Black Templars vs Orks. Warhammer 40k in 40m.

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the planet of vika 3 fell to the orcs a decade ago its imperium citizens enslaved or killed the astartes of the black templar will not let that stand this world will be retaken for the emperor welcome everyone to 40k in 40 minutes my name is nicholas and today we bring you an epic 1500 point warhammer 40k match between the orc speed freaks of james jones and the freshly painted black templars of play on zone he's back you missed him space breed steve our sponsor today is none other than their pre-painted pre-assembled resin terrain and fantastically detailed neoprene battle maps are an essential part of any battlefield they can help you get to fighting quickly a particular favorite of ours is the desert badlands set which provides tons of line-of-sight blocking terrain without forcing you to always play on a ruined city check them out at and make sure to tell them play on sentia today these two armies are playing the mission battle lines note that this is from the 2021 chapter proof player handbook as you're watching this the 2022 version is now in play with updated missions and secondaries but at the time of this recording we only had access to the 2021 version battle lines has four objectives around the table scoring you five points for holding one of them 10 points for holding 2 and 15 points for if you also hold more than your opponents for secondaries james has taken assassination scoring points for killing steve's characters engaging all fronts scoring points for getting units in multiple table quarters and vital ground the mission-specific secondary allowing him to score points if he holds the objectives in no man's land or the objective in the opponent's deployment zone for steve's secondaries he's also taken battleground but he's also taken bring it down scoring points for killing enemy vehicles lastly he's also chosen carry out your vows a black templar specific secondary allowing you to score points if you've killed more units with melee attacks than the opponent so i've dipped into the octarius book to find a special detachment of orcs called the speed mob leading the noisy engines of destruction is a death killer war trike followed by a very large and very scary unit of def copters he's included two flyers a burn obama and a was bomb blast jet and it might as well be flyer mega trax scrap jet literally a jet engine on wheels other vehicles include a shock jump dragster and a ruck-a-truck squig buggy basically an artillery on wheels that shoots squigs as ammo lastly a unit of war bikers and knobs on war bikes will bulk out this army it's mean it's fast and it's coming for you i love playing uh steve's a great opponent we can always uh get each other with some good barbs and have a good time and uh i think the game's gonna be interesting uh him and space marines don't really mix well with me and orcs so i have a feeling that steve will be going down [Music] hey everybody this is space three steve from play on tabletop and i am pretty pumped up apparently space marine steve is attempting to make up for his past dalliance with chaos as he's brought the most rigid and dogmatic of all the astartes the black templar chaplain grimaldis in his entourage leads the crusade supported by an emperor's champion and a chapter master these three heroes make up almost one third of his points for this army and for good reason they are amazing force multipliers with grimaldo's dishing out an ignore damage aura and an invulnerable save ara and the chapter master offering rerolls this will be an important part of steve's army this force is made up of two large crusader squads and an intercessor squad supported by a large terminator assault squad and a redemptor dreadnought for his only long range firepower lastly and most controversially is a land raider crusader back with space marines i'm excited we got the new models and the new book new everything ah i am just pumped up for today yeah my luck against james has not been there so i'm hoping i gotta take today slow make the right decisions and try my best to play it well and cross my fingers for a little luck too steve has opted to hide his land reader and place the terminators inside of it it's going to have a difficult time getting up the board there and it looks like steve doesn't want to get caught out by losing the role to go first [Music] [Applause] [Music] james has deployed pretty much everything as far forward as he can he's also skewed everything towards the top of the board he looks to be relying on the mobility of his units to get wherever he needs to go steve and i haven't played each other since the championships and uh i think i still am residing in his head um i think he's gonna have a tough time going up against me here i think uh i think i think i've got it i think it's gonna be it's gonna be tough for him it's gonna be a push think it uh with the way the map funnels forward i think i'll be able to block him out and just be a general pain i'm gonna advance him so uh he does the old uh shock jump now he's gonna go he's gonna go whirling through the tunnel it turns out so i can redeploy him anywhere on the table i like and then the bikes they're going to hit the big red button and they're also going to advance so they can go uh 20 inches you're really just hammering down eh he is moving fast that is especially much faster than i thought he was going to move i thought he was going to give himself some more distance and uh the thing that has actually caught me really off guard and good job james is when he moved the bikers first and i thought it was a mistake and then i realized as he continued to move his non-flyer units that i was like ah he's going to block with the flyers and that's exactly what he did by putting those planes there he's effectively limiting any charging steve can do on his turn all right uh here we go so we're gonna go into this unit of crusaders right here okay with the rock-a-truck squig buggies heavy squig launcher steve spends two cp on transhuman physiology a fantastic space marine stratagem allowing him to be only wounded on four up only four it's not great yeah four no i'm gonna re-roll it sorry here we go dice if i'm not mistaken i believe so all right so all the strength eight weapons into the dreadnought and then the big shooters will just go into the unit i already plugged d3 from the rocket two damage okay so now we're gonna do the mega track scrap jet twin big shooter here and then all the missiles into him the other rock i make one too nice uh so now we'll do the bikers they're going to unleash fiori on the same unit of crusaders here we go bob here we go three up safe good [Applause] last one so one guy takes one okay great save the jets for last smash a gun and the teleporty blasters into the dreadnought and then his super shooters into the unit of uh crusaders i've been working on already so let's start with uh the smash gun d3 shots oh all right so let's do the uh let's do this other gun now which is the teleport blasters five ups and i make one of them three so eight goes through okay yeah so you're well within my inch or uh short bubble and i'm sorry wow oh man you're going to do it because oh my good god sticks up feel no pain can you believe it no it's not going to happen oh it totally does super chews do nothing we are not split firing we are shooting the whole thing into that dreadnought one damage yep one damage twelve super shoot attacks he does totally does save three apps i failed one oh it's gonna be a two in the box you don't know that three he lifts i am so happy right now that was like it was exactly what i needed to happen the resiliency paid off it worked out all right all right yeah now we should have split fire that would have been the real big brain play big brain play big big work big brain thinking so i fanned out i'm on all the objectives except his home objective and i mean he's got a big shield there it's impulse for me to get on there but his primary for turn two is not looking great here turn one has gone very well for me why because he killed one model one that's it one with the amount of close combat units in both armies this game will truly be decided in the fight phase two to zip for the orcs steve goes up a command point at the beginning of his turn and has some interesting choices to make in the command phase steve rolls for grimaldis's litany's an ability granting some buffs and auras he needs to spread out and take objectives but he also has to worry about his massive ball of green death barreling down in front of the top of the table come on steve you got this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna spend one command point uh to shock and awe with the land raider uh so after it normal moves uh the guys can get out they're like my commandos they have to stand on the roof or you'll forget they're there looks like steve's elected to split his forces with his strongest units going towards the orcs hopefully he can get around those planes uh so i'll start with the shooting phase i'm going to spend one command point um so the emperor's will the unit that advanced so that they can shoot their assault weapons without destruction sounds good alrighty so i'm going to start over here with this unit of uh just regular intercessors i save one so he's now down to five i'm gonna take the the unit that got chapter mastered so the crusaders and then they're all going to shoot into the chop jump jump dragster sounds good all right three three three come on baby i saved two of them this time down to four so i'm not going to overcharge no it's just to shoot everything into the chocolate what a what actually the heavy flavor's not going to be able to do it so the heavy flavor is going to go into the plant so d6 auto auto hits to the plane i made two two take two damage and then everything into the shotgun uh d6 shots with the macroplasma incinerator five full shots overcharged great no no on five one i am gonna command point re-roll this to try and kill this stupid fail so two ap minus five five of pin bones come on kill it i got one you got one so it takes two hold on hold on james bending one command point to reroll his five i've been vulnerable and i make it d3 shots from the rocket three shots so one damage so uh one of the crusaders is going to hug a crack grenade steve's trying to take down the fernababa using grenades i think it's absolutely ridiculous that i'm hucking grenades at planes they're like super sonic jets like okay and then they're all going to as bomb yeah and then they're all going to shoot their heavy bolt pistols at it so uh the grenades are on for us because you're flying it's hard to hit man pistols [Applause] i take it nine down to nine yeah the land raider shoots everything at the verna bomber sounds good [Applause] on the bulger fire so take another six so eight damage in total all right is that all you're shooting the holy hand grenade oh the holy andrew native antioch i'm doing it you must pull the pin on three not one but not four five but three let's do row one yeah d3 mortals if it's a three and then i can spend two cp and have these guys shoot that and kill it that would be the best there's one remaining oh baby face marine's got a real like powerhouse of an arm just like football throwing that thing like just wayne brady like just full on wayne brady the actor it was a good attempt steve i'll move from that into my uh i really wish i could have killed this thing yeah you did actually you know what i'm gonna try i'm gonna spend two command points okay and then i'm gonna rapid fire with this unit of intercessors good choice steve while it's tempting to go into that plane and finish it off that is the sound strategic choice and it doesn't work incredible rolling by james saves all but two allowing that vehicle to hold the objective that one though the terminators are going to charge the mob of bikers james over watches the terminators with the bikers for one command point but despite him getting 14 wounds in steve saves them all here comes the termis still doing that [Laughter] eight damage two two full bases is uh six and then two on to another base leaving him with one so uh those terminators also have to absorb the brunt of the return now they do yep threes fours ah feeling really good i mean this looks like a 15 point turn to me i i cover i did exactly what i said i would do i shut his primary down i built mine up uh i'll start worrying about secondaries now all in all a very lackluster turn for steve that said this game is far from over and those black templars are just getting warmed up at the top of james's turn two he gains one command point and scores 15 points for his primary objective so i don't know how how does the speedwall go how does the speed wall does it sound different than a regular walk let's see to the chat in comments folks can i get a one the speed log is called it's a once per game ability that allows advance and charge as well as plus one attacks army wide for a turn brutal so i pick a point that it flew over bombs coming down as the bomber flies over this infantry dealing four mortal wounds interestingly james moves up the vehicle at the bottom it's the only unit holding that objective and he just put him in risk does he have a plan here then i'm going to fall back with these bikes in extreme orky fashion bike boss here so he's gonna move um eight inches this way okay and then he's gonna move eight inches this way just need to advance yeah he needs to advance um to get the involved let's bring on some def copters so let's uh just go straight into the shooting phase uh i'm gonna start with that jet right there so into that dreadnought i'm gonna put everything into it except for the super shooters the super shoot is good here okay oh the dreadnought goes down this is really the only shooting unit steve has meaning he's going to be left to the strength of his astartes weapons now we're doing some damage let's do that chuck jump dragster uh we are going to shoot it into the uh the unit right in front of him the buggy kills himself with an overcharging weapon ah now i see why he moved it up can it explode so i'm going to no kareen but d3 mortal wounds to the unit he was shooting at for three of course awesome just awesome actually we're gonna go with the mega track scrap jet i guess i just put everything into the squad the crusaders up front [Applause] nope and then the big shooters no one guy takes one so heavy squig launcher is going into the terminators and the regular squid launcher is going into this side that one's just d6 shots yep so we'll do the the smaller one first and then it's going to be two d6 shots into the terminators okay five i'm gonna cp re-roll that [Music] yeah i'm watching the roll double ones now or 12 again wow i got two of them one goes through yeah the terminator's gotta go let's do this burn obama we're gonna go into grimaldis and uh we're not split firing don't want one i want the banner more than i wanted his this guy's ability big shooter this one will hit you on fives because it's grot gun okay uh and then six up save the banner okay got it got it okay scorcher missiles two g6 shots threes one six up to save the banner can i do it again no i think so he's done you did oh i mean the dice never rolled it just slid but i'll i'll accept it oh you accept it i'm gonna shoot with these knob bikers into this unit of intercessors in the corner there one i'm gonna spend one command point here we go more gets over here allowing my biker unit to fall back and shoot and they're just gonna unload these terminators so three six seven bikes that's 70 shots there's a lot of shots orcs roll gets a dice wow just roll the dice so 14 14 dice wounding you on threes come on you can do it dude you did it one wound that's what works for you now the moment i've been waiting for and steve's been dreading def cop to time they're gonna split fire wow two deaf copters in here with rockets and three deaf copters into here rockets and custom mega blasters okay i am gonna spend one command point and i'm going to transhuman physiology uh the five-man unit of sounds good sounds good okay we'll start with them if you wouldn't mind taking your cursed ice out actually you know what yeah yeah get out of here i make none of them and then d3 from the custom mega blaster that terminator squad is slowly getting smaller but it's taking so many shots biker knobs are going to attempt the nine inch charge into that crusader squad i got a 12. the deaf copters are going to attempt to charge here it's a 10. [Music] okay so at the start of the fight phase yep i'm gonna spin one command point okay and i'm going to devout push clutch play i just pulled it off i love this stratagem by the way if you play black templar take a good look at the stratagem use it whenever you have the capability to score points it's called devout push develop push one cp you just move closer to an enemy unit or move closer to an objective big deal good one steve so good well done steve that will be a difference of five points on steve's turn for primary plus two for vital ground so i'm gonna do nine attacks five times sorry did you want to do something here i'm going to transmit physiology so for 2cp i'll transhuman so you can only move me on fours sounds good i need this squad alive we're going to spend one cp that's right crashing through so for every model that made it into base contact which is four of them and on a four plus i believe you're taking d3 mortals or four up right two yeah uh three and two five nine dice five times sounds good first one four oh wow yahtzee all right these guys can go okay so if you wouldn't mind just piling them all forward as far as they can get so yeah four guys uh four attacks each so 16 attacks uh yeah i will command point one oh steve's right flank is in danger of being overrun all right cool so then yeah fight back yep cuts right in bud three damage okay kills the guy so at the end of my turn i'm going to spend two command points nick to play attack out of the sun the back into the cloud stratagem i mean for a mere 2cp the def copters get to just leave the table back into reserve i mean it's amazing you can shoot charge and then disappear 2cp well so i need to not roll a five or a six uh on my morale yes sagisman would be so disappointed yeah i'm feeling i'm feeling pretty good game's looking pretty good for me right now i mean i'm leading him on the score for sure james leads steve at a healthy 24 to steve's two points from the vehicle that james just blew up so technically james has scored all the points on the board steve's turn he gains a very valuable one-command point and then he scores his two points for vital ground and 10 points for primary all right let's do this let's have it clap back steve let's get back give it to me okay so grimaldis is going to give the crusaders a five up uh feel no pain again yeah yep three up that's it oh yeah all right he's also gonna give them a plus one attack when they charge our charges roguely intervene three up good stuff oh yeah does it oh yeah excellent and now the chapter master is going to give them full rerolls chapter master is going to run just behind this wall but on the bottom level now is the time for steve to do something big he needs to control those three objectives and deal with that mad mess of boys coming at him he still has three solid characters but his infantry are dwindling fast [Music] that's my movement and uh the ambrose champion's gonna hug a crack grenade at the plane ah so uh this is gonna turn out all right well that's too bad no sorry steve that is too bad not this time i'm gonna shoot his plasma pistol at it here we go on three no you sure freeze no ah boo all right i'm gonna shoot with the assault intercessors and they're gonna shoot everything into the bikers mm-hmm uh someone got hugs a cracker dude okay what oh kills of that oh okay great take it the land raider shoots everything into the scrap chat but not not bad ah it's pretty good five six seven eight one wound left steve one wound one left i think i have to try and kill as much as i possibly can the terminators charge the scrap jet doing it doing it one cp doing it not a one not even one i need a seven huh come on baby got it and then because you can't overwatch any longer correct nope come on in the craters are gonna charge you can't fail yeah double ones no better double ones twice in a row the marshall is gonna go into the power class this is six six she totally does power fist guy takes it yes yes right there so uh i'm gonna start with uh my marshall and the marshall's gonna go into this huge power claw unit on the beach does it just kills one biker okay are you going to interrupt yes and i'm going to fight with these bikers [Applause] uh makes then uh one of them okay now the rest of it guide this in the back there okay perfect uh and then uh this guy goes yep on threes oh it could happen oh yeah right i could sweet sweet live the dream i'm doing it do it this is the time one cp because it cause you don't get a save here right and if i if i get this i just lift two bikers yeah and then your chances of doing that are much much worse yep do it will i need you know what this is trans human flying out the window i know that's what i'm thinking so like i got three of them through so i'm killing one guy and then i could kill the second guy if i re-roll this into a three mm-hmm like it's actually it's plot it's very possible that i just it's a very high chance for anybody but steve i live in steve's head 90 of the time when we're playing the game i don't know why he would ever ask me for any kind of in-game interaction cause i'm just gonna tell him exactly what he doesn't want to hear you know what i'm doing it i i i know dude roll that one i'm doing it okay sorry dude yeah that sucks is it a one no no oh well so lift one yep and then one takes two damage one takes two damage uh so on threes terminators you bet actually it's gonna be super easy barely any convenience i got obsec onto the objective and i have more models than he does on it the objective is mine so crusaders i saved two one damage big sword guy there are three damage each yeah so now i'm gonna go over here and i'm gonna put some power claw attacks into some stuff everything into the character yep let's check it out the outfit has two wounds yeah just two ones we're gonna do one claw into him yep [Applause] make a bowl so we can both and then the other guy this guy no this is it i can feel it deep down in my bones the year of steve 2022 steve strikes back it's happening it's happening the end of turn two sees steve trying to close the gap the score is 24 for james to 21 for steve super close game i might be letting the grains of sand fall through my fingers here i thought i had this but my units are looking just as thin as steve's james flies his plane into position to wipe steve off the bottom objective and bring in the def copters those things are nasty with some strong weapons and great close combat abilities um so let's do some shooting the jet there is just gonna put everything into that unit hiding in the shooting phase the plane manages to kill both of the marines holding that objective we'll do those def copters all of it into grimaldis oh red hot yeah for uh freaking frack the two serpenters yep uh so five of pinballs no no so the pill uh so the both servers go okay yep the one that really counts how many days left for our left we're doing we're doing the custom how many wounds does he have he's got five it's d6 you're killing that's not what james wanted that's not what he wanted he wanted to grow up to die but he lived he lived i haven't even used his resurrection thing yet which is awesome take the four i'm happy with the four charge time nobody has sluggas or anything so the war trike charges in to suppress the bikes james has to take that objective away from him now i do it crashing through for one cp so what's gonna happen is i'm gonna call it all into existence i'm gonna roll the four up but then i'm gonna roll when i'm easily wounded he did it one wound awesome one wound to a terminator that's it all right it's the only charge oh right the deck opposite oh let's see they're gonna charge into the big character there yeah sure wow you've gotten all of your charges out of deep strike all of them uh let's start with the def copters first four he lives he makes it he lives steve's freaking invulnerable saves are on point i took grimaldis to one wound he survives i go after the emperor's champion he survives one wound on each i i'm taking it back i don't know what to do now i just have to do my death try death kill a war trike okay so one guy dies and one guy takes two okay so first on going is you sir he's gonna shred those guys kill one and do so now shoot another one okay the bikers over here yep they are going to fumble into the crusader squad two flat fur it's really close yes steve the kid is making a uh crucial decision no i know it's not i'm gonna i'm gonna keep my guy i'm gonna keep my guy so i'll i'll lose the objective for this round it's worth it you rather keep the guy yeah i want to keep the guy that objective is now firmly in the hands of the orcs so now you're going to eat them six chop attacks and he's going to die anyways i have all that thinking is now a wasted time yup so yep i feel one two just lived two wounds remaining okay you're uh ongoing steve yeah yeah yeah so into the into the bikers at the terminators okay oh he takes out two but there's one remaining with objective security holding that objective i get to now pummel you with those two power clauses oh only zero actually i did nothing okay i'm going to thrusting strike for minus one to hit with the champion i kill one uh one def copter custom mega blaster gone yeah i always save it till the end but this time i'm gonna do it the other way and just take it away i don't even know who this guy is anymore this isn't steve steve was possessed by ziege or something i don't know and of james turn three he scores three points for engaging all fronts and another six points for assassinate he's got a good lead on steve now well i've lost all the infantry so this is all kind of coming down to these characters and a land raider straight i'm gonna spend one cp for strength of conviction and i'm gonna select a core unit and give it opsec the terminators gain object and i gain control of the objective marker amazing strategy muse here perfect timing it's another clutch place good job let's have it steve give me give me a sec i gotta like think through how to use these characters because it's all characters and a land raider now that's all it is hero hammer it's all here no i don't have any other units i've got a sword brethren guy dude grimaldis right now you're you're playing up the last chapter of armageddon the last chapter of harmony is just all heroes and a land raider he needs to take back his home objective and make up points wherever he can if i can if i can remove the copters remove these get rid of that one biker and wound the trike i'm gonna feel really good um because his your ability to hold objectives is gonna be like incredibly diminished it's now or never steve [Music] hero hammer to the max i can do this can i win can i win this game with like three characters and a land raider here we go time has come no time about time yeah so i'll start here the pistol i'm gonna try and biff off this one that three rolls oh oh no oh no oh it kills him the chapter master kills a bike with a pistol i am going to take the land raider and the land raider is going to shoot all of us going into the war bikers to the into the death council bike are too late no no no no get out of here no take backs the land raider piles all of its shots in the def copters attempting to take them out one and a bit two two in a bit the objective she is mine again hi that's all my shooting so i go to charges uh grimaldis is gonna need a six come on one wound grimaldis with an eight does it whoo boom and then the um land raider is going to charge into the war biker okay i just need to do something i charge with the sword brother and into the war maker okay so with the sword of judgment all right made one he's dead grimaldis goes hard into those def copters but fails to kill the last one dude well not great go with the biker trying to have to play champion he has to try stinking knobs they can't get it done so the terminators are going to attack the death kill of war trike [Applause] boxcars ready to go so now he'll hit you back make them all whoo it's getting tents uh and then this guy are you rolling sixes gramaldas i still have my four up stand back up so you charged me i did yes so many attacks the threes four ups he's just gonna stand up again he could and he just lives grimaldis lives steve needed that steve really needed that this is true hero hammer i've got like grimaldis a chapter master i i've got like the emperor's champion and they're all kicking butts steve takes two points for vital ground another four points for carrying out his vow bringing his end of turn score to 35 with james having 37 this game is nail-bitingly close [Music] everything's got to die i've got to kill these characters i've got especially this guy back in the corner he's chant his his champion has to go they're going to bomb him with the squigs and he's got he's got to go and then that jet's going to have to do some real work on the other side of the table if these guys don't all fall i'm gonna fall to steve on the chat it's not good james gets a command point and then only five points for primary then has to decide where to move very carefully he has only four units left i'm going to roll this ruckatrox advance james tries to advance the buggy to the bottom objective oh no not enough which means he won't hold that bottom objective he pulls back the war tried to hold the rightmost objective so uh that's movement phase done let's go into the shooting phase where i spend one cp on more gets over here and i fire his rockets into the uh the emperor's chump i need to roll two four up involves for him to live you've done it a bunch of times i've done it a bunch of times and today fingers crossed not this time get darn it then i'm going to do this here jet it is going to fire super shooters and the smasher gun into the sword bradley okay the teleporty mega blasters into the terminators okay terminators first whoa [Applause] there's the quick flip on it makes it like a champ and then the uh super shoots no you're good take one damage one there's one remaining oh yeah let's do uh the rocket truck squig buggy we're going into that character all of it all of it yeah we'll do the light squig launcher first so d6 shots good as it can get sure fail them both take four damage two wounds remaining just one that's all i need four come on baby oh no eaten by an exploding squig what a way to go steve you played really well dude i gave it to you that those two plays were massive yeah they were huge 14 points dude yeah huge was huge the game would be done if you hadn't done that he's managed to prevent steve from scoring more than one objective on his upcoming turn and has hopefully positioned himself to potentially table steve on the following turn this game is so freaking close i have a plan the land raider is going to do some damage steve gains a precious command point and tries to figure out how to win this one [Music] all righty here we go uh the land raider shoots everything into the war trike yeah i love it save two four it takes four wounds and those foul that one over there is all on force is that for the land raider brutally guns down the war trike this means that james now controls no objectives i guess after that that was my five points grimaldis charges that dude you could do like you did last time you just do one wound again that would be perfect no james has a six point lead but almost nothing left will more things explode will the hero steve strikes back continues turn five last turn let's go i am going to try to keep this score as tight as i can james gets a command point and scores no primary points i don't think there are any other points he can actually score at this point we are going to start with that ruck-a-truck squig buggy our choices here a small squig launcher into the sword brethren big squig launcher into the terminators we have to make big plays now big plays big plays big plays so split firing nope nothing the big the big squig launcher into the terminators you're good super shooters into grimaldis here we go super shooters into grimaldis okay one tractor cannon and they smash a gun into uh the sword brethren the other tractor cannon into the terminators i'm going to spend a cp and i'm going to transhuman physiology i'm gonna make sure my mic still got power for this hey this is a big deal uh i'm going to try and go for the thing that is uh more worth it i'm going to use it on grimaldis because they both have one wounds left i'm rolling for the super shooters into grimaldis i start [Applause] fail one so he goes down and then our four app he stands back up gork mork if you're up there oh it's end of the phase please please don't give this to him d3 from the from the uh smash gun please there's one make some both tractor cannon though tractor cannon into him yeah that's true oh it's only one shot it's not good oh yeah thank god i'm doing it i'm doing it for the shot yep okay we roll the head four up oh you get it two okay we're not threes don't do it ah come on great pleasure i removed this guy who's been a thorn in my side for some time now okay now the other tractor cannon didn't do it okay does he get up will he stand up will he win this game for steve oh he does he says no to your orky nonsense the year of steve is back apparently what a nail biter of a finish with paint scores it brings us to 60 for james and 71 for steve a big thank you to both our players well done both of you also a big thank you to you our viewers without whom we couldn't do this please remember to like comment subscribe and all those things that keep a channel like ours going and consider supporting us directly on patreon you get early access to our releases discord access and some other benefits like exclusive live streams and more and we also absolve you of any guilt about using an ad blocker while watching our videos lastly another big thank you to our sponsor of today's episode we love their pre-painted terrain their battle mats and so much more please check out what they're offering at gamemak.u if you want your battlefields to shine well that's all of us from here at play on and until we see you next time in the grim darkness of the far-flung future play on that was fantastic so i guess everybody's dreams come true eventually steve you beat me on channel hope it feels amazing buddy you deserved it you played really well you know what james i really do appreciate you coming into the studio i really just have one thing to say okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 369,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mOydWE1y4nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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