FITNESS - Learn British English Vocabulary & Phrases with English Like a Native

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Are you ready to do some exercise? Hello, my name is an English this is English like a native and I am wearing my Workout gear that's because I'm ready to do some physical exercise And I thought while exercising I could teach you some basic Exercise vocabulary the kind of vocabulary that every native knows not just the specialists So are you ready to work of course? It's very? Important to exercise your body as much as it's important to exercise your mind Which is why you are learning English, and maybe some other languages, but do you take your language learning? Seriously if the answer is yes, then there is an online language school Which I think you should know about and that language school is called Lingo. De now lingo De offer courses in English french, German and Spanish all taught by native speaking teachers Why are they so great well they offer group lessons and private lessons they offer lessons? 24 hours a day and as it's all done online You can do this anywhere in the world as long as you have a device and an internet connection it's simple the group lessons are held in a virtual classroom using Adobe Connect and Private lessons are held Via Skype Just like my private lessons But the best part of it is once you've completed a sufficient number of courses you will receive a cef our certificate attesting to your level of comprehension ranging from A1 to C2 and these certificates can be used in your university applications or your visa applications So they're really helpful to have and of course I wanted to make sure that you get a brilliant offer so I've managed to negotiate a $50 discount All you have to do is click on the link in the description box below and use the voucher code to get that special discount If you do go ahead, then let me know you get on I'd love to hear about your journey otherwise. I think it's time to work out Exercise now first of all why do people exercise? well there are three phrases that I commonly hear from people who are Exercising on a regular basis either they want to lose weight lose weight This means they want to become slimmer and less heavy so they want to lose weight Secondly perhaps they want to tone up to tone up means to improve your muscle definition, or To tone up, or they might simply just want to get fit This means they want to improve their level of fitness Now every session of exercise which we tend to call a workout should begin with a warm-up a warm-up comes at the beginning of your exercise session to prepare your body for strenuous physical exercise it normally includes light Exercise and some stretches to make sure your muscles are ready for action And just pay attention to the pronunciation of that word muscles muscles These are muscles Talking about Muscles which muscles the most natives know about of course we have biceps triceps pectoral Muscles, which we tend to shorten to pecs We have abdominal muscles which again we shortened to abs We have gluteus maximus which is often shortened to simply groups we have thighs Hamstrings and calf Muscles of course there are many more muscles in the body, but these are the common ones which most people know about Let's now talk about the actual exercises Typical strengthening exercises you'll hear about are sit ups sit ups Sit ups help to improve your abdominal muscles smaller sit ups little pulsing sit-ups are called crunches if you turn yourself over to face the floor and Press the floor away from yourself This is called a press up typically in British English in American English It's called a pushup, but we also use that here, too so press up or Push up now if you hold yourself in the press up position sometimes on your elbows This is called a plank and this is meant to be held for at least thirty seconds if not more You'll also hear about a pull-up where you reach to a bar above your head and pull yourself up to that bar Pull-UPs can be done with an overarm grip or an underarm grip and they're really really easy Especially when you do them in the same way that I do them sometimes you'll see people lay back on the bench lifting heavy weights if Someone is lay on their back on a bench lifting a weight above them. This is called a bench press So you might be asked how much can you bench press? This meet how much weight can you lift up when you lay down on a bench? to build the strength in your legs, you could do a squat a squat You could also do some lunges Lunges and to work out those triceps you might do some tricep dips triceP dips Some people refer to getting toned as getting shredded So you shred your muscles until you become really really muscular looking and then when we're talking about losing weight You might hear people using the phrase shedding To shed weight to shed the pounds is to get rid of the pounds of weight upon your body So we shred her and we shared many People in order to lose weight, we'll do what we call Cardio. This is short for a cardiovascular Exercise and it's basically exercise that raises the heartrate that makes you sweat that gets you out of breath And it helps you to lose weight fast and people would usually do things like running Maybe they run with high knees. Maybe they run kicking their bottoms you might do some popping or some skipping Some people do skipping with a rope you could also do jumping Jacks which were also referred to as Star jumps and one exercise which I absolutely hate is a burpee a burpees Where you jump up into the air? Go straight down into a squat and kick out? there are many activities which could cover your cardiovascular exercise for example swimming or cycling if you set up a sequence of exercises perhaps Sit-ups here for one minute then you move to a different location and do Running on the spot for a minute and then a different location in the room to do press ups for one minute and then a different location to do burpees for Example, and then you start the sequence again and do it a few times. This is called circuit training circuit training now any cardiovascular Type exercise that makes you breathe heavy because you need more breath this can be referred to as aerobic exercise aerobic Exercise and finally lots of people will use equipment and weights when they are Exercising now the weights that you hold in your hands are called dumbbells Dumbbells if you use the long bar with the weights on the end that you can adjust and put different weights onto This is called a barbell a barbell or I'm not sure that many natives will know the term for that particular type of weight but it's called a barbell and All good workouts should finish with a cool-down this will be a series of light exercises once again and maybe some stretches just to finish off your exercise Routine Well, I hope you found that helpful now a little tip for those of you Who are really serious about learning English one of the best things you can do is to repeat lessons? So many of you I speak to forgets basic words which I have covered in lessons that they've already watched But because they don't repeat the lessons they easily forget the vocabulary so perhaps some point next week You can come and watch this video once again And then if you watch it three or four times over a period of a month, then you're more likely to remember all the vocabulary included in this video I'm about to go and hit the showers because after all that exercise. I am very sweaty and Probably a bit stinky as well If you're not already a subscriber, then please do press that subscribe button and let me know in the comments box below Which exercise you prefer to do on a regular basis don't forget that amazing lingo to offer which I managed to negotiate for you Remember the links down in the description box below and you must use the voucher code which is also detailed down below all right time for me to hit that shower until next time take Care O As I still have your attention I just want to do a massive shout out to all of my patrons without your generous support this channel would not be possible Now if you are watching and you're not a subscriber then press this lovely little round button And why not check out some of these other awesome? Videos in the description Box below there are lots of links go and have a look have a nice day
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 118,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness, english, learn english, vocabulary, british, british english, phrases, pharsal verbs, fitness vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, learn fitness words, exercise, exercise vocabulary, Lingoda, anna english, english like a native, learn english exercise, english lesson, english lesson 1, pull up, press up, push up, sit up, workout, english fitness, workout vocabulary, how to speak english, speak english, english speaking, anna tyrie, learning, free lesson, lesson
Id: jpg_Jg-icdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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