Adeptus Custodes vs Tau. DrRhino Challenges Nick! Warhammer 40k in 40m

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it's the greatest tau warrior since pure tied to step on a battlefield versus the greatest living commander in the emperor's employ who will win whose martial philosophy will reign supreme who will emerge victorious from the dance at the damocles gulf this is 40k in 40 minutes greetings 40k fans and welcome to this episode of 40k in 40 minutes today pit's patreon matt dr rhino pierce versus our resident hoofmaster taunic phrase in a battle for the ages hey guys town nick here excited to play another game with my tau i'm playing farsight enclaves this time taunic has brought a classic far sight enclave setup led by commander shaso kikasso himself as well as commander farsight he's got four plasma flamer crisis suits that make up the bulk of his firepower with a devil fish mounted breacher team crew carnivore squad and a fire warrior team for objective holding he's got a riptide to do some heavy lifting and broadside and hammerhead for serious fire support it's the year of 2020 tau hey everybody uh it's dr rhino again uh matt uh i'm uh i'm the twitch streamer who has come back again to play on tabletop and uh i've brought my custodies this time his adeptist custody serpent watch follow the tenets of the emissaries empiratus allowing him to ignore all modifiers to fire so advance and shoot with three squads of sagittarium is a hundred percent on the table a squad of virtus prator bikes with salvo launchers as well as a gallaudus and a taliman dreadnight trajan velores and a donegal captain round out his forces with a low model count matt will need to balance pressuring nick with holding objectives to score points i'm really excited to see what it's like to play against the shootiest shooting army that ever shot today's mission is generated from the new tempest of war cards and we will be playing a search and destroy deployment primary mission is burn and raise starting turn two you can hold an objective for five points hold more than your opponent for five more and you can take an action to raise any objective except their home objective and remove it from the battlefield scoring five at the end of the game for each they've done so players will also draw up to three secondary objective cards each turn and they will be worth five points each time one of them is completed hidden supplies as well as scrambler fields are the special mission rules in effect for this game so we'll have six objectives instead of five and no unit may be pre-moved pre-deployed or come from reserves within range of an objective that should make for a lot of strategic movement and planning [Music] my thinking is if i deploy forward and hope for turn one i'll be able to take advantage of existing deployments [Music] i've got to be very careful with my deployment i got to play as far back as i can while still maintaining some ability to make sure i've got range for my shooting [Music] i'm gonna put my devil fish with the breeches inside of it just a little bit closer to kind of bait him out a little bit if i can make all the action on turn one happen in his deployment side that's so much more beneficial for me this episode of 40k in 40 minutes is sponsored by makers of pre-painted high quality terrain as well as gorgeous battle mats game at eu has everything you need to create the battlefields of your dreams right out of the box whether it's a chem zone wasteland or high gothic ruined city fight even a medieval village has you covered make sure to check out the posted link and be sure to tell them play on sent you there's still some shenanigans that i get to figure out once we figure out who's going first oh i've got shenanigans a plenty myself let's see what happens oh i've got first turn i i don't know if i wanted first turn do you have any shenanigans i do i have redeployments all right i have two units i can redeploy um so you get to redeploy the first unit you know what i'm gonna do something with the bikes okay i'm gonna put them in strategic reserves matt's chosen to strategically reserve his bikes for free i'm not a hundred percent sure this is the right move nick's right flank is a bit wink nick you've mentioned to me before that this devil fish has never been destroyed you're right my death was never destroyed i made these cool damage markers to show when it gets bracketed but i've never gotten to use them okay [Music] all right you have done an excellent job of making it so that my hammerhead has pretty much nothing to shoot where it is the only way i'm gonna get some shots is by exposing it by putting it up here i don't think i thought through the amount of firepower that tau can really throw down nick rolls up to 12 command points as he draws his secondary mission cards he's drawn blood and guts so he needs to kill three units in melee that's going to be a command point spent right away to discard with new orders and he's drawn the opposite overwhelming firepower kill three units in shooting that is definitely a tau centric objective nick's pulled deployed teleport homers so he needs to do an action with his infantry in the enemy's own and investigate sites before an action mid table with any unit for two points or five points depending on the size of the unit that doesn't this is gonna be a good turn for you i might be able to do these all three three in this game i like i doubt it i doubt it but i might be able to do all these in one turn oh i also have to choose my philosophy of war and oh i've got farsight it has to be vodka moon phase i'm going to span a command point right about for this devil fish to be able to move and then the guys get out afterwards so it's going to move up here to just barely take its objective nick's got to be really careful of matt's ability to intervene six inches with any unit so his movement is very very deliberate here there's there's literally nowhere i can go it looks like his breachers are going to give up their shooting to make sure five secondary points by investigating sites that's not a bad trade-off their guns aren't that great however there's a lot of them there [Music] so [Music] nick's really setting up his movement face here to maximize the output from his big guns he looks to be bringing some serious shooting face hurt at the end of the move phase uh we're going to do the the marker light actions four marker lights into the sagittarium right there i have done it twice so there's two marker lights on those infantry all right and then what would you like to be killed by first this is the the rubber band being pointed at me making me cringe shoot the rail gun no no that's the last thing i'm gonna show but you asked me what i wanted you to shoot um the bro the broad side let's do the bra that would have been my next choice yeah brotha's gonna go first oh this isn't that scary don't worry [Applause] i failed them both oh two damage each two damage each i'm gonna cp reroll one of them because that would result in a dead custodies there we go oh there you go so one of them is alive with one wound and then a smart missile system only strikes five [Applause] same wall and lastly his secret missile one shot secret missile it hits it wounds oh it does 283 damage you were lucky there sir we're gonna now shoot the crescent suit unit at you only only four reps oh one more oh it's pretty good oh you almost saved them all so this one dies they have three wins each and everyone does then this one does um then we're going to move on to chateau a castle plasma rifle we're up nope no he did okay sagittarium are gone pretty quick was not anticipating that uh trajan is kind of out there on his own but he's really tough maybe he'll stay alive uh this devil fish into trajan valorus right there eight shots there you go okay thank you tragen the riptide's gonna fire everything into him uh start with two plasma shots a one plasma hits command point for nick down to 10 now to reroll to wound by the emperor's light trajan is tanking a ton of fire four up oh there you go saved it then the rest of the riptide shots save them both you have managed to tank everything except for mr trajan i'd like to introduce you to something called a railgun we've saved the best for last uh-huh can he do it no two one-shot secret missiles and a railgun i'm gonna do the secret missiles first okay so hitting on fours far side enclave set i can reroll one room roll per unit so i'm gonna do that right now and that's two wounds at minus three pour ups cause these are big [Applause] all right no one goes through three damage oh that's two damage oh thank you trajan is now down to four war wounds remaining can the rail shot do it here we go hitting on fours it's strength 14. yeah so it's gonna do it uh so it does three mortal wounds so while i do have to roll those you got two of those i got two of them six plus d3 damage six seven eight more damage to you cool i'm going to use my moment shackle trajan can once per game among other things turn a failed save rolls damage characteristic to zero it'll be very anime well we got him boys i think he's just so close and he's just standing there we sell drones missile drones oh if if the drones take trajan down wouldn't that be an absolute treat [Applause] no two damage well five ups trajan come on nope they both take him he's down to one i got so close he's down to one wound well i'll get him next time okay so that was a decent turn i managed to almost kill trajan what i'm most excited about is i managed to bring up the breachers and the devil fish as nice little speed bumps he can charge them i'm expecting them to die to be honest but what i will do is keep all the action happening closer to his deployment side i don't think matt really expected to lose those sagittarium as someone who's been on the receiving end of that kind of firepower more than i care to mention i can feel his disbelief let's see what kind of clapback he manages [Music] okay strategy rethink here turns out tau shooting is really good i i did not anticipate it being that good so uh we'll see what i can pull together up to 10 command points for matt and he draws his three secondary objective matt's pulled battlefield supremacy control three objectives and more than your opponent that might be tough with his low model count he's pulled tempting target and discarded that with a command point with new orders and replaced with capture enemy outpost oh holding nick's objective that's going to be tough to get to he's also drawn storm hostile objective take away an objective that nick currently holds that looks like something he can do you have wounded him oh he's pissed [Music] bridging into the breachers twos four lost you guys my gallatus has an eye line on your uh on your devil fish okay save mall save them all i'm gonna split fire excellent i love it i approve we're going to put the spinicus bolt monitor into your breachers and the beam profile into the storm cannon into the devil fish see what happens so bolt launchers hitting on twos threes one goes through in the breachers so uh hitting on twos four five six seven it goes right through how much damage you do three damage three damage you've done the first amount of damage that devil fish has ever taken ever ever i can go home now thank you everybody i have 10 wounds remaining on dell fish are we already at the charge phase are we we are at the charge all right what's charging what all right i'm going to multi-charge the gallatus into your devil fish and your breachers okay i gotta get an eight got a nine nice come on in and now i will declare the charge of trajan voloris nick's using photon grenades that's huge he's gonna make those charges two inches longer come on in skirt at the start of the fight phase i'm going to declare that i will be attacking with michael latest make sense so we're gonna we're gonna have the latest go into the devil fish got it sixes six of casino i see two sixes how much damage does this do uh three damage of pop one two three four six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty four to fifteen in the moment it felt so good to take down that devil fish that nick made very clear had never been destroyed before oh that felt good when the dust settled i'm realizing just how many other guns are just pointing at me from those ruins yeah so he gets six attacks with his watcher's axe can you kill these guys and he gets one with his miso recordia oh so you have enough attacks that you could now through the wrong ones that goes right through my armor at minus three so uh you killed six of seven guys there's one guy remaining who is objective secured and i have one dice so if you fail this i still hold this objective hitting on twos re-rolling ones re-rolling ones so on threes give me two oh that's about a six i hold this objective special tau dice excuse me trajan is that a giant broom you have because i believe you just swept the squad in a turn both players have managed to just score five secondary and both players are left with nine command points remaining all right as expected the breachers have died the devil fishes died however now in the open is a very juicy one wound trajan and that dreadnought i can kill this and i've got a lot of big guns left so turn two is gonna hurt nick scores five on primary and ticks up to ten command points he also draws two new secondary cards he's got defense stronghold so he needs to hold his home objective for a turn a tempting target that very tippy top objective and still one shooting kill in his overwhelming firepower card all right the beginning of my turn there's some things that need to happen that bike captain is creeping up the edge of the field if i don't kill him this turn he's gonna be into my lines on hit on matt's next turn and that's gonna be bad okay so in in my command phase i'm gonna nova charge the riptide i'm gonna boost his jet pack so we can do a charge move and hopefully if i can move fast enough i can take that objective from you with his uh his boost all right um these crew right here on this objective right here are going to raise this objective i'm gonna burn this objective to the ground [Music] [Music] i think it's time to go into the shooting phase i got one marker light from this drone into that televon and one marker light into trajan the marker light into the televon it hits the marker light into trajan it hits then i've got two marker lights from here they're gonna split up one's gonna go into the dreadnought and one's gonna go into the captain one for the dreadnought it hits one into the shield by captain it does not hit fire warriors they're gonna use one cp bringing me down to nine command points for i believe it's called pulse onslaught and they basically get to fire as if it's in rapid fire range as well as they get additional ap of 20 shots at trajan awesome hitting on threes fours yeah he's dead dying to a not railgun shot is a bit insulting but uh but the towel will pay they will pay dearly goodbye trajan that is a tally for you the hammerhead he's gonna shoot his big giant railgun and that telamon in the back on three it fails however i have a targeting array allowing me to reroll one to hit roll that's a one oh how brutal mr broadside into uh the dreadnought right here uh [Applause] two damage two damage reduced to one yep because he's a dreadnought the rest of his missiles oh takes one more damage takes one more damage down to seven the riptide is gonna fire all the shots overcharging into this dreadnought two plasma shots save one nice three damage and then six straws from its overcharged weapon hitting on threes save two of them four damage he's down two one wound no it well it's four damage three so he's at two wounds all right so this is what's gonna happen i would love to finish him off and shooting however what i'm gonna do um i'm going to charge him so that i can shoot everything else at the captain okay chaseo into captain plasma shot oh you did it missile shots i'm gonna go with farsight carpet's also gonna try to ruin the captain plasma come on can you stop passing these so he gets to fire his flamer the rest do not okay they're all gonna fire their plasma of course flamer save them all in ball saves four ups [Applause] yes cp reroll oh cause he's dead right now if you can do this on a four up 5050 roll i love it when it comes down to that on a four up he lives no yeah plasmas by captain done trajan gone now it's all up to the close combat abilities of one shaso kickasso all right so in the charge phase i'm gonna actually have some charges you will so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try to charge farsight into your dreadnought here uh it looks like an eight-inch charge in overwatch yes i am i'm gonna bring it i'm gonna go to seven cp and i get to overwatch with a 2d6 flamer [Applause] saves three of them one goes through this far side is down to six wounds remaining now can farsight make it in no he does not do i want to re-roll that pops head up i want to reroll that going down to an eight it's melee combat five six ah i wanted fireside to be out there that's okay it's okay i don't need farsight i've got chasso shasta picasso he's charging in there oh come on come on come on come on oh oh oh there it is five oh that was close chaso goes in there [Music] okay this crisis suit unit is also going to charge into that dreadnought there you 679 there we go all right and then lastly my riptide it looks like i need a six with two dice i can do that here we go five six of an eight yeah the riptide is in boom um you wanna do some fighting yes bring it on all right shasta is gonna punch into you a shield and sword versus shield and fist bring it on chesso my galatas i think i i think we can tank what you got first of all honor gauntlet hitting on threes now i get to wound you at strength 12. yeah on threes three times at minus four four up in vulnerable save in melee you try it no they die we can't take what he got boom boom boom maybe he'll blow up nope no it was close i was very very close three units gone how are you feeling about that not great that was that was a big punch back that was a huge punch back to my not so great counter punch you uh yeah you you needed to get i think a bit more aggressive than you did i think my breachers and the dell fish did exactly what they needed to do and held you on your side of the table and now i have killed about half my army already oh you've killed some preachers and a double fish but i did kill i what first first to kill the devil fish it's about the little victory it's not over yet you still have a very strong scary unity and they will be coming in and of course the taliban in a turn nick has scored another 10 secondary points that puts him to 20 on the game so far he's also raised an objective and matt currently sits at just five secondary health okay so my commanders are dead one of my dreadnoughts is dead but my bikes are coming back my bikes are coming back and my talima when it moves up is potentially in striking range of that rip tide and the objectives that it's standing near and if everything goes perfectly i might have a chance to sit two units on two objectives and take them from him and take them for myself and score some of my secondaries in his command phase matt goes up to eight command points and gains five primary points he's drawn new secondaries investigate sites you may remember this one from earlier this game where i must perform an action within six inches of the center while you're not there i think we're gonna be spending a command point for new orders that's a tough one to dump this matt's drawn extend battle line so he needs to hold objectives in no man's land and he's got no prisoners so kill 30 wounds with the models oh scary dudes coming in there comes the bikes i was expecting them that's a scary place that is going to be able to charge my rip tide probably kill it so i will shoot my telamon first we will shoot everything into the riptide uh all of them miss really for the bolt launcher yeah two wins in np minus four well i'm going to take him on the shield drones first i wonder how much shield run on a four up and variable save save the first one oh my goodness now we shoot this at the top oh yeah into the riptide into the rip side fives if you minus one okay on a three up oh no sorry i have to keep doing it on the drone don't i yes um so jordan saves himself save himself and then he dies bikes firing into the riptide on the drone four point vulnerable oh no four from barbal oh no we got it forever you got it oh i got all three the hero drone so the telamon charge which all right so you're gonna charge the taliban in there yes all right so the smart thing for me to do would be spin a command point going down to seven for a pulse or impact field so minus two to your charge would be an 11. you need an 11 inch charge all right let's see it i'll expand the cp to reroll that get in the box there ah you did it yes yes oh my god it actually happened all right he's in all right so are those bikes charging in two the bikes are gonna charge into oh come on in so i've now got a telemon and those bikes to deal with for my rip tide i don't think that riptide can survive i'm going to start the fight okay i'm gonna start with the telamon okay so i'm going to consolidate oh very smart hitting on twos winning on twos that's the charge face i'm gonna go down to four cp standpoint reroll this there we go all right so one at a time on the drone drone's dead i saved one of them two go through i have six wounds remaining come on in paraders [Applause] so i'm gonna spend one cp for an auto explosion nick responds with fail-safe detonation and blows the riptide up real good takes him down to six kicking out mortal wounds so there's a response from matt here with indomitable engine so as soon as he lose immortal on a five-up he can save it he saves the dread not a wound takes matt down to three command points but the dreadnought stays up i have to be actually really careful i have killed a lot of his units however the score is really close if i'm not careful i can still lose this game handedly the comeback starts now it's a really close one but nick has pressed the midboard and matt is definitely on the back foot should nick have a good turn three he may put this game out of reach but the custodies are hard to shift our score sits at 25 to 20 in favor of nick there's only five points in it so it really is anyone's game i have to kill those bikes and i can't let that televon have another round of shooting both those things are scary and i gotta make sure to deal with them quickly in the command phase nick goes up to seven command points gets five primary and draws three new objectives he needs to secure no man's land so hold two in the mid board he needs to be behind enemy lines to get two units holy within man's deployment and nick pulls assassination which is actually an automatic five as the characters are all dead nick also dishes out objective secured for the crisis suits this term that's really strong so the telamon's hanging on by a thread and chasso kickasso has crested that ruin like who's next well telmon's got a nice punchy fist too so we'll see who's got the uh the stronger punch this time the railgun is going to shoot still most all right it works that's three mortal wounds and i'm gonna spend another cp cool so six plus d3 six seven eight wounds so he's down thirteen eight so he's down to five feel no pain against more wounds i wanna tell them on one i save against one but he is down you have three wounds remaining with three wounds remaining that is correct i just i was gonna fire at ya with the plasma rifle nope cp re-roll that cp cause otherwise you're dead cp reroll i'll be back it's still going it's still going are we done okay oh yes you did it the vertis praetors take some fire now of course only one failed save boy howdy the emperor's chosen are holding on i just won so three damage um first over here he's gonna shoot into the sagittarium cool two possible ah there you go see if the broadside can take out the telamon fours yes oh and that one that comes in and that one that comes in is reduced to one damage leaving him with two wounds okay so that's the end of the shooting phase i'm going to attempt to eliminate you from the board with close combat abilities wouldn't that be fun all right so i'm going to charge the telamon with shaso can you over watch them are you gonna why not you have a flamer on them right i do have a flamer let's go let's go for it audrey's place and i fail one one so he takes one wound one moon i've wounded the great chasso kickasso farsight is gonna try to charge these guys back here and uh you know what those crew are gonna try to charge your bikes so close i actually want to re-roll that because if i can get in you can take the objective from me oh that's a 10. is it active cause you go straight through right you go right through i mean you're there you did it you did it the crew come in let's do some fighting let's do some fighting where are you going to fight first the uh custodians actually can they actually count as fighting first my emissaries emeritus the special shield host yes that is their special thing we ignore uh hits and wounds modifiers and we also always fight first so you pick the first charge and then every other fight i go first oh that's actually a big deal um i want to see if farsight can kill the sagittarium back here we're rolling ones dude again four up involve saves i saved three of them so that is two dudes slice and dice the telemon fights next this is potentially huge shaso kickasso may be in trouble twos first one fails how much damage do you got four he's down to two moons i will roll a great ice for that last save okay i believe in chasso so much that he can do this on a farm and he does it oh yeah yeah on threes oh that what a way to die oh what a way to go oh you know what i'll roll this one i'll roll towards you explode here we go for towels love explosions shaso kicasso has killed two dreadnoughts in close combat take that so i fight your fruit okay all of them wound is there any ap on us yes they're all dead okay seven dead and then the last two with them is recording is hitting on twos threes both wound eight p minus two two more dead so that is nine one group left you have one obsec let's see if he stays around though he might be oh you're right there is uh there is morale to worry about yeah oh you're right we have the one sagittarium two fights all right so you're gonna fight the one side cherry look at the first side twos horse at eight p minus two four ups got one one wound and with you i'm assuming spending 2cp to make sure your crew doesn't run away come on buddy i mean that's a guaranteed fail so that was the intelligent choice to make however i would like to have fun here so i'm not going to spend any command points and see if i get a one to pass his morale test okay nope he runs away rolling once is my thing that was a solid turn for nick he's really got some serious board control but hopefully matt can draw some secondaries that'll keep him in this matt takes up a command point gets five primary points and two new objectives he needs to kill a character with assassination and he's pulled overwhelming firepower he needs to kill three units in the shooting phase his current no prisoners tally is at 26. we got two shots coming in from my salvo launchers hitting on twos got it both go through how much damage is due d3 plus three okay i need the command point we roll this so i'm going down to five fan point we roll one of them no no all right i've got five wins remaining on first sight so d3 plus three that's that's that's five moves five that's a lot kaboom he's very dead i'm going to charge into shaso cacasso okay i'm going to overwatch i saved them all and now the charge there we go nice eights oh you're being clever one's towing on to pull the objective but hoping one bike is enough to kill chasso that means we'll go into the fight phase eight attacks hitting on twos i'm gonna you know what cp reroll you think you need it yes i have two wounds left cp reroll and there we go i have to succeed with all of these for him to live which i don't he has been skewered despite some incredible charges despite some really good rolls i'm running out of units really fast i'm losing steam pretty quick i think this might be spelling the end for the custodies in this particular game and it looks like the writing on the wall here is really saying custos damas no wait that's not right i need the imperative and the locative ah yes custody item now before i go write that out a hundred times i'd like to thank dr rhino matt pierce for a hard-fought game lessons learned versus the tau i think especially with such an experienced general such as nick at the helm amazing and beautiful battle gentlemen very well played i'd also like to thank this episode's sponsor has everything you need to create epic battlefields right out of the box whether it's mdf terrain pre-painted high-quality terrain gorgeous battle mats all three game has you covered make sure to check out the posted link and be sure to tell them that play on sent you well that's it for us fans thanks again to matt for coming all the way out to us to play and for being a great voice in the hobby and a supporter of our patreon and to both players for a fantastic game of course the biggest thank you of all goes to all of you for joining us as always this is jt mcdowell saying until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far-flung future play on being here has been a dream come true as i've mentioned before i've i've only been in the hobby for 18 months to go from never painting a model before learning how to play using play on tabletops learn how to play 9th edition video to being asked to come here and play with my armies that i've painted is so surreal and to to come to vancouver to meet all of you wonderful people and to share like my time with you has just been an absolute pleasure and i can't thank you enough for having me out here matt it was a joy and a pleasure to have you here in the studio i can't wait to have you again i see wins and losses as learning opportunities and i learned a lot on this game you did excellently for your first game against tao next time you might have to respect those guns just a little bit more tao just really good in general i think everyone should play tao you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 390,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: r7vzzQFCXuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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