5 Gamers vs 1 Fake Gamer | Odd Man Out

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That was so funny watching the mole trying to play off the fact he didn’t know the monster’s name or emily’s lmao

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SweetAngelz 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Do you guys remember the time when the bat creature killed Veronica? What an awesome scene...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ShinigamiKunai 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was so painful to watch. Sure those guys on the right were gamers but definitely the most annoying, cringy type of gamer out there. And their prejudice against female gamers couldn’t have been more obvious, anyone in their right mind would’ve known that that guy was the mole the moment he couldn’t remember anything from his supposed favorite game of all time.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/novashinx 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Veronica lmao

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HakaishinChampa 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we brought together six gamers I'm a gamer I'm a gamer now in the game I am a gamer I am a gamer I'm a gamer one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives they win the entire prize [Music] quick question if you're a real gamer what is this pose called Oh t-posts I trust everyone else got steel yes absolute unit with a picture of a buff community novalee it's three five seven and mine spicy chicken have you that here with a picture of Lucy hurt Oh what do I got might million-pound PC though I mainly paid over what I do okay Oh week I'm I'm like very into simulation game so I play a lot of like The Sims I do variety so I play league but I also play everything from like Pokemon to dungeons like anything except horror I like a lot of like 90s for us those right now I'm playing haunting just like do you guys are you guys familiar with haunting [Music] all right so this is the first round but we had a time it's between Jessica and okay so have any of you play the Slenderman game yeah okay okay so they're you know they're like ten locations right yeah there's like the blue pickup truck the red pickup truck you know it's like yeah I know I wouldn't say my gaming knowledge is very good when it comes to like being under pressure I do know my League of Legends I know my job low what role do you play in League of Legends and what's your favorite champion oh I play ad carry and ash usually I also like jinx okay so I tend to play those a lot of farming the turrets to what rank are you yeah I really just researched her master at best [Music] you had been slain so back to the original question I asked before where I said what's everyone's favorite video games how about we just go around saying like when you first play that games oh me Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game ever like a huge part my life in love that game store and read isn't my favorite I even got you know why I got to League was because of my friends from another game we're all transitioning over to League and then ever since then I've just been playing that with my girlfriend and their cousins well my favorite game is pokemon emerald like I've been playing emeralds it's a little kid I remember I took me seven years to beat battle dome and I'm over being so excited that I pulled up the camera immediately and started taking pictures and posting it everywhere just huge moment right there okay for me my favorite game would probably be Paper Mario the very first time I saw the game my brother played it and I loved it and my favorite game is until dawn which we started playing in college my friend brie was playing it in her living room and then since then like I've probably like played it I can't even count so cross reference time yeah so your first run who died he died like like the first person who died or like it was the couple the [ __ ] girl who is Veronica and then yeah there's no Veronica in the game oh there is no there is not [Music] what is the name of the monster in the game well I could tell you what it's like wow I did try to like but in like hey let's move it but it was it was like a wall the club window goes by the way when he goes yeah there when it goes there's a Veronica I look it up I promise you there's Veronica I promise there is no Veronica honestly my mind went blank when she asked me about like oh like about a character or something like I couldn't think of a character's names I could only think like the actors and actresses so I said Veronica there was just just a little shred of thought of me thinking you know what like it's hard being put on the spot Veronica she split she was black hair short black hair she has a little more right here brown eyes she's like the [ __ ] one he's like oh like she's like the asian girl yeah is Ashley no it's Veronica I don't know why you're trying to tell me like okay her name's Jessica I'm in the wrong and sonic adventures - okay there is no okay I don't have a lead knowledge I know you do can you okay so what role do you usually play okay so you're like mid yeah okay I tend to play Lux Soraka sona and annie annie support norman both yeah um how about cool questions what what is a last name you guys bought like the latest one you just bought last game that I bought I may have to come back to that because Ivan bought a game no oil I have Humble Bundle so I get like a bundle of games like every month do you don't read the last game you got liked from the Humble Bundle the last game I got from the Humble Bundle see I got slayed spire which was like maybe 2 months ago I haven't checked this recent month yet but yeah slay the spire I got that one you have been slain can we get a little formation real quick yes let's not want you boy you're like you don't all are just like like I have a Gamecube but like I probably play like what C so that was the truth in school I didn't really have any friends apart like one or two and then one day I found maplestory and I started playing that and then I met some people on there that's what really got me into gaming cuz I found people who just like me I became some of my best friends I guess next time learn the names of characters better yeah I knew I knew it was over for me when I couldn't answer because I truthfully I'm not purchased a game in a few months but because we are such a small group I think that the guys were you know more understanding they were like you know what the girls it doesn't mean they're not gamers you know hello thank you for watching this episode of odd man out I'm so happy you watched it feel free to comment like subscribe follow us on Instagram follow me on instagram follow our director photography Adrian on Instagram really anyone you want do you have an Instagram follow Gabe our sound guy on Instagram anyone just you know consume [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 5,813,523
Rating: 4.6456957 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, jubilee odd man out, odd man out gamers, 6 gamers vs 1 fake gamer, pro gamers, video games, professional gamers, most popular video games
Id: fVsD8KfkTg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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