Your Sump Pit Is Killing You

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we are installing radon systems oh that's nice hi my name is scott i'm a radon mitigator in virginia i make videos for other radar mitigators i was looking to get in the business if you're hungry stay and hang out check out that's the national radon safety board just plug in your zip code there that'll pull up a list of certified radon professionals in your area all right so today uh this video is called your sump pit is killing you and um well i'll get to that here in a moment so split level homes here we are so we are treating this lowest level of the home but we are also treating as evidenced by that tea this level of the home as well i like to do that and i've been 100 successful on the first try every time doing it like that so i'm going to keep doing it like that because it's working some pit is killing you oh well let me tell you a little back story so when these folks call me they said you know our uh we tested our house before we bought it here recently and uh it came in at about five so we're kind of iffy if we need to treat it so i said hey why don't you just borrow my little thingamabob and you can sort of move it around since you have two basements and uh you know let me know if you need me they need me kind of freaky working in an area you know that's around 30 pico curies so if it was five it ain't five anymore um so we've deduced by moving my thingamabob around that's a technical term for uh digital radon monitor and uh we've noticed that it was at the highest levels right here near the sump pit so if you watch my videos and my policy on some pits is as follows ignore it all together cover it up or pull fried so today we're pulling from it and so i've got two inch pipe running all the way back to the four inch right and i've got it labeled with little stickers because well we don't want to fake out a plumber someday and uh well not everybody who does plumbing is a plumber it's all good the homeowners know their plumbing's jacked up they bought the house like this and they're gonna fix it sometimes you get deals and then you fix it later with them get that sweat equity in so right here i darn near missed this thing when i first assessed this house i was dog tired is at the end of the day and and plus i was going off the data assuming that their their radon levels were five not 35 so you know this doesn't get a lot of use it's pretty dry in here but a lot of these sump pits and i've got videos about sump pits and where the sun pip was the culprit and you know there's lots of comparisons um with houses in radon where houses actually like balloons or houses act like chimneys in my sump pit cases it was as if like this was just pumping radon into the house and that's the way i kind of feel about it like this oh hey so what we're going to do for these homeowners is i'm just going to put this back in like so right and we're just going to seal it up with a little plastic however in just a little bit i'm going to come back and put a real deal sump pump lid on here but this will get us going for today i don't have these pieces glued so when i come back and put a legit lid in we will seal this thing up proper and just be drawing that radon right out of this big old hole here and we'll see what happens those numbers okay so we are at another job site and so we're at a brick ranch and what you just saw is a high suction fan but what we're doing is demonstrating a sump pit that we would leave alone so give you a couple of examples here of different things you're going to see okay so this is a uh probably 50 60s brick ranch and i'll take you over there here in a moment but there's very poor gravel content so therefore that's why we're going to use a high suction fan here is a sump pit and we're just going to leave it alone i wish i had some hard and fast rules like a flow chart as to you know stuff that we would draw from stuff that we cover up and stuff that we leave balloon the information i had on this house is that the radio levels were 4.8 just barely failed real estate transaction but also back at the other house the information we had was 5.5 and we know that's different so ah how do you make sense of all this stuff well experience and intuition and if somebody out there has a flow chart please share it with us i'm doing the best i can with the data i've gotten experience i've got so why'd i leave this alone because i i could not i don't really know what's going on right here exactly and i don't believe there to be like a drain system tied into it it appears to be just taking in a drink drain from the washing machine and i suspect this floor drain right there as well and that's it so and it's mostly covered it's got a pretty good seal except for that little hole right there and i'm just not going to worry with that and that's that's essentially why i've left it alone so here's a little bonus for you this is a system that calls for high suction here's why i'll show you some digging tips very little gravel in this hole let's see if we can get you in here [Music] so what you what you're looking at [Applause] [Music] is so the best way to excavate an area with poor gravel is you want to go towards the corners so i really just exposed this is where you're going to move air is in the perimeter of the home as opposed to digging out here hoping for some sort of radial draw it's not really going to happen that well for you your air draw is going to come from the perimeter okay the way these floors settle over time it's kind of like a contact lens right and so the gravel content is going to be on the edge of that contact lens that's your greatest chance of drawing air therefore removing radon from older hose like this all right and then we just attach the piping and done all right let's head back over to the other house we're gonna put that lid on uh therefore uh put the cherry on top of this video okay so you're over there all right and we are back on the job site so um since we've last gotten together here it has rained crazy here and this sump pit is active um it'll probably fire up while i'm making this video and uh so we've got the lid and so let me show you what that's all about so this is right here let's see lights kind of crappy today so this is the lid it came like this and this right here is called the hyper drain what this bad boy does is allows water to come through the lid and get down to the sump pit here and but it will not let air come through so it's pretty ingenious when you when you think about that let's see here all right i'm going to show you all right so it comes with this little ring nut thing and [Music] this lid it's already got grooves in it so this this is lid right here by the way it's sold by ray don away and uh this is the hyper drain [Music] oh there we go yeah so she's active today [Music] anyway um so let me show you this real quick i'm not gonna do it for real right now anyway that's the way it works um i'll find i'll get it threaded correctly and lock it in here and show you how we come out okay so this thing is full and there's something daffy going on with this hose all right we've run teflon tape around it about three times there screwing it in like so oh there we go party top so because my timing is so awesome uh what we're gonna need to do is kind of like a switcheroo and so i'm going to drain this thing down as far as i can get it then i've got to disconnect this thing so i can get this on and hope that the water doesn't fill up too quick challenge accepted [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're about getting it like we want here we're gonna start peeling off this uh little layer of stuff i can't find my words right now i was out on a job until 10 last night so it's like working hung over all right so it's got two sides we're gonna do a second side here this is a lot beefier than it looks it's uh you know it's about i don't know maybe a quarter inch thick it took me a minute to uh cut the uh the holes through it that's gonna look sharp right there all right so we've got that notched out for the uh electrical for the sump pump and oh oh oh that's nice [Music] all right then we're gonna shorten this pipe up a little bit connect it to that glue it back together and this right here is an access portal so you can get down there and stuff um yeah we're plugging along [Music] hey now that looks pretty snazzy don't you think it is no accident that this is such a snug fit trying to shoot a radon video stupid sump pump like i was trying to say is no accident that this is such a snug fit these soap pit covers come in standard sizes made to work with these uh these soap pits this was a 20 incher and it fits like a glove a lot better than that are we going to seal it up air tight nope because we crushed it with that and uh somebody maybe me well we need to come back here very soon and do a repair on this discharge line you can see it's already spraying underneath the uh the the plexiglas here or whatever it is but i guarantee you that this is more airtight than that ever was and i think we're going to let that ride so just a reminder here this is this is the radon uh suction point it's connecting us all the way over there remember that i sure did okay [Music] super mario world and we are going out there so that's this is this is the guy that's connecting us all the way over there okay all right so i hope you picked up something if you didn't want to consider smashing that like button and subscribing crying out loud i put out lots of content for the radon community doesn't cost you a dime means the world to me thanks for watching see you next video [Music] that's where the water comes out in case you were interested i'm in the van doing paperwork it scared the crap out of me
Channel: Radon Man
Views: 77,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: KwX3J1TiZVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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