8 Things Sewage Pump Owners NEED to Know

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[Music] hey YouTube welcome back this is Chris with RC Wurst and we are shooting another video today today bringing you 8 tips for sewage pump or effluent pumps owner pump owners so these are gonna be some awesome tips that are a little bit less common and hopefully will make life easier if you're an owner of a sewage pump or an effluent pump so let's go ahead and get started with tip number 1 so tip number 1 this is a pressure gage most of you probably know that and what I recommend in tip number 1 is that you take a pressure reading of your system when it's first installed so that you can have that as a benchmark that's going to be invaluable in troubleshooting whether or not you've got a leak in the system crushed or collapsed line possibly an intruding route as well as verify the performance of the pump and compare that with the performance curve and to see if that pump is in fact a good fit based on the sizing that was done prior to picking it in addition to that I know it's not always easy to plumb a pressure gage into your sewer system so we've got went right ahead and made it easy for you we have a product called the AFS discharge assembly and you might think that looks a little bit strange but I'll explain it here so the idea behind the AFS discharge assembly is we have the the discharge of the pump now obviously I'll mention this is one-inch pipe you don't want to use one-inch pipe on your sewer pump or probably your effluent pump may be on your sump pump but I usually recommend you stick with whatever the native discharge sizes for your plumbing unpause back to the AFS discharge assembly I just grabbed this one because it was nearby anyway so we have it the discharge of the pump comes up this riser up here and the idea of the up and then back down because we're actually discharging down here out into the ground or to wherever it's going to your drain field or whatever is this makes it so that when you open the tank you've got easy access to your valves they stick up that much farther for easy access and we'll go ahead and show you a little diagram of what that looks like now [Music] alright now you've taken a look at that diagram so what we do with these AFS discharge assemblies is we put a cap on the top here threaded cap and we sell what's known as an a discharge test kit that conveniently fits right on top here and what it allows you to do since there's a ball valve here is one it allows you to test the pump at with this ball valve open and determine whether or not like I said if it's a good fit for your system and it's also very useful for troubleshooting but also you can deadhead the pump and test that the pumps actually performing as it should so there's tons of different things that this but this little gauge can tell a person and it's extremely valuable and will save anybody troubleshooting the system tons of time and money so on to tip number two alright so here we are with tip number two you might recognize this information plate on top of the pump here this has all information about the model number the voltage the horsepower amperage as well as the date of manufacturer that's all extremely important information for replacing the pump as well as verifying warranty the date code on there it's extremely important a lot of people don't know this but inside the box there's actually two extra labels in this one usually there's only one I don't know if that was a mistake or on purpose but it's pretty cool nonetheless is you can take that sticker and put it in your control box or in your breaker panel anywhere that you're not going to forget about it that way when this is submerged and covered in the yucky nasty you can go ahead and look at what model number you've got what the date code is and if you had a problem with a pump that you purchased from RC worst we would ask you do you know when you purchased it which of course we keep tracking and we know when you bought it but at any rate we could ask you wouldn't the date code and verify when it's in warranty or not and makes it nice and easy to know what you've got especially when you want to shop for a replacement before you have the plumber come out pull the pump up say yeah it's dead and then pay the plumber to come back another day and put the new one in so gives you that kind of flexibility with your system and will save you money on to tip number three here we are with tip number three eventually is going to when you need to buy a new pump so make sure that when you're shopping for a pump that you pick a pump and this is especially important if you're a do-it-yourselfer and you're comfortable replacing the pumps yourself make sure that you pick a pump that has an easy warrantee process a lot of the pumps bought at big-box stores it's not necessarily easy to do the warranty so looking looking into that ahead of time is going to save you time and money it's never fun to have to wait three to six months before you either get a pump or a credit back on the purchase that you made for a replacement pump so keep that in mind on the tip number four all right here we are with tip number four we're talking about construction quality of pumps this is kind of a cool one so I thought about it for a little bit and thought if I had to pick one feature one specific design point inside of a submersible sewage or effluent pump that determines or draws the line of whether it's a high quality pump or a lesser quality pump perhaps a light duty pump is a better word that would be done Tandang the the bearing or the bushing the upper bearing or bushing specifically so you've got on a pump if you're not familiar you've got a lower bearing and those are usually a ball bearing and that doesn't change very often unless you get some really hunkajunk piece of pump anyways with the upper bearing they oftentimes we'll use a bushing or they'll use a bearing depending on the quality of the pump and the intended application of the pump there's definitely a difference between a light-duty pump and a heavy-duty pump heavy-duty pumps almost always have upper ball bearings and they don't have bushings and if you're not familiar with what the difference is a ball bearing is that a steel circle that has the balls the steel balls and and anyways that's a terrible explanation but a bushing is essentially a thin piece of usually copper or bronze and it basically keeps the shaft from rubbing up against the motor housing or casing having an improved bearing system is going to make the motor last longer because the shaft is not going to have as much play so it's just going to be more consist over the long haul so one quality that sets pumps apart is definitely the bearing versus bushing debate now if I had two identical pumps sitting in front of me one with a bearing one with the bushing that pump with the bearing would probably be about two to three hundred dollars more just for that one feature so do with that information what you will on to tip number five right on tip number five so when it comes to purchasing a pump it's actually nearly impossible to find professional-grade pumps at your big-box stores now not to name-drop but like Home Depot Lowe's Ace Hardware all those guys sell pumps but they're generally lighter duty pumps they're not your professional grade pumps that are intended to last the long haul so you can always look at companies like us RC wursten company we definitely like to see our viewers shopping with us and we sell tons of professional-grade pumps and we sell them at contractor pricing now if you're not familiar with that that's essentially a wholesale price or what the person you pay to come put it in paste so tons of savings when you shop with us but not to beat a dead horse on the tip number six all right so tip number six this one is more of just a general knowledge type of a tip nothing fancy to show you but when it comes to the ownership of your sewer system or effluent system be proactive understand how it works understand what components are involved and the more that you learn the more money you're going to save in the lifetime or the ownership of the system that's an extremely crucial thing and I can't overstate that enough because you've got plenty of people out there that are looking to take advantage of you so knowing your system is going to give you the tools that you need to save money and to avoid being taken advantage of and again if you have any questions or any concerns call our C works were always standing by to answer your questions alright so here we are in the restroom at our C worse behind the scenes on with tip number seven be careful what you flush down the toilet especially if you are on a septic system your septic system is not a very tough thing you got to be sure that you're only putting the the waste that comes out of your body and toilet paper down there no feminine hygiene products no flushable wipes none of that stuff even if you're not on a septic system I recommend everyone practice those habits because they're saving us money as taxpayers because the wastewater plant has to still deal with those and it causes tons of problems so be aware of that that is tip number seven on to number eight here we are with tip number eight always know how to turn your pump on manually this is gonna save you a ton of time and money by being able to know whether it's a pump problem a control problem or something else so we have here with what's known as an HOA or an MOA or a handoff auto or manual on auto switch or manual off auto switch let me correct myself there anyways so you might have one of these in your control panel in hand or manual would bypass float switches and everything that controls the pump and turn it right on if you don't see the water level dropping when you turn that on you might have a pump problem it could be plugged or a variety of other things and of course our see worst is standing by ready to help you troubleshoot if you need it but if you don't have a control box you probably have a float switch and a lot of float switches nowadays have that piggyback plug where you've got a plug within a plug basically like your Christmas tree lights if you've got that set up it's easy enough to unplug the float switch and plug the pump indirectly allowing you to turn it on manually so that's it tip number eight all done all right so that's our show folks I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful don't forget to hit that like and subscribe get out of the way don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button leave your comments below we're looking forward to them we'll catch you next time YouTube [Music]
Channel: R.C. Worst & Co., Inc.
Views: 285,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC worst, rcworst, rc, worst, rcworst youtube, Water pumps equipment, water pumps, pump, pumps, sewage, sewage pump, sewage pump tips, pump tips, tips, tips and tricks, septic tips, system tips, pump system, septic system, effluent, effluent tips, effluent pump, effluent help, help, replace pump, hydromatic, myers
Id: 1SeIl9kSGx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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