5 Jobs for People Who Lack Brains | FFXIV

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uh final fantasy 14 known for its great gameplay uh cool fashion and cat girls that's actually a really great thing too but that's the initial reaction you have but then you learned that aura girls exist and i like to think they're just a little bit better than the catgirls and if you don't agree with me then meet me in the pvp arena we're gonna fight tonight but enough about the best race in the game let's talk about another thing that's so great about 14 and that is the fact that you can play so many great jobs but that comes with another problem with the fact that there's so many jobs that it usually leaves people unsure of what to play a choice harder than choosing your favorite anime waifu that's why today i kogon will offer you some jobs that may help you as a beginner help make learning your roles a little bit better tanks healers melees casters and that last one that nobody really wants to touch for some one reason i've leveled every job to max so i like to think i have a little bit of a knowledge on which is easy to play and which isn't and the spoiler alert everything but black mage is easy actually in reality all the jobs in this game it's actually kind of easy to learn the easiest thing in fact is probably your mom one last thing the jobs i chose today are very easy to play very hard to mess up and i think you'll have an easier time learning the role you want to learn and once you've kind of learned the job i recommended you're actually able to take that knowledge you've learned and move on to another job within the same role so you're able to kind of see that a lot of jobs have similar traits among one another alright there are all the other swords that the other tanks use they're swords and shields they're great sword they're gun bla literally everyone uses some kind of form of blade or sword i just what instead give me a big axe listen i can get into the mumbo jumbo the numbers how much these guys do damage how much they do heals but let me just give you the quick breakdown they have a big axe and that's already a huge plus already along with having one of the coolest fantasy weapons ever warriors are known for having such great survivability with so much hp they can get back so if you don't really trust healers you can actually just play a warrior and just pretty much play without a healer at all you are now the healer of your team at level 56 you unlock raw intuition which pretty much reduces your damage taken by 10 percent as well as being able to get you hp for every weapon skill you deliver so pretty much you can whack off your enemies for some hp that doesn't sound correct and by the way raw intuition upgrades into blood wedding which pretty much reduces even more damage taken as well as even adding a barrier on top of yourself with all the healing and yeah in regular content you pretty much don't even need a healer anymore and for some ungodly reason because the team at 14 really wanted this equilibrium is already built into the warriors kit which allows you to have free hp just because you want to you know what why not it's not like the warriors need any more sustain because they certainly do not have enough if you've ever had any tank anxiety about trying to pull really big groups well this is your time to try as a war because you have so much healing and with your healers to kind of back you up with that you pretty much will never die and also being a warrior allows your healers to kind of have less pressure to heal and they kind of ease up a bit so they don't feel as pressured to kind of work as hard and by the way at level 90 you unlock primal rend which is uh the monkey spin ability i love this ability so much okay so what they make up for in great sustain they kind of lack in damage the damage for warriors isn't like abysmal but it's also not the best at the moment compared to like gunbreaker and dark knight and you know what regardless of the damage you're still able to kind of still do your job as a warrior and you can still clear content with almost any job in this game i believe but as i said earlier once you kind of get the basics of tanking down as a warrior swap over to something that kind of fits your playstyle more swap over the gun breaker or dark knight for some more damage you know if you want to be more busy they have a lot of bugs that you can press to kind of make you go crazy over i just don't recommend you play paladin at the moment i'm gonna tell you guys right now the easiest healer in the whole entire game is white mage you guys saw how i went to a huge thing about like how great warrior was and like why it was so great for white mage this is all i got for you heels this job has literally heals on heels on heels it's all you have to do is just heal contrary to the popular belief that healers just heal no actually in 14 you have to actually do some damage while you heal so this is a great way to practice in my opinion unlike astrologian where you have to throw buffs and cards on the people in between your heels white mage will just teach you how to focus on healing first and after that start weaving attacks in between your heels when you don't need to heal at all and then go from there white mages also have some really cute glams i love the white and red themes they got going on it looks really great on female characters but also i like to think it looks great on me too guys fellows do i look cute or not so once you kind of master the art of healing and then kind of doing other things in between that and you want to make it harder for yourself start playing other jobs astro is really great for trying to throw out cards and buffs sage just does some damage scholar if you want to role play an angry librarian hitting things with books white mage is a great job to learn healing on or just ignore me and go play scholar and hit things with books okay guys let me give you a breakdown as to why summoner is the better caster to play when you're a new player as a black mage main i know how hard this job is playing black mage basically feels like if you had a swim with uh cinder blocks for shoes and uh the ocean's on fire as well red mage um they look goofy i don't like their outfits so we won't play that but summoner though summoners as a summoner you can actually have some decent amount of damage a lot of mobility compared to black mage and also you can summon summons i know it's a crazy concept i know you can summon titan's big ass garuda titties ifrit bahamut the goddamn dragon and a phoenix and of course we can't forget the best summon of all time a car bungled look at that guy he's so cute i love him really to play a summoner it's really not that hard at all it's pretty much use a few skills use that move to turn into a dragon or something or whatever to summon the dragon and then just pick your favorite color lego after and you're set that's the whole entire that's the whole entire kit you're done the edgiest and latest melee job to be added in the game i recommend reaper because it's probably the easiest melee job to play in my opinion some people may argue samurai is the easiest but like do samurais get a scythe i don't think so as per all melee jobs reaper also has some positional attacks meaning you need attack from the appropriate direction to do some more damage but but here's a little secret reapers only have two positionals combine that with the fact that we have two stacks of true north which pretty much eliminates all positionals for our time being you pretty much have no positional problems as a reaper but co samurai pretty much does the same thing if you use true nor okay true but if you look at the samurai's opener you need to be a rocket scientist to understand all this like what the hell is this all right let's be honest here that's just the lacy coast speaking if you took the time to learn it i'm sure you can learn samurai's opener with ease but look at the reaper's opener compared to samurai's opener it's easy it's small it's compact just like my dick and besides that let's look at the other melee jobs monks are just monkeys samurai is just pretty much an outlet for demon slayer fans to try to play their fantasies out and then just although it's a super weeby job as well that's not the only reason why i don't recommend that job while ninja is already complicated with this mudra system so you have to learn a little bit more than you need to with other jobs i think out of all the melee jobs this one you need really excellent ping to land all your skills in a timely manner and lastly don't play dragoon it's created by the french alright i know i've been saying every job so far i've listed have been super easy but i think out of all the jobs dancer is pretty much the easiest out of all of them because you're a dps you don't really have any responsibility role wise with like tanking or like keeping your party live as a healer but i'm not trying to diminish the role of dps at all no we still got to do the mechanics like everyone else and also we still got to do it properly so we don't take any more damage to make everyone else lives harder with dancer though oh my god this is how you play dancer step one give your dance partner skill to a dps and watch them do big damage step two dance sometimes shake what your mom gave you and give buffs to your teammates step three press the glowy buns that pop up step four profit dancer is a support job so do not expect to do big damages you're helping your team get big damages and if that's up your alley then go for it and with that said i've listed a job for every single role of course you don't have to listen to me if a job speaks to you just play that and become a master at it and you will be a good player regardless and although i did listen to these jobs saying that they're super easy to play they are still hard to master so get to studying you'll need to learn your rotations when to optimize for certain fights also figure out what kind of glam you want to wear with your job you got to look good you know it's like half the battle last thing before you go i want to quickly remind you guys that the biggest thing about 14 that i want you to remember is our girls are better than cat girls [Music]
Channel: Kougaon
Views: 166,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, ffxiv, shadowbringers, stormblood, endwalker, heavensward
Id: GrTTW9dkaus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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