8 Tips All Sump Pump Owners Need to Know

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[Music] hey michael church crawl space ninja and today i want to talk about eight tips that everyone who owns a sump pump needs to know stay tuned [Music] okay so if you're new to crawl space ninja we talk about everything related to basements crawl spaces attic and duct work so please subscribe to our channel and ring that notifications bell so whether you're thinking about installing a sump pump or you currently have a sump pump installed i want to share with you eight things that we feel like every sump pump owner needs to know and we're gonna start with the basin okay so most sump pump installs that we run across especially redos never install a basin all right the reason why you have a sump pump basin is to keep the sludge and the dirt and all of that stuff out of the area that the sump pump is housed in in order to keep the sump pump cleaner longer now it's impossible to keep the sump pump completely clean there's always going to get mud and silt and different things like that into the basin so you want to make sure you have a great basin now this right here not a great basin okay so we don't recommend this basin all right but this is our basement waterproofing basin that we like to install and then this is our crawl space waterproofing basin that we like to install now this one can also be installed in basements it's just we typically go a little deeper when we're doing basement waterproofing projects so that's tip number one make sure your sump pump is housed in a great basin the second tip for all sump pump owners is to make sure that you install a check valve what is a check valve it's a little valve that keeps the water from flowing back into the basin and back into the sump pump imagine that you have to push the water 10 12 feet up and out of your basement or even your crawl space you don't want all of that water that's in that one and a half inch or two inch line coming back into the basin it can cause uh cycling of the sump pump so that it constantly runs forever and ever so you want to make sure you install a great check valve now these are available on our diy store just like our basins are even if you've already installed your sump pump you can install the check valve if you don't currently have one now these will actually screw directly into our flotec sump pumps which are available on our diy store so if you want to upgrade your current sump pump make sure you check out the flowtech sump pump and the check valves okay so the third tip is that you need to make sure that if your basement or your crawl space floods from above that the water has somewhere to go which is why we include the dranjer drain in our systems okay so if you've got a sump pump basin already installed whether it's in a basement or a crawl space make sure you get that drain your drain so what this does is it allows water that maybe gets on top of your slab from a plumbing leak or on top of the vapor barrier and the crawl space from a plumbing leak it gives it the opportunity to make its way into the basin remember you should always seal the basin okay a lot of people they'll just throw a lid on top and it's like just this horrible looking thing but if you want it to look nice and make sure soil gases and things like that aren't coming out of the basin you want to seal the lid to the basin and then install a dranjer drain which we have available on our diy store as well so these are pretty easy to install you can just use a hole saw to cut it out install the drain your drain and see how it's below the lid so that way any water can go directly into the drain or drain make its way into the sump pump and then the sump pump divert that flooding out of your basement or your crawl space the fourth tip i have for you is make sure you install a great battery backup system now we've got the sump century battery backup on our diy store and the beauty of this product is whether you have a a sump pump already installed or you're thinking of installing a new sump pump this 822 system works with either a currently installed sump pump or a new sump pump imagine that you've decided okay i need to get a battery backup system well if you go online and get some of those other products you will actually have to remove your old sump pump and install their dual pump system okay which typically uses a a less powerful battery backup sump pump now when are you going to need more power when are you going to need just as much power as any other time during thunderstorms and flooding when typically the power is going to go off so why would you want to sacrifice a more powerful sump pump during the time you need it the most the sump century 822 allows you to do that it takes your current sump pump and switches it from ac to dc so that way your pump will kick on whether you have power or not the fifth tip every sump pump owner needs to know about is to make sure you do routine maintenance on your sump pump believe it or not they get sludgy they get all kinds of bacteria built up and things like that which can compromise the float switch and even the discharge lines of the sump pump we got a great video that i'm going to put down below on how to maintenance your sump pump that potty takes us through but this is a great product i'm also going to put this a link to it down below this is a sludge removing product so you can pour this in to the sump pump and even use it on your condensate pumps for your dehus and your hvac systems this really loosens up that zooglia gets rid of it and make sure that pump is functioning properly so make sure you maintenance your sump pump at least once a year but every six months is probably better the sixth tip i have for you is never ever ever install your sump pump discharge line into your sewer drain line i've done a few videos about this even written some articles and i'll see if i can put that video down below as well a lot of municipalities will actually find you if they find out that you've got your sump pump being discharged into their sewer system it takes a lot of money to process all of that water so this is the nds pop-up valve it's we put a coupling on it so that we go from the one and a half inch discharge line from the sump pump and up up it to a three inch and then put it directly into the nds pop-up valve this is level with the dirt so that you can drive over this mow over this whatever you need to do when it's out in the yard you want to make sure this discharge line is at least 15 feet away from the foundation of the house okay now another thing you can do is if you don't want to install something like this is that you can actually run it into your downspouts if they're ran underground and you make sure they go to daylight and they're draining properly so whatever is easier but just get them out of the sewer system make sure that they're put into a discharge that's 15 feet or more away from the foundation so that that water doesn't roll back in to your sump pump as i mentioned before normally you're not going to learn that the sump pump is not working properly until you actually need it right just like during the thunderstorm and the battery backup so what you want to make sure you do is you use some kind of alarm system and we make both of these available on our diy store this is going to be the most inexpensive feature what this does this can be used by the way around your toilets around your washing machine even in drip pans up in the hvac system this actually this little alarm warned me and my family that our condensate pan and our hvac system in our attic was actually dinging and going off and all that so this is a great way to find out if you got some kind of moisture problem works really well with sump pumps as well you put this directly on the lid of the basin and these contacts when they get wet it sounds like a fire siren going off okay another thing that you can do especially maybe if you're a little bit more high-tech and things like that or you've got a rental property or something like that this is what's called the sump pump smart outlet so your sump pump would go directly in here this hook is up to wi-fi and then it warns you that there's a problem it can either send emails or text messages or however you set this up this is also available on our diy store so this is a great warning system you need some kind of warning system to make sure that your sump pumps have failed that's tip number seven okay so before i get into tip number eight i sure would like it if you would like this video down below if you found this information useful please like it down below and if you feel like i missed a tip be sure to share that with the viewers down below in the comments as well tip number eight though the final tip of the day is going to be to make sure you test the sump pump out on a regular basis now this can be as easy as running a hose in and sticking it in the pit or whatever you need to do i've gotten a five gallon bucket of water there's a couple of people that recommend you put your hand in and you lift the float switch which will turn on the pump the only problem with that is normally your muscles are going to be stronger possibly so if the float is sticking you can easily overcome that sticking by lifting it up so you don't actually know if it's working when water enters the basin so we like to use water to actually test the sump pump instead of raising the float switch automatically so all you have to do is get five gallons of water you can pour it right directly into the sump pump when it turns on you know it's working i'm michael church with crawl space ninja we hope you make it a happy and blessed day and we'll see you later
Channel: Crawl Space Ninja & Basement Ninja
Views: 105,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sump pump installation in basement, sump pump drainage outside, sump pump not working, sump pump battery backup, sump pump replacement, sump pump float switch, sump pump discharge outside, sump pump installation, sump pump check valve, sump pump installation in crawl space, sump pump maintenance, sump pump running constantly, sump pump backup, 8 Tips All Sump Pump Owners Need to Know
Id: hGleBI4hlWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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