How to Install a Sump Pump — Step By Step Installation Guide

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[Music] hi this is Jamie our product expert with some pumps direct we're over at Bob's house today this is Bob my loyal assistant of the store today we're uninstalled and replace or replace and install a sump pump for his pit we're gonna do a check valve as well just an FYI if that pump you're replacing is at least five to seven years old it's highly recommend you to change that check now about two they wear out just like a pump or a pair of shoes they start making noise after a while so it is highly recommended to change out that check valve so Bob what are we doing today what are we what are we putting in there well today James we're gonna be putting in a liberty 253 third horsepower pump with a piggyback tether float you know we went with that one today because I've got a eight-foot height and about six foot outside today we're gonna do a complete swap out of a pump so it's not a new installation we're pulling an old one out putting a new one in so total swap out of the pump when you read your manual make sure you go through all the steps necessary to do this if you read the manual you can use to get through all those steps and not have any problems at the poem alright so before we get started we're going to go through some basic steps you need to follow and adhere to this is all in the installation manual number one makes you unplug that pump before you do any work in there you don't to be zapping yourself or letting yourself up and ending up in the hospital so number two make sure that outlet that you're plugging a pump into is within reach the power cord most these power cords are about eight to ten feet length and for your most most your cords that the outlet should be at least four feet off the floor as well number three you never want to run an extension cord so you know if that out what happens to be the other side of the room for the pump is you have to drop another outlet in there you can't run an extension cord doing that can heat up those wires on that pump is running is gonna it's gonna drop the draw of the the voltage on that pump so it's not gonna run as efficiently and you'll have problems with that pump if that power cord isn't or that eccentric or doesn't catch on fire something from eating up too much so and number four make sure that the outlet you're plugging into is a dedicated circle that's all going to be turn ashin electric ode so just make sure that because that's important as well number five there's gonna be labels and things on the pumper on the tic tag on the pump cord keep those on don't take those off because you may need that later on and number six is don't run the pump drive that can cause the pump to burn out obviously not a good thing so just don't let that pump run dry so before you start make sure you have all the tools I need to get the job done first of all you're probably going to need a drill with a 3/16 drill bit in it you're gonna need a bucket to put the old pump in you're gonna get shot back to suck up any water that's needed we need some primer and some PVC cement we've got a hacksaw we've got a new check valve we need some adjustable players we need a rubber boot we have an adjustable pipe wrench if we need to really tighten those fittings in we got some zip ties to hold the cord outside of that maybe some gloves and a couple rags just to keep things neat so Bob the Builder what's the first step in getting the situation going well the very first step you want to always do is you want to make sure that that electrical connection is out you don't want any electric around water second step is we want to disconnect the pump from the rest of the discharge pipe normally that's done right at the check valve and at the bottom of the check valve that way you keep all the water in the pipe from the check valve up then the next thing we want to do is hold that pump out you definitely want to try and have a bucket close to you because if you don't have that bucket next year gonna be a little motion yeah you're gonna get your feet wet and then their fourth thing you want to do you want to make sure you inspect the pump you want to inspect the pit make sure there's no debris in there because if you got a lot of debris you want to clean that pit out remember we want to make sure that this is a clean water running pump okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna attach the top of our check valve to the top of our discharge pipe we're gonna take our union with our adapter we're going to make sure that we prime the inside of the fitting and the outer edge of the piping because the primer helps the PVC cement adhere properly with a good strong bond then we want to make sure that we put the coupling on over the pipe and then we're going to put in some of the PVC cement inside the fitting just a little bit nothing fancy then the key is to push it on and turn it that locks it in and it's as simple as that so then you want to attach your check valve onto your coupling you don't need to make it super tight because this is just on here so we can measure the rest of the piping okay so then what we want to do next is we want to measure the distance between the bottom of our check valve and the base where our block is which is about sixty two and a half inches then we're going to measure from the floor up and we're at two and a half inches so next thing we're going to do is we're going to attach the male threaded adapter on the end of our piece of pipe that we're going to fit onto the pump you just want to use a little bit of the primer on the fitting and I'm a pedi two pipe and once again a little bit of glue on the inside of the fitting just slide it on and twist and thread that into our pump okay so what we're gonna do now is we're going to make sure we test the pump before we install it we want to make sure we have a working pump and a working float so what we want to do first is we want to take the plug for the pump and want to plug it into the plug for the float because this is what's going to control the pump turn it on and off and we're gonna plug that into our out we have a working pump so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to put the weep hole it leaned your pump so now you can do a nice 45 degree angle we've got our drill with a three sixteenths inch bit inside we're gonna go up usually about two fingers as a good gauge and we're going to line up and then at a 45 degree angle down and your repo is installed okay so now we're gonna lower the pump in with the discharge pipe and make sure that our discharge pipe will line up properly with the bottom of the check valve so you want to make sure that you cream measure everything cuz these pieces come in 10-foot lengths I pre measured and cut the pipe at about 62 inches to make things easier for us today so what we're gonna do is we're going to take the adapter we're gonna place it on the bottom of the check valve where it would be and then we're gonna mark a line on the discharge pipe where we need to cut that discharge pipe to properly put the adapter in place once we mark that line we can then go ahead and get a hacksaw cut the edge of the pipe off and then we'll be ready to attach the adapter into this whole application so what we're gonna do next is we're going to attach the adapter for the bottom of the check valve on the discharge pipe and then we'll attach the coupler we're going to put our primer around the glue slide our adapter over push turn that way it's locked in our adapter is glued go ahead and secure and tighten make sure both are good and that our float is free from the towel coming in or the edge of the pit so one of the last things you want to do after your pump is installed you have everything everything connected is you want to take some wire ties and you want to attach the cord to the discharge pipe we're gonna go ahead and plug in our pump in we're also going to examine make sure the water is coming through our check valve properly okay and then our last step we want to make sure that we protect the sub pump from any debris phone in there toys kids adults things like that the perfect opportunity to put a sub pump hid cover on top all right so that's about it went pretty smooth pretty easy it's not this difficult if you have the right tools and you read that manual so what do you think that you know overall was a pretty easy day pump is really quiet the check valve is just there's no clunking I think I'm gonna have to move my bed down here it's so quiet just so I know it's running so really good job today and glad we got this done that's it you have any information you want to check out on our website there's plenty there a lot of how-to videos there's how-to articles if you have any ideas let us know make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel a lot of good videos over there too so until next time you all take care have a good day [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Power Equipment Direct
Views: 181,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install a sump pump, install a sump pump, replace sump pump, replace primary pump, sump pump, sump pumps, check valve, diy, sump pump installation, sump pump sizing, how does a sump pump work, basement, basement flooding, fix basement flooding, sump pump repair, sump pump alarm, sump pump how to, weep hole, sump pump install, how to install sump pump, sump pump (product category), how to install sump pump cover
Id: b7LJKqASe8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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