The Warnings Were True - Stormblood FFXIV

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[Music] he's just standing there menacingly [Music] well kyle that was boring as hell [Laughter] uh welcome back to mmo town look there's nothing wrong with that fetch quest mmo town okay okay we we were heavily warned about storm blood and we were but we were heavily warned about a realm reborn i'm curious about the mmo philosophy of it because a realm were born was building an entire world we had to constantly go across the globe using the teleport system in order to care about all these various places that were being invaded by an evil empire then heaven's word happens which is but a small side ishgard is a wart on the top of eorzea that we already know a very beautiful word and i loved it but we're still interacting and what is under threat is our main world that we've come to build in a realm reborn so storm blood is the expansion where we as it were go to an island here we're going to the same continent we're still on the same land but we are exploring more of the world and they had to do that somehow we had to find a way to care about an area very quickly and meet a lot of people very quickly so i ask you i ask everyone could they have done it differently these fetch quests were extremely functional in the fact that they made you meet a lot of people very fast uh yeah you have a different definition of fast you met a lot of people where we left off was great truly great i'm very interested in the what appears to be the villain of this expansion could be wrong i don't know uh so so far final fantasy 14 has been a hell of an adventure and i tend to be wrong when i think i know where things are going so i don't want to plant too permanent a flag anywhere once we get to the climax of rauger's reach as part of the intro of of storm blood i think it gets excellent but it starts slow and boring and grindy and then it ends with this bombastic event that shakes everything up and when i think about that kyle i think i realize it's like a modern wow expansion in reverse over all the shake-ups at the very beginning and instead water wow expansion start great and then bore you to death to the point where you go and seek out other game experiences and i would say this is better this pays off your journey through meeting all those npcs and doing those fetch quests with something you now care about because you had to interact with all those npcs and that's why i asked could this have been done better is there another way that an mmo could perform this task of introducing you to a land and its peoples in this amount of time that's an interesting thought because because my brain goes to a place where i almost want to defend something that i didn't particularly enjoy does that make sense are you following this go for it i i think yes if you go could this have been handled better i just go yeah just for the love of god shorten it like we i i got it after talking to the first old dude in the area with the kind of dumb looking mountains they kind of look like piles of they look like the piles of triceratops [ __ ] from jurassic park because all the mountains just look like triceratops turds like lisa's like she has this moment before you go in and she's talking about how she's kind of afraid about returning to her homeland and mefford's like it might not be so bad like you are one of us you you're from here but then you go and you meet that first old dude quest giver and they just laid on so thick about how much he's like yo you left we don't care but they take i don't know 70 sentences to drill in the same point which is that this dude doesn't give a crap what lis is peddling he is not picking up what she is putting down he doesn't care as far as he concerned she left she abandoned her people uh he does not see it as as mephrid does or some of the other ella meegan but this is where i i almost want to defend it even though i didn't enjoy it because this is final fantasy 14. this is a meaty game from a writing standpoint they take their time everything is written out to extreme lengths every character be it a side minor quest character to our heroes get to say their peace and we get to explore them as characters and so that's i think the slow burn works i just think it took too long but i also wouldn't expect anything different from this game because this game really does flesh everything out and maybe it is just role play have you met old people they like to talk therefore old person is going to take a really long time to talk maybe we should have read the fact that we are meeting unnamed guards which is bizarre for this game i mean like every garden ishgard has a name and these were just like jovial guard concern guard maybe that we should just take a cue that everyone who has no name is dead in classic like austin powers logic but they're not mefford had a name and methods dead that is true that yeah he was he was the sacrificial part of the story he had he was carrying the weight someone had to die there and it wasn't going to be yushtola apparently no it wasn't which remind me to come back to that yes we will come back though we also come back to lease my frustration in that opening fetch quests section came from the fact that we were passing by so many awesome things there were war-torn battlefields there were crashed airships there were giant robot parts thrown about there were interesting new monster models in particular we very briefly visited like the double pyramid ziggurat of the rat men and it was entirely interesting and i can't wait to see what primal they get pissed off in summon yet we got right the heck out of there it was those visits of like oh now oh this is gonna get interesting and then right on back to getting somebody's socks warmed to me like i'm here to say like at the end it is effective it's just um it took really long to get to that point especially since it seemed like this expansion was opening with a a need to go go go we had a new primal that has have we even mentioned it it like crash landed in this world and it's like we gotta go we gotta deal with this and then hey sonny could you go talk to this person who's going to tell you to go talk to that person and it's just like all momentum was lost well we were reminded by the npcs that we ourselves did not see it and therefore it is still a mystery as to what happened to omega and our new primal so wait we're we didn't we don't know that it crash landed in alamego they were tracking omega and they thought they knew where omega crashed but when they went to that site nothing was there so it's a mystery for all nobody knows what happened to our mysterious robot slash primal yeah i would think you'd be more concerned about that than like meeting the locals this didn't come out of left field which i'll give it credit for so metford was actually part of that really early on quest about the alamegans where there was like the shirtless dudes hanging out in the place with the style like it was it wasn't where you go will you go join palace of the dead with all the shirtless dudes standing around like it's a hollister circa 2005. exactly and you do that like whole side quest to them that this seems so out of left field this was so random that you helped out these random alamegans who were like talking about their lost homeland or something and it's really confusing and eventually like ilbert starts playing into that and you got rob on there and like he's going on about it so like it it builds but here we take a direct all of this al amigan storyline has been like remember those characters that you briefly say in side quests we're picking them up bam that's the griffin's stand-in bam here's elbert bam here's miffred but expanding the globe is something that final fantasy didn't have to do to this point yet and this is their first trial at that i i i think they've i think they have because um and i think it's something the game does very well because the end of the realm were born they teased heaven's word by literally showing us ishgard and we and when we visit the jovania it's there in the distance you can see the city you just can't go there and we hear about the ashgardians and we interact with the ish guardians but we just haven't visited their homeland so with the end of iran born they tease where we're going and heavens weren't at the end of heavens were they teased where we're going in storm blood so i i disagree i think i think that's something that's been very well done and honestly might be the challenge of storm blood right because it's not so obvious it's not as obvious as this this city on a cliff in the distance like there is an ish guard it's not something that can very easily show us as a set piece because it's it's like a continent it's a it's an entire region which granted there we we visited essentially new continents as well in in heaven's ward but ishgard like is this very easy visual representation of the adventure are about to embark on and that's something i don't think they had with with al amigo and now you got me countering my own points because it's not like we didn't expand the globe we had the sea of clouds which is completely made up if you will as a whole new zone you have the highlands the western central you got idle shire and all the areas around it there was a lot of expansion to the globe in that way but i guess it didn't feel like it was part of the mainland even though it was or maybe it's just dragons maybe dragons are just so powerful that we say hey i want to kick dragon butt they say right this way and we go excellent where am i going whereas when you say there's a mysterious political imperialization effort going on with the alamegans who you are now meeting we go i want now my way of having dragons only appear in this one zone in a realm or born and then also kind of ushering you into the expansion it's a thematic shift and it and it really places that conflict in a specific area and adds a unique visual association with the conflict in in heaven's ward right whereas in storm blood it's it's it is it shouldn't be much more subtle right because it didn't start subtle we start with the wall and mass death and the summoning of a primal by way of essentially suicide like it was bombastic but again that's where i was coming from i was coming i felt like i was coming off of that like we are we have an urgent need to move forward and we run straight into a war table what they're trying to capture is a civil war atmosphere which requires a lot of small skirmishes hitting supply lines when we did the quest with robin big big robbie we were striking down a magitek suit moving through an area before it could be fully activated or released on the people and the whole reason why roger's reach got attacked is because we're off on another little skirmish embodying that in an mmo where everything is more scripted is really difficult it frankly would work better in like an open world game the open world games would have their own issues where like you had to collect enough supply tokens to advance the story to the next part and the zone would change in that way so it's a very very difficult thing to capture i i feel like i can imagine what this was like at the time where you're seeing a lot of players and you start to think of rougger's reach as your hub right and then they just rip it out from under you and that i respect the hell out of because it really was effective and that's what i'm saying like we left off finishing the the major scenario at the attack on rauger's reach it felt like a natural stopping point for the intro to storm blood facing down zenos and i don't think it would have been as effective so like yeah we can sit here and we can share game develop how do how do you make this intro spicier snappier the at the end of the day i'm not i'm not sure it really matters because what to me it was effective like i i get why a lot of people kind of look at this and they're like yeah this is this is kind of a low point for the game and i agree but the the base drop of the attack on rauger's reach is effective and i i don't think you need all of this but you need some of this you need you need to find a if you do want to go back and re-tool this if that is somewhere where your head's at or maybe it's somewhere where the developers heads are at you need to distill this intro down to still selling you on rauger's reach and making it feel like it's safe there's all these things where just it got me to feel settled in and they rip it away from you that's where this totally worked for me let's talk about lease because this was one of the primary points that people seem to have struggles with which we didn't we like lease i think for the most part i'm pretty down with lise being the leader of the party and i wonder how much of that was our msq vacation like we took time away from alfino being the ringleader we went and did a bunch of side content we basically did what the game would have you do if you were you know playing in real time it would be a month or two between the final content and the release of stormblood before you got to interact with the main party again which gives least time to grow so when she walked up kind of more realized it wasn't so out of left field and maybe for people who are just plowing straight through this you go elise what what are you doing leading this party yeah and i actually find her a bit refreshing if i'm going to be honest alpha has really grown for me if you go back and watch her run more porn videos i've i found him to be grading but i really did like him by by the end of heaven's ward i like alfino a lot i think he's a really strong well-written character but that doesn't mean i still can't find the least refreshing because release is much more straightforward alpha no is alphano's i don't think he sees himself as a king maker but he is the dude is like constantly thinking about the big picture like at all times whereas whereas what we have with elise is a much more personal story like lise as someone new to this and who didn't start with eda because i didn't level in gridania at the beginning she's relatively new to me and and she's a pretty simple character in my mind which is like she's just this this fighter who feels guilty about leaving her homeland and that guilt is now coming up to the forefront because she has returned the political breaks have been pulled at the beginning of storm blood there's a lot of world building and stage setting like we're gonna really drive home the alamegans are having a tough time lisa is a nice offset from that because her motivations are simple and straightforward and i got excited when she ran up to punch xenos in the face let's talk about where this got awesome which is the attack on router's reach and just enter zenos the box cover villain so at the very least we can be reassured that this is what we're supposed to believe is our main villain for the entire expansion and what a setup with the imperialistic takeover of rogers reaches music [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] and placing it on top of the people that they're taking over is so history you can't help but work and of course xenos you know kills a guard like that's classic villain trope number 47. young darth vader energy like a new hope it's something i really like and i think about a lot especially as we're like returning to mind the depths of star wars right like vader in a new hope it's it only gets worse for him from there when we see vader in a new hope he's living his best life things are going great for him his empire is at the peak of their power and they've just completed their super weapon they feel unbeatable and that's how xenos feels in this like like vader squaring up against obi-wan in the hallway he's just he knows he's gonna win he's stoked he's just like yep cool let's let's go old man i'm going to destroy you and that's that's xenos walking into ralger's reach he just knows like no one's no one's going to measure up against him and then we get we get out of the star wars analogy once we actually step up to him as the warrior of light because that's where zenos then gets into like my favorite like anime trope of the villains that's just hungry for uh for an equal battle yeah the slow walk during that entire little independent trial you did there where i assume we got introduced to future mechanics for the actual battle where it will have when we leveled up i wonder how much of this is going to be actively played through like are we going to be looking for secret weapons ways to defeat xenos will we be exploring the golf bags lore and why the swords spin i know that the garleans don't have access to magic so they use technology to overcome their lack of magic magitek exactly magical technology and xenos is pulling out a freshly spun sword and using it to do a blast of magical energy so the golf bag supplies magic to the swords and who doesn't love somebody who brings 20 blades for a battle and discards them as soon as they're dented like that that's a great just trope great energy in the room and i really look forward to kicking xenosus but and what a great like d and d advanced gary gygax name for a villain just zenos also i dig that he's using small swords cause xeno's like a hell of a presence just giant armor giant figure and i when i think of final fantasy as someone you know hasn't played a lot of them i think giant swords so i like that he's got these more slender swords it's a nice uh visual offset from how large his armor is i'm in like like you know we started this off talking about how hey we just played through the part that everyone warns you about in in final fantasy the beginning of stormblood and uh they're right to warn it's it's a little slow um to put it mildly but like i said it was effective in getting me feeling settled in to this area that felt safe and then and wasn't at all and i don't even feel like our friends are safe right like because xenos walks in and immediately cuts down probably my favorite member of the psions and ustola like i was just like oh god no and like i i was i was um i believed that she was gonna die because final fantasy 14 is happy happy as a clam to kill off main characters i think the first in my life i've been surprised that they didn't kill a main character in a fiction i was watching so like so many other things like i love dragon ball z they bring they bring mofos back constantly marvel don't get me started i'm just counting the days before they bring back iron man but here so many of our friends have died that the fact that we heal up yeshtollah and she's okay is a legitimate surprise to me and i helped they programmed it so i helped there's a lot there's a lot of people who could have used help throughout the entire thing and some healing but they did give me a little moment and i got to participate in the ishtala heal though i think we were both a little concerned that pippin just like disappeared off the face of the earth somewhere in that fight like he was gonna be the mysterious side death where someone would be like yeah hey where's pippin i was waiting because because rabban shows up and and and it's it's horrible there's dead bodies everywhere and i was just i just wanted i just wanted raubon to be concerned i just wanted a moment of him just being like where is pippin also great character growth for ralban yeah with the not the not charging yeah he didn't want to lose his other arm it's so good so good dude it's basic stuff but god they really like the digital camera work in this game it's always effective i literally started this video off talking about for the love of god could you have cut down some of your dialogue for a game i feel sometimes is a little laborious with having people tell you how things are as opposed to showing you this was a wonderful just dialogue free moment of showing me how this character has has grown damn it dude this game is good even when i'm like here like like i'm thinking of it like i'm not even joking i sat here we we record these in the morning so i get up in the morning i have my coffee i sit here i organize the footage and i sit there and i think about what i'm gonna say where my head is at for the topic of the day's video and i was sitting there this morning and i was just like i was worried because our arc you and i going through this game together has been really positive it's just me really enjoying this game and i was worried i was like man the more i think about storm blood the more i'm like i didn't love it so far like this might be this is probably going to be our most critical video and i guess i'm just worried about that but i want to be honest i want to be like yeah it wasn't my favorite and i want to have that conversation but then i thought about where we left off and i was just like it was it was so good and it was so effective i don't think i would have gasped i don't think i would have felt i i felt as a player this strong need to run and just go at xenos and i really wanted to and so i i felt better i was like really ready i was like i'm so ready for kyle to show up it's like i want that's the ark because that's that's the opening of storm blood it starts kind of boring but it's lulling you into a false sense of security it makes you feel safe so that it can make you feel like you just lost everything because you did [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 25,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, grinding gear, gg, stormblood debate, stormblood showdown, stormblood ff14, is stormblood good, stormblood bad, lost in stormblood, stormblood so far, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, final fantasy 14 free trial, raiding in wow vs ffxiv, feels to play ffxiv vs wow, stormblood, ffxiv free trial complete, our ffxiv vacation, our msq vacation, we are back ffxiv, Alexander, warring triad, sky pirates, ffxiv, ff14
Id: elwT9Np37b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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