25,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, grinding gear, gg, heavensward dungeons, best dungeons of heavensward, heavensward msq, heavensward wall of dungeons, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, ffxiv, ff14
Id: QGS07JYmMs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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