We're an FFXIV Channel Now: How FFXIV Won Us Over

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the meanest thing anyone says that you just keep yelling copioum at me whenever i say anything positive about world of warcraft copium copium we've got copium here and that's fine [Music] greetings and welcome back everybody this is grinding gear i'm garrett weinzel here as always with kyle ferguson and it has just been a damn awesome end of the year for us we've been wanting to put more time into youtube kyle and the response to starting to do final fantasy 14 videos has just been amazing so we thought we would have a little chat today about how the hell we got here yeah yeah a little cap to the year a little 10 000 subs celebration thank everybody who sub sub if you haven't this has been quite the journey in fact the journey is an emotional one chronicled in old news videos as well that weren't labeled final fantasy in terms of like how we got into this game what was it like man how much of an absolute pain in the ass was it to uh break me down i've done this before with things like magic the gathering pokemon in the past you don't force it on the person you just leave on star wars enough that they eventually go all right what's this movie about like you just you just kind of bring it up enough you keep playing the card game in front of them and eventually like john fine just give me a deck i'm bored and they will join that's my strategy i feel like i don't know if you meant to be as insidious as you were but the fact that we had originally dusted this channel back off to start covering gaming news stories and you're like well it's basically a news story just put on your analytical hat and just dive in and look at it from a from a curious perspective of well why do people like this game so much don't make it about yourself make it about trying to understand why others like this game and you sneaky bastard have worked i certainly respond to uh visionaries whether those are your walt disney's your chris metzens your ben brodes like someone getting up on stage and being impassioned by the product really moves me to actually invest in it and that's basically what i forced you to do with the ocp interviews i just sit down watch them and you're like oh it's an hour it's an hour and a half i can't do it just do it i was watching one of them and i'm like all right i'll give it like 10 minutes just get a vibe and i ended up watching almost the entire damn thing it was legitimately interesting the man has a really interesting personality and since then too you mentioned the no clip documentary uh i just finished watching that oh cool god dude i have such i felt like i kind of understood where a realm were born was starting off like at the at the death of og final fantasy 14 but i didn't realize like it was that direct yeah um like i i feel informed of the the mythos now around around this at this mmo's success so getting back to our um you know kind of where we were personally coming to it from i mean you had been playing it for what almost two years already right like very very slowly yeah i mean free trial allowed me to come and go as i will uh i was playing decently i was playing pretty intense there in mid 2019 but when my son was born i took time off mmos because it's very grindy and kids are naturally a lot of hours i was watching in 2021 here demon slayer i was thinking to myself man you know it'd be really fun to play like an anime video game and i went out and i looked at a whole bunch of different ones and eventually after playing through dragon age my buddy john was like listen if you want more rpg go play final fantasy so i fired it up i walked around i didn't remember my bar so i was like level 22 i was right before the thousand moz dungeon and i was completely overwhelmed so i went to the local inn and it started storming and the lightning was flashing i was like this is nice weather yeah it's actually got some darkness to it i like that weather and then someone came in a bard into this inn with nobody in it and started playing sailor moon and it was such a magical moment like this bark practicing their layout of sailor moon probably for the main city i'm the only one sitting there and i'm like slash clap and they're like slash bad and it just it just kind of stuck with me and i yeah i had heard those i had heard those stories i very recently um right before the end walker patch had my first experience with like a bard playing songs that i knew i was i was walking by the crystal and limsa and i'm hearing all the small things play nice i'm glad you kept poking because i've i've ended up with a game that i really really enjoy and it came at a good time and i'm surprised it took as much work from you as it did considering how burnt out on world of warcraft i was well and that's the thing you know the the burnout on wow contributed to so many factors along with the scandals at blizzard it was just easier to give up on mmos but a lot like dragon age is a tactics game or mass effect is a tiny walls hide-behind game the gameplay is but a vessel for the story in those cases you might not love tiny walls combat you might not love gears of war you might not love the division but you put up with it for mass effect because it's part of that story to me now tab targeting doesn't feel like a old and moldy system it's merely the vessel that final fantasy is using to tell its story tab targeting is not an inherent turn off for me and and and i was flirting with other mmos um so i spent some time with with with elder scrolls online which i i really enjoy it there there's a relaxation aspect of mmos that is a big big big part of the appeal for me and it's not to say that i think elder scrolls is difficult it's just that the action orientation of its combat means i need to be more aware of what's going on i've come back around to realizing that mmos fulfill a very specific desire in my life to have a relaxing game experience and part of that comes from tab targeting but it also took me time to like come to terms with the fact that i was burned out on world of warcraft like really bad probably the worst since warlords which was up until now the last time i unsubbed i know a lot of people like battle for azeroth that was bigger i actually really had a good time with bfa for the most part do not disagree with people who didn't love bfa but i think i had some extraneous social circumstances that made it a much better experience for me i i was really excited for shadowlands theming of like going to a death realm was really exciting for me and i think that combined with the fact that you know i was on the instance podcast i was doing wow killer with taliesin i think that carried me through a little bit longer than i would have if naturally left my own devices if i was just playing the game and i wasn't making content about it i think i would have realized just how much i didn't care anymore a lot sooner i think it's the same thing with me starting to like final fantasy 14. like i stopped worrying so much about what i wanted the game to be and started just looking at it for what it was and with world of warcraft i was like you know what i don't think where it is right now is for me on the other side of that coin kind of just taking final fantasy 14 at face value made me go oh you know what if i kind of set aside a lot of my expectations like i was really hung up on like loading for example like how much you loaded between zones yeah in final fantasy 14 but like after like a good like solid like it was a weekend and i sat there with a soda like i was in college again and i did it like a five hour session i don't even think about it anymore and and i don't i'm not bashing the gameplay by any means but again to me it's this vessel pixel games have really taught me this a pixel game can be extremely epic darkest dungeon's art style is like weird and cheapy and kind of odd particularly darkest dungeon one but it's a vessel for a disturbing lovecraftian story and that stuff begins to matter a lot and you put emotions into those characters much like you place your own emotions on top of our stoic non-speaking final fantasy character dude that's such a great i think jumping off point to get into buying in the final fantasy's world the world of rome were born and everything that follows very quickly into me revisiting final fantasy 14 i was like okay yeah no i like this gameplay loop the combat's fun it's it's familiar it's bringing that relaxation that i was i was looking for in in an mmo to kind of take the place of world of warcraft but what i was not expecting was to actually buy into the story and i have been told millions of times it actually has a good story it has good lore it has memorable characters and i was like yes yes yes that's all fine but i'm i'm not a final fantasy player like i've played 10 and that's kind of it like this is whatever they're they're they're not for me but i do i i'm sitting here now after having played the game regularly for almost two months i care i want to see where the story goes next it just keeps making promises we keep meeting more and more characters and we don't even know if they're important yet i think more more importantly like it keeps delivering on those promises right like i i was really impressed with like what a bow was tied on you know at least the original credits of a realm were born like all of the you know the villains that we meet along the way that are constantly showing up and and taunting you from the shadows like you you you face off with each and every one of them and even like you know it didn't matter how fast i was i was varied through the praetorium i still felt really satisfied at the end of it as in terms of like the closing of a chapter i was expecting to like the game and think the story was just a nice little addition um but now i've like more and more i find myself wanting to log in to see what happens next and that's like for me probably my biggest surprise this game could be single player but happens to allow you to hang out and watch a whole concert of final fantasy 6 music if you want being performed by the dancing pope it's just it it is the open world experience that i personally was missing that that is i think like that is the perfect storm that makes it i think the success that it has has become is if you if you kind of divide it into two very very basic chunks which is like what is what is there from the developers and what is created by the community in game like those two things just are they're both really good as it turns out like there's a really good story there's really good uh you know episode is gamepl i was told i didn't listen it turned out to be more true than a lot it really is just one of the most vibrant in-game communities i have ever seen certainly since burning crusade era world of warcraft it's always nice when when hype lives up i guess is what i'm trying to say and the hype for me has certainly lived up um but we have been told in the comments that usually it's it's one or the other either burn out in a roamer born or you become a walking advertisement for the game it does it does kind of sound like that i feel like we just need to be critical for critical sake so we're not gushing or anything like that but it is it is nice here heading towards the holidays to have such a hobby at hand yeah i like to try and look at all angles but like at the end of the day the tldr and all this is like yes final fantasy 14 is indeed a special game well and i'm feeling i'm feeling very uh strong about it because i remember getting into warlords of draenor and them doing basically the borderlands rip off if you want to call it the boss would show up they'd sort of slow-mo pause they put the name on like i can't wait to fight that guy and i never did because i didn't raid but i just went through the crystal tower i just finished a realm reborn like the game doesn't subvert your expectations it's not gonna do anything that's gonna be particularly mind-blowing you might even be able to slam dunk predict everything which i'm very proud of but it's really well done and that reward that you paid attention and you get what you wanted out of it but also it's really well done is this perfect storm of enjoyment for me my expectations have been surpassed and and it's like i'm and i'm bought into my character which again is like i usually get pretty bonded to my characters in in in mmos but i'm really really attached to my final fantasy 14 character that i gave a really dumb name [Laughter] and i'm not not feeling bad about it and now it's kind of charming and i laugh every time i log in yeah really attached to my uh my emo turquoise hair and my beautiful beautiful face it's funny i i am one who constantly questions my character design until probably halfway through a bioware game uh but they gave me when i completed you know the base over elmer bourne that bottle that would let me completely change my appearance and i can't do it this is just who i am oh i didn't realize i had one of those sitting around yeah yeah you got one in your inventory if you would like to be a cat man you can now do that or you know anything if you sort of own all the expansions to talk about looking forward it's really just that i am looking forward i'm i'm i haven't been in love with the the political arc of the realm reborn patches like every time i see people sitting around a table i'm just like ah here we go again give me another primal to fight which apparently i'm about to go fight another primal i'm back out in uh the snowy dragon area okay there's some nice creepy setup i saw there was a weird uh like zero setup cinematic where they showed a scary pope guy oh yeah yeah yeah that that doesn't make a lot of sense yet no it doesn't although i think there was i did just literally see a uh a line of text for there explaining that there's a bishop character and i'm like oh there it is there's there's that's probably who they're talking about like it's another one of these like surprises like where i'm like i'm suddenly really into like i i can say primals and i know what it means i've learned new vernacular and also i'm excited to see more primals because so far none of them have disappointed but a little bit ago into the striking tree omega beard yeah oh yeah yeah i i wanted to call him like ballsack beard because that's kind of what it looked like but it has an odd undulation what a fantastic character model like he's just so over the top and wondrous i as much as i like wanted to goof on the beard i also loved it like absolutely loved the the style of that character and and that whole arc getting in there was just delightfully dramatic so um more primals please more any any summons i think a couple episodes ago to you you said oh enjoy king moogle because the song is amazing and you were not raw yes okay excellent i mean i beat your pure tim burton fan so you know it's basically just a nightmare before christmas song hadn't crossed my mind but uh yeah you are once again correct kyle absolutely outrageous and and what a fart off an absolute fart off after the end of a realm reborn primary like you're just what where are we going what am i doing here uh listen i will take that over the political intrigue mini arc for sure also i was so excited to leave away from sands i'm like yes they just put you in a new double loading place yeah yeah they do the the area i i think is cooler i like that it's kind of a little like spookier and more desolate right it's classic castle yeah and i like that i have to go through a bar to get to the hideout like that's infinitely cooler to me but i'm still like could we could we just put menphilia in the same goddamn room as everybody else please i don't know i don't know why maybe it's a product of the time you can't summon pets in there either so maybe it's it's just like sure i'm sure there's got to be some sort of technical thing i mean almost every time you go in there there's like a cinematic and i wonder if it's just easier i have i have no idea that that's probably my biggest pet peeve and that again couldn't be higher praise the fact that like just going to menphilia's office is the thing that has consistently annoyed me in the realm of born i'll live i'll get past it i won't get past it because i'll keep mentioning it but i'm going to keep playing this game fair enough fair enough i'm i'm really looking forward to unlocking some of the classes that i haven't been able to get yet i really really really want to try astrologin that is like it's been memed as the yu-gi-oh healer oh boy and uh you want to sell kyle on anything just say yu-gi-oh the idea of a card drawing class and having that be some sort of random element i really don't know what the game plays like but you can dig up a tweet where i said if i play final fantasy seriously i will play astrology and that was like in a june before i actually got heavily back into this i i've read a lot about him i have no idea how it plays i think it looks like a lot of fun i went and unlocked the red mage this past weekend and it was just like here's a bar the whole 50 bar just one pile bonus buttons and all um yeah red mage was the first second class i went to go pick up because a lot of folks recommended it in the comments and it does sound cool and as soon as it gave me my bar i was like i'm going to go right back to summoner this is scary it is and the guy you're chilling with is like hey uh just balance the magics bro also fight with me i have no idea how to balance these magics i don't know what buttons spend what the the tooltips are equally as confusing i i got to go find a guide if i really want to invest in that but ah yeah that's been because then i also went and got samurai which i'm significantly more interested in and i think was a lot more approachable out the out the gate but i did spend a little more time reading up about it but i i need to find a good resource that has not next level guides um uh it seems like it's really easy to find like level 80 guides and above are we above level 80 i don't even know what the new cap is but yeah okay i haven't looked into it i've really been taking heed from commenters that are just like don't worry about looking too far ahead just enjoy where you're at and take a slow and so i'm like whatever what's happening heaven and and walker i have no idea and it's really liberating that's another thing i've really been digging about the game but um yeah samurai is cool and i really like the intro quest to that i think i'll probably go back and dabble with it but i i i do have this pull to the story even though again i'm still in the middle of romer-born patches and it's not my favorite but i think you know if you listen to the last few episodes i talked about how i was kind of still feeling this pull to like i want to go i want to get into higher stuff i'm still feeling pulled to want to level through the stories but it's no longer because i feel this great need to get to what i quote unquote end game like i'm a you know i'm still thinking about it like world of warcraft now i just feel as full because i just really want to see the story continue so i still just kind of want to play through the story and not spend too much time flirting around with other other other jobs but black knight has i think become the number one thing at the top of my list that i want to go try when i get to the point i don't believe i can start it yet but yeah i want to i want to play black knight that's that's at the tip top of my want to play list yeah i'm really interested in all the other tanks black knight included i'd love to find a dps i of course just want to do reaper but there's going to be like a million of them for a very long time and i like being special so even if i was high enough to take part in that class i don't think i would quite yet man there's some cool abilities in there oh like you've summoned a shadow that attacks for you and then you can like be enveloped in the shadow and become one with it you got a big old scythe just just cool it is and yeah that's like like the now i like the look of final fantasy 14 like i i think because i've become invested in this world i am now invested in like the style and the look of it and something i used to like back grow it up you know my friends were playing final fantasy games i would just i always joke i was like oh yeah your belt's in your buckles game enjoy oh yeah titus's pants made no sense and the monsters had too many horns and they were all curly titus's pants make no sense oren is really cool looking and lulu is too hot that's that's all you need to know about final fantasy 10. lulu was the yellow bikini one no lulu was the goth all right with the with the shoulders with the shoulders yeah okay there's there's a very powerful thing that i refer to in dungeons and dragons as mental graphics it is there is investment involved it is more powerful to show a d d player a picture of a lion a dragon and a snake and say there's a chimera then show him a picture of a chimera like when your brain puts it together and you overlay the importance onto it it looks way better than it did before and we were doing that with world of warcraft we had investment the graphics looked better in our minds because we were moving through them personally i think every mmo looks bad on a stream i think you're unf if you're completely unfamiliar with it yeah i don't think really mmo sells well just by looking at it yeah like yeah it's something i think you really have to experience yourself but yeah man it's this has just been a fun ride this has been a really really fun ride like for folks that if this is your first time being introduced to kyle and myself we've been doing video game podcasting for 11 years this is our 11th year working together making content but we typically made audio content doing podcasts we used to talk about starcraft we still have a podcast where we talk about years of storm this has been an experience unlike anything else and i'm really excited to continue it and get into it in the new year and um like i'm i'm my goal is we're going to be taking next week off enjoying the holidays over the holiday break i want to wrap up a realm we're born and have it have a chat about that probably as our next video i'm this is not set in stone but this is where my head's at um but i'm just really excited to see where it goes because the the reaction to us starting to make final fantasy 14 videos it really has has just been great like the the meanest thing anyone says that you just keep yelling copioum at me whenever i say anything positive about world of warcraft copium copium we've got copium here and that's fine other than that like it's just been like i just i haven't had experience like this in a really i think ever i've been told the final fantasy 14 community is very kind and again the theme in this video i was told i didn't listen and my expectations were exceeded that's definitely what happened with the community as well uh people seem to to dig this um like some of our best performing videos are where we just sit here and kind of talk about our experience with the game and it's typically that sort of stuff doesn't perform well in my experience making content so i think that's it's really cool because it's like one of my favorite things in this world is to sit down with you dude because we've been friends a long time and just pick your brain about what you're enjoying in in games and getting to experience this alongside you uh through final fantasy 14 make these make these videos it's just been a really rewarding experience i just want to fight with you about dungeons as we move it around a fake wall that we made in photoshop absolutely it's it's been very it's been great having something of this level to share not only with you but with the community and be a part of something again in gaming it feels like it's been a really long time in in an mmo's space for for sure um you know i've had had my friends and i had my communities in world of warcraft but yeah this feels like fresh and new and i don't know like i'm i'm in the middle of a community that's just so much larger than i can really fathom which is a feeling i haven't had in in other mmos in quite a while so it's been really cool and so uh to to our our new subscribers people who are experiencing us for the first time and and kind of just the final fantasy 14 community like thanks for hanging and and thanks for like at least from from me because you you had more knowledge coming into this kyle but i've been guided a lot by the comments so thank you very much for like getting in there and being like oh you should try this or this is how you can make your game play a little bit better and thank you very much to everyone who went out of your way to be like don't feel like you need to rush just just calm down and enjoy the ride i would never categorize myself as a calm person i am enjoying the ride so anyways it's gonna wrap it up for this one uh as always make sure you like subscribe ring the notification bell you know give one over on the algorithm get you're gonna get the latest uploads from us you won't miss them if you get those notifications and we have new uploads every wednesday morning the big exception being we're taking next week off before the holidays i hope everyone has a great break to get in touch with us personally my twitter's garrett art and kyle's is kyle ferguson so until next time good luck have fun and happy new year take care [Music]
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 82,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nexus gaming news, garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, yoshi p, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, FF14 vs Wow, ff14 is great, Ff14 arr trailer reaction, Ff14 arr ending reaction, ff14 for beginners, how to ffxiv, FF14, new FF14 player, Beginner FF14, World of Warcraft vs. Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy won, FF14 won, FF14 winning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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